Sakura Urameshi: Spirit Detec...

By Rosentic_xo

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Yusuke folded his arms. "There is absolutely no way you're coming, Kura." "Oh yes there is," Sakura said ster... More

Chapter 1: Sakura
Chapter 2: Grief
Chapter 3: Visions
Chapter 4: Burning
Chapter 5: Yusuke Returns
Chapter 6: Spirit Energy
Chapter 7: Three Thieves
Chapter 8: Master Shinsuke
Chapter 9: Training in Spirit World
Chapter 10: Kurama's Warning
Chapter 11: Hiei
Chapter 12: Battle For the Artefacts
Chapter 13: Genkai's Challenge
Chapter 14: Semifinals
Chapter 15: Kuwabara vs Shorin
Chapter 16: Rando
Chapter 17: Makai Invasion
Chapter 18: Welcome to Maze Castle
Chapter 19: The Second Saint Beast
Chapter 20: Byakko's Lair
Chapter 21: Save Keiko
Chapter 22: The Tokage
Chapter 23: Suzaku's Reckoning
Chapter 24: Search and Rescue
Chapter 25: The Demon Triad
Chapter 26: Toguro
Chapter 28: Hanging Neck Island
Bonus Chapter: The Golden Seal

Chapter 27: Forced Invitation

560 30 23
By Rosentic_xo

Yusuke couldn't imagine anything worse than this. Stuck outside a dressing room in a cutesy teen shop waiting for Keiko. Not only that, the store's employee was watching him like a hawk behind her fake smile.

"Are you done yet? That woman thinks I'm stealing stuff!" he hissed.

"One second, I've found the perfect outfit!" Keiko called. "Now we can grab a bite to eat somewhere, and then go onto the park!"

"What?!" Yusuke was aghast. "Do we really have to go there too?"

"Of course!" Keiko replied.

Yusuke rolled his eyes. Even Sakura had never put him through such torture. "This is the part when Yusuke makes his escape," he muttered and took a step towards the door.

The dressing room curtain was whipped back. "You going somewhere?" Keiko asked pointedly.

"Who, me?" Yusuke tried - and failed - to look innocent.

Keiko gave him a sarcastic smile. "Surely you wouldn't have the nerve to run out on me two dates in a row, would you Yusuke?"

Yusuke laughed weakly. "No, of course not!" Son of a bitch. Where's Kura when you need her? Oh wait, she'd probably just hit me. Damn brat. He plastered on a smile. "Well, the park it is!"

"Have a nice day you two!" the employee called, clearly glad to see the back of them.

As soon as Yusuke and Keiko exited the shop, the sound of wailing sirens filled the air. Yusuke looked to see what all the fuss was about. The building on the corner seemed to be damaged in some way, and there were police officers trying to get onlookers away.

"Look, this is your last warning. Please stand back!"

The crowd screamed as another chunk of concrete fell from the building and landed on the ground. But there was no sign of anything responsible for the carnage.

Keiko clutched Yusuke's arm. "That looks dangerous,"

"Yeah," Yusuke muttered. "Better check it out,"

The two of them pushed closed. Keiko gasped. "What causes that?"

Yusuke instantly went on high alert. The building looked like something had bitten holes in it. Whatever it was, it definitely wasn't of this world.


"We're nearly there, Sakura," Botan said in what she hoped was a reassuring tone. But still Sakura remained tight-lipped and deathly pale. The girl hadn't said a word the entire way back, and Botan couldn't think of anything to say either. There was no reasoning with Sakura when it came to protecting her brother. 

Besides, what could possibly make this situation any better?

The second Botan's oar was close enough, Sakura jumped off and quite literally hit the ground running.

"Be careful, Sakura!" Botan watched her sprint away with deep concern.

Pushing through the crowd, Sakura looked in all directions. Yusuke? Yusuke, where are you?!

Kura, you're back? What's wrong? You sound terrified!

Just tell me where you are!

Uh, ok. Yusuke couldn't remember the last time Sakura had sounded this frantic. I'm with Keiko and we're on the corner near that Teen's Mate shop. There's a crowd. And I have a bad feeling that something nasty is here.

I'm coming! Don't move, and don't let Keiko out of your sight!

