Life of Youth: Series 1

By WPSeries

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[LGBTQ+ Teen Drama] CL Valmont moves to Miami in the middle of his junior year of high school. With the help... More

1.1 - Life of Youth (Part 1)
1.2 - Life of Youth (Part 2)
1.3 - The Chatroom Days Are Over
1.4 - I'm a Loner, a Rebel
1.6 - Trick or Treat
1.7 - Official Official
1.8 - Spying Remorse
1.9 - Feast on This
1.10 - The Scare
1.11 - Christmas
1.12 - When Life Goes BANG
1.13 - Aftermath
1.14 - No Place Like Home
1.15 - Prom Night
1.16 - Poor Little Rich Boy
1.17 - Up On Melancholy Hills
1.18 - School's Out for Summer!

1.5 - Fish Sticks Kind of Day

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By WPSeries

"Why does math have to be so difficult?" CL complained as he pushed a textbook away from him and lied back in his bed. For the past two hours he'd been talking to Elis on the phone trying to understand a few math problems they needed to work on for the next day.

"I hope she cancels the quiz tomorrow," Elis grumbled. "It should be illegal to give a quiz on a Monday."

"Here, here," CL muttered. "But this quiz being canceled tomorrow would be a miracle."

"Whatever, I'm done trying to figure this out," Elis sighed. "I need my beauty sleep."

CL sat up on his bed, "Elis you can't just blow this off. You need a good grade!"

"Forget it there'll be more quizzes in the future," Elis rolled his eyes. "Flunking this quiz won't ruin my chances of getting into college."

"You can't fail this quiz; you need all the help you can get."

"Gee, thanks," Elis said sounding offended.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, yeah. I should probably just skip class tomorrow. I don't know any of this crap."

"Elis you aren't doing that!" CL gasped. "You have to try."

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep now."


"Goodbye CL," Elis said.


* * *

Across town, Darren sat at his desk in in his bedroom on his laptop. He was on the GAY CONNECT website browsing through photographs of various good-looking men when an Instant message pops up.

SrfBch66: Hey stud. You've been MIA for a while.

Darren smiled. For a few nights now he'd been chatting with this guy he came across when he was looking through the profiles. He'd been talking to other guys but this one seemed like the nicest. His name was Erik, and he was a freshman in college. He was gorgeous, had light brown eyes and spikey brown hair that had green highlights. He wasn't as muscular as Darren, but he was averagely built.

DMWrites: Hi cutie ... yea, been busy the last two nights with schoolwork.

SrfBch66: Such a good student ...! We should meet up.

Darren looked at those last four words. It was 3 minutes and Darren was still contemplating whether it was a good idea to meet up or not. He had a girlfriend; he couldn't go and meet up and go on a date – especially when that date was with another guy.

SrfBch66: You there? :-\

Taking a deep breath, Darren figured it wouldn't hurt anybody. The days of his relationship with Clair were numbered anyways. Besides ... he was just going to meet up with Erik. It wasn't going to be an official date ... right?

DMWrites: that's an awesome idea ... let's do it.

DMWrites: how about tomorrow for lunch? I'll leave school even though we're not allowed to!

SrfBch66: >:} I love a bad boy ... tomorrow it is.

Darren sat back in his chair; his eyes glued on Erik's profile picture. Suddenly he was very excited to meet up with him. After all, it was all innocent fun. It really wouldn't be like he was cheating on Clair.

* * * * * *

{1x05. Fish Sticks Kind of Day}

Written by Sean

* * * * * *

"I failed that quiz. I just know it."

"CL shut up I'm sure you passed with flying colors," Elis said with annoyance. "I'm the one who failed. I don't even know why I even bothered."

"It's better than not showing at all," CL told him as they walked down the hall with Darcy, who was quiet. "Speaking of which, I'm surprised you showed."

"Yeah, well, after the crap you told me last night, how could I not?" Elis rolled his eyes. "I didn't get any sleep. My neck hurts because I tried to study some more, and I fell asleep at my vanity table. I have you to blame, Valmont."

"Hey you were responsible, stop whining."

"I have every right to whine and bitch," Elis retorted irritably before turning to Darcy, "What's up, Darce, you've been too quiet. How bad did you do on the quiz?"

Darcy blinked and looked at them, shrugging. "Not bad, whatever. I don't really care."

