How To Turn Kim Seokjin To Se...

By Seokjinsbun

2.7K 120 37

WARNING: This fic have bullying contents, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! . . . "I thought you're different, turns... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

1.1K 31 17
By Seokjinsbun






Sounds of Footsteps resonance in the hall,

"Make sure to run so fast!!!"

He walk passed the rooms, footsteps slow and leisure... He's already bored,

"Taehyung-ah? Did you find something?" He called out making a brunette boy peek from a room and smiled his bright signature boxy smile

"I did!"

The said boy announced before throwing a smaller boy outside the room he came from,

"Hold it, I just need to find the other 2" he says before opening a door,

It's empty,

"Oh! Looks like I found an empty room..." He drawled before unceremoniously kicking the teachers table, And there he found another senior,

"Told you to run fast, why did you hide?" He asked voice mocking,

"Seokjin! Please! D-don't hurt me! I'm sorry--"

"Too late for that!" He spat before kicking the boy,

It was a full force kick, and just like the table earlier, it send the senior 3 steps away from Seokjin,

"Hyung! Don't have fun there without us! Take that scumbag here!" Yoongi called out,

And as the sweet hyung he is, Seokjin obeyed.

"Here now Yoongichi," he chuckled, pulling the Senior by the back of it's collar "what did you get?"

Yoongi shrugged,

"You're too lazy hyung!" Taehyung joked, earning a deadly glare from Yoongi,

"You know I hate chasing..." He mumbled,

"We know!" Namjoon chimed in, he's holding the 3rd Senior's hair before pushing it down the floor,

"Don't worry... I love beating anyways," Yoongi smirked before getting the bulkier Senior and throwing it inside a room,

"Beating he says," Taehyung said suggestively,

And before they know it Namjoon is already starting the beating too,

Screams and grunts echoed on the hallway, as they continue beating the 3 Senior,

No one can hear it though, all the classes are already over, the teachers are back on their respective faculties and this is the highest floor which no one would surely want to climb at this hour anymore,

Which means the four of them would be safe, it's not like they're afraid of being caught anyways, no one can match them.

"How about we get bubble tea today?" Taehyung asked, as they walk out the school gate,

"Bubble tea sounds good!" Namjoon agreed

"No! Bubble tea sounds butt!" Yoongi deadpanned, grumpily.

"But you like butts?" Seokjin teased, making Namjoon and Taehyung laugh,

"Can't argue about that," Yoongi says proudly,

"Gross..." Taehyung grimaced "but I'll take that as a yes, leggo!" He says before pulling a whining Yoongi with him,

And that's the end of their day, Sweet bubble tea,


"Good morning everyone--"

"Who is that?!!"


"Please settle down everyone--"


"No way!!"

"Shut the fuck Irene!"

The whole room quietened at that, with Taehyung and Namjoon doing a hi- five on the side,

"Thank you Seokjin," the teacher said courteously, ignoring the curse Seokjin just let out.

"Now... Please listen up, I have here... Your new classmate, Jeon Jeongguk... He should be 3 grade levels lower but because our Jeonggukie here is too smart he's accelerated, and--"

"Boring..." Yoongi drawled,

"Okay... Jeongguk please find a seat now--"

"Here! Jeonggukie sit here!"

"Why Jung? Is that your pet?" Yoongi asked mockingly,

"Not my pet, but I might make him my favorite--"

"STOP!" Yoongi shouted, and everyone stopped. "You! Smarty! Sat beside that thug!" He demanded to Jeongguk, while pointing at the thug, who's Seokjin,

"You're the thug here Yoongichi! And what the heck?!!" Seokjin protest,

"Just take it hyung, it's my gift for you... A smart pet." Yoongi offered,

And well, he maybe used his kitty eyes a little, so Seokjin just rolled his eyes.

Jeongguk on the other hand have no better choice, so he just walked towards the so called 'Thug'


"Shut up,"


"Didn't I say shut up?"

"Y-you did--"

"Then shut up!!! Aish! I thought you're smart?!"

