
By Levia6517

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Lydia was just an ordinary single mom. She had her kids, her house and her nice quiet life. Until she gets... More

Shifters - Copyright
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note

Chapter 15

48 2 0
By Levia6517

“WHAT?!?!” the Mistress shrieked. She was furious. Her rage was in full bloom now. God damn that man. He was more trouble than he was worth.  God she’ll kill him. She was going to rip his throat out when she had the chance. She was going to watch him bleed to death. She was going to rip every part of his body apart while he begged for death.

“I’m sorry Mistress,” Petro looked down. He was going to die. He knew it. She wasn’t going to let this one go.

“Yes you will be sorry,” she said softly in his ear. He didn’t even hear her move.  He heard growling.

“I did just as you said,” he said, “I hid upstairs. She sensed me somehow. She ran out the door before I could catch her. She KNEW I was there.”

“Interesting,” his mistress was speaking softly. That was bad. Very, very bad.

“I was taunting her. I didn’t have to say much of anything. Just like you said. She knew it. I saw her. She almost lost control,” he was speaking quickly, “then that dog showed up. He blocked her. But she was still losing it. I knew she was. I saw it. She would have if he hadn’t knocked her out.”

“Very interesting,” she said. She was still pissed. God damn it all. She had wanted that one.  What she could have accomplished with her.  They had taken that bitches children too. She hadn’t been able to find where they were hidden. She was going to have to search harder.

She slammed her fist down on the table. Petro jumped and her pets shrank back. They knew to fear her.  The collars she had those idiot scientists invent worked perfectly. Kept those dogs shifted . But also they worked like shock collars. She smiled. They were fun. If she got bored she’d just torture one. She liked watching them writhe in agony. Nothing but mutts.  Pets to be disposed of when she got bored. They weren’t hard to find really.

There were more than those idiot humans thought. But over the years humans had learned to repress emotions. They had changed. The shifting gene was pushed back and forgotten.  But it was there. Waiting to be brought out. She smiled.

It was easy.  The empire she built over the last two centuries was powerful. But she couldn’t risk being found out about.  By anyone. Humans, Shifters or other vampires.  All would be lost.

She walked around the room with her hands behind her back. She looked like she was thinking. She liked the tension it caused. Liked watching those around her cower in fear. She didn’t know which was worse. The stupid dogs or the idiot vampires.  But she didn’t care. She was a tiny woman at one time. Now a formidable and feared vampire. Her Blond hair was pulled back into a tightly bound bun. She wore nothing but black. It suited her.

She nodded at the guards at the door and they stepped forward and put the idiot that failed in chains.

“Mistress I am sorry I will not fail again! I promise,” he was begging. It sent a thrill racing through her. She loved it.

“Yes,” she said softly, “you will not fail again.”

Outside of that room the unearthly screams were heard.  Vampires and controlled Shifters shrank away and tried to block them out.  None dared show any pity for whomever it was their Mistress was torturing. If she saw, they would be next.

Petro was lying on the floor, convulsing in agony. She licked her lips. It was erotic. Seeing him in so much pain. It brought her pleasure to torture others. To make them beg, plead for their lives. It was too easy now. No one ever fought back. It just made it worse. She frowned. So boring now.

“Take him away,” she whispered, “I think I’ll save him for later. I like the way he screams.”

The guards dragged the half unconscious vampire away. She was hungry still. Not for blood but for pain. The agony she wanted so desperately to quench. She turned and the stupid shifter that was chained in the furthest part of the room cringed.

Well, she though as she glared at it, maybe this one will do. She walked over to where it was laying. Not looking at her, knowing what was to come. She smiled. 

She leaned over and whispered in its ear, “You were a very bad doggy. I think you have to be punished. You need to learn respect.” She grabbed the chain and hauled the massive beast to the middle of the room. She may have been petite but she was stronger than any. Thanks to her little secret.

Hooking the chain to the latch in the middle of the room she walked back to her desk. She picked up the remote that went with the collar the dog was wearing. It knew what it was. It wasn’t the first time she had used it.

She smiled as she walked around the beast.

“Dirty, filthy animal.  You don’t deserve to live. I’m going to make you beg for death. You’ll be drooling, like a pitiful animal,” The Mistress sneered. She watched it cower. God why doesn’t anything have a back bone anymore. Just puddles of worthless shit. She giggled a bit at that.

She ran her finger around the button on the remote. It was like teasing herself. Like some kind of erotic foreplay.  She walked over to the mutt and kicked it in the side. It went flying and jerked against the chain.

Karra was broken. She knew she was going to die. She knew that she would be tortured until she was nothing. Nothing but a shell, withdrawn into herself so that the pain did not touch her. Then she would be violated, by vicious vampires that loved the carnage. The never ending screams. But she wouldn’t know what was happening. She would be too far inside her own mind to know what was going on.  Then she would just fade away or be killed.