She was just a few blocks away and could already see the crowd. One look at the damaged building, and Sakura's blood ran cold. Where was he? She hurried forward and scanned the mob for her brother.

"Kura? Kura! Over here!" It was Yusuke, waving her over.

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief. She'd made it first. "Oh, thank God!" She hurried to her twin's side. Yusuke was on the edge of the cluster. He caught Sakura by the shoulders and looked at her with worry.

"You're white as a ghost. What's going on?"

"Maybe I can answer that," a deep voice offered helpfully.

Sakura's heart skipped a beat. Behind them was an imposing figure on a motorbike, his identity shielded by the helmet.

Yusuke glared at him and stepped in front of Sakura. "Who are you?"

"Already forgotten?" the figure asked. "Guess I don't make much of an impression on people," In one swift move, he took off the helmet. Sakura trembled. It was just as she'd feared. Younger Toguro, sunglasses and all.

Yusuke's whole body tensed. "No freakin' way!"

"Is something wrong, Yusuke?" Toguro asked silkily. "You have the strangest look of surprise on your face,"

"I'm sorry," Yusuke snapped. "When I kill demons, I'm used to them staying dead,"

Toguro smiled and fixed his gaze on the dark haired girl behind Yusuke. "You must be Sakura. I am the younger Toguro brother. Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier,"

"I know who you are," Sakura's voice quivered.

Toguro got off the motorbike and took a step towards the twins. "I suggest you come with me for a talk. After all, you wouldn't want something bad to happen to your precious girlfriend,"

Sweat poured down Yusuke's face. "Sure," he stammered. "Kura, why don't you go back to Keiko while I take care of this?"

"No, the girl will come along too," Toguro took hold of Sakura's arm. "What I must say concerns her as well,"

Yusuke shook his head. "Not a chance. Take your hands off her,"

"Of course I'll come," Sakura kept her voice steady. "We're a package deal. He can speak to us together, or not at all,"

No way, Kura. I'm not letting you anywhere near this guy.

If I don't come, he'll hurt Keiko. Sakura responded, still looking straight at Toguro. Out of the corner of her eye, Sakura noticed Kuwabara standing next to Keiko and looking over at them with shocked horror.

Kura? What the heck is going on?!

Kuwabara, don't move. Just stay with Keiko. Please!

Uh, sure.

Yusuke didn't notice Kuwabara. He only had eyes for Toguro. Finally, he gulped and nodded.

Toguro smirked. "Very good. Now follow me," He pulled Sakura along behind him.

Kura, is this what you were so panicked about? You knew?

Yes. I saw he was alive in Spirit World. The whole thing was a set up. The guy who won that ridiculous bet was working with Toguro all along. I'll explain later. Don't worry though, Toguro isn't here to kill us.

"Why so silent, Yusuke? No snappy comebacks?" Toguro asked casually.

Yusuke glared at him. "Sorry, I don't like people manhandling my twin sister,"

Toguro laughed. His grip was vice-like. "Relax. As long as she behaves, I have no reason to harm her,"


Kyap stroked a filthy claw under Sakura's chin and she slapped it away. Tora immediately curled his hands around her wrists and slammed them against the brick wall. The slash on her arm burned in his grip and she cried out.

"It's really in your best interest to cooperate, my dear," Tora simpered. "I promise, the three of us have no desire to harm you as long as you behave,"



"Do you mind letting go of me?" Sakura muttered, trying to sound braver than she felt. It was taking all her willpower to fight off the flashbacks.

"Whatever for?" Toguro didn't even look at her. "Just three friends walking down the road,"

"Yeah well, most friends don't walk into derelict buildings," she hissed when she realised where he was leading them.

"True," Toguro agreed. "But it's best we keep away from prying eyes. Now be quiet,"

He led the twins to the fourth level of the building and finally released Sakura. She ran to her brother, who pulled her closer. Toguro sauntered over to the edge and faced the twins calmly, hands in pockets. This was all one big game to him.

"Surely you didn't think you'd actually beaten me. Money decided that fight long before you entered the ring. But don't be angry. You might soon have the chance to fight me on fair terms and not get so easily crushed,"

Yusuke was shaking like a leaf, but he didn't drop his street punk attitude. "Why don't you get to the point, Muscles? I've got better things to do with my time than waste it with you,"

Toguro smirked. "You're afraid of me,"

"What?" Yusuke snorted. "Amused is more like it,"

"There's no-one here to impress, Yusuke. I can see your entire body shaking,"

Sakura glared. "Talk straight. What do you want?"