"What's the matter, Darcy?" CL grabbed her hand and they all stopped walking. Darcy groaned softly and shook her head.

"It's just one of those days," she mumbled. Elis nodded his head.

"We understand, you're on your period."

CL and Darcy looked at Elis.

"What? I know that look missy, and lately you only look like that for one of two reasons: either aunt flow is paying a visit, or you've had another encounter with Olivia."

Darcy's eyes focus on Elis. "You're right. It's Olivia. Aunt flow, too, which doesn't make things easier."

"Did you guys talk?" CL asked.

"No, that's why I feel so horrible," Darcy frowned and leaned back against a locker. "I keep seeing her around school and it just gets harder and harder to deal with it. I like her a lot. It pisses me off that I can't just move on and be all like 'ok, I am forgetting about you now, have a nice life!'."

"You just need a new hot little thing to come into your life and make you forget about that basket case of Olivia," Elis said pulling a mirror out to check his face. "Oh god, would you look at the bags I have under my eyes?"

CL rolled his eyes when Elis shot him an accusing look, as if it were his fault.

"You should try talking to her again, Darcy."

"I've tried talking to her a gazillion times, CL," Darcy said, "I'm tired of the same thing. I'm tired of always chasing her and having her turn me down and then text me during the week trying to start up a conversation. And the best part of that is that I respond, and she doesn't answer back anymore. Where the hell is my dignity?"

"Like I said," Elis said, shifting his eyes back on his friend, "Get yourself a new little hottie. Forget about Olivia and her self-hate denial thing she has going on, you don't need a walking cliché straight out of a teen drama. Look for someone in the gay straight alliance club that you always go to, I'm sure there's some self-assured lesbians in there."

"There is this one girl that likes me," Darcy says, "Tamara."

"Is she hot?"

"Yes, Elis, she's hot. But I ... I just can't."

CL put his arm around Darcy. "Look, don't listen to Elis. You obviously need to get over Olivia first before you're able to move on to some other girl. I'd say try one more time with Olivia, if it still doesn't work then you need to focus on moving on. It'll take time but it isn't an impossible thing."

"Yeah, you're right," Darcy said after a moment of thinking it over. "I'm going to go look for her during lunch time. I'm going to give her one last chance."

"As long as you don't come off as an obsessed creep," Elis chimed in, "If you know for sure that she likes you, then go ahead and give it that one last shot."

"I know she does," Darcy said softly, "she told me so. She always has when I've tried to get her to hang out with me."

CL rubbed Darcy's back, "Then go get your girl come lunch time."

Darcy smiled nervously, "I'm gonna try."

* * *

Darren left his class and just as he was turning a corner Clair appeared and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him. "There's my prince."

"Here I am," Darren smiled. He was in such a good mood and excited because of his meet up with Erik later that afternoon that even Clair couldn't put a damper on his mood today. "How are you doing? You look nice."

"Thanks!" Clair beamed and ran a finger through her hair, "I'm doing wonderful now that I'm with you. Listen, I was thinking we could go for some sushi today for lunch and then just skip the rest of the classes!"

Guess again, Darren thought in horror.

"What? I can't," Darren immediately replied, his voice stone cold and direct. "I'm busy."

"Busy?" Clair said with a laugh as if the mere fact that Darren might have plans that didn't involve her was the most humorous thing on the planet. "And what would you be doing that you can't take the rest of the day to be with your girlfriend?"

I'm meeting a sexy guy who is a lot more interesting than you.

"I've got a paper to write for the newspaper," Darren answered without thinking.

"What's the subject?"

Darren stared at her. "What's with the interrogation?"

Clair looked surprised at Darren's response. He was typically a nice guy and hardly ever said anything in such a chilly way. Darren wasn't going to have her ruin his plans.

"Darren, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I just have plans," Darren said.

"Fine, but you owe me a movie tonight," Clair told him. "There's a new theater that opened on 103rd ."

"Fine, not a problem," Darren sighed and kissed her on the forehead before going on his way. Clair turned and watched him as he walked away. She knew something was going on with him – what it was she wasn't sure. Darren was changing and she didn't know why. It was crazy how different the Darren now was from the Darren that first asked her out on a date. But she was going to find out what was up.

