
Dall-kun द्वारा

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"Can you help me feel love?" He told her. Can he feel love? Can Honami Ichinose make him fall in love with he... अधिक

Sports Festival - Preparations
Sports Festival - Goal

A Future Choice

4.9K 147 231
Dall-kun द्वारा

~{ 4.1 - Fight On! }~

Airi ran off crying, with Haruka following behind her. I took a deep sigh, which Honami seemed to notice.

"Kiyotaka, are you okay?"

"Hm? Yeah, I just find these things troublesome."

"Do you not think your words are too harsh? I get that they were being unreasonable, but wouldn't to say you think nothing of her be harsh?"

"Airi needs to grow up, she became too infatuated with me, she only really opened up to me before the group came together. She needs to learn the harsh reality that not everything revolves around me, she joined the group because I was in it in the first place. She needs to learn to open up to others, without me. The only way to do that is for her to become disillusioned with me." I sighed once again. "Airi is like a bird who hatched from it's egg, it became free and experienced love for the first time in it's life. However, life isn't that simple. The bird has to overcome many challenges, it needs to learn how to fly, and it needs to learn how to survive in this cruel world."

This cruel world, a world where you kill or be killed. A weak baby bird that has hatched, cannot fly. At any moment in time, they can become prey to a hunter. A baby bird cannot always rely on it's mothers love, as they can fly off and abandon it to escape the hunter. They have to learn how to fly, how to be free and protect itself from it's hunters.

Airi, who is only depending on it's love for another, will not be able to protect itself from this world. She needs to move on from this love, and strengthen herself. This way she will be able to survive in this cruel world.

"Kiyotaka, are you having another internal monologue?" Honami started waving her hands in front of me, taking me out of a trance.

"Oh, yes I was."

"Okay, I'll let you finish then." I then started thinking again.

I, who has never experienced love, was able to survive by adapting myself quickly, I learnt to fly from the moment I was born. I was a white bird flying—but I wasn't free, I was trapped in a cage known as the White Room—the freedom that I have gained here, can make me finally make me fly, and open up to love, hopefully.

"Okay, I am done with my monologue."

"I bet you were having a monologue about being free or something."

"That's half of it I guess, how did you know?"

"You would always talk about being a normal student and having a peaceful life. From what I know, you had a bad past, and this school is like freedom to you, right?"

"I guess."

I unlocked the door to my room and we entered it.

"So, do you have anything you want to talk about?"

"Yeah, earlier, when we were at the ramen shop, Nagumo-senpai wanted me to break up with you."

"Ah, right. I'm aware of how Nagumo-senpai's... lusts after my body. The only one I would give my body up to is you." She covered her mouth in suprise. 

"Hoh? Is that so?" If I could, I would be giving off a smug smile right now.

"Ah! Um... You're hearing things, Kiyotaka! Ehehe..." She gave a nervous laugh. I could tease her even more, but I decided not too.

"Moving on, Nagumo-senpai is highly likely to do something behind the scenes, whether to my class or yours. Maybe both. I'd like for you to tell me if he does anything suspicious, even if it's a threat, I'll do something about it."

In fact, due to the humilliation I gave him earlier, he may end up making a move as early as tomorrow. The potential traitor within the class can be a spy for either three people: Nagumo-senpai, Sakayanagi or Ryuuen. 

If the traitor is a spy for Nagumo-senpai, it is likely to keep tabs on me after I defeated him during the Island Exam. The traitor could also be used to keep tabs on Honami and I's relationship, and use something against me to cause us to break up. Unfortunately for him, I am not dumb.

If the spy is from Sakayanagi, well she's probably just toying with them, knowing her. After all, she toyed with Yamauchi just because she was pushed by him once.

With Ryuuen, since he uses underhanded techniques, he may be using underhanded techniques and threatening people to spy on their own classes. Which means he may have spies in Honami's class as well. He may be planning something for a future exam.

"If you think he's going to do something, then he probably will... Knowing you, you could probably predict what people are going to do solely based off of their mental state."

"Nagumo-senpai is a person who takes pride in himself. Since I pratically humilliated him earlier, he would try to take revenge and expel me." Not to mention, I humilliated him on the island too.

"Eh?! Expel?!" Honami yelled.

"Yeah, Horikita-senpai suspected him to have expelled at least 7 people in his year. All of them relating to Nagumo-senpai in one way or another."

