Sacred Decree

By SnowyWraith

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*Book Two Of The Federation Series* It is said that the moon goddess created supernatural beings that gain st... More

•Chapter One• Life
•Chapter Two• The Cookout
•Chapter Three• Premonition Or Just A Dream
•Chapter Five• Birthday Bash
•Chapter Six• Why?
•Chapter Seven• Time Marches On
•Chapter Eight• Living A Nightmare
•Chapter Nine• Finally
•Chapter Ten• The Rescue
•Chapter Eleven• Justice
•Chapter Twelve• Uncertain Future
•Chapter Thirteen• In Darkness
•Chapter Fourteen• Waking Up
•Chapter Fifteen• In Reality
•Chapter Sixteen• Adjusting
•Chapter Seventeen• Uknown Normie
•Chapter Eighteen• His Point Of View
•Chapter Nineteen• Welcome Surprise
•Chapter Twenty• Emergency Meeting
•Chapter Twenty-One• Unforseen Event
•Chapter Twenty-Two• Abduction
•Chapter Twenty-Three• Is This It?

•Chapter Four• The Sleepover

60 20 1
By SnowyWraith


It's been close to a week since I discovered Derriel is my mate. I had been refusing to see him until yesterday when I agreed to go out on a date with him. He had been so used to hearing me say no that it took him a full minute to realize I had agreed. He had been so overjoyed that he'd released a joyous howl that gained him a scolding from his mother, Luna Adina.


"You're not joking right?" Derriel asked me then, needing to make sure I wasn't joking or that I would change my mind and I couldn't help but smile.

"No, I'm quite serious," I assured him and he sighs with relief.

"Thank the goddess," He murmurs. "Can I take you out tomorrow? I wanted to take you someplace special but I can't wait to see you. We can plan a special date for a few days from now. So, will you go out with me tomorrow?" He asked in a rush and I could tell he was as anxious to see me as I was to see him.

"Yes," I said with a soft laugh. My wolf began to jump for joy in my head and I almost did too. We were more than happy to see him, the sooner the better, and I didn't care where he took me. He could take me to eat out of a dumpster and I would be ecstatic, as long as I could spend time with him, I'd be fine.

In the next instant, I had to pull the phone away from my ear because he released a jubilant howl that hurt my ears, causing them to ring in the process. My wolf, who had been sad because I kept refusing to see him was now so happy, that she was prancing, jumping, and had a case of "happy tail".

"Have you lost your mind?!" Luna Adina yelled from somewhere close to Derry, she sounded annoyed and exasperated.

"She said yes!" Derry cried out, his voice sounded joyous. There was a small cry from his mother and what sounded like a smack followed.

"Ow!" Derry howled. "That hurt mom!"

"Good, maybe now you will stop acting like you took leave of your senses!" I couldn't hold back the giggle that bubbled up and escaped my lips. Hearing me, Derry laughed too which had his mom saying what sounded like, 'This boy has finally jumped off the deep end!'

******Flashback over******

Currently, I'm getting ready for my date with Derry. After debating for over an hour, I finally settled on a pair of blue ripped jeans, an off-the-shoulder red top, and red ankle high-heeled boots. I finished off the outfit with red hoop earrings, as well as red and blue bangles, and a blue jean purse. I picked up my hair in a simple ponytail, then added light makeup.

Looking in the mirror, I was satisfied with my appearance and hoped Derry would like it too. I was slipping lipgloss, my cell phone, and my keys in my purse when I heard the doorbell ring. Checking to make sure I had everything I needed, I left my room quickly. Hearing Derry's voice when I reached the top of the stairs had my heart pounding in my chest.

I raced down the stairs, grateful I didn't kill myself in these shoes. I turned the corner to see mom had been the one to answer the door. I had hoped that it had been either River or Rio who had answered the door but I guess I wasn't so lucky. Taking a deep breath and wiping my sweating palms on my pants, I start to make my way to the door just as mom turned around to call for me.

"STAR-oh, there you are honey!" Mom said when she saw me walking toward her. I couldn't help but smile widely as my eyes met Derry's appreciative gaze. Mom was five feet, six inches but he was a good head taller than her. I was feeling both excited and nervous as I stood there looking into my mate's brown eyes.

"Hi," I greet him a bit shyly.

"Hey," He replied in that masculine voice of his that was both sexy and husky, causing me to shiver. Derry held out his hand toward me, without breaking eye contact, and I placed my hand in his. Sparks raced up my arm the moment our hands touched, causing me to shiver once more. Derry's eyes seemed to flash for a moment before he gave me an adoring look.

I was about to step out of the house, anxious to be closer to him than I was now when we were interrupted. "Hold it!" Mom warned and I stopped, turning to look at her surprised. I had completely forgotten she was there. "Are you going to explain why he's here, or do I have to forbid you from leaving until I have some answers?"