"Alright... Please don't terrorize the kid now, Seokjin. Let's continue on our lesson now okay?"

No one answered that, but the teacher proceed on teaching anyways,

Jeongguk listened attentively and stop himself from opening his mouth, he doesn't want to messed up on his first day,

But when the period ends, Jeongguk immediately run out of the room, hands full of his book and belongings,

It was like a breathe of fresh air, especially when he saw Jimin is already standing outside, waiting for him.

They pulled each other to the back of the school building, and ate lunch there.

"How was it? I almost got lost trying to find you, so... How's it? Did someone tried to be kind?" Jimin asked worriedly, face painted with concern.

"Someone named Jung tried, but Yoongichi stopped him..." He answered.

"Goodness, so you're really in that section huh?"

"Yes, and the first 3 hours is kinda uneventful, so I guess I'll be alright." He concluded,

"Yeah... Just avoid angering Seokjin, we'll be fucked if you do so," Jimin advice,

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind... I'll be all cute and pretty for him..." He joked,

As if,

"Anyways, I'll meet you on the gate later okay? Don't take your sweet time and make me wait for long okay? Call me if bad thing happened."

"Yeah, I will."

"Jeongguk-ah! I'm serious... Call me, if something bad happens..."


"Jeongguk-ah! I'm serious... Call me, if something bad happens..."

"Come on kiddo! Stand up!"

Everyone around them laughs,

"Do you love the floor so much?"

Damn, he just got back and he's already being bullied, how lucky.

"Why aren't you getting up?"

Jeongguk sit up, looking around, and seeing nothing but bored looks from his classmates,

"I'm sorry--" he mumbled, but a series of boos cut him off,

"Is that it? We're not going to see a fight? This is boring" someone behind Yoongichi asked, wasn't it Taehyung? That's what Jeongguk heard before.

"Fight the kid then, Taehyungie," Seokjin suggest from his seat, smirking evilly at Jeongguk,

"Nah...I don't fight weaklings..." Taehyung spat,

"Boring..." Seokjin drawled, before clapping his hand to get everyone's attention. "If someone wants to fight the kid, do it now... I wanna see something interesting!"he announced, and some student stood up, ready to attack while Jeongguk is trying to rummage for his phone,

He needs to call Jimin, he needs to do it now--

But someone kicked his wrist, sending his phone towards the door,

"Oh fuck!" He cursed, and he receives slap,

"Did you just cursed kiddo?" The one who slapped him asked,

"Please--" a kicked landed on his shoulder, and he's back on the floor,

"Oh c'mon don't tell me you'll just lay on the floor all day? Do something poor thing!" Seokjin laughed,

Well Jeongguk really wants to just lay on the floor, why is he being picked on anyways? He haven't even done anything that would anger Seokjin! He had just got back from a break, and is about to continue the remaining periods, for fucks sake!

A shoed foot pressed hard on his thigh and he whimpered,

Hands trying to reach the said foot,

"Oh fuck!!! What the hell is this?!!" The one named Jung suddenly appeared on the door and pushed the student stepping on Jeongguk, "what the hell Yoongi?!!" He shouted at the grumpy looking Yoongi who's just sitting on his seat,

"I didn't do anything?" Yoongi asked dumbly,

"Yes! you didn't do anything! And you let this guys bully Jeongguk!" Jung replied angrily,

"Jin-hyung made them do it," Yoongi shrugged, while Seokjin just smiled,

"What are you gonna do about it then Hoseok-ah?" He mocked,

Hoseok just rolled his eyes and help Jeongguk up,

"This is all your fault Yoongi! I won't forgive you!" Hoseok spat at Yoongi instead, before guiding Jeongguk towards his seat,

"Let's go, sit beside me Jeonggukie..." Hoseok says, though when they passed by Seokjin, a hand holds Jeongguk's arm, stopping him to move forward,

"Let him go hyung,"

"But he arrived on his seat," the older says innocently, before a "sit down Jeongguk!" in a commanding tone,

Jeongguk sat down right away after that, so Seokjin pats his head "Good boy" he complimented,

"Seriously hyung, you're a total jerk!" Hoseok spat angrily beside them,

"Watch your word Hoseok-ah, remember... Only Yoongi is stopping me to shut you up... and I'm not very patient." Seokjin says, with his spine tingling deep voice.

