Karry Chronicles

By bobjoetoes

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As the title suggests, a series of struggles Kara and Barry go through with raising a family. Filled with act... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

122 2 4
By bobjoetoes

Bella flopped onto Lili's couch with a sigh and hugged her knees to her chest, sobbing lightly. "I thought she was just going to let me see you for the fun of it, I don't want to have a talk with Barry. He's not my father," she said curling into a small ball. Lili went to one side of Bella and placed her head on her lap while Evan supported her feet.

"We can still have fun together, and maybe I won't take you to STAR Labs. Although, I might get more attention from mom if I did," Lili replied as she stroked Bella's hair softly, earning an elbow to the ribs.

"Mom loves us both the same. Well, she doesn't like me as much since she's always getting mad at me." Bella cuddled more into Lili and tried her best to melt into her sister. "I don't want to go to STAR Labs and I want to have fun with you."

"I would never want to go to STAR Labs since Cisco is always trying to tell me what I'm doing wrong. I am the 7th level intellect after all," Evan declared as he straightened his back and tried to look tough.

"We can go get potstickers or something and mom loves us the same. Evan, as cute as you are, it's not going to change the fact that Cisco always thinks his calculations are the right ones," Lili stated. She chuckled watching Evan and held the smile on her face when she saw Bella trying to melt into her. "Bel, I'm not a liquid."

Bella didn't respond and pushed into Lili further, Evan pulled both of them to him. "I would give you a vision of Luna being a liquid, but my powers don't work like that," he said hugging them tightly. Evan was the son of Brainy and Nia. He had inherited some dream abilities and was a 7th level intellect. Evan and Lili had met when they were younger in the DEO, Lili causing havoc in the cell area and Evan annoying DEO agents. They were the perfect partners in crime.

Lili glanced at Evan and gave him a stern look before facing Bella and giving her a warm smile "Let's head to Noonan's and then we can do some secret superhero stuff before lunch," she explained.

Bella nodded and stood up, "I don't have a suit, mom would know it's me. I could wear a black hoodie and cover my face with the hood but if she used her x-ray vision she would know." She moved her eyes down, staring at the floor.

"Actually, I might've made you one for your birthday, but now seems to be the perfect time to give it to you." Lili grinned and pulled out a lead lined suit, with a mask, from the closet. The suit was a one-piece with lead plates covering it except for jointed areas so that she would still be able to move freely. The fabric was black and the plates silver, like the Guardian suit. The mask was an improved version of the Star Lord mask that Bella had seen when watching Guardians of the Galaxy with Lili.

Bella grinned widely and hugged Lili tightly "I love it!" She exclaimed as she sped to the bathroom and changed using her speed. Bella came out seconds later dressed in the suit with the helmet off and pretended to be a model walking on a red carpet.

Lili watched Bella and laughed lightly "You can't wear it to get food, unless you expect me to buy it and bring it out to you, which I would never do. I'm not your servant."

"No, I can take it off," Bella said changing quickly back into her clothing and heading to the door. "Please can we fly there?" She asked almost jumping into the air already.

"We can, but we have to land in an alleyway and I have to carry Evan, so it's really up to him," Lili replied glancing towards her boyfriend.

"I love to fly with you babe," Evan practically hopped into Lili's arms when she held them out for him. Bella excitedly opened the sliding door at the back of the house and stepped onto the rough stones that littered the ground. She stuffed the suit Lili had made into her black backpack and took off into the bright blue sky.

Bella, Lili, and Evan had spent a few hours at Noonan's eating potstickers and talking. They had then spent an hour going on patrol and stopping small crimes such as bank robberies and cats stuck in trees. Bella had told Lili that she would go to her own little secret hideout for the rest of the day instead of heading to STAR Labs to see Barry.

She left using the same alleyway that she had landed in to leave the restaurant. Bella made sure to fly through the darker parts in town in order to avoid being spotted. Bella felt a small prick in her neck before she began to fall from the sky with her veins turning green. She landed on a nearby rooftop with a groan as she rolled to cushion her fall.

Bella laid on her back and looked around to spot five armoured men dressed in black walking towards her. She saw a tall, elderly woman with dirty blonde hair, and heels that clicked for every step she took. Bella recognized this woman as Lillian Luthor and noticed the CADMUS logo that was written on the armour of the men. She moved her body into a sitting position and scrambled to the edge of the roof and watched as some rocks fell into the abyss below.

Bella began to breathe heavily when Lillian walked closer to her as she was afraid of the alien hating organization the woman ran. The Luthor held Bella's chin in her long cold fingers to make the Danvers look at her and she relished in the fear that she inspired in Bella's eyes. "Welcome back to CADMUS," she whispered before one of her men hit Bella upside the head causing her to only see darkness.

Barry finished up his work at CCPD for the day before heading out of the department and into his car. He had a sparkling red Dodge with yellow rims on his tires because of his superhero status as the Flash. He hopped into the front seat, resting on soft leather, and pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.

Once reaching STAR Labs, Barry left his car and went straight for the lounge. He plopped onto one of the couches and tapped his leg impatiently as he waited for Bella to show up. The speedster checked his watch for the time and got worried when Bella didn't show. His gaze shifted across the room before laying eyes on Cisco who was busy checking out some devices in the corner of the lounge. "Cisco, do you know where Bella is?" He asked.

"She hasn't come here since Friday I think, are you waiting for her?" Cisco's brow furrowed as he put his attention on Barry instead of his gadgets.

"Lili was supposed to drop her off twenty minutes ago for us to talk. I'm sure she's just running a little late, I'll just check in with Lili," he said a little anxious.

Cisco turned back to what he was doing and Barry messaged Lili asking where Bella was. A couple minutes later he got a response saying that Bella had left hours ago and he immediately let the worry sink in. Barry stood up and did a quick run around the city to see if Bella was anywhere else, but she was nowhere to be seen.

He came back into STAR Labs and asked Caitlin and Cisco to run a search on Kryptonian frequencies, only to find Kara, Lili, and Clark. "Bella's missing..."

To be continued...

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