* * *

"Olivia," Darcy said the second she saw her walking to class. She was originally going to wait until lunchtime but since seeing her now, what the hell? She might as well talk to her now in case she was "too busy" with her friends from the soccer team later in the day. When Olivia turned to face Darcy, she already looked like she was having none of the drama.


Darcy took a deep breath, "Nice to see you too."

Olivia seemed to soften, realizing she was coming off too hostile. "Sorry, I'm just late for class."

"I'll make it quick," Darcy said to her, "Look, I can't keep going like this. I'm tired of having the same conversation over and over with you about us."

"Darcy, there is no 'us'."

"Then why the hell do you keep texting me every now and then?" Darcy snapped. "Why do I catch you looking at me sometimes like you just want to kiss me?"

"Darcy I ..."

"Why the hell did you sleep with me last summer?" Darcy's eyes burned into Olivia, who seemed speechless and mortified that Darcy had just said that without whispering. "Don't worry Olivia, nobody heard."

"Darcy please ... you need to understand."

"Understand what? That you're straight? We both know that's not true."

"I know it's not true, but I have to be," Olivia said weakly. "I want to be happy, I want to have a traditional family, lead a normal life, have babies!"

"You do lead a normal life," Darcy shot back. "You're a healthy seventeen-year-old, you're popular, you're one of the best players in the girls' soccer team, you've got loving parents that would accept you no matter what gender you like... how is all of that not normal?"

"I like girls," Olivia answered with disapproval, "That's the only flaw. That's what's keeping me from having the normal life I want."

"Olivia please," Darcy begged, stepping closer to her. "We both like each other. Why are you making it so difficult? If you just accept that part of you, you'll be a lot happier."

"Says you," Olivia crossed her arms.

Darcy had enough. She does everything she can to keep herself from grabbing Olivia and shaking her until her head plopped off.

"Fine, if you want it that way, OK," Darcy said and started to back away. "I'm done coming after you. I've thrown my dignity out one too many times for you and I've had it. Have a nice life, it's time to move on."

Darcy turned and left. Olivia felt a lump in her throat as tears formed in her eyes. As the halls emptied after the bell rang, Olivia only stood there, thinking about Darcy's last words. Was it for real now? Had Olivia finally ridden herself of Darcy? Could it be that she was freed of possibly getting tempted again to be with her, to kiss her? It looked like it.

And Olivia didn't like it one bit.

* * *

"All I'm saying is that I'd appreciate it if you would not say those things to me, it makes me feel stupid," Elis said to CL as they sat in class. Elis was still going on about how bad his eyes looked because of his lack of sleep – which was all CL's fault, apparently. "If you hadn't made me feel so guilty, I would have slept my 8 hours and I would not be looking like this. Tell him Darcy."

"Yeah, that," Darcy mumbled. She was trying her hardest to ignore their bickering, doodling nonsense on her class assignment.

"Elis you're being ridiculous," CL retorted, "Not to mention you sound like a girl; bring it down a notch. No offense Darce."

"So now you're calling me a flamer," Elis gasped. "Don't you think it's bad enough that I look like hell because of you? Now I have to book an appointment at the spa."

"Excuse me, would you keep it down and do your work?" The teacher called from his desk.

"Oh yeah, you're totally not a flamer," CL said quietly to Elis, snickering. "Did you just hear yourself?"

"Darcy, tell CL I'm not a flamer!"

"Elis calm down, it's no big deal," CL told him, "You look fine. If you didn't get enough sleep, it's because..."

"Of you!" Elis cut him off and looked down at his class assignment. He made a face. "Ugh, I don't understand any of this crap."

"The teacher explained it earlier this week," CL rolled his eyes. "If you would actually listen to the instructions instead of playing on your phone...!"

"Don't start again, CL," Elis began to grow angry. "Get off your high horse."

"High horse? You're the one complaining your life is a tragedy because you got tired eyes."

"CL, this isn't a joke!" Elis cried.

"Well, it is to me," CL said with a sneer.

"WOULD YOU BOTH JUST SHUT THE HELL UP?" Darcy snapped, banging on her desk with clenched fists. A few students stopped what they were doing to look at them – as well as the teacher. "You guys are really annoying!"

"Alright I've had it with you three," the teacher said, appearing next to their desks. "You've done nothing but talk, talk, and talk since class began. And what's this? Nice drawing Miss Lennox, I'm glad you're taking the assignment seriously. You three have detention."

