Serendipity - A Yuzuru Hanyu...

By _anonynonymous

45K 1.5K 241

I told myself I'll try again. I did. It's my last chance. But it turns out, there's gonna be more to it than... More

author's note
author's note (so sorryyyy!!!)


618 26 8
By _anonynonymous

Luna's POV

I was terrified. It all happened in a blur and I could barely recall anything. I wanted my last skate to be the best skate of my life. I didn't want to go down and be remembered as the skater who died for nothing. The skater who died for a lackluster, shitty performance. Absolutely not.  That's why I gave it my all to the point that I can't recall how I did. 

When Yuzuru told me I won gold, my mind just went completely blank. I know for sure I did the best I could but there were some tiny mishaps during my performance that I was aware of that's why I doubted myself. But at the same time, even if he told me I lost, I would still feel proud of myself because I poured my heart and soul into it not only for myself but for the people to appreciate and love the sport. 

The guilt ate me for a bit and I thought that I didn't deserve to win. The other ladies worked their asses off for years longer than I did just to compete in the Olympics and there I was barging in like an unknown intruder. I felt guilty for feeling happy about winning. I was about to drown once again in the abyss of my countless thoughts and start overthinking. But Yuzuru saved me. He made me realize that I shouldn't invalidate myself and that I deserved to be there as much as the others; that I even worked twice as hard and put in twice the amount of effort they. 

Yuzuru always saves me. He always succeeded. For that, I am eternally grateful. But nothing lasts forever. 

"Helloooo? Earth to hime???" I didn't realize I was staring off into space while drinking from my water bottle. 

"Oops. Sorry, Yuzu. What were you saying?" I apologize to the man standing in front of me with his hands on his waist as he just sighs. 

"I was asking if you're feeling okay?" Yuzu asks, pursing his lips.

"Just so you know, it's the 27th time you've asked that today since practice started." I laugh while I place the bottle down on the seat. I walk past him and onto the rink since the practice for the gala resumes in a few minutes.

"Just making sure. Tell me if anything hurts okay then we'll stop, okay? We've practiced enough." I hear Yuzuru say as he trails behind me. 

"You're worrying too much, love. Let's just... let's have fun. With the others. Hm?" I spin around and smile at him softly. Yuzuru's eyes narrowed and he was about to talk but I interrupt him. "Please? One last... just this once?" I immediately stop myself from saying 'one last time' because I know it's going to bring his mood down. Once his mood goes down, everyone's going to notice. I can't afford to do that and ruin everyone's day just because of me. Yuzuru's like the sunshine at every gala practice. 

Unfortunately, I failed. I saw how his eyes shook but he regains his composure, pretending not to have heard what I was about to say. Right here and now, I want to falter and cry. My heart clenched as he did his best to smile at me despite the pain. I know he's hurting because of me. I look up at the ceiling and close my eyes, trying to prevent the tears from falling.  

"All right, if you say so. You're the boss." I hear Yuzu say making me look at him. He's standing straight and saluting at me. "Got that right, Mr. Hanyu. I'm the boss." I smirk at him as I cross my arms over my chest before we burst into fits of laughter. 

And so during the break, we played and fooled around with everyone to the point I forgot the burden I'm carrying on my shoulders. 

"I'm low-key relieved that these two didn't decide to actually compete in Ice Dance." Tessa said to Maia, referring to me and Yuzu. 

"I hear ya. Hey Luna, are you sure this is your first time doing this?" Maia then turned to me.

"Well we skated together once before but it was like, impromptu. But ye-"

"You didn't train for Ice Dance before? Like when you were younger?" Tessa leaned closer making me flinch and move back a bit. What the heck

"No I didn't. Why? Does it show?" I look at them with wide eyes, getting anxious that maybe deciding to do an ice dance with Yuzuru, and at the OLYMPIC GALA at that, was a big mistake. I was ready for their criticisms and to point out my mistakes but I jumped in surprise. Literally. Maia grabbed my left shoulder while Tessa held my right one as they shouted.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Oh great. Now everyone's looking at us. "Guys. Tone it down. Everyone's looking at us like we're some weirdos." I whisper to them. 

