Learning to Live

By SMLincoln

232K 6K 1.8K

Morrigan is a complex being, she was born a thousand years ago but still lived. She and her twin were the fi... More

Casting 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
A/N- Sorry

Chapter 71

1.2K 31 6
By SMLincoln

It was the whole proposal situation over again but so much worse. Dearest had been acting rashly and she knew why, she was worried, but he had shut down and was refusing to speak of it, she knew he was sneaking out during the night and she knew he was worried about the warning he had received wanting to fix it and not worry her but that was far too late.

They had spent countless years together and she was hurt and offended that he wasn't confiding in her

"let's go to mars sweetheart, there are some rocks I want to find, fascinating really" he rambled as he came running into the TARDIS tossing a crystal 'that he simply must have' over his shoulder carelessly, he'd be obsessing over that crystal for a weak straight and they'd broken into an ancient museum and gotten shot at only for him to have no need for it anymore. His behaviour was becoming more and more erratic, and she didn't know what to do, she was useless. She abhorred feeling useless.

"so, we're still in denial about everything?" she asked

"I'm not in denial about anything" he retorted keeping a fake smile on his face "come on, you'd look good in a red spacesuit" he grabbed her hand and dragged her to the wardrobe, she sighed and rolled her eyes, allowing it for the moment.

They were soon bundled into matching red suits and he led the way onto the red planet, bouncing with excitement as she followed him cautiously, keeping a careful eye on him, they looked over a crater rim and down onto a base with five outlying domes and a shuttle pad, all connected by walkways

"Oh, beautiful." He beamed as he held onto her hand

"it is rather" she agreed but closed her eyes in annoyance as something jabbed into her lower back

"Rotate slowly." Came the order and they did so, she looked at the little robot in surprise

"You are under arrest for trespassing. Gadget gadget." The robot said

"well, not the worst thing we've been arrested for," Morgana said

"I still say that fire wasn't my fault" Dearest grumbled at her as they were forced towards the base

"Dearest, you were holding the magnifying glass" she reminded him

"How was I supposed to know the precious paper was flammable? They should have treated it" he continued to defend himself, they were directed into the base where they took their suits off when they stepped into the heart of the base they were greeted by a blonde woman and a gun

"State your name, rank, and intention." The woman demanded glaring at them

"The Doctor. Doctor, husband, Father. Fun." The Doctor quickly listed off eyeing up the gun distastefully

"and you?" she turned to Morgana still holding the gun threateningly 

"Morgana, Queen, wife, mother and I sort of follow him around and laugh when there's chaos" Morgana replied

"that's it?" she arched an eyebrow at her

"well, you can't expect a Queen to do servants work, can you? I suppose I occasionally help out" Morgana snarked back as a dark-skinned man came running in and gaped at them

"What the hell? It's a man and a woman. A man and woman on Mars. How?" he wondered

"magic" she rolled her eyes

"He was wearing this thing. I have never seen anything like it." Steffi said as Morgana's eyes alighted onto a chart with names and pictures

"What did Mission Control say?" Tarak wondered

"They're out of range for ten hours with the solar flares." She replied

"If we could cut the chat, everyone," Adelaide ordered

"Actually, chat's second on my list, the first being gun pointed at our heads. Which then puts ours head second and chat third, I think. Gun, heads, chat, yeah. I hate lists. But you could hurt someone with that thing, I mean not me because Morgana would never allow it and not Morgana because well, bullets don't do much. Just put it down." The doctor instructed the woman, getting irritated by her

Adelaide snarked at them "Oh, you'd like that."

"it does ensure that I don't have to get violent, not that I'm opposed" Morgana mused

"Can you find me someone who wouldn't?" the Doctor sassed

"Why should I trust you? She's just confessed to wanting to hurt us" Adelaide gestured the gun at Morgana who glared at her

"ah, now don't twist my words I said I WOULD hurt you should the need arise, not that I WANTED to" Morgana corrected "I mean, I sort of do but I won't...potentially"

"sweetheart that doesn't help" the Doctor chided before turning to Adelaide "Because I give you my word and so does my wife. And forty million miles away from home, my word is all you've got, and she'll never break her word" he gestured to Morgana who sighed

"Unfortunately, he's right"

"Keep Gadget covering them," Adelaide ordered

"Gadget gadget." The robot chirped

"Oh right, so you control that thing. Auto-glove response" the Doctor figured out glancing between the robot and the gloves

"You got it. To the right." Roman said gesturing with his hands

"Gadget gadget." The robot followed the instructions

"And to the left." Roman grinned

"It's a bit flimsy." The Doctor sniffed haughtily

"Gadget gadget." Gadget said

"I'm going to break it" Morgana threatened, glaring at the robot

"Does it have to keep saying that?" the Doctor asked in distaste

"isn't it annoying?" Morgana wondered

"I think it's funny." The man replied defensively

"I hate funny robots." The Doctor grumbled and she snickered in amusement

"Excuse me, boss. Computer log says we've got extra persons on site. How's that possible?" a woman's voice asked

"Keep the Biodome closed." Adelaide instructed before adding "And when using open comms, you call me Captain."

"oh, control issues?" Morgana asked cheekily

"Yeah, but-"Adelaide cut the woman off cutting of the communications as she glared at Morgana

"They can't be a World State flight, because we'd know about it. Therefore, they've got to be one of the independents, yeah? Was it the Branson inheritance lot? They've talked about a Mars shot for years." Ed said

The Doctor rolled his eyes but gave in "Right, yes, okay, you got me. So, I'm the Doctor, and you are?"

"Oh, come on. We're the first off-world colonists in history. Everyone on planet Earth knows who we are." Adelaide snorted

"oh, you're very confident in yourself, there's a chart over there with pictures Dearest" Morgana gestured to the far wall

"You're the first? The very first humans on Mars? Then this is..." he trailed off before both of them spoke at the same time

"Bowie Base One."