And the whole room went empty silent, no one dared to say or do anything.

Even Jeongguk shivered.

Hoseok on the other hand just passed by, he didn't dare to talk back.

Actually no one dared to talk anymore, until their next subject teacher arrived.

And everything went like nothing happened, except for Jeongguk who have sore left shoulder and thigh,

The next day didn't went uneventful either, but this time Seokjin and his friends are bullying a student from the different section,

And they're doing it in the back of the staircase, during a break.

Jeongguk who's a very lucky individual is about to passed by too but he choose to hide instead, he doesn't want to be bullied today, especially because Seokjin is his seatmate, and the others are his classmate.

Luckily, for him and for the other 4 students that are being bullied the bell rang,



"Let's go," Seokjin commanded,

"Hyung... should I destroy that bell later?" Taehyung asked, following the others,

"You can't destroy school properties Tae,"

"Yeah, right..."

When their voice and footsteps are finally away, Jeongguk had emerge out of his hiding too,

"That was close," he mumbled, before going behind the staircase, "are y'all okay? C-can you stand up?" He asked,

The other 4 students looked up at him warily,

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, I... Just want to help, I can carry each of you towards the clinic if you can't stand..." He offered timidly,

Two of the students are still able to stand and walk, while the other two needs help, so Jeongguk helped one of them while the other two helped the other,

They arrive at the clinic like that, without anymore haste, and the four students thank him repeatedly.

Though when Jeongguk reached the staircase again, Seokjin is standing there, leaning on the wall.

Looking straight to his eyes, with an unimpressed expression.

Jeongguk wants to run, or maybe disappear magically because something in Seokjin's eyes says that this is not going to end well,

"Looks like you did a good deed Jeon, how was it? Did you had fun?" The elder asked sarcastically as he makes intimidating steps forward,

"I-I... I need to go--" a hands tugging his hair stops him from saying anything more, as well as running away.

"I asked you a question didn't I? Did you had fun helping those poor things?... Should I have my fun too?"

The smirk that Seokjin flashed is the most devious look Jeongguk had surely seen in his entirely life,

But he didn't had time to think about it even more because the next thing he knows, he's being pulled towards an empty room,

Then he clashed on the teachers desk, head first.

"Don't you know that... When you help my enemy, you're immediately considered as my enemy?" Seokjin asked, hands precisely locking the door.

And Jeongguk doesn't know what to do, or say, his head and his body aches, and he's sure that no words would save him now,

Seokjin didn't stop at that, he still make quick strides and tug at Jeongguk's hair again,

"Please...l-let me go... M-my head hurts--"

Seokjin just tug harder at that, "There's something about you that really pissed me off kid," he hissed, face too close that his breath is fanning Jeongguk's face.

Jeongguk feels too helpless to do anything anymore, no matter how he struggle he can't flee away and his head and body aches so much,

His tears falls uncontrollably, "Please... I'm sorry, I won't do it again... Please let me go," he opened his eyes to look at Seokjin's pleadingly, hoping that he can sway him a little,

"Please..." He mumbled again when Seokjin paused, looking alternatively at both of his eyes,

"I'm sorry...Seokjin-ssi--" Seokjin let go of his hair, eyes still staring at Jeongguk with a confused frown,

Jeongguk immediately wipes his cheeks after that, looking around and collecting his stuffs that fell into the floor with him,

But Seokjin didn't move, he's still staring at Jeongguk with what seems like a permanent frown, and shock.

Jeongguk didn't know how he found a strength, but he quickly stood up and ran towards the door, opening it as fast as he can and running as far as he could too,

"Jimin-hyung," [What happened Jeongguk-ah?]