The demon removed his coat and let it drop to the ground. "The ability to fear your enemies is one of your strengths, Yusuke. It forces you to reach your potential. But you haven't been scared enough. You need some motivation, and that's why I've come here. To show you my true power!" 

Toguro's purple aura flashed around him. "I only used twenty percent of my strength when I fought with you and your friend. So why don't I now show you..." he growled, powering up. Using a single fist, he punched straight through the concrete pillar next to him. "There. That's sixty percent!"

Sakura took a step back as his body began to swell. Yusuke's jaw dropped. Toguro darted behind them at a breakneck speed and kicked down another pillar before instantly taking down the next one. And the next one. And the next one. On and on it went, and the entire structure was beginning to buckle. Huge slabs of concrete fell from the roof towards the twins, and Toguro was fast enough to destroy them all before they hit the ground.

"Oh my God!" Sakura breathed. "This whole building is going to fall!"

Yusuke was transfixed. Sakura jumped in front of him and created an energy shield, though she knew it probably wouldn't be enough. She'd not trained for anything like this. With a deafening groan, the floors above crashed down on top of them, reducing the building to rubble. But Toguro was there, standing over Yusuke and Sakura and protecting them from the carnage.

This is a nightmare. Sakura thought, holding onto Yusuke as tightly as she could, but the sheer force of the collapse ripped him from her arms. 

This can't be happening! 

The shaking ceased and the sound of destruction finally died down.

"Yusuke?!" Sakura choked. Her lungs seemed to be filled with dust. "YUSUKE!"

An enormous hand seized her by the scruff of the neck and yanked her off the ground. She found herself staring straight into the face of Toguro, who hadn't even broken a sweat. Sakura whimpered.


Suzaku's fingers tightened around her throat. "I'd kill you now if I didn't need you!" he hissed. "But rest assured you will be punished for this insubordination!" 

Furious, he threw her to the floor and turned to the tokage. "Take her downstairs to my quarters and lock her up. I still have to finish off the boy,"


Toguro gave her a small shake. "Stop whimpering and calm down, girl. Yusuke is just fine. But for both your sakes, you best pay attention to what I'm about to tell you,"

"K-Kura? Kura!" A piece of debris was flung away as Yusuke hauled himself out of the rubble. He looked up at the terrifying figure of Toguro, holding Sakura off the ground. There was a look of pure terror in her eyes. He knew it well.

Toguro's face was emotionless. He still hadn't removed his sunglasses. "Understand, this is the last time I will save your lives,"

Yusuke began shaking all over again. "Put her down," he managed to say.

"I will in a moment, but first..." In the blink of an eye, Toguro appeared behind Yusuke. The boy was paralysed with fear. "Two months from now, a martial arts competition will be taking place,"

"Oh. S-sounds like f-fun," Yusuke stammered. 

Toguro squeezed Sakura's neck tighter. She made a tiny sound of fright.

"It's a Dark Tournament, organised by greedy human crime lords and drawing out the most vile demons of the Spirit World. Each criminal gathers a team of five fighters, and the teams battle to the death. Humans enter for gambling and entertainment. We demons fight for blood, and the chance to win the prize. You and Kuwabara are special guests of this competition. And as for you, Sakura..." 

He shoved his face back into hers. "Since you're - what did you call it? - a package deal, you'll be participating as well. We haven't had the pleasure of fighting yet, and that's something I'm keen to rectify," 

Toguro turned back to Yusuke menacingly. "If you refuse, I will immediately kill you and everyone you know, starting with your pretty sister. If you want to survive these fights, I suggest you get stronger. Both of you," 

He smirked at Sakura. "I hear you're a telepath, girl. But don't think that will save you in the Dark Tournament. Or your precious twin, for that matter,"

The demon glanced up at a nearby rooftop where two familiar figures stood watching. As one, Kurama and Hiei jumped lightly to the ground.

Toguro looked them up and down. "I assume from your dismal faces that you've been invited to the competition as well. On Urameshi's team, no doubt,"

"Let the girl go," Kurama's eyes narrowed. Hiei's hand inched towards his katana. 

