The Devil's Angel

By xovega_

587K 11.9K 3.6K

He's known to be like the devil, that's how he got his name. A cold hearted killer. People vanish when they s... More

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

19.3K 427 153
By xovega_

"I may be heartless, but you naive."
--- ♔ ---
Aurora Vega

I woke up in my bed, the sun was shining through the windows brightening the room. I sat up and looked at the clock. It was 4:00 pm. I winced at the pain that was in my ribs as I got up. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. The warm water washed the blood that I had on my shirt and face off, relaxing me a bit.

I wrapped a towel around my body and looked in the mirror. My lip was starting to heal, my face was bruised along with my ribs. I decided to ignore the pain and get ready. I dried my hair and curled it.

"Where's my necklace?"

No, no, no.

I threw on a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt and looked through every place in my room, I search the dresser, the bed, all my clothes, in the bathroom and it was no were to be seen. Then I went downstairs and searched the living room, kitchen, and dining room. Nothing, I didn't see it. I just wanted to cry. After my mother's death, her necklace was the only thing I had left of hers. I had to sell everything else I had.

I went back upstairs and closed the door slowly sliding down as I leaned back against it. I brought my hands up to my face running my hands through my hair. Tears began to cloud my eyes. This was too much, with the pain that was circulating my body and the headache that was beginning to become worse.

"De todas las cosas que podría haber perdido, tuve que perder lo que más significa para mí." (Why, out of all the things I could have lost I had to lose the thing that means the most to me.)

"Mierda." (Fuck)

"Mamá estaría tan decepcionada de mí." (Mama would be so disappointed in me.)

When I took my hands away from my face I noticed a black colored dress laying across my bed. I must have been so focused on finding my necklace I didn't see it. I walked over to it. There was a note attached to it.

We will be leaving at 6:00 pm. Wear this and come downstairs when you're ready, I will be waiting.

A few hours had passed and it was time to get ready. The dress was beautiful, it was skin tight with a slit that revealed my thighs. I paired it with a silver necklace, and matching bracelet. I put in long sparkly earrings also. My hair was done to perfection. It was curled and ran down my back.

I stood at the body length mirror for a minute making sure everything was done to perfection. There wasn't a strand of hair out of place, my dress wasn't wrinkled and fit like a glove. If I wasn't feeling so shitty I might be more excited. There have been very few times in my life I got to dress up and look my best. I made my way out of my room and down to the main floor.

Men wearing suits stood at the door with women attached to their hips. Diavolo's mother was standing with the man from dinner. I assume he was her husband. Diavolo came into the room shortly after I arrived looking angry. He was on the phone with someone. "Aurora!" Diavolo's mother exclaimed. I send her a soft smile. "Hey."

She came up to me. "You look," she looked me up and down with a huge smile on her face, "gorgeous darling." She complemented. "Thank you, so do you," silence filled the room for a brief second. "How are you feeling? You got quite a few good hits to the ribs." The women looked disappointed. "I'm fine, they still hurt, but I can manage," she smiled, showing off her white teeth. "Well don't worry, that will never happen again. I'll make sure of it."

"Thank you, oh and I never caught your name." The woman brought a hand up to her face. "My apologies, my name is Julia."

"You have a beautiful name Julia." I saw a blush creep it's way on her face. "Thank you honey, I see why my son has come to like you. It would be hard not to." This time it was my turn to blush. "I need to go with my husband," she rolled her eyes, "but you have a good night." She was pulled away from me by her husband harshly, not giving me a chance to say the same.

I scanned the room looking for a man with dark hair and emerald green eyes. I didn't see him but I could feel his presence. I turned around to feel Diavolo's body slightly pressed against me. "Hey," I shot him a smile. "I'm sorry if I caused you trouble at the dinner table, but that man wouldn't stop touching me after I asked-'' Diavolo brought his big, ruff finger to my lips. "Shhh, you shouldn't be apologizing. If anyone should be apologizing I should be me. I should have known better than to let anyone other than Vince, Grey and I near you," Diavolo sighed angrily "he won't touch you ever again. Let's go, the car is waiting for us." I smiled at him again and we walked out of the house. I turned back to look at him once more. "Thank you."