"Number one. Founded July 1st, 2058. Established Bowie Base One in the Gusev Crater. You've been here how long?" he wondered as his thoughts raced, Morgana frowned thoughtfully picking up on his apprehension

"Seventeen months," Adelaide said

He smacked the palm of his hand against his head "2059. It's 2059, right now. Oh! My head is so stupid. You're Captain Adelaide Brooke. And Ed. You're Deputy Edward Gold. Tarak Ital, MD. Nurse Yuri Kerenski. Senior Technician Steffi Ehrlich. Junior Technician Roman Groom. Geologist Mia Bennett. You're only twenty-seven years old." He murmured sadly

"As I said, Doctor, Morgana, everyone knows our names," Adelaide said

"Oh, they'll never forget them. What's the date, today? What is it? Tell me the exact date." He demanded

"November 21st, 2059." She answered looking confused as to why they'd need the date

"Right. Okay, fine." He nodded his head as he took one last look around

"Is there something wrong?" Steffi wondered

"What's so important about my age?" Mia asked

He sent a panicked look at Morgana "we should go. We really should go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry with all of my hearts, but it's one of those very rare times when I've got no choice. It's been an honour. Seriously, a very great honour to meet you all. The Martian pioneers." He shook their hands and then patted Gadget before grabbing onto Morgana's hand, saluting Adelaide

"Thank you. There's the other two. Hold on. Margaret Cain and Andrew Stone."

"Maggie, if you want to meet the only new human beings that you're going to see in the next five years, better come take a look," Ed spoke into a microphone only for a roar to come over the speaker

"I guess she doesn't want to meet us" Morgana commented arching an eyebrow

"What was that?" Mia asked

"Oh, we really should go." He said but he hopped from foot to foot anxiously, staying where he was stood

"then let's go Dearest" Morgana said she was worried enough for him; she didn't want himself risking his life more than he usually did but he didn't move.

"This is Central. Biodome report immediately." Ed tried again

"Show me the Biodome," Adelaide ordered

He typed on the keyboard but then shook his head "Internal cameras are down."

"Show me the exterior." She instructed but the lights were going out in the biodome

"I'm going over. Doctor and Morgana, with me." She said turning to them

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Er, we'd love to help, but we're leaving right now." The Doctor said finally coming back to himself

"shame, but good luck," Morgana said

"Take their spacesuits, lock it up. This started as soon as you two arrived, so neither of you are going anywhere except with me." She demanded

"we're always being blamed" Morgana pouted

"Gadget gadget." The robot chirped as they headed through the tunnel

"What's so important about Mia's age? You said she's only twenty-seven. Why does it matter? What did you mean?" Adelaide asked him as they walked

"Oh, I just open my mouth and words come out. They don't make much sense." He shrugged his shoulders

"it's like one of those carnival psychic tricks" Morgana brushed off

"Telling me," Tarak said

"Thank you, Doctor." Dearest sassed him

"Any time, Doctor," Tarak replied

"Gadget gadget." The robot gave his input, and she rolled her eyes

"I hate robots. Did I say?" the Doctor asked

"Yeah, and he's not too fond of you. What's wrong with robots?" Roman asked

"It's not the robots, it's the people. Dressing them up and giving them silly voices. Like you're reducing them." The Doctor lectured

"Yeah. Friend of mine she made her domestic robot look like a dog." Roman said

"Ah well, dogs. That's different." The Doctor immediately back-peddled

"you would say that" Morgana cheeked "but K9 is amazing, such a good boy"

"But I adapted Gadget out of the worker drones. Those things are huge. They built this place when the shell was lowered down from orbit. They've got a strength capacity of fifteen tons." Roman explained

"The channel is open for essential communications only," Adelaide said

"who's to say it isn't essential?" Morgana wondered

"Sorry. Love those drones." Roman apologised

"I've read all that stuff about you, Captain Adelaide. But one thing they never said. Was it worth it, the mission?" the Doctor asked as they walked, Morgana arching an eyebrow at him he whispered to her

"fixeð oddr" and she nodded clenching her jaw, great it was Pompeii all over again.

"We've got excellent results from the soil analysis," Adelaide said

"No, but all of it. Because they say you sacrificed everything. Devoted your whole life to get here." The Doctor said and she was the only one to understand the question he was trying to answer for himself and the prophecy that was given to him

"It's been chaos back home. Forty long years. The climate, the ozone, the oil apocalypse. We almost reached extinction. Then to fly above that, to stand on a world with no smoke, where the only straight line is the sunlight? Yes. It's worth it." Adelaide replied

"Ah. That's the Adelaide Brooke I always wanted to meet. The woman with starlight in her soul." He praised

"What's that?" Adelaide asked sharply

Morgana flitted to the figure lying on the floor gently turning the woman over she had a bump on her head but didn't seem too hurt

"she's still breathing" Morgana commented

"It's Maggie," Adelaide said

"Don't touch her!" the Doctor instructed

"I'll be fine" Morgana rolled her eyes unconcerned

"I know the procedure. Maggie, can you hear me? It's Tarak. Maggie? It's okay, she's still breathing. She's alive. Yuri, I've got Margaret Cain, head trauma. I need a full medpack." Tarak called into the comms

"I've got it. Medpack on its way." Yuri replied

"Don't touch her. Use the gloves." The Doctor repeated himself as Ed and Yuri arrived with a stretcher

"Do what he says. Get her to Sickbay. Put her in isolation." Tarak backed him up

"We're going on to the Biodome. Tarak, with me. Yuri can take care of her. Ed, go back. Gadget, stand guard. Keep an eye on this area." Adelaide instructed

"Gadget gadget." Gadget said

"Captain, you're going to need me. Andy is the only other crew member out here, and if that wasn't an accident, then he's gone wild." Ed protested

"I'm really not liking this Dearest" Morgana murmured to him and he hummed taking her hand

"You've deserted your post. Consider that an official warning. Now get back to work. Doctor, Morgana" Adelaide called for them, she rolled her eyes but fell into line

"Captain, that sound we heard from the Biodome. I've run it through diagnostics. According to the computer, it's, it's Andy." Steffi said in a shaken voice "It registers as the voiceprint of Andy Stone."

"Understood. Double-check, thanks." Adelaide said

"Air pressure stabilised," Tarak assured them

"Andrew? Andrew Stone? It's Captain Brooke. Andy, report. I need to see you. Where are you?" Adelaide tried to reach the lost member of her group

"If he's lost it, he's not going to answer," Morgana told her as the Doctor soniced a computer terminal, the lights coming back on

"There you go." The Doctor said

"What's that device?" Adelaide asked suspiciously

"Screwdriver." He replied blandly

"Are you the Doctor or the janitor?" Adelaide snarked and Morgana narrowed her eyes at the insult

He shrugged his shoulders with a sheepish smile "I don't know. Sounds like me. The maintenance man of the universe."