With a laugh, Toguro carelessly threw Sakura at the demons.

Kurama caught her. "Are you alright?" His arms were like steel, holding her protectively against his body.

"Yes," Sakura was too frightened to say anything else.

"How touching," Toguro shook his head scornfully. "Demons who side with humans will get no sympathy,"

Kurama's eyes flashed. "Sympathy has never been a part of those fights,"

Toguro smiled and picked up his discarded coat. "As you know, the teams are made of five, with one alternate. You'll have to recruit another fighter," At last, he began to walk away. "For your sake, I hope you find someone useful," 

He was finally gone. Yusuke dropped to his knees. 

Stupid Yusuke! You got so scared around him, you couldn't even frickin' move! 

"You idiot..." He said out loud. "He's gonna kick your stupid ass!"

Sakura's legs gave way. Kurama lowered her to the ground.

"Did he hurt you?"

"N-no," she shook her head.

The sound of someone running up to them signalled Kuwabara's arrival. He looked deeply shaken. 

"W-what's going on? We beat him!"

Kurama looked grimly at Hiei. "What is our chance?"

Hiei glared at the spot where Toguro had vanished. "Don't ask,"


"Damn it. Damn it! DAMN IT!" With every phrase, Yusuke hurled another rock into the water. Sakura sat at the edge of the lake next to Kurama, hugging her knees to her chest.

"I can see he's still showing a certain...disdain for the situation," Kurama said to Sakura, who shut her eyes.

"You have no idea. He's been impossible. I don't think he slept at all last night, just paced the room muttering to himself,"

"This is STUPID! Why the hell...can't believe could he...? We killed him!" Yusuke stormed over to a nearby tree and began punching it to woodchips.

Sakura sighed and got to her feet. "Ok, that's enough. Time to calm down,"

Yusuke threw one last punch at the tree, then turned to his sister. "Don't you tell me to calm down, Squirt!" he yelled. His face was bright red. "That freak show is forcing us into a death tournament. Including you, in case you forgot! There's nothing to be calm about!"

"Maybe you're right, but throwing one of your tantrums isn't going to change that!" Sakura retorted.

Yusuke grabbed Sakura and shook her fiercely. "I can't believe you, Sakura! What the hell were you thinking?"

Sakura raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"I told you to stay with Keiko. If you'd listened, you might have gotten out of this. But no, you just had to use that stupid 'package deal' line and get yourself caught up in this mess - OW! What the hell was that for?!"

"What do you think?" Sakura shoved Yusuke off her and gave him her most scathing look. "Newsflash, brainiac. He was always going to involve me regardless of what I said, and if I hadn't gone with you he would've hurt Keiko. We are a package deal. Keep pitching a fit if you want to, but that's just how it is!"

"Damn brat," Yusuke muttered, rubbing his head.

Sakura put her hands on her hips. "Yeah, that's exactly what I am. Get over it. I have no choice but to fight,"

"She's right, Yusuke," Kurama put a hand on Yusuke's shoulder.

Yusuke pulled away. "Hands off the merchandise, Fox Boy! You shouldn't be happy about this either!"

"I'm not!" Kurama folded his arms sternly. "I'd much rather Sakura be left out of this, but that simply isn't an option. Her best chance, and yours, is to train for these fights,"

"Hey, wait for me you guys!" Kuwabara hurried over. He looked quizzically at the twins who were still glaring at each other. "What's going on here?"

Yusuke turned away. Sakura rolled her eyes. "Nothing important, Kuwabara. Yusuke's just having one of his overprotective episodes,"

"If you're done shouting at each other, maybe we can actually talk logistics?" Hiei dropped from the treetops into the centre of the group. "I believe I have a solution, detective,"

"What?" Yusuke asked with his back to everyone.

Hiei paid no attention to Yusuke's attitude as he addressed the group at large. "As Toguro said, each team has five members, with one alternate allowed. If Sakura is the alternate, that will minimise the chances of her fighting while still fulfilling her participation,"

Sakura didn't know what to say. Yusuke turned around very slowly. He looked as though he could've kissed Hiei. "Brilliant!" he said hoarsely. "You're a frickin' genius, Hiei!"

Kuwabara grinned. "If we have to fight girls, Kura can easily step in so I don't go against my code!"