"What?" CL, Elis, and Darcy exclaimed.

"I've never had a detention in my life," CL said, rubbing his temples.

"Well good for you," the teacher replied without much interest. "Today, after school, room 323."

"You guys," Darcy gritted her teeth, "Thanks, thanks a lot."

"CL's fault," Elis stated matter-of-factly before pushing the assignment paper away.

* * *

When it was finally time for lunch, Olivia grabbed a sandwich from the cafeteria along with a coke and decided to go eat outside. As she stepped outside to the front of the school, she caught Darren giving Clair a kiss before each going their separate ways. Olivia noticed Clair looked a little too serious whereas Darren seemed relaxed, almost happy even. Olivia thought it was strange because since they had both started going out, she couldn't remember a time when Darren and Clair did not have lunch together. Curiosity getting the best of her, Olivia decided to follow Darren as he headed towards his car.

Darren kept playing in his mind how his meeting with Erik would go. Meeting up for a lunch date with another guy was a totally new experience for him. He felt nervous, he felt excited. What would he say? Would he come off awkward or would he be right in his element? Darren realized he was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles looked like they were going to tear through his skin. Darren sighed impatiently as all the red lights seemed to be taking longer to turn green.

"Calm down buddy," Darren said out loud, "Let's not kill ourselves on the street otherwise we'll never get there."

When Darren got to the burger joint, he was relieved to see that Erik still hadn't shown up. Darren decided to take a seat at one of the booths and order a coke while he waited. Twenty minutes seemed to pass when the bell on the door of the place rang. Darren looked up to see Erik walking to him. Darren grinned and stood to greet him.

"Hey there," Darren smiled and grew tense when Erik wrapped his arms around him in a tight embrace.

"Sorry I'm late," Erik told him, "Traffic was a real bitch."

"Tell me about it, I thought I was late for sure."

Erik smirked as they sat down.

"It's really nice to meet you in person," He said to Darren, his eyes completely on him. Was it Darren's imagination, or did Erik look like he wanted to rip his clothes off right there on the spot?

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Darren said in his charming way. For the rest of their lunch, they chatted about everything: school, food, beaches, which area in Miami was the most gay-friendly, among other things. Erik was clearly not shy of expression any affection in public as he never thought twice when grabbing Darren's hand or wiping at a smudge of ketchup from the corner of his lips when he was eating French fries.

After lunch, they both took a walk down a board walk that lead to the beach.

"So," Erik said, looking at Darren, "You're a new gay, right?"

"Wrong," Darren laughed nervously, "I'm ... curious, I guess."

"You sure about that?"

Darren looked unsure but nodded anyway. "I'm sure. I mean, I've never really felt anything for a guy before until recently."

"Curious guys are the best," Erik grinned. "Have you ever done anything sexually with a guy? Be honest."

Darren smiled a little embarrassed and shook his head. This, however, seemed to make Erik excited.

"Fantastic," he said with a mischievous smile, "Once you get a taste of me, you'll never look at a girl again."

Darren laughed. They stopped at a bench and sat.

"Erik this is going to make me sound like a boy scout but ... I'm not looking for something sexual right now. Let's just stick with a platonic friendship."

"Is it because of that girlfriend of yours?"

"Yes," Darren nodded, "It just wouldn't be fair to her if I went behind her back and cheated."

"Do you think it's fair that you're sticking with her when you probably don't even like girls in the first place?" Erik asked.

Damn, he's got me there.

"Look, we can take it slow," Erik continued and grabbed Darren's hand.

From far away, Olivia's breath caught when she saw the unknown guy with the green highlights grab Darren's hand. Her heart began to beat quickly at the sight of the guy leaning close to Darren and planting a long kiss on his lips.

"Darren's gay?" Olivia whispered to herself, shocked at what she was seeing. She watched Darren pull his head away softly, but the guy pushed Darren's head back towards his direction and kissed him again, this time Darren was clearly kissing him back.

Darren couldn't quite express what he was feeling. Electrical currents washed over his entire body, the excitement built and all he knew was that he wanted more of Erik's kisses. Those lips ... Darren had never had a kiss like this before: so smooth, natural, passionate ...

Erik stopped and grinned, sitting back. He stared at Darren. "You're red."