"Horikita-senpai? You were aqquainted with him?"

"Horikita-senpai is somebody I respect deeply. He asked me to defeat Nagumo-senpai in one way or another, which I am working against him."

"Are you going to be okay? Nagumo-senpai is the Student Council President after all."

"Yeah, I have absolute confidence that I can beat Nagumo-senpai."

"Fight on, Kiyotaka!"

"Uh... sure."

~{ 4.2 - Strategies }~

It was the final day of the cruise, Kiyotaka and I went on multiple dates within the past few days, it's only natrual to spend your vacations with the ones you love, right?

We were reaching the Tokyo Harbour, where the cruise is dropping us off. I was with my classmates who were discussing how we are going to move going forward.

"Ichinose-san, I think our best move here is to change our tactics. We have to treat the other classes as if they were our enemies. We should be wary of them and watch their every move. Class C's overwhelming win this exam should teach us this lesson." Kanzaki-kun told me.

"Yes, I agree with Kanzaki." Shibata replied, "In order to be able to beat the other classes, and secure our position, we should have to trust only those within our class. While unity may be our greatest weapon so far, we have to rely on other factors too."

"Ichinose-san, our unity and trust was our greatest power beforehand, however, that was the only weapon we had. We cannot know if another exam like the Class Poll will happen again. This exam put us into shambles before you gained the remaining points in exchange for helping Ryuuen." Kanzaki stopped to sigh before continuing. "I think that we should prioritze some students over the other, preferablly those with strong academic and physical abilities."

"Kanzaki-kun, I understand your point, but would that not make others feel less valuable?" I asked him.

"Yes, I do admit that there are downsides to this change in ideals, however, if we focus our powerhouses on special exams, we will be able to achieve higher results. On midterms and final exams, we could still use our unity, and study as a group." Kanzaki replied back, "Does anybody disagree with this plan?"

"Kanzaki-kun, lets take the paper shuffle exam for example. If we focused our powerhouses in groups to get higher results, the less academic capable ones would have failed." One of my classmates said.

"Yes, however, if needed, we can always adjust our strategies to fit those who are at risk, while still maintaining some of our powerhouses."

"Kanzaki-kun, I am in favour of your idea." I told him.

"Great. Glad to hear that."

I turned towards the rest of the class, "Mina-san, I think that I should no longer be the leader by myself. I think that instead of having Kanzaki-kun as a sub-leader, that we should become Co-Leaders."

"Ichinose-san, while I am not in disagreement, I do not think that is nessecary." Kanzaki-kun replied.

"Kanzaki-kun, I think I should be in charge of Class Affairs and Relations, along with helping out our classmates in need, while you become in charge of strategies for Special Exams."

Kanzaki-kun would not be affraid to use more underhanded methods, my plans usually include solving things fairly, which works out for all classes. Now that the point difference is less than thirty points between our class and Class D, solving things equally will not bring us good results.

"Very well then, Ichinose-san. I would also like to give the names of those I deem as powerhouses. I include myself, Ichinose-san and Shibata. Shibata, you will be a great asset when it comes to physical activities. Ichinose-san and I will become the strength when it comes to academic exams. I will also no longer hold back my grades, so Ichinose-san, I will rely on you to raise the averages of those in need."

"Got it," I turned back to the class "if anybody needs helps with their studies, just ask me!"

As I finished saying this, the voice of the Acting Director came on to the ship's speaker.

[Hello everybody. I would like to inform you that we have arrived at the Tokyo Harbour, please meet your teachers at the main lobby and follow them to the buses.]

"Ah, I guess our vacation is about to end. Let's go, everyone!" I yelled, and everybody started following me. Kanzaki-kun and Shibata-kun walked beside me.

"I'm glad you agreed with the plan, Ichinose-san." Kanzaki-kun said.

"It's for the sake of the class, we do need to change up our ways of doing things so we don't fall behind!" I said. "By the way, Kanzaki-kun, what made you suggest using powerhouses?"

"After Koenji from Class C took first place during the exam, I realized that not everything has to be done as a team. By focusing our strength on a few people rather than spreading it out, it can bring us higher results."

"I see, that makes sense."

"Oi, Ichinose-san, I've been meaning to ask you something." Shibata-kun called out to me.

"Hm? What is it Shibata-kun?"