"oh Dearest, how you humble yourself" she rolled her eyes, her husband was the most important man in the universe

"You two stay with me. Don't step out of my sight. Tarak, go to External Door South. Make sure it's intact." Adelaide instructed Tarak

"Yes, ma'am." He replied

"Quite an achievement. First flower on Mars in ten thousand years. And you're growing veg!" the Doctor beamed

"pretty flower" Morgana complimented idly brushing her fingers over the delicate petals

"It's that lot. They're already planning Christmas dinner. Last year it was dehydrated protein, this year they want the real thing." Adelaide said

"who wouldn't, dehydrated protein ugh" Morgana grimaced

"Still, fair enough. Christmas." The Doctor grinned slightly

"If we must." Adelaide sighed

"very enthusiastic, aren't you?" Morgana arched an eyebrow

"You've got birds!" the Doctor grinned bouncing over in excitement and she smiled fondly at his back

"It's part of the project, to keep the insect population down," Adelaide explained

"Good sign." The Doctor nodded in approval

"In what way?" Adelaide wondered

"they're still alive," Morgana said

"Captain, good news," Yuri called interrupting their conversation

"finally," Morgana muttered

"It's Maggie. She's awake. She's back with us. Hey. How are you, soldier? Just take it easy. Can you remember what happened?" Yuri spoke

"I was just working. Then I woke up here." Maggie explained in a confused tone

"What about Andy? We can't find him. Was he all right?" Adelaide pushed

"I don't know. I just..." Maggie trailed off

"If you remember anything, let me know straight away." Adelaide requested

"Yuri, does she know how she ended up in the tunnel?" Ed asked

"And keep the comms clear. Everything goes through me, got that?" she ordered,

"you didn't happen to mine something you shouldn't have, did you?" Morgana asked her

"what? No!" Adelaide denied and Morgana hummed

"This is Sickbay. We have a situation. Maggie's condition has. I don't know. I don't know what it is. It's water, just pouring out." Yuri said confusion in his tone

"Yuri, calm down. Just tell me what's happened to her." Adelaide said trying to keep her calm

"The skin is sort of broken around the mouth. And she's exuding water like she's drowning." Yuri explained to them, describing the situation that was going on

"Tarak, this area's unsafe. We're going back. Tarak? Tarak!" Adelaide called through the communications but there was no reply, Morgana and the Doctor traded uneasy looks

"Where was he?" the Doctor demanded, and they began running looking for the missing Tarak

"Andy, just leave him alone." The Doctor instructed as they came across Tarak on his knees with Andy's hand on his head, water pouring from both of them, looking as if they'd taken a dip into the lake

"step away, we can help you," Morgana said

"We can help, I promise. We can help. Just leave that man alone." The Doctor instructed

"I order you to stop. Stop, or I'll shoot." Adelaide said pointing her gun at the man

"you and your gun" Morgana rolled her eyes "it won't help"

"Andy, I'm asking you to take your hand away from him and listen to me." The Doctor asked gently, and Andy released Tarak turning towards them, Morgana arched an eyebrow at the way he looked, cracked mouth with blue/black veins and white eyes.

"There now, that's better, hmm? So, you must be Andy. Hello." He greeted him, Morgana looked at Tarak sadly as he clambered to his feet also having been transformed

"We've got to go." Morgana insisted and then shoved the two behind her into a run as they were chased, the trio heading for an airlock

"Set the seals on maximum!" the Doctor instructed

Morgana grunted as she was slammed back by the jet of water managing to slam the door and cut off the supply as she quickly twisted the spinning wheel, sealing the door

"Sweetheart- "the Doctor stepped forward, but she held up a hand

"NO, don't just stay over there" she warned keeping distance between them "you know the likelihood..."

"no, no you'll be fine" he denied stepping forward but then rocking back

"when's our luck ever worked out for us beloved?" she asked sardonically as she bent over drool or water rushing her mouth and she hastily wiped her mouth, "I think it's starting"

"dammit why didn't we leave when I said so?" he tugged at his own hair in frustration

"your curiosity knows no bounds?" she suggested clearing her throat in annoyance, feeling an itch at the back of her throat

"Captain, we need you back here," Steffi said

"Just tell me that Maggie is contained. Can you confirm, Ed?" Adelaide demanded as she eyed Morgana up her gun pointed straight at her head

"Confirmed. She's locked in." Ed replied

"Keep surveillance till I get back." Adelaide instructed before adding "And close down all water supplies. All pipes and outlets. Don't consume anything. Have you got that everyone? That's an order. Don't drink the water. Don't even touch it. Not one drop." She repeated

"put the gun away it'll do nothing" Morgan snapped at her

"It will stop you" Adelaide pointed out

"It really won't she'll just resurrect, and you give that infection or virus a chance to overtake her body and then we're all in trouble- well more trouble than we already are," the Doctor said before addressing the already infected "Can you talk? Human beings are sixty percent water, which makes them the perfect host."

"What for?" Adelaide asked

"I don't know. We never will. Because we've got to go and whatever is inside of my wife I have to deal with, her safety's more important than my curiosity. Whatever's started here, we can't see it to the end. we can't." the Doctor said as he eyed his wife up in worry distracted as Andy and Tarak started gushing water at the airlock seals

"This thing's airtight, yeah?" the Doctor checked

"And therefore watertight," Adelaide assured him

"It depends how clever the water is and it's already in here" he grimaced at the depressing statement

"I'm containing it dearest" Morgana assured him, the foreign presence really didn't understand what it was dealing with, her 'soul' was carefully balanced between her wolf, witch and vampire side and anything threatening that harmony was quickly ganged upon. unfortunately, this virus was clever and fighting back.

"They're fusing the system." Adelaide panicked as there was a loud bang

"Abandon ship!" the Doctor ordered his hand reaching for Morgana out of habit, but she dodged his attempt, she grimaced in apology while he clenched his fist in frustration, but it was soon diverted as they ran out into the walkway, being chased by Andy and Tarak

"Doctor, we haven't got time." Adelaide scolded as he started sonicing Gadget who was standing guard

"They can run faster than us. We need a lift." He replied

"Gadget gadget." the robot commented

"Get on behind me." The Doctor instructed

"That thing goes at two miles an hour and how are we all going to fit?" she asked in doubt

He shook his head "Not anymore. Trust me. And Morgana can keep up easily" he said, and she nodded her head

"Gadget gadget." Gadget said

"Gadget gadget." The Doctor humoured the robot and flames burst out of Gadget's exhaust, zooming off and leaving tyre marks as Morgana kept pace running beside the robot.