"I fucked up," [why? Where are you?]

"Behind the school building..." [Wait for me! I'm coming!]

Jeongguk waits, and after some minutes Jimin is already running towards him,

"What happened? Who did this?" The elder asked, immediately inspecting Jeongguk's face and body for any more injury,


"What the hell?!! That fucker?! I need to talk to him--"

"No hyung, don't!"

"No Jeongguk! I won't let anyone do this to you!"

"Hyung... My head hurts..." He says instead, and Jimin immediately proceed on helping him to walk out of the school and back home,


It takes 2 days for Jeongguk to finally go back to school after that,

No matter how many times Jimin told him to report it or change his section he wouldn't agree,

So Jimin just nag him on his way towards their school,

"Jeongguk-ah! Come on! Why must you do this to yourself?!!"

"Hyung... We've talked about this..." He said dismissively,

"Should I change my section instead? Yes! Right! I should do that! I'll talk to my adviser later and ask her!"

"Hyung, you don't need to do that." He said, stopping a room away from his own classroom.

"No! I'll do it! Why are you stopping here? let's go I'll take you to your room!!!" Jimin says determinedly, pulling Jeongguk with him till they reach the door,

"Just stay still for a day, I'll made sure to transfer here tomorrow, I promise--"

"Oh?!! Jiminie?!" Someone inside the room shouts, but Jimin ignored it,

"Jiminie!!! Jimin-ah! Look here my pretty Jiminie!" The last sentence finally made the two of them look inside, and it's Taehyung, waving so hard and smiling so big from his seat.

But both of their eyes immediately fall on someone sitting not very far from Taehyung, and looking at them curiously,

"That fucker, how could he still look at you after what he did! Aish! I wanna take his eyes and put it in a tasteless soup!"

Jeongguk laughs awkwardly "Go back to your classroom now Jimin-hyung, I'll just see you later okay? Bye!!!" He says pushing his hyung away,

"I'll go back!!" Jimin shouts and Jeongguk just nod and waved harder,

When Jimin had already disappeared in sight Jeongguk went in, bowing his head and never making eye contact with anyone.

He heard some murmurs containing his name but he didn't pay attention he just walk straight towards his seat, then he holds his chair and tries to pull it away from Seokjin, maybe to the back--

But a hand on his wrist stops him,

"I'm sorry..." He heard from beside him, and he couldn't believe it, he whips his head towards the voice's direction, too fast.

"Jeongguk-ssi, I'm sorry..." Seokjin repeated, Jeongguk's eyes grew big, bigger than his usual, "Please sit beside me," he added almost inaudibly, eyes shining with hope and pleads.

He looks vulnerable, Seokjin looks vulnerable right now, something Jeongguk had never seen before.

It's almost a fever dream,

But dream or not Jeongguk can't find a voice to say no to this, so he sat down carefully,

Never minding the murmurs around, nor the way everyone is trying to peek at them simultaneously.

"How is your head?" Seokjin whispered, eyes trained on the blank blackboard,

"I-it's okay now..." Jeongguk replied shortly,

"Take this," Seokjin put some pieces of paper down on Jeongguk's desk, but still not looking at him, "You were away for 2 days, so I... Take notes and copied some lectures, so you won't miss anything," he says, ears turning red,

Their classmates are staring at them more shamelessly now, and Jeongguk can see that Seokjin is getting embarrassed about this, but he's still doing it, acting like he's not bothered.

Jeongguk felt his heart swell at the gesture, so he just smiled a little and mumbled a "Thank you," before looking at the papers on his hand.

Their subject teacher arrived, some minutes after that and the class started,

Seokjin didn't say anything more, and Jeongguk, for the first time since the day he's been accelerated here, had never felt nervous.

If anything, he felt peaceful.