"How's things going with Ayanokouji? Did he do anything to you yet?" He said with a mischivous grin.

"E-eh? N-no, of course not. We only started dating this week after all."

"Is that so? Make sure you can survive the T-Rex then. Better start preparring yourself." He replied back, still, what is the T-Rex?

"Shibata-kun, what is the T-Rex?"

"Ohoh, I'm not saying anything! You're better off asking the king himself."

"Shibata, that's highly inappropirate to suggest to Ichinose-san." Kanzaki-kun said.

"Eh? What's inappropirate?" I asked, I'm still confused.

"Nothing." He averted his eyes, he's lying.

"Jeez, I'll just ask Kiyotaka then." Shibata-kun started grinning harder, while Kanzaki-kun was trying to hold his laughter. Seriously, what's with these two? Now I'm even more curious. 

Shibata then whispered into Kanzaki's ears, to which Kanzaki nodded back too. Shibata's grin grew even wider and he whispered into my ears.

"Seduce Ayanokouji and you'll find out what the T-Rex is."  W-what? 

~{ 4.3 - Confrontation }~

We were in the main lobby of the cruise, where we were seperated by classes. I was currently standing beside Horikita and Sudou, which we were the first to arrive. Chabashira-sensei was standing in front of us, waiting for everyone else to arrive.

I saw Honami's Class walk in as a group, she was yelling at Kanzaki and Shibata for some reason, which they were both averting their eyes. Shibata then whispered something to Honami, which she then turned red. Then she looked at me with a look of lust. Oh no.

"Oi, Ayanokouji, what's up?" Sudou asked me.

"..." Why is Honami looking at me like that?

"Ayanokouji-kun, my dog is asking you something." Horikita stabbed me with a compass. I mean I guess it's my fault for telling her a pain stimulator will bring someone out of a trance.

"Eh, what is it Sudou?"

"Er... You just looked like you were thinking of something. Do you think something is going to happen?"

"Oh yes. I think something is going to happen to me." Yup, Hornynami is drooling, I better lock my doors.

"Seriously? Ayanokouji-kun, are you going to be alright?" Horikita asked me with a slight look of worry.

"Yup, I just have to lock my door at night." They looked at me with confusion.

Eventually everyone arrived and we started walking towards the harbour. We got off the ship and I immediately noticed that there were only eleven buses instead of twelve. There is usually one for each class. I noticed Chabashira-sensei and Hoshinomiya-sensei talking to the acting director.

After two minutes, she came back. She took a deep sigh before talking.

"Class C's bus is late for an unknown reason. We are forced to stay here until those busses arrive." Sus. 

Kei told me that I was being sus once, she told me it meant suspicious. I thinks it's what people say nowadays.

Mere minutes later, the rest of the classes already took off on their buses, except for Class B's for an unknown reason. Our class was very confused on what was going on, but I had a rough idea what was going to happen. Since this is not on campus, that man could reach me, especially with Tsukishiro under his command. Since Class B is still here, I can assume he will also come into contact with Honami. 

I saw Tsukishiro approach Honami, which she started following him. He glanced at me quickly, telling me to follow along.

"Sorry, I'm just going to check something out." I told Horikita

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Who knows?"

"Of course that's what you would say. Don't take too long, you might miss the bus."

"I won't." 

I caught up to Honami and we reached the security office, where I noticed all of the cameras were shut off. The office was also devoid of people, who were probably told that they have the rest of the day off or something. Or they are dead, highly unlikely though.

We eventually reached the break room, where I noticed two of his men standing outside, they were both holding assault riffles. In the middle of the room, was two chairs and a sofa. That man was sitting on the chair, while Tsukishiro took a seat on the one next to him.

"Take a seat, Ichinose, Kiyotaka."

Honami sat down on the sofa with a nervous expression, while I sat down beside her.

"Umm... I don't mean to be rude... But may I ask who you are, sir?"

"I am Kiyotaka's father. Just refer to me as Ayanokouji-sensei, if you will."

"F-Father?!" She yelled. "Umm... I hope you can accept our relationship!"

"What an interesting girl. Unfortunately for you, I cannot do that." He replied.

"Please just wrap this up, I want to go sleep." On Honami's thighs of course.

"Hm. Tsukishiro told me you got a girlfriend this week, I got interested, but I'm confident, you don't love her, do you?" He asked me.

"No, you're right, I don't love her."