"The Central Dome airlocks have got Hardinger seals. There's no way they can get in." Adelaide said

"Come on. Come on." the Doctor called to gadget

"Gadget gadget." He chirped

"Come on. Come on." he encouraged the robot

"I thought you hated robots," Adelaide said in confusion

"I do." He nodded his head as Morgana slammed the airlock closed just after gadget

"We're safe. It's hermetically sealed. They can't get in." Adelaide assured him "the only issue is your wife"

"Water is patient, Adelaide. Water just waits. It wears down the clifftops, the mountains, the whole of the world. Water always wins. And I'll ensure my wife's safety understand? Come on." he ordered sharply

"super helpful dearest" Morgana snarked and he glanced over at her

"I would hope you'd figure something out because otherwise I will do something and I'm hanging by a thread" he threatened his eyes dark

"I'll think of something" she soothed him keeping her distance despite the desire to kiss his worries away

"Biodome Tunnel is out of bounds. Andy and Tarak are infected. Repeat, infected. Make no contact. And if they make the slightest move, tell me. I'm going to the Medical Dome." Adelaide informed her crew

"Blimey, it's a distance. You could do with bikes in this place." The Doctor complained as they ran with Adelaide

"Every pound in weight equals three tons of fuel." She pointed out

"Yeah, I know. But bikes." The Doctor whined trying to keep his attention focused on something other than his wife's struggles irritation running through him at how helpless he was, her mouth was firmly shut as cracks began appearing but were soon healed, her eyes cycling between green, white and gold

"Has that door got a Hardinger seal?" Adelaide asked casting a concerned look at Maggie

"No, just basic." Ed denied sending a wary look at Morgana who ignored him heading for a spare observation room, slamming the door shut after herself, feeling safe enough to try and cough the water out, her mouth cracking but healing soon after in a constant cycle. She collapsed to her knees, attempting to expel the water but it seemed never-ending

"Morgana?!" the Doctor cried out as he pressed up against the window, she grunted pulling herself up to her feet, turning to him

"I'm fine" her hands twisted as she was incapable of speaking, so she resorted to sign language

"you're not, look I can just manipulate- "he started but she kicked the wall to interrupt

"This is a fixed point!" Morgana signed fiercely "Dearest you cannot interfere, either I get over this or I stay"

"I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING" he roared at her "the laws of time are mine! And they will obey me! I can't lose you I won't lose you I will not allow it!" she'd be infected but if he could just prove that he could fix a fixed point then the prophecy could be circumvented some other man wouldn't walk away with his life, his wife, his children, his everything.... he had to do it.

"on your own head be it" her hands grew sloppy in her anger, recognising she wouldn't be able to pull him back and this was something that had to be found out for himself, she herself was trapped in this containment room and was constantly in a fight with whatever was trying to control her, she slumped back against the wall idly musing whether this parasite was worse or the heart of the sun that burnt her, she was constantly choking and suffocating from this virus which wasn't fun but the heat of the sun had made her avoid beaches for a while...honestly she was scared, she didn't want to be stuck like this for eternity but she didn't want to lose the Doctor, didn't want him to regret the actions he might have to take. Herself or him? she chose him every time.

She slapped her hand on the glass garnering his attention "have an idea" she signed carefully

"I'm not leaving you here" he denied swiftly

"So dramatic" she teased her throat was clogged with this bloody water and it was driving her insane

"Then what's your idea?" He frowned thoughtfully, a cautious hope on his face

"set myself on fire" she replied if he needed her to fix this problem to give him hope then that's what she'll do.

"And you think I'm dramatic?" he demanded sharply

"what? What is the plan?" Adelaide barged into their conversation, but she was ignored

"it'll work...probably" she shrugged he paced up and down yanking at his hair before turning back to her "only option"

"you have to get hot enough that you kill anything in that room" he instructed

"What is she going to do? Can she help Maggie?" Ed asked hopefully

"No, and she's going to set herself on fire" the Doctor informed them

"Are you saying I'm not hot enough now?" she jested to calm him down

"I have some spare clothes" he replied flatly, not amused with her playing around and she rolled her eyes

"she can't do that!" Adelaide cried out

Standing solidly in the centre of the room, she breathed deeply, ignoring the eyes on her. Elemental magic was something she had always deeply enjoyed but it was old magic, if there was a hierarchy with magic, Mother Nature was the mother, the absolute and the elements her firstborn children, and the second most powerful and wild.

The elements were wild and untamed, they could be coaxed and led but outright attempting to control them was a foolish decision for most witches, they'd be destroyed in the attempt. She was not most witches. She was a force of nature just as strong and capable of dominating with her will alone. A snap of her claws caused the spark that set the air on fire, a fireball that exuded from her and slammed against the walls, burning everything in its path. She groaned as she burnt the infection out of herself a clenching of her hand stopped the fire and she collapsed forwards onto her hands and knees, taking in a deep breath of air in relief as the Doctor rushed into the room carefully holding her face in his hands

"are you okay?" he asked her gently

"'m fine" she assured him

"Please don't get infected again" he pleaded

"you ruin all my fun" she groused, and he rolled his eyes as he pulled out some clothes for her

"sweatpants really?" she asked, and he sent her a reprimanding look

"you're not walking around naked," he said

"To deny people that glimpse of divinity? You are cruel" she teased as she swiftly got changed, the Doctor holding onto her tightly

"none of this was amusing in the least" he snapped dragging her from the room a tight grip on her hand as they stood in front of Maggie who seemed to be glaring at her

"it is a little, ah, not happy you no longer have me as a host?" she wondered, and Maggie slapped her hand on the glass

"They won't have you again" the Doctor declared

"Maggie, can you hear me? Do you know who I am? Your commanding officer, Captain Adelaide Brooke. Can you tell me what happened? Can you help her?" Adelaide turned to Morgana who shook her head

"she wouldn't survive the fire, not like I can and burning it out seems to be the only option," she said as the Doctor leant against the wall of glass

"Hoorghwall in schtochman ahn warrellinsh och fortabellan iin hoorgwahn." The Doctor said