"He did that?!!" Jimin exclaimed, his food grossly flying everywhere,

"He did..." Jeongguk confirmed, before pulling out the paper sheets and showing it to Jimin,

"Wow... He have a beautiful penmanship," Jimin compliments,

"Right..." Jeongguk agreed while unconsciously running his fingers on Seokjin's writings,

"Anyways, I'd talk to my adviser today and he told me that I can transfer to your room tomorrow, so you don't need to worry anymore! I'll fight them for you! " Jimin says confidently,

"Yeah, yeah, do what you want... But about Taehyung? How did you meet that weirdo?" Jeongguk asked, he's been thinking about this since this morning when Taehyung shouted Jimin's name,

"I saw him a day before, When you are absent, I went to talk to Seokjin and he's there with Seokjin, since then he's been shouting my name whenever he's seeing me, you're right, He's a weirdo." Jimin explains,

"He looks like he likes you though," Jeongguk remarks,

"I'm gonna kill him if he does!" Jimin threatened, holding his fork on his eye level to look a little scary,

Jeongguk got back to his classroom alone after that, even when Jimin insisted to come he didn't let him.

He didn't get any teasing today and he got to his seat safe too, he's starting to hope for better days now, hope this won't change,

"Take this," Seokjin put a pack of sweet yogurt on Jeongguk's desk, "they said sweets can take the pain away and make you happy, that's the only sweet I found down on the cafeteria, and I didn't find you there so I carried it here, drink it."

Jeongguk blinks at the pack of yogurt which contains 6 pieces, then back to Seokjin who's looking on the window,

"I can't drink it all though, do you want some?"

"No, it's yours--"

"Oh! Me! Jeongguk-ah! I want some!" Taehyung chimed in, trying to get a hold of the yogurt that Jeongguk immediately took and hold close to his chest,

"U-uhm, T-Taehyung-ssi, I--"

"Buy your own Taehyung!" Seokjin says thunderously, startling Jeongguk and the other who's sitting close to them, and making Taehyung run back to his seat.

"I'm sorry..." Seokjin mumbled shyly beside him,

Jeongguk just nods, A little bewildered at Seokjin's new behavior.

Then he remembered something,

"About Jimin," he started, "if he said something bad please forgive him... He just got--"

"He's right, everything he said is right, I shouldn't have hurt you... or made fun of you, I'm sorry. It won't happen again," Seokjin says, before looking at Jeongguk, "just... Don't look at me, if you saw me, ignore me and don't ever show your eyes to me," Seokjin says firmly,

"My eyes? W-why can't I show my eyes?"

"There's something about it..." Seokjin trailed, before averting his own eyes from Jeongguk,

Jeongguk waited for Seokjin to continue, but he didn't hear anything anymore.


Jimin really did got transferred to Jeongguk's classroom the next day, and just like Jeongguk he's been introduced in the classroom too,

Now, Jeongguk envies him, he never get a chance to be introduced properly like Jimin,

"Lastly, I want you all to know that, Jeon Jeongguk is my best friend if you messed up with him, that means you messed up with me too! So if you want to live don't touch him!"

Snorts and laughs resonance in the room but Taehyung is always the first in loudness,

He's been clapping his hands repeatedly and even giving Jimin a standing ovation,

"Yeah!!! Park Jimin!!! That's my park Jimin!!!"

"Okay Jimin, find a seat for yourself now." Their adviser said before turning to write something in the blackboard.

But Jimin didn't just find a seat, he stops to pull Jeongguk with him,

"H-hyung--" Seokjin holds his other arm,

So the two is basically holding each of Jeongguk's arm,

"Let go." Seokjin warns,

"No! You let go!" Jimin talked back,

But Seokjin didn't let go, he stood up instead and wrapped both of his arms around Jeongguk, practically back hugging the youngest,

"No, I don't want to," He said, making everyone around them gasp,

"You're a big jerk!!!" Jimin exclaimed, before trying to latch towards Seokjin only to be stopped by Taehyung and Namjoon,

"Yah! Let me go! I need to teach that jerk a lesson!!!"