She watched the monster pace and toy with the remote. The pain was going to come she knew it. Once the button was pushed….. The searing pain in her neck hit her. She writhed in agony on the floor, jerking whining, drool running out of her mouth. She latched a back paw onto the collar, desperate to get it off. It burned her paw as well.

The mistress stared down at the stupid animal. God it was exciting. She may get off on this one. Look at it, jerking and fighting at the collar. She licked her lips again and let go of the button.

Karra was relieved but she knew for just a moment.  That bitch would kick her or do something then hit the button again. She felt the rage she had learned to hide when she was brought here. It only made things worse. Well if she was going to die, might as well let it loose. She let it build as she laid there panting. She watched the Mistress walk around, turn and then walk to the wall. She had things there. Things she had no idea how to describe.

She let the fury build, let it rage inside of her. She let the anger and injustice consume everything she had. Her eyes took on an eerie glow. She felt alive for the first time in a long time. She wrapped her rage around her like a blanket. Waiting, waiting for the perfect moment. If she was going to die then by god she was going to go down fighting. She would inflict the most damage she could before she did go down. She felt the burning inside of her soul. It felt good. Felt like she was whole when it started to flow through her.  The other Shifters looked at her. They were broken. Too far gone to even realize that they too could fight back. Become something other than hollow shells.

The Mistress selected a device that would skin the stupid mutt alive. Oh the sounds of agony this brought. She felt herself near the release she wanted. This would be good. She turned and saw that the stupid dog was passed out.  Its eyes were closed. She walked over and kicked it.

“Wake up doggy, I don’t want you missing this for any..” her voice was cut off as Karra lunged for her neck. The Mistress shrieked and threw up her arm. Kara bit down but could not break through. It was harder than anything she could imagine. But she did not let go. Her rage was all consuming now.  The Mistress was throwing her arm around trying to dislodge the dog that had its grip on it.

“YOU FILTY ANIMAL!” She screamed and tried to beat it off. Blow after blow. But Karra did not feel it. Her rage had given her an advantage.  She could not feel the pain. It was blocking everything but the need to fight, to survive. The Mistress pushed the button on the remote but it did not do anything. Shrieking in rage the Mistress flung the dog towards the wall and broke the chain it was attached too, she waved her arm again and slammed the dog attached to her against the wall. It finally dislodged it.

Karra stood she was crouched ready to lunge again. She was at the farthest point in the room so she had the advantage. The guards had rushed in then, to assist their Mistress. But she raised her arm. The glitter of a challenge gleamed in her eye.

“Stay. This wasn’t expected but a challenge will be nice finally,” she sounded as if she were in ecstasy.

Karra thought,  this was her pleasure. Not a fight for life or death. There had to be some advantage. She didn’t think she could break through her skin. If that’s what it was anymore. She was harder than any substance Karra knew about.

Circling The Mistress she tried to see any advantage she could get. The Mistress would expect her to be in a mindless rage. She had control of it thou. At least she had learned something from this. She waited and circled keeping as much distance as possible between them.  The Mistress would become annoyed soon and make her move. If she could only find a weakness.

That mutt must still be afraid, Mistress thought.  Rage and fury must be pounding through her clouding her judgment. 

The Mistress lunged at the dog and Karra darted around and swung herself off to the side. She jumped on The Mistresses back and grabbed her neck. Holding on for dear life all that was heard was the snarling of the dog and the vicious screams of rage from the vampire.  Karra snarled and whipped herself back and forth trying to rip flesh from the things neck. Her rage grew in intensity. She gripped harder with her teeth. She finally felt her teeth sink into the hard skin. It wasn’t much but she was sure if she kept her jaw shut The Mistress would be unable to fling her off easily.

“Grab it you idiots!! Get it off of me!” She was thrashing and ripping at the beast on her neck. She felt the canine’s teeth sink below her skin. The guards raced forward. One grabbed her jaw and the other grabbed her around her body.

The one that had her jaw had just pried it apart long enough for The Mistress to break free. But Karra was going for the kill. Whatever was in range was fair game now. The guard that had her jaw felt her latch on to his arm. She sunk her teeth in feeling bones break. He shrieked in terror. Karra jerked her body free of the other guards grip. 

Once free she ripped the hand off of the guard’s body. Then lunged at his throat. He screamed then was silenced, as she ripped his throat out.  He didn’t bleed but he was the same as any human.  Cords and muscles hung out of the wound. She had broken the neck and the bones stuck out at odd angles.

Karra turned to the other guard that was stumbling.  She snarled in fury and pain.  Then everything went black.

The Mistress was panting. Yes this was a challenge indeed! No this one wasn’t going to die. Yet.

“Guards! Get in here now,” she barked. A flood of vampires came in through the door and gawked at the carnage.

“Take that mutt and chain her down somewhere,” she was righting herself now. Her eyes gleaming with the pain she knew she was going to inflict to this animal.

The guards took Karra down to the holding cells. Her remote had been smashed in the fight, so after chaining her in one of the holding cells they were off to get a new collar to put on her.

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