"What language is that?" Ed asked frowning when he didn't recognise it

"Ancient North Martian." The Doctor said absently

"Don't be ridiculous." Adelaide denied

"It is, he's fluent," Morgana said

"It's like she recognised it," Ed said

"And her eyes are different. They're clear like she's closer to human." Morgana observed

"Not close enough for me," Ed responded darkly

"Where do you get your water from?" the Doctor asked absently

"The ice fields. That's why we chose the crater. We're on top of an underground glacier." Adelaide said

"Tons of water. Marvellous." The Doctor sassed

"But every single drop is filtered. It's screened. It's safe." Yuri chimed in

"Looks like it, yeah." The Doctor drawled sarcastically

"really felt that safety" Morgana piled on

"If something was frozen down there. A viral life form held in the ice for all those years." Ed realised

"Look at her mouth. All blackened like there's some sort of fission. This thing, whatever it is, doesn't just hide in water, it creates water. Tell me what you want." He requested "I'm being very, very nice even after you attacked and tried to overtake my wife. You don't deserve any kindness but I'm offering it, take the offer"

"She was looking at the screen. At Earth. She wanted Earth. A world full of water." Yuri said

"Captain, With me." Ed requested and the pair walked off a little way and began speaking in a low tone

"Dearest, we really must leave, I know you're curious but the last time...do you really want another Pompeii? I don't want you hurt" Morgana said

"it's okay, I have a handle over everything," he said

She just stared sadly at him "do you?"

He opened and closed his mouth before turning to the other group "Sorry, sorry, but Action One, that means evacuation, yeah?"

She frowned down at her feet as he changed the discussion unable to answer her question, she was worried for him, she didn't want to lose him.

"We're going home. This is Captain Brooke. I'm declaring Action One. Repeat to all crewmembers, this is Action One with immediate effect. Evacuate the base." Adelaide ordered

"Steffi, what's your estimate on shuttle viability?" Adelaide requested as she planned the evacuation

"It's a nine-month flight. It'll take us at least three hours to load up everything we need." Steffi said

"You've got twenty minutes. And give me a report on Andy and Tarak." She wondered

"Still in the Biodome tunnel. They're just standing there like they're waiting." Steffi said

"Keep an eye on them." She instructed before adding "And make that twenty minutes fifteen. Ed, line up the shuttle. Go straight to ignition status."

"Doing it now," Ed assured her

"But what about Maggie?" Yuri wondered his face concerned

"She stays behind. We've got no way to contain her on board. Close this place down. I want the power directed to the shuttle." Adelaide instructed

"Of course, the only problem is" he was interrupted again

"Thank you, Doctor, Morgana. Your spacesuits will be returned. And good luck to you both" Adelaide said

"The problem is, this thing is clever. It didn't infect the birds or the insects in the biodome, it chose the humans. You were chosen. And I told you, Adelaide, water can wait. Tarak changed straight away, but when Maggie was infected it stayed hidden inside her, no doubt so it could infiltrate the Central Dome. Which means" he trailed off raising his eyebrows meaningfully

"Any one of us could already be infected. We've all been drinking the same water." Adelaide said in horror, the lightbulb turning on

"And if you take that back to Earth, one drop. Just one drop and the rest of the world goes up in flames, well not literally" Morgana said

Adelaide shook her head in denial "But we're only presuming infection. If we can find out how this thing got through. When it got through. Yuri, continue with Action One. I'm going to inspect the ice field."

"Right. We should leave. Finally, we should leave. Yuri, me old mate, no point in me seeing the ice field. No point at all. No." he paused then shouted "Adelaide!"

Morgana sighed, rolling her eyes before chasing his heels, determined to care for him.

"All I'm saying is bikes. Little foldaway bikes. Don't weigh a thing." The Doctor complained as they caught up with the woman

"but all this running does wonders for your figure" Morgana complimented with a wink

"They tell legends of Mars from long ago, of a fine and noble race who built an empire out of snow. The Ice Warriors." The Doctor started trying to hint to the woman

"I haven't got time for stories." Adelaide dismissed

"but stories can be so helpful, might even save your life" Morgana commented vaguely

Dearest carried on "Perhaps they found something down there. Used their might and their wisdom to freeze it."

"Doctor, we need to find any sort of change in the water process. We've got to date the infection." Adelaide insisted

"Access denied." The computer said

"Neither of you look like cowards, but all you've wanted to do is leave. You know so much about us." Adelaide said suspiciously

"Well, you're famous." He deflected

"It's like you know more." Adelaide would not be denied

He paused for a moment before speaking, picking his words carefully "This moment, this precise moment in time, it's like. I mean, it's only a theory, what do I know, but I think certain moments in time are fixed. Tiny, precious moments. Everything else is in flux, anything can happen, but those certain moments, they have to stand. This base on Mars with you, Adelaide Brooke, this is one vital moment. What happens here must always happen."

"Which is what?" she questioned

He shrugged and lied "I don't know. I think something wonderful happens. Something that started fifty years ago, isn't that right?"

"I've never told anyone that." She gasped and Morgana frowned thoughtfully, what had been kept secret that the Doctor knew? Well, a lot probably.

"You told your daughter. And maybe one day she tells the story to her daughter. The day the Earth was stolen and moved across the universe. And you" he trailed off

"I saw the Daleks." She confessed "We looked up. The sky had changed. Everyone was running and screaming. And my father took hold of me I never saw him again. Nor my mother. They were never found. But out on the streets, there was panic and burning. I went to the window, and there, in the sky, I saw it, Doctor. And it saw me. It stared at me. It looked right into me. And then it simply went away. I knew that night, I knew I would follow it." She informed them coming back to the present, her eyes clearing of memories.

"But not for revenge." The Doctor said

"What would be the point of that?" Adelaide wondered

"well, satisfaction...but what would I know?" Morgana asked looking away from the woman

The Doctor laughed as he praised Adelaide "That's what makes you remarkable. And that's how you create history."

"What do you mean?" she asked

"Imagine it, Adelaide, if you began a journey that takes the human race all the way out to the stars. It begins with you, and then your granddaughter, you inspire her, so that in thirty years Susie Fontana Brooke is the pilot of the first lightspeed ship to Proxima Centauri. And then everywhere, with her children, and her children's children forging the way. To the Dragon Star, the Celestial Belt of the Winter Queen, the Map of the Watersnake Wormholes. One day a Brooke will even fall in love with a Tandonian prince, that's the start of a whole new species. But everything starts with you, Adelaide. From fifty years ago to right here, today. Imagine." He encouraged her

"Who are you two? Why are you telling me this? Doctor, why tell me?" Adelaide said looking between them looking confused and apprehensive

"guilt" Morgana spoke at the same time as the Doctor

"As consolation."