Seokjin moved away a little pulling Jeongguk with him, because Jimin is being aggressive, kicking the chairs around him,

"Yah! Come back here!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you sit with him, stay with me..." Seokjin whispered to his ear softly, making his hair stood up,

"Hey! Let him go! What the fuck!" Jimin shouted, now even Hoseok and the teacher is helping to stop him, "let me go!--"

"Jimin-hyung..." Jeongguk called out, calming Jimin a little, "Please calm down, you can sit beside me, uhmm..." Jeongguk looked on the seats closer to them, and finally stared at the closest to him, which is Yoongi's.

Because Jeongguk sat between Seokjin--who's sitting beside the window--and Yoongi, so the better way to do this is--

"Yoongichii..." Seokjin called out to the surprisingly asleep Yoongi, "Can you sit beside Hoseok? And give that seat to Jimin?" He asked anyways,

"Are you asking?" Yoongi inquired sassily,

"No..." Seokjin replied, so the grumpy Yoongi march towards Hoseoks seat,

"Wha-- hey! What are you doing?! No! I do not agree to this!" Hoseok tried to protest, but Yoongi is already napping on his seat,

"Okay... I believe we should settle down now, the problem is solved, sit down Jimin," their teacher announced, never listening to Hoseok's continuous complaints,

Jimin obeyed, heading straight to his seat but never putting his glare down from Seokjin,

Taehyung on the other hand pokes the guy who's supposed to be sitting beside Jimin, threatened him to exchange seats, while pulling Namjoon with him who occupies the next seat in the same manner,

Seokjin let go of Jeongguk gently after that, then he moved away and sat back to his seat,

Like nothing happened,

Now, Jeongguk is confused again,

"Don't look at me..." Seokjin said, so Jeongguk looks back at the blackboard,

And the period continues,
Jeongguk didn't hear anything from Seokjin, Jimin is remarkably silent too,

Taehyung and Namjoon are extra giggly while Hoseok is filling the room with negative energy,

They all stay like that for 3 hours and Jimin truly got Jeongguk's respect,

In Jeongguk's mind, Jimin had already won a Guinness right now,

And the sound of the bell is the cheers,

"Let's go Jeongguk-ah!" Jimin called out immediately packing his things, and pulling Jeongguk.

Jeongguk let himself be drag, while Jimin march furiously, he looks so pissed.

"I mean-- how dare he do that?! How dare he say that? after what he did you? That bastard!!!" Jimin continues his rant, he's doing that for almost 20 minutes now...

"He even hugged you?! The audacity!"

"Hyung calm down now... And also, he had said sorry,"

"Sorry is not enough!"

"He gave me yogurt too?"

"Yogurt isn't enough either!"

"And he's my only chance for a better college?"

"You're not even sure you can achieve that, have you seen how he is? He's like a thug." Jimin spat,

"He's not a thug, the fact that he says 'sorry' is already a proof that he's not that bad,"

"Tell that to the 20 students they send to the infirmary this week," Jimin retorts,

"He might have reasons, just like how we have our reasons too.." Jeongguk argued,

"I won't have reasons to beat my schoolmates everyday..." Jimin rolled his eyes, "stop defending him."

Jeongguk nods, he can't argue anymore.

"Aish! I'm really pissed!" Jimin shouted again,

"Eat up now Jimin-hyung, stop being pissed"

The bell rang,

"Aish! I'm even more pissed now!" Jimin shouts, he haven't even touched his food.

"Have one bite at least!" Jeongguk suggest, but the bell rang louder, so they both groan.

"It's alright, let's go now." Jimin sighed, packing back his food.

They got back to their room a little late, because of the long run--from the back of the building up to their room--but good for them Seokjin is a minute later, so the subject teacher didn't scold them.

Seokjin wordlessly put a pack of yogurt and bottle of water in Jeongguk's desk too, when he sat down.

So Jeongguk gave him a 'what is this?' Look,

Which earned him a shrug and a "I got that on the cafeteria, it's a different flavor."

