oh, shit // bnha

By elisimone_

150K 6.9K 3K

imagine how embarrassing it would be to fall into a classroom full of 16 year-olds in your pajamas ? eli is j... More



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By elisimone_




It was late, maybe 3 am when Aizawa woke up. His arms were still wrapped around his husband who still had tear streaks on his face making Aizawa sigh a bit. With a little difficulty, he removed his arms from around him and got up. 

He rubbed his face tiredly, thinking back to Eli's case file before he walked into the bathroom. With a huff, he used the bathroom and washed his hands, looking into the mirror to see his eyes a bit redder than usual. 

"Shit," he muttered. 

He washed his face a bit and blinked his eyes rapidly. He didn't know what to do, like at all. Eli was different than Hitoshi and granted he had some experience when it came to panic attacks and depressive episodes, his thoughts were still jumbled. 

Granted, their situations were similar, from the foster home hopping to the several counts of physical and mental abuse. The only thing was, Eli was older and from an entirely different time period. 

How was he supposed to deal with this?

He gripped the bathroom counter tightly, still conflicted, not even noticing when his husband had walked in behind him to wrap his arms around his middle. His racing thoughts calmed a bit as Hizashi gave him a small kiss on the cheek and an encouraging smile through his puffy red eyes. 

"Principal Nezu said she's been cleared of all suspicion," Hizashi reminded him, Aizawa opening his eyes to look at him with curious eyes. 

"And what does that mean?" Aizawa asked. 

"It means we don't have to focus on that anymore. We can just focus on Hitoshi and Eli, it'll be like having another kid," Hizashi said, a small smile playing on his lips. With a sigh, Aizawa nodded, making his husband chuckle as Hizashi leaned forward and kissed his forehead. 

"C'mon, let's go check on your problem children," Hizashi said, letting go of him to take his hand instead, chuckling as his rolling eyes before leading him out of the bathroom and into their bedroom where they left to the hallway. 

They went to Hitoshi's room and found an overwhelmingly adorable sight. 

Leaned against the headboard, Eli was asleep along with Hitoshi who had his head on her shoulder. One of her wings was wrapped around him as they slept and in her lap was Cinnamon. Fog laid in the middle of them and Espresso was curled up and held by Hitoshi. 

Aizawa smiled a bit at the sight, and Hizashi peered up at him with a wide grin on his lips, wrapping an arm around his torso as he sneakily got out his phone to snap a photo. Aizawa chuckled quietly, wrapping his arm around his husband's shoulders. 

They closed the door quietly before retreating back to their room. 




The next day Eli walked beside Aizawa in the hallway in the morning. Today she wore a black long sleeve button-up blouse, a plaid dark green and black pleated skirt, and white converse.   

"Hizashi will be there shortly, and I have to go talk to Principal Nezu," Aizawa explained. 

Eli fidgeted a bit and tightened her hold on the notebook and clipboard she had in her arms, Noticing this, Aizawa stopped his walking and turned to her, lifting his hand to pat her on the head. 

"You'll be fine, those kids are harmless," Aizawa reassured, even giving her a small smile which made her eyes widen a bit as she nodded. 

'Jesus, a little positive affirmation and she seems to be okay,' Aizawa thought idly. 

'I swear, if that Bakugo mothafucka starts some shit with me today, I might start yelling,' she thought grimly. 

"What do I do during lunch?" she asked. 

"Well, Hitoshi will be there, so you can find him or you can go to the teachers' lounge. The cafeteria isn't hard to find, and I'm sure you can just ask or follow one of the students. Just tell Lunch Rush your name and he'll know," he told her.

"O-okay," she answered with a small determined nod. 

"Go on," he told her. 

With that, Aizawa walked away, leaving her standing in front of the Class 1A door. She took a breath and tightened her hold on her things before she nodded to herself and slid open the door.

All eyes were on her in an instant. 

Trying to ignore them, Eli went and settled herself at the desk to the side, sitting down quietly. She adjusted her glasses and looked down at her notebook trying to think of what would happen next in her train track story. 

She decided that she needed to get back into writing mystery/thrillers, but she didn't want to abandon it like the countless other writing projects she had back home. So, she stared at the page, hoping that some idea would just pop into her head like they usually did.