"Whatever. But that leaves the next hurdle," Hiei said. "We will still need a fifth fighter,"

"I'll find one," Yusuke nodded rapidly. "If that's what we have to do, I'll find one,"

Kurama looked slightly relieved. "How do you feel about that, Sakura?"

Sakura found her voice. "Sure, whatever works. But I'm still going to train hard,"

"Of course," Kurama agreed. "I believe the best course of action is for Yusuke to return to Genkai. Kuwabara, you will train with me and Hiei,"

"Sure thing!" Kuwabara grinned. "But what about Kura?"

"Already decided," Sakura said. "Botan came by this morning. She said Master Shin will be training me three times a week now to improve my telepathy. Who knows, maybe he'll teach me some new techniques. I'll go back to Genkai as well with Yusuke,"

Kurama nodded. "Very good,"

"What are we waiting for?" Kuwabara pumped a fist in the air. "Let's go!"

"I would like to train you as well, Sakura," Hiei said suddenly. Everyone went silent.

Yusuke scowled. "Why?"

"Think, Yusuke," Kurama said almost impatiently. "The more experience Sakura gets with different combat styles, the better. I'd also like to train her,"

"I bet you would, Fox Boy," Yusuke muttered, giving Kurama a sideways look.

Sakura cleared her throat loudly. "Are you boys done deciding what I do yet?" Yusuke and Kurama looked a little sheepish. Sakura gave them a pointed look and turned to Hiei. "I accept, short stack. And you, Kurama. Train me,"

Yusuke looked like he wanted to protest, but he threw up his hands. "Ok, fine. If Kura's ok with it, then go ahead. But Hiei, you try anything with her and you'll have me to deal with, got it? Same goes for you, Kurama,"


Hiei snorted. "Those days are over, detective. You don't have to worry,"

"Sakura will be safe with me. You have my word," Kurama smiled.

Yusuke folded his arms. "Now let's get to work. Kura, we'll head to Genkai's in an hour,"

Sakura nodded and took a few steps towards Hiei. "Alternate, huh? really are a genius,"

"Hmph. Don't read into it. Anything to avoid his whining," Hiei snipped, but Sakura saw the look in his eyes. "I'll be seeing you soon, Sakura. And don't think this will be easy,"

"I'm counting on it," Sakura smiled, and for a moment she thought Hiei smiled back, but then he was gone.

I told you he was beginning to like you. Kurama offered.

I hate to admit it, but he's growing on me, too. Sakura shook her head. You know, when I said I wanted to get to know you outside of missions, this isn't exactly what I had in mind.

Nor did I. Kurama sighed. But we'll just have to make the best of it.


"Déjà vu, much?" Sakura nudged Yusuke. The twins stood at the entrance to Genkai's compound. It felt like only yesterday they'd first shown up to find Rando.

He blinked. "What does that even mean?"

"It means the feeling of having experienced something before," Sakura explained.

Yusuke chuckled. "Makes sense. Well, are you ready to see the old hag?"

"Sure," Sakura laughed, but quickly turned serious. "Look, Yusuke, I know I'm the alternate, but there's still a very real chance I'll have to fight someone dangerous in this tournament, and we both need to be ready for that,"

"I'll find us a fifth fighter," Yusuke muttered.

Sakura shook her head. "I'm sure you will, but you can't go easy on me while we train. You want to protect me? Then help me get stronger,"

Yusuke pressed his hands to his face. "Kura, if I have my way you'll never set foot in the ring. But you're right. And I said we'd face everything together, so we will," he reached out and gave her a side-hug.

She playfully socked his shoulder. "Let's see what Genkai's up to,"

Inside the estate, Genkai was calmly engrossed in a video game. "It's about time you came back. To what do I owe this dubious pleasure?" she said without turning around.

"I need to get stronger," Yusuke said. "We both do. Much stronger,"

Genkai put the controller down and took a sip of tea. "That can be arranged. But you should know, this time I won't go easy," She turned around. "I know you'll take it seriously, Missy. It's dimwit I'm worried about,"

"It's different this time. I promise I'll push as hard as I can," Yusuke said earnestly, and there was no trace of a lie on his face.


Hiei slashed his weapon, hitting Kuwabara one, two, three times in rapid succession. Kuwabara couldn't keep up. Hiei was just too fast, and even though they were using reeds in place of swords, they still stung. At the final blow, Kuwabara went crashing to the forest floor.