"I am?" Darren asked and laughed again. "That was ... very nice."

"It was," Erik nodded. "I really hope we get to spend more time together. I like you, Darren."

"I like you too."

They both stared at each other for a while before Erik leaned over again and hugged him.

"Will you be online tonight?" Erik asked as he and Darren stood.

"I wish, but I'm taking my girlfriend to the movies tonight."

"On a Monday night?" Erik made a face.

Darren rolled his eyes, "I know. She just really wants to go to this new theater that opened today on 103rd. Whatever, I'll text you when I get home though."

Erik nodded his head, "Sounds good to me," and kissed him on the cheek before leaving. Darren couldn't keep himself from smiling. As he started to walk to the parking lot, he felt a tug at his arm. He turned around and froze when he saw Olivia looking like she'd just seen a ghost.

"Olivia, uh ... what are you doing here?"

"What are you doing kissing another guy?" Olivia choked out. "Darren ... are you gay? Does everyone else know?"

Darren closed his eyes, wishing this was all just a bad dream.

* * *

Back at school CL, Elis, and Darcy went inside the classroom to serve their detention. CL stopped when he saw Riven sitting in the back of the classroom reading The Pillowman. When he looked up and saw CL his face brightened up but suddenly filled with confusion. CL grinned and immediately forgot about Elis and Darcy, walking over to Riven. He sat down on the desk next to his.

"What are you doing here?" CL asked, relieved and nervous to see him in detention.

"I could ask you the same thing," he answered but smiled sheepishly. "They finally got me for skipping class."

"You should stop skipping class," CL nodded and grinned at him.

"What about you? Only one of us is allowed to be a low life misfit."

"You are not a low life misfit," CL told him but Riven just looked into his eyes. "I ... I was talking too much in class."

"It's his entire fault," Elis said as he and Darcy took a seat in front of them.

"Please don't start arguing again," Darcy plead before smiling at Riven, "Nice to see you Riven."

"Hey," Riven answered politely.

"You remember Darcy," CL said, "And that's Elis."

"Yeah, I've seen you guys around," Riven nodded at Elis.

"Nice to meet you officially," Elis grinned. "CL doesn't stop talking about you."

"ELIS! Oh my God..."

Elis giggled, "Don't mind us, we'll leave you two love birds to talk alone."

Elis and Darcy turned around. CL just knew he was blushing and looking like a tomato. When he turned to look at Riven, he found him blushing as well.

"So, you can't stop talking about me," he said quietly so the teacher wouldn't catch them talking.

"Well," CL began to respond but couldn't come up with a slick way to play it off. "I just ... had a lot of fun with you the other day."

"When are we going to do it again?" Riven asked, his eyes still on him.

"Whenever you like," CL smiled.

Riven grinned and waved the play in his hand. "You were right, this play is pretty awesome. It's very disturbing."

"I'm glad you like it, it's one of my favorites."

"Sorry it's taken longer to return it to you I've just been pretty busy at home."

"Not a problem," CL shrugged. "Take your time."

"Although I have to admit, I'm not going back to the drama club."

"Oh," CL frowned. He had a hunch that Riven wouldn't go back to it. When he was there, he looked totally uninterested in the discussion and in the club. "You didn't like it?"

"It's not that, it's just I'm not into the whole groups discussion thing," he answered looking down at CL's play. "I'm good at one on one. Besides, I hardly said anything. I'm glad I borrowed this play, though. It's cool."

"Well, I'm glad you got something out of it."

"I hope you and I can still hang out though," Riven suddenly said. CL looked at him and smiled.

"I hope so too."

Elis gave Darcy a look, who was trying to keep herself from gushing at CL and Riven's conversation.

* * *

"You're clearly gay," Olivia said as she and Darren continued to walk towards the parking lot.

"Olivia, please don't tell anyone about this," Darren begged her. "He was the one who kissed me."

Olivia stopped and turned to face Darren. "Calm down, will you? I'm not going to say anything. Your secret is safe with me."

"It is?"

"Darren, you're a wonderful guy. You have the reputation of being the nicest guy at school, for crying out loud. I would never do or say anything that would hurt you."

Darren tried to find any sign on her face that she may be lying. Even though he doesn't hang out with her to know her well enough if she was the type to lie, he believed her. He let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks."