"Andy Stone. He logged on yesterday." Adelaide said as the maintenance log popped up

"Maintenance log, twenty-one twenty, November 2059. Number three water filter's bust. And guess what? The spares they sent don't fit. What a surprise. Over and out." Andy turned the camera off

"A filter! One tiny little filter and then the Flood." The Doctor breathed tugging his hair

"oh, the tale of the horseshoe and the nail" Morgana grimaced

"But that means the infection arrived today, and the waters only cycled out of the biodome after a week. The rest of us can't be infected. We can leave. Ed, we're clean." Adelaide spoke into the coms "How are we doing?"

"Shuttle's active. Stage one. I haven't got time to convey the protein packs. If you want food, you're going to have to carry it by hand. Start loading, right now." Ed said

"You were right, Doctor." Adelaide said,

"he usually is but about what?" Morgana frowned

"Bikes!" she cried triumphantly, and they hurried back to the others

"Now get to your ship. I'm saving my people, you save yourself. I know what this moment is. It's the moment we escape. Now get out." She insisted handing over their spacesuits, Morgana traded a sad look with her Dearest as they got into the airlock, quickly putting their suits on, prepared to leave.

"Access denied. Access denied." The computer denied them the opportunity to leave

"Tell me what happens." Adelaide's voice came over the speakers

"I don't know." The Doctor lied swiftly

"Yes, you do." She denied before ordering "Now tell me."

"You should be with the others," Morgana said

"Tell me! I could ramp up the pressure in that airlock and crush you both" Adelaide threatened

Morgana glared up at the camera in the corner of the ceiling "now, we both know that would be a terrible idea"

"Except you won't. You could have shot Andy Stone, but you didn't." Dearest pointed out "I adored you for that. Imagine, imagine you knew something. Imagine you found yourself somewhere. I don't know, Pompeii." He laughed at the irony "Imagine you were in Pompeii."

"What the hell's that got to do with it?" Adelaide demanded

"And you tried to save them." He said his voice becoming grief-stricken "But in doing so, you make it happen. Anything I do just makes it happen."

"we" she corrected softly "I pulled that lever as well, Dearest"

"Captain, we need you right now," Steffi said

"I'm still here," Adelaide replied soothingly

"You're taking Action One. There are four more standard action procedures. And Action Five is?" the Doctor asked but he already knew the answer

"Detonation." She answered tightly

"The final option. The nuclear device at the heart of the Central Dome. Today, on the twenty-first of November 2059, Captain Brooke activates that device, taking the base and all her crew members with her. No one ever knows why. But you were saving Earth. That's what inspires your granddaughter. She takes your people out into the galaxy because you die on Mars. You die today. She flies out there like she's trying to meet you." He explained his voice gentle

"I won't die. I will not." Adelaide denied

"But your death creates the future." He pointed out

"Help me. Why won't you help, Doctor? If you know all of this, why can't you change it? Why can't you two help us?" she pleaded

"We can't." Morgana said "with these times if you push, it's going to push back. like a pebble, in a pond, the ripples turn to waves that overturn a boat and kills a hundred people...all because someone threw a pebble in a pond"

"Why can't you find a way? You could tell me, I don't know" she said helplessly

The Doctor sighed and apologised "I'm sorry, but we can't. Sometimes we can, sometimes we do. Most times we can save someone or anyone. But not you. You wondered all your life why that Dalek spared you. I think it knew. Your death is fixed in time forever. And that's right."

"You'll both die here too." She threatened

"No." Morgana denied, she wouldn't allow it

"What's going to save you?" Adelaide demanded

"well, my wife can do it, but I think Captain Adelaide Brooke will be the ones to save us" he replied calmly and there was a hiss as the airlock was released

"Damn you." Adelaide cursed them

"way ahead of you" Morgana replied

They quickly headed back towards the TARDIS but a massive explosion, as the shuttle was destroyed knocked them off their feet. She groaned and pulled herself back to her feet, the Doctor doing similarly.

He took one look at the base before turning back to Morgana "we have to help" he declared

"Dearest in there is a fixed point you cannot change it, if you do the ramifications will be MASSIVE, you know this, you've taught this to me why are you so insistent upon breaking your hearts? What if you're harmed?" she demanded

"if I can change this...then I can change the prophecy I won't have to lose you or our family, I won't have to die. I'm not just a Time Lord, I'm the Last of the Time Lords. They'll never come back. Not now. I've got a Tardis. The same old life, last of the Time Lords. And they died and took it all with them. The walls of reality closed, the worlds were sealed, gone forever. The Time Lords kept their eye on everything. It's gone now. But they died, the Time Lords! All of them, died. I'm the last of the Time Lords. The laws of time, everything that made a timelord, all of the sacred rules and duties there MINE to control" he said fiercely, and she hide the hurt his words caused, he might be the last of his kind but he wasn't alone, he hadn't been alone since he met her.

Morgana sighed, recognising that look in his eyes, having seen it for herself...seen herself with that same gleam, the absolute power at her fingertips, with nothing and no one to stop her...unchallenged, undisputed, the ultimate authority.

"you have a responsibility Dearest, and I'm yours to command...all that power in the palm of your hand...be careful how you wield it" she cautioned

"don't you trust me?" he demanded

"I trust my Doctor; I trust my Theta" she replied probably best not to mention he wasn't acting like her Doctor or her Theta

"then let's go," he said grabbing her gloved hand with his own and leading them back to the base.

