The Mafia Princess & Her Brot...

By autumn_eyez

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[DISCONTINUED ]πŸ”› I personally won't recommend reading this book it's got bad grammar and spelling and some t... More

Chapter 1|Introduction
Chapter 2|Happy birthday
Chapter 3|where my life changed
Characters 1
Chapter 4| New Home
Chapter 5| Dinner
Characters 2
Chapter 6|Shopping
Chapter 7| Chase
Chapter 8| Family gathering
Chapter 9| Family Gathering Pt.2
Characters 3
Chapter 11| Dramatic & Fights
Chapter 11| Apologies
Characters 4
Chapter 12|Happy
Chapter 13| Sleep Over
Chapter 14|Kiss?
Important A/N
Chapter 15| Please
Chapter 16| Bae Day
Chapter 17|Mystery Boy
Chapter 18|Bonding
Chapter 19|The Fortune Teller
Chapter 20| The Waist Down
Chapter 21| Butterfly
Chapter 22|A Day Of My New Parilized Life
Chapter 23| Secret
Chapeter 24|Truth Be Told

Chapter 10|New School

1.9K 47 0
By autumn_eyez

Ophelia pov.

It's been two days scince the rest of my family arrived and we had a blast,but now it's time for them to leave for Mexico and Italy.

The past two days was filled with fun,excitement and scolding.

I've become close with Alex,I learned he plays gitaur and next time he comes to visit or I visit them he'll give me private lessons.

Hunter,Edmund and Ben have been working alot along with the other elders. But hunt,Edd and Ben made it up to us by playing and doing pranks on the elders.

There currently boring the planes to leave,I never thought I'd have 19 brothers and be the only girl,but if you asked me that six years ago I would have said gross alredy have Duncan and he's a pain in my ass.

But now I know Duncan is someone I shouldn't trust,and I have s big family.

School is tommorow showing a week is alredy over,and I'm nervous,like really nervous.

"Chill lia,your bigger and handsome brothers will be there no worries" xav said in a hush tine whole he tucked me in..yeah that's a thing in this house,now everyday someone gets to tuck me in,dad says it's because they never had a chance to do it,but who am I to argue,I love them alredy and it's only been a week.

"Yeah don't worry anyone who messes with you we'll tear them to shreds" xan said evily,.."You can hit boys but you can't hit girls" I remind him.

"But you vould hit the girl and don't worry we have some girl friends who are just friends,could heat the shit out of them if you can't" xavion said kissing my head followed by xander kissing my cheek twice.

"Thanks" I said sarcastically, they left me in my room and I looked out the window still laying in bed."I miss you mom but I know your in a better place, I'm enjoying my time with the boys....Why didn't you tell me about our family?..why did you try to replace dad?..but after those mistakes I still love you with all my heart,we're humans not robots we make mistakes" I whisperd as I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up the next morning with hunter shaking me awake.

"Wake up lia " he whisper shouted,I groaned in response,"if you don't get up on your own I'm going to get the twins to do it" Hunter warned. That was all he had to say to get me out of bed,I was most definitely not in the mood to have two identical elephants squashing me to death.

"Breakfast ins ready,we're waiting for you to come down,hurry up you only have thirty minutes till' you have to leave" Hunter left my room and I went to my bathroom.

I did my morning routine,and came out the bathroom in my bathrobe. I changed into somthing that yelled cute and hot but made sure it cover my body so my brothers would approve of it.

I grabbed my books and put them in my bag,before I left my room I decided to be nice to the maids and make my own bed.

I moved one of my pillows and under was the box I took BP from my moms room;the one marked family airloom.

I hesitated but picked it up and examined the box,it was beautiful but it was also old,so I'm assuming it was really,really old.
I opened the box and inside I saw a golden chain with a red heart pendent,engraved into the heart was ghe writing in gold,'The M Princess'. The M was very fancy in cercive while the other words were also fancy but at the same time normal.

One thing that was on my mind was,what did the M stand for?

"Lia hurry up" a voice yelled from downstairs,it snapped me out of my trance."Coming",I yelled back to the voice.

I took out the necklace and put it on around my neck then sliding it down my shirt to hide it. I wasn't planning on asking my family about it.......yet.

Soon after I ran out my room and downstairs to the living room. Imidiatly Ryder pushed a plate of food in my face. I started to eat breakfast,and hunter spoke,"No boys,your brothers must approve of your friends and whatever you want it want in the cafeteria,the school contacts me and I pay for it all you have to do is take somthing to eat and say your name." I was surprised and devestated my brothers choose my friends but nothing less answered "ok".

After breakfast my dad and brothers who finished school,kissed us goodbye can't wait to see you later.

We walked to the car park and I had a choice who I wanted to drive with,the twins or chase. Scince chase is going alone I decided to go with him. He made me sit in the back no matter no matter the protests I made.

After 10 minutes of my heart in my mouth because they raced to school,we neared the school and our cars came into view and everyone and I mean everyone even the school guards stared at us.