"Besides," Olivia continued, "I sort of understand what you're going through."

"You do?"

Olivia nodded and took a deep breath, for she had never said this out loud to anyone else before, "I'm in love with Darcy. You know who she is?"

"Yeah, I do, she's my cousin's friend."

"Correct," Olivia said, "I'm in love with her but I just can't ... I can't bring myself to accept it."


"Well, because ever since I could remember, I always dreamed about two things: becoming a professional soccer player and meeting the man of my dreams so I can start my own family."

"You can have a family with another woman, though," Darren said softly but Olivia shook her head.

"You don't get it, I used to play with my Barbie dream house and all I wanted was to be like her, have my own Ken, my own house with my husband, and have the perfect idea of a family. You can only imagine how confused I've become over the years when I've come to realize that I'm attracted to women more than I am to men."

"But you still like men?"

"Well, yeah," Olivia said and smiled shyly. "Hell, I hit on you recently, didn't I? You'd actually be someone I would love to date and so I thought that if we did, I would actually be able to forget about my feelings for Darcy once and for all."

"If there is one thing I've learned is that you can't force yourself to stop liking someone or something," Darren said to her. "For a while now I've really been trying to ignore the fact that I like men, but it's just not going away. Does that mean I am ready to come out of the closet? Hell no. But meeting Erik today I realized that what I feel for men is real."

"So, you're going to break up with Clair?"

"I have to," Darren nodded, "But ... this is going to sound horrible."

"What is it?"

"I'm ... a little embarrassed to admit to everyone that I'm gay... or bi-sexual, or whatever."

"I know what you mean; I sort of feel the same way. The thing with me is that I just can't bring myself to accept it. You know? I want to, but I just can't get over the fact that what I've always wanted isn't really going to be what I get if I give in and start dating girls."

"You can still have it, Olivia," Darren told her again, "Just because you start dating Darcy now doesn't mean she's going to be the one you end up with in the future. Who knows? You might meet a guy that really knocks you off your feet and he'll be the one you marry."

"So, you think I should just give in and give Darcy and me a chance?"

Darren nodded, "But only if you're comfortable."

"Darren Mancini, you are one amazing man. Don't worry; your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks," Darren smiled and hugged her.

* * *

"I'll see you around then," CL said to Riven with a smile outside of school as Elis and Darcy waited for him a few feet away.

"Yeah, I'll call you so we can decide on a day to go out again. It'll have to be the weekend since I'm not allowed to skip anymore – that is, unless I don't want to graduate next school year."

"You're not skipping anymore," CL grinned, "You will graduate."

Riven smirked, "Later." He waved to Elis and Darcy and walked away. CL sighed dreamily, feeling like he was on cloud nine and walked over to his friends.

"You're totally into him," Elis grinned.

"At least one of us enjoyed detention," Darcy chuckled.

"Today has been a fish sticks kind of a day," Elis suddenly said. CL and Darcy looked at him wondering what the hell he was talking about. "You know... sometimes there are days where you're very hungry and all you think about is having a delicious meal for lunch – pizza, burritos, hamburger – and when you finally get to the lunchroom all they have is fish sticks. Limp, cold, fish sticks. It's a major let down."

"I don't understand what the hell you're talking about," CL said laughing.

"It's his way of saying that today has sucked major ass," Darcy explained. "First, I'm on my period, second, we get the hardest quiz we've had this semester so far, then I tell Olivia I'm done chasing after her, so now I can forget about ever having a relationship with her ..."

"... And CL lands us in detention," Elis added.

"I did not!" CL defended himself.

"You know Elis, I think you're right," Darcy nodded, "Today's definitely been a fish sticks kind of a day. I just want to go home and relax."

"Me too," Elis made a face, "I'm going to go to sleep as soon as I get home. Gotta make up the hours I lost last night."

"I could use a nap myself," CL sighed.

"Please, you're totally going to be on the phone with Riven," Elis chuckled.

"He's so cute, CL," Darcy grinned excitedly.

"He is," CL said quietly and with a dreamy look in his eyes, "And he's such a nice guy."

"I would have never imagined," Elis said, "He looks like he hates everyone."

CL remembered Riven telling him that a lot of people disappoint him when they were on top of his secret hill overlooking the ocean. CL was happy that – at least for now – he seemed to be an exception toRiven, for he really did seem to like CL.