"Mia, take this sealant, fix that leak. Yuri, open emergency oxygen. Adelaide, don't just sit there. That's better. The Dome's still got integrity! It's ten feet of steel-combination, made in Liverpool. Magnificent workmanship." The Doctor praised as Morgana flitted about connecting some wires to a computer for him

"It can't be stopped. Don't die with us." Adelaide told them sadly

He shook his head "No because someone told me just recently. They said I was going to die. They said he will knock four times, and I think I know what that means, and it doesn't mean right here, right now, because I don't hear anyone knocking, do you?" Morgana twisted her head as someone thumped three times on the bulkhead door

"Three knocks are all you're getting." Morgana snapped before electrifying the bulkhead

"Water and electricity, bad mix. Now then, what else have we got?" the Doctor questioned

"But there's no way to fight them," Adelaide argued

"Not so, heat will work Dearest" Morgana informed him, and he beamed

"Heat! They use water, so we can use heat, Morgana burnt them out, so can we. Works against the Ice Warriors, works against the Flood. Ramp up the environment controls and steam them." He said pleased

"But you said we die. For the future, for the human race." Adelaide pointed out baffled why they were helping her

He nodded and his eyes were different...power-hungry and Morgana rolled her lips "Yes because there are laws. There are Laws of Time. Once upon a time, there were people in charge of those laws, but they died. They all died. Do you know who that leaves? Me! It's taken me all these years to realise the Laws of Time are mine, and they will obey me!" he shouted as he flipped a lever and explosions occurred

"Environment controls are down. Sorry, Doctor, it looks like history's got other ideas." Adelaide said as Morgana observed, she would not help unless directly asked, she would step in if necessary, but he needed to figure it out for himself. He would not listen to her.

"I'm not beaten yet. I'll go outside, find the heat regulator." He said reaching out for his helmet, but it was damaged "Not beaten. Not beaten! You've got spacesuits in the next section."

"Doctor" she called flatly and pointed up to the ceiling where water was pouring through

He took no notice of her tone and continued to talk to himself "We're not just fighting the Flood; we're fighting time itself. And I'm going to win!"

"Something is happening to the glacier," Yuri warned as on the computer screen it began to crack

"Think-a think-a think-a think. What have we got? Not enough oxygen. Protein packs, useless. Glacier, glacier mints, minty, Monty, molto bene, bunny, bonny, bish bash bosh. Argh. The room, the room, look at the room. Section F. What's in Section F? Anyone!" he snapped at the room

"Nothing. It's just storage." Yuri replied tossing a pleading look at Morgana

"Storing what?" the Doctor asked

He shrugged "I don't know. Er, the weather spikes, the robots, the atom clamps."

"Atom clamps. Atom clamps? Who needs atom clamps? I love a funny robot." The Doctor commented as he opened a unit to reveal the little robot

"Gadget gadget." It chirped and the Doctor handed the robot something to hold

"You take that. Good boy." He praised as he slipped on the auto-remote gloves "Off we go then."

"Gadget gadget." The robot chirped as Adelaide pressed a button on the computer keyboard, the monitor lighting up with a warning

"Come on, come on!" he insisted as Gadget was steered through the fire and water

"Implementing Captain's protocol." The computer said

"Adelaide? What are you doing?" the Doctor asked cautiously

"Oh, my God. Action Five." Mia gasped

"If I have to fight you as well, then I will." The Doctor said in determination

"Nuclear device now active and primed." The computer said as a countdown started from 100

"Blast off!" the Doctor said as Gadget zoomed forward

"Gadget gadget," he said zooming forward

"Faster!" the Doctor hissed as the computer spoke, feeling the press of time

"Nuclear device entering the final process."

"Gadget gadget." The robot chirped as he raised the key to the lock

"And we're in! Ha, ha." The Doctor cried triumphantly as Morgana watched the countdown reach 43

"Gadget gadget." Gadget said as he set in the coordinates

23,22 she watched the countdown as the wind of a materialising Tardis filled the area. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Bowie Base One exploded, but they were safe in the TARDIS as it disappeared, rocking slightly due to the explosion.

"Isn't anyone going to thank me?" the Doctor questioned as they headed out of the TARDIS, Mia shell-shocked and terrified, Gadget shut down

"He's lost his signal. Doesn't know where he is." The Doctor mused thoughtfully

"That's my house," Adelaide said

"yes, we're back on Earth," Morgana told her quietly

"Don't you get it? This is the twenty-first of November 2059. It's the same day on Earth. And it's snowing. I love snow." He smiled happily

"What is that thing? It's bigger. I mean, it's bigger on the inside. Who the hell are you two?" Mia demanded before she turned and ran away, the situation too much for her

"Look after her," Adelaide instructed Yuri

"Yes, ma'am." He said before running after her

"You saved us," Adelaide stated

"Just think though. Your daughter, and your daughter's daughter, you can see them again. Family reunion." He beamed

"But I'm supposed to be dead." Adelaide pointed out looking at Morgana who nodded her head

"Not anymore." the Doctor denied

"But Susie, my granddaughter. The person she's supposed to become might never exist now." Adelaide said in worry

"Nah!" he shook his head dismissively "Captain Adelaide can inspire her face to face. Different details, but the story's the same."

"You can't know that. And if my family changes, the whole of history could change. The future of the human race. No one should have that much power." Adelaide said in horror

"it's a burden for us to bear" Morgana spoke quietly

"Tough." The Doctor replied shortly, shrugging his shoulders

"You should have left us there." Adelaide glared at them

"Adelaide, I've done this sort of thing before. In small ways, saved some little people, but never someone as important as you. Oh, I'm good." He said smugly not noticing the look of disgust Morgana had shot him

"little people?" she demanded, her Doctor found every life to be vital and important.

"Little people?" Adelaide echoed her "What, like Mia and Yuri? Who decides they're so unimportant? You?"

"For a long time now, I thought I was just a survivor, but I'm not. I'm the winner. That's who I am. The Time Lord Victorious." The Doctor declared

"And there's no one to stop you, not even your wife," Adelaide said glancing over at Morgana

He paused for a moment before declaring "No."

"This is wrong, Doctor. I don't care who you are. The Time Lord Victorious is wrong." She spat in disgust

"That's for me to decide. Now, you'd better get home. Oh, it's all locked up. You've been away. Still, that's easy." He dismissed pulling out his sonic and opening the front door "All yours."

"Is there nothing you can't do?" she wondered

"Not anymore." he declared, and Morgana watched him sadly

Adelaide looked at her before shaking her head and declaring "I don't care who you are. The Time Lord Victorious is wrong."

Adelaide headed inside, Morgana saw the gun she was holding as she closed the door, a shot sounding out a moment later and seeing the energy blast light up the window, the Doctor turned his head, his eyes distant as he saw the timeline changing.