"As I thought. You haven't experienced love at all in the first place, have you? You couldn't possibly feel love in the White Room, could you?" Did he intend on revealing the White Room?

"White... Room?" Honami muttered.

"Tsukishiro told me that you heard the words White Room during this stupid game of his. That reminds me..." He got up and punched Tsukishiro in the face. We heard a crack as his nose broke, he was punched multiple times in the face, eventually, he was knocked unconscious. He ended up having a broken jaw, a black eye and a broken nose. Nice.

"A-Acting D-Director?!" Honami yelled.

"Tch, that's what this incompetent fool deserves. Nobody in the public should know anything about the White Room."

"W-Wait, Ayanokouji-sensei... If nobody is supposed to know about it... What, what are you going to do to me?"

"Unfortunately, I cannot kill you. I do not know if Kiyotaka gained people he cares about or not, if I were to harm those he cares about, I could not tell if he would take revenge on me or not. I also cannot kill you because I was clearly seen on footage when I entered here. I would be a suspect." Even though he has a lot of power, he cannot control places directly owned by the government, which the Harbour is, he can only do so much.

"K-Kiyotaka, w-would my family be in trouble?" She asked while crying.

"Ichinose, I came here to give you a warning. Do not speak a single word about the White Room to anybody. Do that, and I will make your friends and family suffer." He sighed before continuing, "Kiyotaka, the white roomers I sent after you, I know they cannot expel you. You are the masterpiece of the White Room after all. Such beings are lowlives compared to you. However, you better return to the White Room, I will make you come back as soon as possible."

"I have no intentions of returning to the White Room as of now. I wish to enjoy my limited freedom to it's fullest."

"I see. Struggle as hard as you can then, right now, you are acting like the lowlives that you are surrounded by. If you wish to preserve that limited peaceful life of yours, you will have to sacrifice your peaceful life in order to save that peaceful life. If you are going to be this stubburn, I will just have to expend more resources."

"I already gave up on that a long time ago. I just wish to enjoy my freedom."

"I see, your bus will arrive in ten minutes, discuss what you wish while you can. I expect you to give up on your dreams and return, Kiyotaka."

He then left, leaving Honami and I in the room alone. With an unconsious Tsukishiro. I could beat him up right now since the security cameras are disabled. But I won't do that, since Honami will probably get scared.

~{ 4.4 - Temporary Peace }~

As I expected, the so called, White Room had something to do with Kiyotaka's past, and the fact that even this little knowledge that I have, is forbidden to the public eye. I was still crying, as I realize, my friends aren't completely safe, my family isn't completely safe, Kiyotaka isn't safe, and I am not safe as well. Even the smallest slip of the tounge can put the people around me in danger. I have also come to realize: Kiyotaka will have to return to that place after graduation.

"K-Kiyotaka... W-What is the White Room really?"

"..." He stayed silent.

"K-Kiyotaka, i-if you ever need support, I-I'll always be here for you..." 

"... Thank you Honami. I can't open up to you about it. Maybe if in the future, if I ever fall in love with you, maybe I will open up to you. I'm honestly suprised that you even learnt of the name. But for now, please do not pry into my life, and please fulfill this request of mine."

"W-what request?"

"Please, for the next year and a half, please stay by my side and lend me your support. Fulfill your duty to me, teach me love, and love me in return."

"K-Kiyotaka... Y-you know I won't ever abandon you right?"


I wiped my tears and put a smile back on my face.

"I'll stay by your side, for however long you want. If you ever decide to stay with me for the rest of our lives, and risk our lives together, I will gladly do it. I just love you that much Kiyotaka."

"I know."

He embraced me into a hug and held me, embracing me with his warm body, but against his cold heart. I put my hands on his chest and gripped his shirt, and dug my head into his chest.

He then let go of me, and reached his hand out to me.

"My bus should be arriving soon, we should go, Honami."

 I grabbed his hand and we started walking back hand in hand. When we got to the bus stop, I realized my class was gone.

"Eh? Where's my class?"

"Oh, Ichinose. Tsukishiro told us that he had matters with you and Ayanokouji. Your class went ahead of you. He said to have you on our bus." Chabashira-sensei said.

"Oh, is that so..."

Chabashira-sensei turned to the rest of Kiyotaka's class and started giving instructions, "Please get into pairs and wait for instructions regarding seating."