"Zhenya! Javi! Get your asses over here!" Tessa shouted to the two who were drinking water before they hesitatingly skated toward us. When they arrived, Zhenya and Javi stood on either side of me. "Okay now tell me. You've seen Yuzuru and Luna practice millions of times for this performance right?" Tessa continued as she and Maia wait for their response.

"Nope. Not at all." Zhenya said as she shrugged.

"Me neither. This is actually the first time I've seen it. Unbelievable, right?" Javi replied as he chuckled. "But at the same time, we're not actually surprised. They've been inseparable ever since Luna came to TCC."

"HEY! So not true." I elbow Javi's side making him raise his hands in surrender. 

"It looks like they've been doing this together for years!" Maia exclaimed, making me blush a bit at her compliment. 

"Oh my gosh hear me out. How about you guys compete in Ice Dance next season!" Tessa squealed excitingly but... "Did I say something wrong?" Tessa whispered, toning down as she probably saw Javi, Zhenya, and Maia visibly frown. I even notice Zhenya look away for a bit. I just flash a soft smile to Tessa and was about to reply when someone else spoke.

"That would be a great idea, Tessa! We wanted to but we also want to try Pairs skating. I wanna try throwing Luna in the air because she's so tiny." Yuzuru said as he skated towards us and stood behind me and tickling me. 

I inconspicuously sigh at the impeccable timing of my boyfriend. As soon as he joked around, the others snapped out of their thoughts and smiled again.

"Hey! I am NOT tiny. You're just too tall! Besides, you probably won't be able to lift me. You're all skin and bones, Hanyu." I teased as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I'm not the one who eats like there's no tomorrow. I won't be surprised if I can't actually lift you at all." Yuzu responds, crossing his arms over his chest and sticking his tongue out as well. And before I know it, I'm engaged in a childish teasing war.

3rd Person's POV

The sight of the couple bickering in the middle of the rink makes the other skaters laugh and swoon over them. However, to those who know, they could only hold back their tears from falling as they witness a tragic love story unfold right before their eyes. Javi and Zhenya, who were the closest to the two, could only smile fondly at Yuzu and Luna. 

All this time, they wanted to object and refuse to let Luna do this gala. Heck, they didn't even want her to compete here in the first place. They knew how grave the situation is. They were about to approach Luna before, ask her to think deeply about it but Yuzuru approached them first. Despite Yuzuru not being as vocal with others as he is with Luna, he's still incredibly perceptive. He knew that the others were worrying about Luna and at the same time, Luna didn't want that to happen. That's the reason why she did not tell her about her condition in the first place, right? But one thing led to the other and there they are. 

Because of Yuzuru, Javi and Zhenya fell back. Though the way Yuzuru talked to them in a serious manner, they could hear the desperation in his voice. He did not want Luna to suffer more than she already is. If she knew that she's worrying her friends because of her condition, she'll be destroyed. That was the last thing Yuzuru wanted to happen. And so, they could do nothing but watch her from the sidelines, to cheer for her and hope that nothing bad happens. 

However, the worst has come and they had hoped that Luna is done for this season. Now all she needs to do is rest at home and live the rest of her life, maybe even get the surgery. But of course, it was too good to be true. Before the practice for the gala, Luna personally approached Zhenya and Javi, as well as Maia and Alex. They were like brothers and sisters to Luna after all. She explained how important this skate will be not only for her but also for Yuzuru. 

And they agreed. Luna was ecstatic to hear their support and their concerns as well. As they engulfed her in a tight hug, Zhenya pulled away.

"No more skating after this? We can go have fun and do the things we've talked about!" She gushed, making Maia squeal as well.

"Nice! I've always wanted to travel with some athlete friends not just for an ice show you know? Yuzuru's coming right? Of course, he's coming!" Alex said, reaching for a fist bump with Javi who gladly returned it.

"Yeah..." Luna looked at her friends who were talking about their plans after all of this and all she could do is muster a fake smile. It pained her not to tell them but she didn't want to cause any more worries. 

Little did they know....


Hello everyoneee!~ Long time no update 🥺

How are you guys? I hope you're staying safe and healthy wherever you are. I was able to give you this little wee bit of an update since I had a teeny tiny bit of time in my hands. I would love to know what you guys are up to these days so head on over to the comments and let's chat! 🤍

I hope you guys liked this chapter and thank you for continuously supporting this book! 😌

Stay safe and stay golden, lovelies!!!✨

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