"oh god, what have I done?" he questioned falling backwards, Morgana catching him, and she fell to her knees, arm wrapped around him

"realise now?" she asked, she wanted to be furious and disgusted with him...but, how could she? She'd done far worse

"Why didn't you stop me?" he moaned desperately

She sighed and brushed her fingers through his hair "I did try, Dearest" she reminded him gently before explaining herself "In the 1600's I got into it with a coven of witches, and they were dark- using expression, sacrificing children, that sort of thing...I got arrogant...and why wouldn't I? I was the undisputed top dog, still am but I was cocky, a neighbouring coven warned me. Elijah, Finn, Kol, Nico, Bekah...they all warned me to not underestimate them, but I did, I was a loose cannon and reckless...it was after the death of one of my children, Alfred, he'd decided on human life and it had been cut short. I'd shown mercy to someone I shouldn't have, and it came back to haunt me"

"What happened with the coven?" he asked already knowing the story of Alfred

"I underestimated them, and I got caught and they channelled me...used me to wipe out an entire village. Men and women, they'd insulted them somehow...My siblings had to rescue me" she said

"Why didn't they stop you?" he asked

"It was my responsibility to stop myself, my siblings are my support but they came to the decision to allow it because my arrogance was getting out of control, I was becoming tyrannical, they tried to be gentle and explain but I didn't listen they decided a reality check was the way to go and I got one, I'm still arrogant but I'm careful not to go that far but I have my siblings and you to pull me back, I always listen now.  You needed the reality check and I overindulge you; you wouldn't listen to me and I couldn't pull you back- you were frantic to save me. It had to be left to someone else, an outside influence to show you the bigger picture...I'm sorry I failed you...to my shame."

She sighed and gently pressed forwards, their minds meeting as she shared that memory with the Doctor, it was one of the worst things she had been through.

"Sister, you're not thinking clearly," Elijah told her as he quickly matched pace with her

"I'm thinking perfectly fine, brother" Morgana snapped angrily as she strode through the mansion set on her course

"We know that after Alfred- "Nico tried but she snarled at him

"DO NOT!" she shouted in warning pointing a clawed finger at him, rage and grief threatening to choke her she took a deep breath and controlled herself "they stole my son from me, I gave them warning and they ignored me! No more"

"Sister, you're travelling a dangerous path" Kol pointed out quietly and she laughed

"you? You dare lecture me about dangerous paths little brother? I'm the most powerful being in the world, I've been cowering, holding myself back what I need to do it strut" she smirked in amusement

"your powerful sister but don't let your arrogance blind you" Elijah beseeched she waved a hand dismissively

"as if I would, I'm fine" she rebutted

"you're ignoring us, ignoring your children, ignoring your duties. We all mourn the loss of Alfred and we will help you with revenge but your spiralling" Niklaus said

"what you're not understanding is I'm the Queen," Morgana said flitting forward and snapping her brother's neck's "and what I say goes" she informed their temporary dead bodies before stepping over them and flitting out the door.

"Now, I'm all for anarchy amongst the masses but challenging me? Harming one of mine?" Morgana questioned leisurely as she watched the ritual circle they had set up, she leant against the tree the dark night, hiding her apart from her glowing eyes

"we desired power, there is no wrong in that" the coven leader dismissed casting the coven eyes casting over the surrounding area

"there's wrong in how you've gone about it, I created this coven, helped your ancestors settle...protected you and this is how you repay me?" Morgana hissed in anger "children, innocent children and MY SON!" she flitted into the light of the bonfire, her rage racketing up when she saw the children tied to posts, waiting to be sacrificed, tears staining their faces.

"he was in the way, he tried to take the conduits from us, it could not be allowed, their souls were needed" the witch brushed off

"they aren't conduits! They are children, my brave, brave boy rescued and saved those children from a horrific fate but paid the ultimate price but now, now he will be avenged" she promised darkly

"we'll soon see about that" the mages replied unconcerned.

They should have been.

Her world fell into darkness as she snapped and lunged, hell-bent on vengeance and extracting a price for what they had done, she grunted feeling something odd taking over her, and their faces blurred, stumbling back she hissed in annoyance

"what are you doing? What magic is this?" she demanded sharply

"oh, you want revenge on the mages? We'll happily provide" a voice said, and she turned her head spotting the village ahead, that held the mages that had challenged her and harmed her child...

"Please don't hurt my sister! Kill me if you have to but not my little sister, please!" a voice cut through her murderous rage

"child?" she murmured softly, her clawed hands falling down to her sides, as she blinked unsure as to what had gone around, embers floated through the dark night, the village still on fire, the buildings like giant bonfires. Where were the witches? She needed...why was there a child? Did she harm them? His clothes were torn and dirty, but his arms had been flung out, his face stained with blood and tears, shielding his sister behind him as if he could really stop her if she so desired...for a brief moment, she considered it and then disgust rose in her. Too far, she'd gone too far...to even consider harming a child...

"Please don't hurt us lady" the little girl whimpered her eyes filled with tears

"sister" Elijah called, and she spun, her chest heaving as she tried to reorient herself

"Brother...what...what have I done?" she questioned in horror

"it's okay sister, I'm here we all are" Finn flitted next to her and gently coaxed her away, she allowed the memory to fade and left the Doctor's mind, meeting his eyes with understanding

"I understand power and its seductiveness, dearest" she reassured him

"no, it's my fault, I failed you I'm sorry I just wanted you safe and I got frantic and pushed too far- I couldn't lose you and I thought...thought if I stopped this then the prophecy wouldn't have mattered" he answered shamefully

"I'd go to the ends of the universe to keep you safe, Dearest I understand" she replied

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry I shouldn't expect you to fix everything for me," the Doctor said

"you can, I'm your wife, you can ALWAYS rely on me but sometimes...even I can't fix everything," she said mournfully they held hands as they stood, Morgana spun and spotted an Ood looking at them, she immediately slid in front of Dearest protectively

"I've gone too far. Is this it? My death? Is it time?" he asked, and Morgana tensed, prepared to protect him despite the warning she wouldn't be able to do anything but the Ood vanished, the Doctor pulled her into the TARDIS

"No," they whispered as the cloister bell tolled.


I don't own anything

Yea, not super happy with this episode and Morgana comes across as a little weak I suppose but ahhh she loves the Doctor and can't deny her loved ones, it's a strength and weakness for her plus she recognised the look in his eyes and knew she wouldn't get him to back down and that he had to deal with this himself.


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