* * *

That night, Darren and Clair went to the new movie theater. While they waited in line to get food at the concession stand, Clair kept talking about how bored she was that day during lunch without him.

"Hopefully you'll let me know next time you make plans rather than blindsiding me with the fact we aren't going to be eating together," Clair said in the passive aggressive matter only she knew how to serve with a smile.

"If it makes you feel any better, we're going to be eating together in a few minutes," Darren said with a smile, "A large bucket of popcorn, two slushies, and a bag of Snow caps to be exact."

"You know me to well," Clair grinned as they went up to the employee behind the cash register. When they got their food, they began to walk towards the guy ripping the tickets when Darren abruptly stopped. A chill ran down his spine the moment he saw Erik walking towards them with a wide grin on his face.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Clair asked.

"Darren? I thought that was you!" Erik said cheerfully. Clair looked at them with a confused look.

"Darren?" Clair said, turning to him with worry, "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"We haven't seen each other in a long time," Erik laughed. "We're old friends from years ago. It's so good to see you!"

Darren forced a smile, still utterly disturbed by Erik's unexpected presence. "It's good to see you ... too."

Clair smiled, "What a small world. I'm Darren's girlfriend, Clair."

"Pleasure to meet you," Erik said, shaking her hand. He then turned to Darren. "I'm so happy to see you again my friend, come here and give me a hug."

Clair grinned but Darren stared at Erik, who had to come forward and initiate the hug himself. Darren tensed when he felt Erik's lips brush his earlobe. Erik stepped back and grinned.

"What movie are you guys watching?"

"The new scary one, 'Murder Camp'," Clair quipped, "Just what we need to get into the upcoming Halloween spirit."

"What a coincidence, that's the one I'm going to watch too," Erik's smile widened and his eyes went to Darren.

"Well, you're more than welcome to sit with us," Clair told him and Darren resisted the urge to stuff her mouth with a handful of popcorn.

"Perfect, I'll meet you guys inside I just have to grab something to eat first," Erik said, his eyes gleaming with a fake warmth.

"Awesome, let's go honey," Clair smiled.

"See you inside bud," Erik said to Darren.

"Yeah, see you," Darren muttered and pulled Clair away with him.

Darren couldn't enjoy a single minute of the movie. Sitting between Clair and Erik in the darkness of the cinema proved to be quite the nerve wrecking experience. On one side Clair was holding on to Darren's arm because she was scared while on the other side Erik wouldn't stop rubbing on Darren's legs, squeezing his hand, and sometimes even daring to move his hand near Darren's groin area. For an 80-minute horror movie, it sure felt like Darren was sitting through a Lord of the Rings marathon.

After the movie ended, Clair excused herself to the restroom, leaving Darren and Erik alone at last. Darren did all he could to keep himself from hitting Erik.

"Are you insane? What the hell were you thinking pulling a stunt like this?"

Erik only laughed. "I'm sorry, I was just dying to see this movie."

"Bullshit," Darren hissed.

"Ok I wanted to see what your girlfriend was like. She's nice, very cute, but I just don't understand what all the fuss is about. You could do so much better."

"Shut it and get the hell out of here," Darren said. "This isn't funny at all."

"You're so uptight," Erik said teasingly and started to move towards him like he was going to give him a kiss, but Darren scooted away from him in his seat. "Fine, I'll talk to you later then."

"No, we won't."

"Look, I'm sorry," Erik said with a pouty look, "I know it was bad for me to do this, I promise I won't do it again. I honestly just wanted to see what she was like."

"Well, you did, now go."

"Don't be mad at me," Erik said to him, this time really looking upset. "You're the nicest guy I've met on that sleazy website, and I would hate it if we didn't talk again."

"Fine, just go," Darren said to him, eyeing the theater's entrance.

"Do you forgive me?"

"Yes. Now would you please get out of here already?"

Erik smiled, "I really enjoyed our date this afternoon. And ... our date tonight, even. I know a special catch when I see one, Darren ... and you are it."

Darren didn't say another word. He watched Erik wink at him before getting up and leaving the cinema. It was strange, earlier that afternoon Erik had seemed like the nicest guy ever and now, after this, Darren wondered if Erik was someone he should just avoid at all costs.

* * * * * *


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