I know my mom pretty well, and knowing she's a sacred vessel isn't the scariest thing about her since she can unleash the goddess' fury at any given moment, but the woman has a terrible temper that is scary to behold. I knew if I wanted to leave the house with my mate, ever, I had to introduce him as such.

"Mom," I being, resigned to doing what she asked. "You remember Derriel Karl Fernand, next Alpha of the Moon Star pack and my mate." I cast Derry an apologetic look and wait for what's about to happen.

"Honey," Mom exclaims in a joyful voice. "You found your mate! It's a happy occasion, we have to celebrate." Turning to yell over her shoulder, she grabs Derry's hand and drags him in before shutting the door. "MATHEW, BOYS, COME QUICK. STARLA FOUND HER MATE!" Mom yelled and I cringed.

In an instant, dad appeared with the boys close behind him. Dad looked at Derry with an approving look on his face, then held out his hand for Derry to shake. "Hello, Derriel and welcome to our home," Dad told him before his face morphed into a stern one.

"While I am pleased to find out you are my daughter's mate, I want you to know I will not allow you to mark, or mate her until a marking ceremony is performed," Dad warns him in a calm but authoritative voice. At that moment he was more Alpha than the Elder he has been for the past two years.

There's the dad I know, I thought wryly. He's a very nice man but when it comes to his daughters, he has a way of doing things that will be followed to the letter. That's why Selene had her marking ceremony two weeks after meeting Jason, her mate. Derry and I will need to decide on a date but that will have to wait now that my family knows I found my mate, and who knows when we will be able to leave.

"I understand sir," Derry assures dad respectfully. He turns his gaze to me and I can't help but melt at the smitten look that came over his features. "I will respect your daughter and wait until the marking ceremony, you have my word!"

Nodding his approval, dad clapped Derry on the back, then led him deeper into the house. Sighing, I followed behind my family with a mournful look on my face. All I wanted was to spend time with my mate after not allowing myself to see him for nearly a week. But as my luck runs, we will be stuck with my family for who knows how long now.



It has been over two weeks since I had that awful nightmare that has stayed with me like a bad rash. I can't help but be worried, I've been known to see the future through my dreams in the past and that always scared me. The problem is, I never know if what I dreamt will come true or not. It's enough to keep me worried for weeks, sometimes months.

I did my best not to think about it and instead concentrated on planning the sleepover. I realized we needed a place to host the sleepover because my house was too small to accommodate eleven teenage girls. I text the other girls and we all chose Starla and Selene's house after they got the go-ahead from their parents.

Having a large family, their house had five bedrooms. But they also had a huge soundproof entertainment room in the basement with a fifty-eight-inch tv, a surround sound system, two game consoles, as well as chairs that converted into single beds, and a couple of sofa sleepers. It was the perfect solution and I was satisfied with our decision.

The day before the sleepover I packed a bag with things I would need such as nightwear, undies, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, makeup, a change of clothes, etc. I also made a trip to the store to get some essential snacks such as Twizzlers, gummy bears, a box of microwavable popcorn, and three different brands of cookies.

Satisfied I was ready for the sleepover, I stowed my bags in the car before I left for work. Driving to work, I flipped through radio stations until I found a song I liked and sang along with it, my hands hitting the steering wheel in time to the music. Arriving at work, I jumped out of my car and danced my way in the back door.

A few hours later, I left work with a spring in my step and a grin on my face. I was beyond excited to spend time with all of my friends. It has been over a year and a half since we were all together for any amount of time. The sleepover would give us time to catch up on what we were all up to.

On my way to Starla's house, I stopped by a local pizza parlor and placed a delivery order, then paid for it. Next, I ran into the convenience store next door for chocolate. Exiting the building, I hopped in my car, eager to be on my way. About fifteen minutes later, I finally arrived in front of the previous Alpha's home and parked my car in my usual parking spot out front.

Grabbing my things out of the car, I noticed a limo driving up and I grinned knowing who it was. I waited on the sidewalk as the limo stopped not far from where I stood and a pale, tall man hopped out of the driver's side to walk swiftly around the back of the vehicle to the rear passenger door. The driver helped the petit, frail-looking passenger out before removing her bags from the trunk.

Karisse gave me a huge grin, making hand gestures behind his back, as he led the way up to the porch, where we all came to a stop. "Thank you, Carlton. You may leave now," She instructed.

The man spun around to face her, horror evident in his eyes. "Now Princess, I received precise-" That's as far as he got before she interrupted.

"You have brought me to the door of the sacred vessel," Karrise told him in a cold tone that held authority, and by the look on his face, I knew he would obey. "I am quite safe so you may leave."

Knowing he had no choice, the man set down her bags, then bowed to her, and nodded in my direction before hurrying off to the limo. Seconds later the limo drove off while we both watched it with impassive faces. Once it was out of sight, we both let out a squeal and hugged each other tightly while jumping in place.