'God I need a blunt,' she sighed in her head. 

"Excuse me?" called someone. 

Eli almost jumped 10 feet in the air when she heard the voice, her feathers puffing up in surprise as she looked up to see almost the entire class looking at her and standing around the little desk she sat at. 

"U-uh, yes?" she said, looking at them with curious eyes, desperately trying to hide the anxiety she felt from the presence. 

"Flower-sensei, we thought it'd be best to properly introduce ourselves since many didn't really get the chance to speak with you the other day," Yaoyorozu said politely. 

"Oh, oh, okay!" Eli said suddenly feeling a lot better, standing up in front of her seat.

'I thought these motherfuckers were about to murder me, oh dear gods,' Eli said in her mind. 

"Well, I'm Eli, b-but I'm sure you guys know that. You can just call me Eli, or Flower, or... whatever you want, no sensei please," Eli said nervously, playing with her fingers a bit. 

"Right, my apologies for my forgetfulness Flower-san," Yaoyorozu said with a small bow of her head making Eli bring her hands up and wave them frantically. 

"N-no, it's fine. It's just that I don't have a teaching degree, plus I'm only 18, so I'm really close to you guys' age so I think it'd be a little weird to call me that," Eli said, giving a nervous laugh as she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. 

"Close to our age you say?!" an excited voice said, and suddenly that Mineta kid was standing beside her. 

"So..." he started, taking a step towards her with a flirty look in his eye. 

Eli's lips curled up in a sneer as she crossed her arms and stared down at the little guy. 

"For your own safety, please take a couple of steps back because if I'm being honest with you, my moral compass is not the best," she said, giving the little guy a fierce glare. 

"W-what's that's supposed to mean?" Mineta stuttered out, fear coursing through his body at the glare she was giving him. 

'It means I will fucking murder you and not care who sees,' Eli's mind raged. 

"What do you think it means?" she asked, quirking an eyebrow up as she kept her glare up.

Seeing him inch away from her, she turned back to the student, and her timid nature reappeared, making her smile at them nervously.  

"Hello Flower-san, my name is Tenya Iida, I look forward to working with you this semester," Iida said, doing some choppy hand gestures during his introduction making Eli's eyes widen a bit. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Iida," Eli said, giving him a small smile. 

"So, are we going to ask this extra how she fell out of the ceiling or what?" said the gruff voice of Bakugo. 

'Did he just call me a fucking extra? Chop his arms off and see how he does without any extra limbs then!' Eli's mind rage once more.

"Bakugo right? Well, I'm not really too sure myself, I kinda just splat," she said gesturing to the spot where she landed in front of the podium. 

"What kind of damn explanation is that!?" Bakugo kind of exploded. 

"Well, uh-uhm, mine?" Eli said with a shrug of her shoulders as she let out a small timid laugh. He glared at her harshly, making her inch back a bit. 

Unknowingly, her feathers ruffled, and the skin on her neck raised. She had a gammy feeling in her mouth and she could've sworn that she felt her body lurch forward towards him, but when she came back she still stood where she did. 

"K-kacchan, you shouldn't say that!" said a similarly timid voice, Midoriya appearing behind him. 

"Don't tell me what to say you damn nerd!" growled Bakugo, training his glare at Midoriya now. 

'I thought this kid just made explosions, how in the holy hell is growling right now?' Eli pondered in her mind. 

"Midoriya's right Bakugo, she is our TA after all," said a slightly cheery voice, revealing a guy with blonde hair and a lightning strike doing through his head.

"Hey, you're Kaminari right?" Eli asked, taking a step forward as she looked at him. 

"Call me Denki!" Kaminari said with a bright smile, making Eli have to squint a bit. 

"Well, alright, it's nice meeting you Denki," she said with a bright smile of her own, effectively blinding the classroom. 

"Oh, oh, call me Mina then!" said the pink Ashido girl from the day before. 

"I believe I've already met you, but it's nice seeing you again Mina," Eli said with a small smile. 

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka, good morning Flower-senpai," the coconut head girl with blushy cheeks named Uraraka said. 

"I'm Kirishima!" said a red-headed boy with shark teeth, making Eli's eyes widen as she saw his cheek, unconsciously running her tongue against her teeth to feel the points at the end. 