Chase got out the car and came to my door along with the twins and opened my door,I slowly exited the car to reveal myself,everyone eyes were now on me,they stress at me in jelousy and amazement.

Xander took my bag from hands as I stress down at all the students."You were not joking when you said you were popular chase, but it's not new to me I was also pop9at my old school" I smirked.

"Runs in the Lucindo blood" xavion said ,"Come on we still have to get your schedule".

We walked down and I heard people whispering,"whose she?","I bet she's one of there sluts","she's probly a reletive". The whispers went on and on as we passed and Chase gave me a squeeze on my arm as I held onto it,as a sign to not listen to them, I nodded in response.

Not a singe person dared to make eye contact with us as we walked down the halls to the office.

We walked into the office and asked for Ophelia Luciano. I took my schedule and separated from my brothers except chase who volunteered to show me to my first class. The twins kissed my head goodbye for now, before they walked to there class.

Chase showed me to my class and said a simple 'later' as he left.

I opened the classroom door and saw the class had already started "shit" I cursed under my breath.

"You must be the new student" the teacher asked, I nodded lightly. "Well hello and welcome to my science class I'm Mr.Anderson."," into duce yourself to the class miss" Mr. Anderson pushed.

"Hi I'm Ophelia Lucindo, I just moved from Doncaster yo new your to live with my dad and brothers after a tragic accident", I spoke bravely,everyone seemed to be shocked I looked to the teacher for help but je to have a Scholes face.

"Y-you don't happen to be related to chase, xander and xavion Lucindo do you?" Mr. Anderson asked full of fear."Yes,their my older brothers" I answered,everyone gasped and started to mumble some things I souldnt hear.

"You can sit next to Mr.park, Mr.park please raise your hand". It took a while but a boy raised his hand, he sat near the windows on the left side of the room,I made my mp way over to him as he stared at me.

I sat next to him and turned to face him,his face only held fear."I'm Ophelia" I smiled trying to show him in nice. "I'm walker" he said suprised I even talked to him."You don't have to be scared to talk to me,I'm nice" I assured. "Oh well...ugh.. in thst case,I'm walker park,I'm 15,I Mmmm hope we can be friends","Well hi I'm ophelia Lucindo,im also 15, i hope we can be friends to"

"Friends" walker stuck his hand out,"friends" I repeated and shook his and with a smile.

Everyone in ghe class but the teacher,stared st walker ad if he was w
crazy, I snickered at there faces and continued class talking none stop with my first friend.

He's really nice and even invited me to sit with him and his friends at lunch.

Lunch soon came by and I took whatever I wanted,following what hunters said.

I enterd the cafeteria and looked for anyone i knew as all eyes turned to me.

I saw walker and his friends and walked over."Ugh hey walker", "Ophelia you found us great,the see are my friends".
"This is my girlfriend Audrey,this is Olivia, this is Evelyn and this is kai, guys this is our new friend Ophelia Lucindo". They gasped. "Lucindo" the one named Audrey asked. "Yeah, Lucindo" I replied simultaneously.

"Take a sest" walker said. I seated next to Olivia. "Your brothers are hot" kai said," I don't think so, there ugly in my eyes".

"Speaking of the devil" Olivia said as my brothers enterd the cafeteria they looked around and I slouched so they don't see me but to my luck they saw me and started to head this way. (Note the sarcasm)

"Oh my fuck,their comming this way,how do u look?" Kai panicked

My brothers came up behind me,chase turned my chair around to face him making a loud screeching noise,xander held in his hands two cokes and on my left,and xavion smirking at me from the right and Chase in the middle of them exactly in front my face,crouched down to my hight in the chair. I showed an unamused face to them,everyone was now staring at us even the lady selling the food.

"Hey sis" xan said smirking evily knowing there embarrassing me because my face turned red. "Hey" I replied, "we just came to check on you,how was your first day,any new friends?" Chase asked.
" It's been fine so far and yes I did me pale some new friends,this is my first friend in this school his name is walker,this is Audrey,this is Olivia, this is as Evelyn, and this is kai" I motioned to my new friends.

"What did we say about boys lia" xavion gritted out, "the good thing is walker and Audrey are daring and kai is gay" I smirked "so my dear big brothers do you approve of my friends?". They nodded. "Your driving back nine with us chase has detention he hit Mr.brown for fun" xav scoffed.

I looked at chase and he nodded. "Oh and this coke if for you,live free for a little and break blazes Rule to not have soda in school" I smirked and took the bottle from him.

As soon as they left and Chase turned me back around kai asked,"how in the mother of fuckers do you know I'm gay, can you read my mind?!" "First no I can't read your mind and second you we blabbering about how hot my brothers are not minutes ago" I replied as I tried to open the bottle. Key word...tried.