"At this rate, you'll never survive," Hiei landed in front of him.

"Let me take over," Kurama offered.

Hiei saw who he'd brought with him and lowered his makeshift sword. "Very well. Sakura, shall we begin?"

"Let's do it, short stack," Sakura grinned.


Yusuke followed Genkai up the side of the mountain. They'd done this twice and she was always just ahead of him. But to be fair, he told himself, the old bat wasn't weighed down with a ball and chain around both ankles. 

He was about halfway up when he lost his footing and fell, only just managing to catch himself after a terrifying drop.

"Damn it..." he growled.

Genkai sprang from her perch and hovered in front of him. Her tiny fists whirled and pounded Yusuke in the stomach over and over again.

"Does it hurt, slacker? Did you come all the way here just to give me more of your crap?" Genkai smirked. She leapt back to her original place and glared down at him while he continued to claw his way up. "How do you plan to keep your sister safe if you can't even climb your way out of something so simple?"

With a snarl, Yusuke focused his spirit energy to his legs. 

Damn it, Yusuke. You have to get through this. Think of Kura!

He leaned backwards, pressed his feet to the cliff face and jumped.


"Do you realise the danger you will be in?" Kurama asked Kuwabara bluntly.

Kuwabara nodded. "Yeah!"

"Hiei cannot prepare you for the viciousness of the fights. Your weakness and his honour make him go easy on you. I will not,"

Kuwabara leaned forward, ready to spar. "Ok, come on. Toughen me up!"

Kurama pulled out his rose whip. "As you wish,"


"You want to survive, Sakura? Then you need to be faster!" Hiei appeared behind her, swinging his reed. Without looking, Sakura seized it in her hand before it could hit her.

"You're still going too easy on me, short stack," Sakura sighed.

Hiei scowled. "What makes you say that?"

With a smirk, Sakura whirled around to face him. "Two things. One, you feel bad about holding me hostage. Two, I remind you of Yukina,"

"How insightful," Hiei scoffed, springing away from her. "I feel no such thing, and what relevance does my half-sister have with a human like you?" He leapt into the air towards Sakura, who looked back at him calmly.

"Half-sister my ass," Sakura shook her head. "You can't fool me. You're twins, aren't you?"

Shock. It was unmistakable. Hiei completely lost both his composure and his balance. Sakura took a spin kick at him, but he was too quick and dodged.

"How did you...?"

"I'm not stupid. The resemblance is obvious," Sakura shrugged. "Relax, I'm not going to say anything. That's your job,"

The shock had vanished, but instead of the anger she expected to see, Hiei looked amused.

"Now I see. How clever of you, Sakura. Using taunts to push me further. Very well. I will no longer hold back,"

"Bring it on, Hiei!" Sakura raised her fists and dared to look at her collection of doors. There they were, all lined up. Yusuke, Botan, Keiko, Kuwabara, and Yukina all waiting patiently for her to enter. Then there was Hiei's door, resisting all attempts to enter it. But something was different this time. Something Sakura never expected to see. 

One of the two chains that sealed the door was gone.


"Impressive tactics, child," Master Shin applauded Sakura after the memory vanished. "You have learned well,"

Sakura couldn't stop herself from grinning. "Maybe one day that stubborn little demon will learn something from me, too. I just wish his door would open for me,"

"Have patience, my dear. It will come in time. You saw that one of the chains is gone. He is softening. But I sense that is not what is troubling you,"

"No," Sakura confessed. "I realised something, Master. I don't have a door for someone I care for very deeply and I'm not sure why,"

The mage turned away. "You refer to the demon Kurama, do you not?"

"Y-yes. But I'm guessing you've already figured out what's going on there,"

Shinsuke glanced at her with a warm smile. "Child, I may be a telepath, but your feelings for another are your own and frankly nobody's business,"

"Wish Yusuke knew that," Sakura grumbled.