We sat in the car without a word being spoken. The awkward silence was broken when I arrived at a big building. I opened the door slowly. My ribs started to get more painful as time passed. The pain medicine I took beforehand was wearing off leaving me in more pain then I would like.

This is going to be a long and painful night. I'm sure if it.

I slowly got out of the car holding my bruised ribs, well I did so Diavolo came to the same side as me and put his hand on my back leading me to the doors with him. His touch was gentler than normal.

The second the door closed shut behind us everyone was quiet. Men and women were staring, their eyes went to Diavolo then to me. The women in the crowd gave me dirty looks, well the men eyed me like I was a peice of candy. I was starting to get nervous, not because I was scared of all the people in the room who were most definitely cold-hearted killers but that if something were to happen I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

I think Diavolo could tell because he interlocked our hands and gave me a reassuring squeeze. He has never given me any sort of comfort before so this was definitely a start.

We walked into the room to a group of men. "Remember to listen." I look up to him and smile. "Diavolo!" A pale man exclaimed. "Jackson." Diavolo's voice was completely emotionless. He sounds to have no interest in this conversation at all. Then the man next to him started talking in Spanish.

"Oye, está muy bien. Me pregunto dónde la encontró Diavolo." The men chuckled grossly. (Yo, she 's hella fine. I wonder where Diavolo found her?)

I stood next to Diavolo pretending I had no idea what they were saying. The pale man turned around to face the men behind him. He spoke in Spanish again.

"No puedo esperar para matar a este idiota. Ni siquiera es tan bueno. Lo mataré y le robaré a su chica". (I can't wait to kill this dumb fuck. He 's not even that good. I'll kill him and steal his girl.) The men started laughing.

"Fue un placer hablar contigo Diavolo, nos vemos" (It was nice talking to you Diavolo, see you around.) The men were still chuckling as they walked away. Do these people not know that it's extremely rude to talk in a language that someone else can't understand when there having a conversation. Or do they just not care. I remember getting my nails done one time and the lady doing them kept speaking in her native language and I found it kinda rude. But I guess each to there own.

With each word they spoke behind Diavolo back I new he knew they weren't saying nice things. But he stood unbothered. "Spero che ti soffochi e muori a vicenda cazzi!" (I hope you choke and die on each other's dicks!)

"They turned back to look at Diavolo, "what did you say?" They questioned and Diavolo just dismissed them to look at me.

"Really, I hope you choke on each other's dicks" that's what you came up with?" I gave him a puzzled look. He let out a deep chuckle, " I would be surprised if they do, Flanzo follows around Geo like a lost puppy." He rolled his eyes.

I let out a giggle and Diavolo brushed a piece of my hair away from my face. "Have I told you how beautiful you look in that dress I got you." I blushed.

"No... plus I didn't think you would. When you came out of the shadows you seemed angry." He sighed.

"Yeah, my fathers starting to piss me of more and more I say in Los Angelo's." He growled.

"No offence to you or whatever, but you father is a piece of shit. I hate him!" He chuckled and grabbed my waist.

"Yeah, if you think he's bad now just wait until he gets pisses about something stupid. He tends to take his anger out on people who don't deserve it." I frowned.

"I hope that person isn't you," I blurted out, realizing what I was saying.

"What did they say?" Diavolo changes the subject, looking me dead in the eyes. "He said how he can wait to kill this." I started stuttering on my words. "Can't wait to kill what?" His voice was deep. "Kill this dumb fuck. He said you're not even that good and he will take "your '', I made sure to emphasize your, ''girl when he kills you. The men that stood behind him wear talking about me."

"What did they say?" I sighed. "They umm, said I was 'hella fine' and were wondering where you found me." In a flash of a second Diavolos' whole body tensed. His fists balled into fists making his knuckles white, his eyebrows are creases resembling anger.