"I know most of your names, Mr.Aizawa told me to memorize them, b-but if you'd prefer me to call you anything else y-you can just tell me," Eli said, her head already spinning from the 2 kids that'd introduced themselves. 

"Hm, call me Tsu then," said Asui, a frog girl with her tongue out and a gentle smile. 

'Frogs are so fucking cute, oh my god,' Eli gushed in her head. 

"I-if you don't mind me asking F-Flower-san, but what's your Quirk? I-I noticed you didn't have it when you first got here so I-I was wondering what it was?" Midoriya asked nervously, his hands fidgeting making Eli smile at the familiar behavior gently. 

"I'm actually not too sure about that. I guess you could call me... a very late bloomer," Eli said giving him an awkward thumbs up. 

"So! Are you trying to be a hero too?!" Mina asked, suddenly very close to her making her eyes widen as she looked at the shorter girl. 

"I don't really know. I'm thinking about it, b-but maybe?" Eli answered, even if it sounded a lot more like a question in itself. 

Suddenly the door opened, revealing Hizashi, making Eli breathe a sigh of relief as the kids returned to their seats and their lessons began. She sat quietly, writing some notes down for her little story before, and graded some homework Hizashi told her to. 

'Damn, these kids already have homework?!' Eli thought as she looked through the homework. 

Their classes went on, and eventually, lunch came and Eli decided to follow the students to the cafeteria where she followed them to a lunch line and waited patiently, trying her hardest not to pay attention to the stares she was getting. 

'I am the only person in here without a uniform... and the wings may be an eyesore,' she pondered in her head

When she got to the front of the line, she did as Aizawa told her and told 'Lunch Rush' her name and told him she didn't mind what the food was. Holding the tray of food in her hands, her eyes scowered the cafeteria for the familiar tuff of purple hair, spotting Hitoshi sitting off to the side sitting on his own. 

With a small smile, and trying to (and failing) ignore her hyperawareness of the looks she was getting, she quickly made her way over to Hitoshi, sighing as she sat beside him at the table. 

"Well hello to you too," Hitoshi said, covering his chuckle with his hand. 

"Hey," she said giving him a smile before she broke her wooden chopsticks. 

"You know, usually I like to blend into the crowd, but right now you are drawing a lot of attention," Hitoshi said, taking a bite of white rice with a playful smile on his lips. 

"Well, it's not like I'm attempting to!" Eli grumbled as she sighed, her hand fidgeting a bit making her set down her chopsticks. 

"Eli look at you, it's not like you have to try," he said pointing at her making her eyebrows furrow.  She rolled her eyes as she sighed. 

"You'd think in a world where a girl is literally pink and another one is fucking invisible they'd have better things to look at," she grumbled again, before shoving some of the chicken in her bowl in her mouth. 

"Well your wingspan is not something people can necessarily ignore, and you have on normal clothes," he pointed out. 

"That joke was very unfunny," she said with a small glare pointed his way. 

"I thought it was funny," Hitoshi replied, sporting a knowing grin. 

"You find everything that's inconveniencing to me funny. You're not funny, you're a jackass," she retorted as she pointed a finger at him. 

Hitoshi chuckled at her before going back to his food, and they ate in silence, throwing banter around from time to time. 




Eli stood in an almost empty gym with Aizawa and Hizashi, wearing the school gym uniform. 

"While the kids are doing their own hero training, you will doing ours, to see to the extent of your fighting capabilities, and how to utilize it with the addition of your Quirk," Aizawa explained. 

"Wait, a-am I becoming a hero? Is that what we're doing?" Eli asked, sliding her glasses off her face to sit them on a nearby bench. 

"Well, if that's what you want little listener, but for now this is so you can get the most out of your Quirk," Hizashi explained. 

"Um, okay," she said nodding a bit before she adjusted the gym pants and nodded. 

She could feel the competitive nature in her whirring, having not fought in a while after she went off to college. She worked out a bit here and there to keep her body fit and even did some training, but never as much as Ren used to make her do. 

She felt her feathers ruffle behind her, an eagerness to them. 

She still had it, and she knew she did. 

"Let me explain before we get started. Hizashi will play the victim and your goal is to get to him. I will play the villain in this scenario, just to let you know, I will be using my capture scarf," Aizawa explained. 