Her teacher laughed. "Never mind him. He's just being a brother. As for why you don't see a door for Kurama yet, it's really quite simple. It's hidden because of his own inner struggle,"


"Kurama is currently in his human form. Shuichi Minamino, is it not? As such, he is torn between his two worlds. The last thing he wants is for you to get caught up in that mind war. He's guarding himself from you, for your sake,"

Sakura stood silently. "I had no idea,"

Master Shin placed a hand on her head. "It's his own battle to fight. Give him time. You can aid him simply by being yourself around him,"

The girl nodded. "I... I understand,"

"In the meantime, I suggest we get back to training. There is a new technique I want to teach you,"


Snip, snip. 

With every cut, more strands of black hair fell. "Be honest, kiddo. When was the last time you had a haircut?" Shizuru snickered.

Sakura blushed. "You don't want to know. Just don't cut it too short, ok?"

"No problem. Why the sudden change in style?"

"Partly because of the split ends, partly because I promised to come to your salon," Sakura shook her head. "It'll grow back," In truth, she'd asked for a haircut as a matter of practicality. Hair as long as hers would only get in the way in the tournament, and would almost certainly be a liability.

Shizuru stopped cutting for a moment and knelt beside the chair. "If you don't want to tell me what's really going on, that's fine. But promise me you'll be careful, ok?"

Sakura paused. There was no use denying anything to Shizuru. The woman was a living lie detector. "Ok, I promise,"

"Good. You're nearly done," Shizuru smiled. "And then will you please let me do something about those eyebrows?"

"If you insist,"


The clock next to Sakura's bed told her it was time for sleep, but she was still obsessively pacing her bedroom floor. After two months of intense training, she could hardly believe tomorrow was the day. Her bag was packed and waited by the door, but the apartment was empty save Sakura. Atsuko was out, and Yusuke had vanished on some mysterious errand earlier in the night, merely saying he would meet them all at the dock later.

"Can't sleep?"

Sakura jumped, but quickly calmed down when she saw who was sitting inside her window.

"I'm sorry," Kurama smiled. "I should have knocked,"

"It's fine," Sakura stammered. "Please, make yourself at home," 

Holy hell, he's actually here.

Kurama walked over and reached out to touch Sakura's new hairstyle. "It's shorter. I like it,"

Sakura smiled shyly. Thanks to Shizuru, her hair was sleek and shiny, and instead of hanging at her waist, it now bounced just below her shoulders. "Thanks. It was long overdue for a cut,"

He stroked up and down her arm, seemingly oblivious to the goosebumps his touch left behind. "I came by to see how you were holding up, but you seem to be managing fine,"

"I just want to make sure everyone walks out of this," Sakura sighed and sat down on her bed with her head in her hands. "I'll deal. How about you?"

"I'm not sure," Kurama admitted quietly. "But let's not think about that. You've worked hard, and now it's up to fate. I won't keep you any longer," He crossed to the window. "You should get some sleep,"

"Kurama, I..." Sakura hesitated. "I don't know if you're aware, but I c-can't sleep. Not anymore. Not since, you know. Maze Castle,"

His eyes were sad. "I thought that might be the case,"

Sakura looked down. If she said it to his face, she might never get the words out. "I'm alone here. Mother and Yusuke are gone. W-will you stay, please? Just until I fall asleep?"

The demon paused. He seemed to be debating himself.

"I mean, you don't have to," Sakura added hastily. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, it was weird, I -"

Kurama pressed a finger to Sakura's lips. "Don't apologise. It's alright. Yusuke did mention your nightmares. Of course I'll stay,"

A single tear rolled down Sakura's cheek. "I wish the bad dreams would just go away. You must think I'm such a fragile little flower,"

"No," he said softly, cupping her face. "Quite the opposite. Now try to rest," 

His smile calmed her enough to finally crawl between the sheets. 

"Sleep now, Sakura. You don't have to fear anything,"

"Thank you," Sakura whispered and closed her eyes. Part of her knew this was a strange thing to ask for, but she didn't care. For the first time since before Yusuke had died, she felt safe enough to allow the night to take her into its dark embrace.

 Kurama waited until he was sure she'd fallen asleep before taking his leave out the window.

"Still soft. You haven't changed a bit," Hiei stood on the roof, Jagan eye glinting in the moonlight. "Just like when we met,"

"If I didn't know better Hiei, I'd say you were going a bit soft yourself," Kurama shook his head and took a last look at Sakura while closing the window behind him. 

She wasn't a delicate flower, she was the most beautiful one of all. He would've stayed all night, had she asked.

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