Diavolo strode to the men forcefully, "what's your prob-" he was cut of by the fists of Diavolo connecting hardly into the side of his face. Repeatedly his fists smashed into his face. His men were too afraid to do anything.

He went straight to the other two men, strangling them with his big hands. Then he went for the pale man that he had previously smashed his fists into his face. He was trying to make a run for it. I stood there in complete shock. Diavolo wrapped his hands around the man's neck. His breath was slowing down. Then I heard a snap. The man collapsed to the ground.

His head was turned in an inhuman way. The room was silent as Diavolo walked back, his gloved hands drenched in blood. Blood flowed out of the pale man's mouth. Making a big pill of blood soak the floor around him.

Alexander Costello started chuckling. "Son, you have been here for less than 5 minutes and you have already killed 3 people." Men in the room started chuckling. Diavolo didn't look happy at all.

Alexander turns back to the crowd eyeing everyone that came tonight. "Before I start my speech I would like to have a dance. Grab the person you came here tonight with and show the crowd what you got. I expected to see everyone on the ball floor."

Diavolo and I both look at each other. He made his way to me. People begin to get up and walk to the ball floor with the person they brought with them. Most men seemed to have brought prostitudes, or just woman they only had one interest for. Others came with the wives. Most looked fake with their faces caked with makeup and designer everything.

Diavolo grabs my hand taking me to the middle of the ball floors where everyone has a full view. Not even a second later the music starts playing.

Diavolo's hands slid down my dress feeling my curves till they rested on my hips. I threw my arms over his shoulder.

I decided to ignore what I had just witnessed. He was an assassin after all.

My dad made me learn how to dance when I was younger. I never knew why, but at this very moment, I was grateful he did. Diavolo was a good foot taller than me even with heels on.

We started moving back and forth until the music changed pace and the beat dropped even harder. I take a big step forward with my hands laying on his chest. His hand snakes its way around my waist running up and down.

As we became separated, Diavolo dipped his head when I walked around him so his lips grazed my ear.

"How about we see how well you can manage to stay off my feet, Angel."

I smile softly knowing that won't be happening. We walk around each other in a circle. His hands pulled my hips to his groin.

I spin my body so my ass was now against his toned, muscular body. I could feel his abs from under his black dress shirt.

Before he could take another step, I curled my arm around his waist, teasingly slow. I move my other hand from my hip to the side of his head, slowly moving against his body, looking him dead in the eyes. His eyes were full of lust and desire.

Turning my face from his I lean my head onto his shoulders, giving him full access to my exposed neck. Before he could take another step I twist my body so my hands rest on his lower stomach feeling his well defined abs tense from my touch. My hands trail up till they wrap themselves around his neck.

"Two can play that game, Ms. Vega."

He then proceeds to spin me back around, my leg hooked around his. He stoops, as my leg is still wrapped around his. The music is about to drop and as it does, so do I. Diavolo dips me so my head is just hovering from the ball floor.

Are hands interlock as it happened, sending a euphoric feeling through my body.

Why does his touch feel so good? Yet if as though I'm committing a crime.

His other hand was still snakes hard around my waist, holding my back in place as I arch downward. Letting my hair fall just above the ground. My hip was practically on his crotch area. I can feel the bulge in his dress pants brushing my thigh.

He pulls me back up from the dip making my chest slam into his. He didn't step back, didn't stutter one bit. I look up to him, because of the height difference. We lock eyes again, he sends me a playful wink.

Never would I have thought I would be dancing with the devil. And never would I have thought it would feel so good...

The second we stopped dancing, so did the music. We hadn't noticed that we were now the only ones on the ball floor. Everyone was either standing around us or sitting back down in their seats eyeing us. I could feel my body getting hot, not because of the endless amount of eyes on us but because of the position we are both still in.

I quickly take a step back looking at the people staring, then at Diavolo. He doesn't seem to care at all. Instead, he grabs my hand and walks us back to a table.

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