"Kiyotaka, want to sit with me?" I turned to him.

"Sure. I'm fine with it." 

Everybody started making pairs, I noticed some notable pairs, including Ike-kun and Shinohara-san. I heard that they were dating, but that seems highly unlikely, considering Ike-kun's personality. You can't believe all rumours, right?

Wait! But why are they holding hands?! Are they actually going out?! I kind of want to confirm this, if they are, Kiyotaka and I aren't the only couple in his class.

"Oi! Shinohara-san!" I went up to them and greeted them, Kiyotaka followed behind me.

"Oh, Ichinose-san. Hello." She replied back.

"Are you two perhaps going out?"

"Hehe... Yes we got together during the cruise ship." Ike-kun said.

"Oh! Congratulations, Shinohara-san, Ike-kun!" I said.

"We were honestly suprised when we found out you were going out with Ayanokouji, I honestly didn't think much of him before, but who would have thought he was the shadow leader?" Ike-kun said.

"Eh?! Kiyotaka you're the shadow leader? I mean, I always thought you were an amazing person but that's so cool!"

"Nothing special, I guess." He responded back, making me pout.

"Honestly, sometimes you're too modest."

"I guess so." 

"Eh... You didn't know he was the shadow leader?" Shinohara-san asked me.

"No, well I had my suspicions because Kiyotaka is such a great person, but he concealed himself well, don't you think?"

"Yeah, none of us had any suspicions until Horikita-san revealed it." Ike-kun said.

We continued talking until all of the pairs were formed. I noticed Sudou yelling for some reason, and Horikita standing beside him, looked, well, bitter. Were they perhaps seating together?

"I will call you in alphabetical order by last name. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and your partner, please sit at the back of the bus and to your left." I followed Kiyotaka to the back of the bus, and it took around five minutes for everyone to board the bus.

Eventually, the bus started moving, I noticed Kiyotaka was already asleep. Kiyotaka was a mystery to me, to basically anyone. He has skills beyond most people's comprehension, and his calmness and maturity, beyond any level of a teenager. This, White Room, whatever it is, I'm sure it has to do with the mystery behind him. However, this so called White Room, is even more mysterious than Kiyotaka himself.

I leaned my head on Kiyotaka's shoulder and closed my eyes. My final thoughts before I fell asleep were:

I will do anything in my power to protect Kiyotaka's place at ANHS, I will make him enjoy his time here to it's fullest. I will protect our temporary peace.

~{  4.5 - A Future Choice }~

It's the last week of summer vacation, Honami and I have plans for today, as the fortune teller, the same one as last year, is having another session here this week. I told Honami about how accurate the fortune teller was last year, and she wanted to give it a try. 

We are currently in the line outside Keyaki Mall, the lines were long, almost longer than last year. In my peripheral vision, I noticed Ike and Shinohara, who were probably getting their fortune told on romance. I also noticed Ibuki and Ishizaki, who both looked bitter. I started listening in on their conversation.

"Ibuki-san, why do I have to come here with you?!" Ishizaki yelled. He then got his balls kicked by Ibuki. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!"

"Shut up you pig! Only couples are allowed here, and I want my fortune read!" Ibuki yelled back.

"Why can't you just ask Ayanokouji-san? You have a crush on him don't you?" Eh? Really?

"W-Why would I have a crush on that guy! He also has a girlfriend you know?!" I guess she doesn't. I mean, I did beat her up so why would she like me?

I stopped listening on their conversation and turned to Honami.

"Honami, are you looking to get your fortune for something in particular?"

"I want to know what my fortune in romance is, what about you?"

"Probably anything in general."

"I see, I wonder what you get."

"I came here last year and I apparently have horrible luck."

"I see, I wonder what she is going to say this time."

Eventually, after almost thirty minutes of waiting, it was our turn to go next, we went inside and the lady recognized me.

"Oh my, if it isn't the holder of the fate tenchuusatsu! I welcome you."

"Good afternoon." I said.

"Good afternoon, miss." Honami said while bowing.

"So, young miss, what type of fortune would you like to be read? It can be academics, career, love life or anything you would like."

"I think I would like to stick to the basic plan, if I may." Honami said.

"Same here. I'll go with basic plan." I said.

"Before we start, I would ask of you to both pay 5,000 Private Points."