Within seconds the door was ripped opened and a sweet little voice shouted joyously. "Bree, you're here!" Marcus flung himself at me just as Karrise stepped back.

"Hey, little love!" I greet him as I bend over to hug him.

"Hey, don't I get a hug?" Karrise asked in a hurt voice with her bottom lip sticking out in a sad, but funny pout. With a loud laugh, Marcus hugged her too.

Luna Silvia stepped out on the porch with a chuckle, alerting us that she had witnessed Karrise's pouty face. After hugging each of us, she called for Rio and River, who stepped out onto the porch to grab our bags after greeting us. The previous Luna led us into the house, then into the living room while River and Rio carried our bags downstairs.

With Marcus glued to my side, his small arms clasped around my waist, I greeted each of the other girls since they were already present. It was so nice to see them all again, I couldn't keep a smile off my face as I took a seat and unconsciously I pulled Marcus onto my lap. Seeing her little brother, Starla quickly came over and grabbed his arm.

"Ok runt, it's time for you to go play," She informs him as she starts to pull on his arm.

"No, I wanna stay with Bree!" Marcus pulls his arm out of his sister's grasp, then folds his arms over his chest with a pout.

"It's ok Star," I tell her. Thinking he is just too cute for words, I hug him quickly before dropping a kiss on his cheek.

Rolling her eyes, Starla concedes. "Fine. Did you order the pizza or should I do that now?" She asks me then.

"It's ordered, as well as paid for, and should be here any minute now," I explain and she nods. She was about to take a seat when someone knocked on the front door.

After grabbing our freshly delivered order, and the two six-packs of sodas Luna Silvia handed to Selene, we retreated to the basement, where we decided to play music while we ate and chatted. Serving Marcus a big slice and popping the tab on his soda, I then grabbed my food as well as a soda, before I began to eat happily.

We had just finished catching up when I noticed Karisse was looking off into space with a worried look on her face. Feeling my eyes on her, she looked my way, then smiled as if to show that all was well. But I could see a bit of sadness in her eyes, though she tried to hide it. I kept my eyes on her as she picked up her soda to take a sip.

"Are you ok?" I asked her, causing everyone to stop what they were doing to look at Karisse with curiosity on their faces as we waited for her reply.

Surprised, Karisse looked at me and wiped all emotions from her face. "Of course," She said, trying hard to hide what she was feeling but I knew better. I knew each of these girls better than anyone else and could read them like an open book no matter how hard they tried to fool me.

"Come on Karisse," I said with a roll of my eyes "You know you can't hide anything from me. I can tell something is bothering you, it's something that makes you sad."

The other girls looked at her closely, worry evident in their eyes. They knew that if I bothered to ask her what was wrong, then something had to be wrong. I wasn't one to snoop into the life of others unless I was truly worried about them. We continued to stare at Karisse until she released a defeated sigh.

"It's just," As she began speaking, she fidgeted in her seat while she unconsciously played with her soda can. "I overheard father and grandfather talking about something that has me very worried."

"You know," I say next. "It sometimes helps to get it off your chest. You know we love you," The others nodded at this. "And we want to help if we can. So why not tell us what's got you worried? We will do whatever we can to help."

Smiling gratefully at each of us, she nods. "I don't mind telling you guys but I don't think there is anything any of us can do," She finishes with a sad little shrug. Reaching out, I take one of her slim, cold, small hands in one of mine and squeeze it reassuringly.

"Ok then. Tell us what is bothering you and we will see if we can come up with a solution. If we can't we will still be here to support you no matter what. Ok?" Smiling at her, I hoped she would get it off her chest so we can move forward, and maybe help her forget she had been worried.

"Well, do you all remember Janice Deimos?" She asked us, the sadness in her pretty silver-colored eyes became more pronounced as she spoke of our old friend. It's been so long since any of us had spoken of her, or even brought up her name that it felt odd to hear Karisse bring her up now.

Janice was a member of Alpha Mathew's pack and used to play with us when we were pups. Her father had died after being mauled by a bear, or so it was believed was what happened by the condition his body was found in. It was strange indeed seeing as a full-grown werewolf could defeat a bear easily. Not long after, she and her mom moved to her uncle's pack.

"Yeah," We all chorused, our eyes on her expectantly.

"She moved to the Moon Valley pack, that small pack three states away. Right?" I asked, just to verify the name and location of the pack she had moved to.

Nodding, Karisse continued. "We found out this morning that her entire pack was wiped out this morning." The room filled with our horrified gasps, at this terrible news.

As if that wasn't bad enough, her next words left us all shocked beyond words. "And what's worse, the Federation has reason to believe that one or more of the Red River rogues may have somehow escaped from the battle the day of the war all those years ago, and are now resurfacing!"


Here is the next chapter. I was going to post it yesterday but couldn't find the time. A little late but, finally posted! Plz take the time to vote, nd also, I'd appreciate it if u would leave a comment or two. Thanx bunches! :*

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