"Oh that explains it" kai shacked his head."h-hi I'm Evelyn nice to meet you", "I'm Ophelia or you guys can call me lia,nice to meet you to...and if you guys don't mind I'll be right back I need help from in of my brothers" I took my still sealed coke bottle snd walked to my brothers table. How is it possible for somthing to be so strong snd it's an object that has to break, but nooo this seal can't crack for me to get its delicious liquid....ok thst came out wrong...*sudders*.

I made my way to my brothers table,is wanted to bleach my eyes of what I saw, some random girl sitting on xanders lap sucking hid neck,xavion had a girl kissing him all over his face and Chase sat on the other side of the table with some other boys who must be there friends.

"I need help spoke loudly to get there attention,which worked,the girl sucking xanders neck stopped and looked at me with anger,the one kissing xavion all over stopped and looked at me but ghe continues to do it chase snd his friends stop talking snd look at me.

"I need help" I said again "with?" Chase questioned. Before I could answer the girl who was all over xander said," leave none needs you hear,can't you see were busy, I'm trying to get moan out of xander hear" she said. I stared at her in disgust, "which is never going to happen now for the millionth time you two girls leave".

"What you can do way more better than her,I'm a way better fuck than her, I mean umm pretty sure umm can take all eight inches" the one on xavion spoke. I started to gag "I did not need to know that" "just leave the one on xander told me "Bitch no" I said.

"She said to leave the one on xavion said now stood up. "Ugh how bout no" I said.

"You two leave" chase said to the two sluts. "No shut up chasey,you'll get your turn" one of ghe sluts said to chase, he just looked disgusted.

"My brothers dont need your filthy stuts assess on them now leave " I said angrily all I wanted was my coke bottle open but again no thst to hard to get.
"Brothers" the two sluts asked dumfounded. "Yes this is our sister,don't talk to her like that again" Xander said and pushed the girl sitting on him to the floor. They looked st me then sashayed away.

"What do you need help with" xavion asked me. "I just wanted help to open my coke" I frouned. "Give it here" Xander said. "No thanks, you two reek sluts, i'll get help from chase" I gave chase my bottle snd he opened it eaisly. I took a much needed chug from it snd sighed. "Thanks chase" I thanked him. "Lia these are our friends,this is Carlos,jack,noah and mike" xavion motioned to each of his friends.

"Guys this is our little sister" Xander motioned to me. I greeted there friends and went back to my friends.

"Hey guys I'm back" I said I sat back on my previous seat. "What took you so long" Evelyn asked "two sluts" I answered.

"Oh no here she comes" Olivia said,I turned to where she's looking and saw a girl comming up to us.

"Hi I'm cheryl Weng,you must be the famous Lucindo sister,you know you should really hang out with me,us popular kids got to stick together right" cheryl said with a fake smile. My friends looked at me already expected for me to just get up and leave sith her.
"Hi Weng,well you see, I don't need to hang out with you I have some friends already" I suprised my friends.

"Trust me you don't want to hang out with ghe bottom feeders". Thst comment ticked me the fuck off. "Bitch I said I don't want to hang out with you get the fuck out of my view,and call my friends bottom feeders again and it will be the last words you say". I growled

"Typical Lucindo always wanting to fight " she said still not leaving."be a typical Weng and grow some Wengs and fly the fuck out of " I snarled. "Fight me then I'm not movimg" "I don't want hunter comming in school for somthing stupid I did,so leave please" I asked "no" she refused. I was about to slap her her face will twist permenently but someone stopped me.

"Bitch please leave,cause nobody wants you here,we get it you want to befriend ophilea to boost your popularity,but she dosnt want to be your friend deal with that, and if your going to be two faced at least have a pretty one" kai yelled st her frustrated.

"Sir back down kai,child I was having a girl to girl talk with Ophelia here"
"You want to have a girl to girl talk how bout we have a talk where your face meets my fist."Evelyn snarled."You know what I just relised your so not worth my time,and Ophelia you had a chance, but you chose to become a bottom feeder with the shrimps and not a goldfish like me". Cheryl smiles proud of herself.

"Great you finally relised we don't want to talk to you, I had to go deal smile sith a girl in my old school like you, I always put her in her place I won't hesitate to do you the same,and my friends might be ships while your a fish ut I'm at the top of the food chain, and I'm ealing down and dragging them back up with me weather they like it or not" I said rather calm.

She looked at my friends and back st me then walked away. I had just relict he cafeteria was silent you could hear a needle drop, everyone was looking at us even my brothers witnessed the argument. Then to my suprised someone in the cafeteria started to clap snd everyone else followed. I looked st my brothers, xav was classing with the rest of ghe croud,xander had a huge grin on his face and Chase wore a proud smirk. I sat back down and the croud settled down.

"That was very Lucindo of you" Evelyn smiled.
"Yeah,and why we're you arguing about fishes,food chains and shrimp" Olivia asked
"I honestly have no idea" I answered truthfully. "Ironically we learn about those food chains in scince today" walker laughed snd nuged me
"Oh yeah we did".


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- sasha💜

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