We took out our Student ID card's and swiped it in the machine. She then asked Honami to put out her hands. The lady then started doing a palm reading.

"Young girl, it seems that you have a very long lifeline, one that you can look forward too. You bring happiness to those around you, as you contain a heart of gold. Your school life will be one of struggles, one that will require you to make hard decisions. But in the end, they will pay off." The fortune teller stopped for a moment before continuing, "Oh my, it seems you have fallen deeply in love with the young man here, you are determined to make him as happy as you possibly can." Seems accurate so far.

"Your future with him is all dependant on a choice that you make on that fateful day. I shall warn you to make the right decision, as you are not a selfish being, and one that wants to bring happiness to everyone around you, on that fateful day, you will have to make a choice, one that does not include the opinions of others, but only your own." She finished off with this prophecy.

"Thank you very much." Honami finished. I wonder what that fateful day means.

"Now for you, young man." I put out my palm to allow her to read it.

"It seems you have taken my words from last year seriously, you no longer act pessimistic nor do you act like you are in a comedy anymore. Although you act somewhat comedic sometimes." Are you referring to my other side? Hornykouji?

"Your academic strength is something not to be taken lightly, even you yourself underestimate it. Your potential is not finite. In other words, it will grow, and keep growing. Your career in the future is up to you." She took a breath before continuing.

"As the holder of the fate tenchuusatsu, your life is dependant upon yourself. However, on this path you are currently on, you will not live for much longer. If you ever decide to face your dark past, and return to it, you will be overcome by eternal despair. Not only will you strip yourself of this limited freedom you have here, you will strip yourself of the right to live. You will die."

"..." Her face brightened up after touching a certain part of my palm. "Young lady, may I request that you leave for a second? You cannot know of what I am about to tell him."

"Okay..." Honami then left the room and went outside.

"Young man, regarding your love life moving forward..."

4768 Words

Authors Notes:

I am here with another chapter, yay. I had Ayanopapa in this chapter because I felt that it would be a good way to strengthen Honami's will to keep on fighting, and to make Kiyotaka as human as possible. Now that she met his father, she now knows that Kiyotaka won't be able to learn to be human anywhere else, only at ANHS, so she's going to do everything in her power to make him human before he leaves to the White Room. 

I also felt it was necessary to do the Fortune Telling, as in Volume 4.5, it made Kiyotaka not act forced anymore. I thought it was a good way to develop his motives, I'm not going to say what happen on the fateful day the story was talking about, but this fortune telling section is necessary for what is going to happen moving forward.

Say goodbye to Tsukishiro lol. 

Oh yeah, bonus section below. (Non-Canon to fanfic, only read if you are a degenerate like me.)

~{ ??? - The Cum Room }~

I, Ike Kanji is on a date with my very ugly girlfriend Shinohara Satsuki. However, she will make a great sex slave when she grows up. As expected of the rumoured prostitute, right?

Why do I talk about my girlfriend like this, you may ask? Because, I am horny as fuck right now. Why am I horny? Well it's all thanks to the Cum Room. 

The Cum Room is a instituion created by my father, who's occupation is a gigolo. He is a very horny man and fucks basically anything. He fucks his wife, he fucks his neighbours, he fucks random women on the street, he even fucked me one time. 

Back to the Cum Room, it was a institute created to bring out to innate horniness in a boy. From a very young age, at the age of four, I was exposed to pornography, and real nude women. When I reached the age of six, I was taught to stroke my one inch punisher and at the age of eleven, I was finally able to ejaculate. 

However, I am still a virgin, I was always exposed to nude women growing up, but I was not able to fuck them. I was always forced to masturbate.

The reason I am so good at communicating is because I was always trying to flirt with the women, in an attempt to make them steal my virginity in the Cum Room.

I escaped the Cum Room and entered ANHS to find a solution to my virginity. When I introduced myself, I said I loved girls, with the intention of seducing them.

Shinohara Satsuki makes the perfect tool to solve my virginity because she is allegedly a former prostitute, so I am seducing her so I don't have to pay to have sex with her. As expected of the Horny Boii, right?

We are currently at the fortune teller, who told Shinohara that she is in luck with me. I then reached out my hands to her, the fortune teller told me the following:

"Oh my! You are the holder of the one inch punisher! Your innate horniness is able to attract the most down bad of them all!"

I then fucked Shinohara and the Fortune Teller on the table.

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