Eli nodded, before she went over to the side of the gym, squinting her eyes a bit at the blurry image. Since her sight wasn't the greatest, she had to rely on her other senses, for the most part, hearing, and feeling the world around her. 

"Are you ready listener?!" Hizashi asked in a comically loud voice. 

She gave a small chuckle before her body positioned itself in a familiar fighting position. Her feet stood apart with one arm up and one arm down, having to keep her fists open because of the nails. 

'This will be troublesome,' she thought idly before turning her attention back to the situation at hand. 

She flexed her fingers, trying to get a grip on how to punch without closing her entire fist. 

"I'm ready," she said. 

Aizawa flew towards her, not bothering to use his Quirk since he knew he couldn't turn off Mutant-Type Quirks.

Eli's eyes hardened, and the anxiety she felt in her body seemed to melt away as she readied herself. 

Aizawa came in with his foot swinging, headed straight for her head. She dodged, going under it before she raised her leg to kick him in the back. The scarves wrapped around her leg quickly, and she was almost thrown to the ground. 

With a grunt, she landed on her hands, spinning to further wrap the scarves around her leg before she flipped backward and stomped her foot to the ground, wrapping her hands around the capture weapon tightly before she pulled him towards her. 

With a grunt, he dug his shoes into the ground to stop himself from being pulled towards her, but her teeth clenched and the slits in her eyes seemed to shrink even further. She grunted, giving a hard tug on the scarf, and Aizawa lost his footing. 

Her fist raised, half clenched as she went to deliver a punch to his face, but he blocked it with his fist before quickly unraveling the scarf from her leg making her stumble, but she caught herself, deflecting a kick along the way. 

Her eyes widened a bit as she began to see him more clearly, but she couldn't pay attention to that as she blocked another punch, missing the kick towards the back of her legs. 

She stumbled, falling to her knees, managing to dodge a punch towards her face. She hastily scoot backwards, dodging kicks and advances before she grew irritated with herself. 

'Get UP!' her mind yelled. 

Eli let out a weird noise as she raised a hand to catch the capture weapon that was coming towards her. Aizawa huffed, pulling it away from her, and Eli used this to get to her feet quicker before she advanced herself. 

She dodged the weapon to the best of her ability, but it wasn't enough as she found her arm wrapped up in it. She grunted, slamming one of her feet in the ground as she grabbed the scarf and pulled with all her might, and that all it took for Aizawa to lurch towards her. 

He positioned himself to land on his hand, dodging the punch she sent his way, only for him to receive a hard solid kick to his stomach.

Aizawa flew back and hit the wall making Eli let out a shriek, and her blurry vision returned as she ran over to his slumped form along with Hizashi. 

"Mr.-Mr.Aizawa!? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kick you that hard, I didn't know that, that was going to happen! S-should I take you to Recovery Girl!? I'm sorry!" she rambled on as she looked at him with shakey hands. 

"Kid!" Aizawa yelled, shutting her up, but still, she looked at him with even more blurry vision as tears pricked her eyes. 

"I'm fine," he reassured her, sitting up straighter with his hand and arm wrapped around his middle. 

"I'm sorry," she said softly, her hands unintentionally clenching together in fists, not even wincing at the pain in her palms from her nails digging into them. 

Hizashi patted her head with a sigh and an encouraging smile. 

"You really are fit to be a hero," Hizashi said with a chuckle, making her quirk an eyebrow as she stared at him with curious eyes. 

"B-but-" Hizashi cut her off. 

"You immediately went to see if he was okay. Even if he was a villain in this scenario, you knew you didn't mean to hurt him like that, and technically I was fine," Hizashi explained, but Aizawa huffed. 

"Though, in a real situation, you should've immediately gone to Hizashi," Aizawa grunted out, still clearly in a lot of pain. 

"I-I can take you to Recovery Girl if you want," she suggested, and he shook his head. 

"It's fine, go change back, we'll find you after," Aizawa told her, and hesitantly nodded before she stood up and went to grab her glasses before going to change. 

Aizawa did end up going to Recovery Girl. 

He had 3 broken ribs. 




3364 words. 

i'm sorry, i simply can not write main characters who don't have hands, it's a disease fr. 

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