And it is indeed a different flavor, banana flavored, so Jeongguk smiled at it,

"Thanks."he says,

"Wipe your sweats." Seokjin said in return,

"Oh? Uh-- okay, I'm sorry," he bowed before using his hand to wipe his sweat,

"Gross," Seokjin uttered,

So Jeongguk stopped and turned around to ask Jimin for tissue, but the other 3 seats beside him is empty,

"I'm sorry I don't have tissue." Jeongguk mumbled, but before he can finish it a handkerchief already fall on his desk,

A beautiful handkerchief, neatly colored in a gradient of 3 colors blue, purple and pink.

"I-I can't use this," he says, a little panicky.

"Why not?" Seokjin asked,

"It's a beautiful handkerchief my sweats will--" he paused when Seokjin himself wiped the sweats on his forehead down his cheeks and chin,

Seokjin is...

Seokjin is surprisingly gentle, he's not rough, unlike the last time he had used that same hand on Jeongguk's hair.

"What are you doing?!" The teacher suddenly exclaimed and Jeongguk almost jumped on his seat,

Seokjin didn't even flinch he just continued what he's doing,

"I said what are you doing?!!" The teacher asked again louder this time,

"We're eating what the fuck?" Someone exclaimed from the back, so Jeongguk turned to look,

It's Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin,

Right Jimin is there,

And they are eating, though Jimin stopped when the teacher asked 'what they are doing' on the second time, unlike Taehyung and Namjoon.

"Why are you eating during my class?"

"Because we want to, now all of you who are looking at us except Jeongguk would be dead if you don't look back at the blackboard!" Taehyung answered, making Namjoon laugh and all the other student turn to the board,

Except Jeongguk,

"He says all didn't he?" Namjoon asked, eyeing their subject teacher,

So she huffs, and turn around angrily,

Jeongguk only turned his head when he felt Seokjin stop wiping the side of his neck,

"Here," he held out the handkerchief "wipe the rest, and drink the water" he says in a commanding tone, Jeongguk obeys.

This is weird...


And it becomes weirder,

Seokjin become kind to him, he's been carrying foods and gifts for Jeongguk saying he had picked it on his way,

Jimin become a little close to Taehyung and Namjoon too, while Hoseok and Yoongi has been kissing on any place possible, which means everywhere!!!

That's very weird to witness, but today must be the weirdest,

There's a sudden teachers meeting so the last subject teacher didn't attend the class and a bunch of Seniors suddenly arrived and locked all the doors in their room,

Everyone in their room are protesting about it, but the seniors didn't budge,

"Come on, just give us Seokjin and everything will be alright," the one who looks like their leader said,

"Oh, believe me, you won't like Seokjin, he's bland... and very annoying" Yoongi said,

"Yeah, very annoying..." Taehyung adds,

"SHUT UP!!!" One of the seniors shouted, but Yoongi and Taehyung just smiled,

"You can't take him, no one can." Namjoon says,

"If you won't give him, well take him!" The leader spat, before walking towards Seokjin.

But Seokjin kicked him before he could even get closer and that makes the other senior walk in to help.

So Yoongi, Taehyung and Namjoon stood up to stop some of them, though they paused when the seniors pulled out their knives,

"Woah..." Namjoon let out,

Almost everyone of them have knives, so the whole room went quiet and unmoving,

"We don't want to become violent but if you'll continue to fight, we might use this to the innocent ones." The leader said before pulling Jeongguk--who is the closest-- and holding the knife close to his neck.

"Scratch his neck and I'll make sure to kill you, in any way possible." Seokjin growl,

"Looks like I got the special one," The guy laughed, "Are you going to come with us now?" He says before pulling Jeongguk closer,

"Let him go and come out," Seokjin commands, so the guy pushed Jeongguk back to his seat and followed,

"You're going to get a fractured hand because of that smut," Seokjin uttered, walking out without sparing a glance at anyone,

Soon, all the seniors are gone, and everyone is left there, stunned.

"How the hell did they carry knife inside the school ground?" Taehyung asked, confusedly

"The security is thrash, let's go--"

"Wait what? Where are you going?" Hoseok protest immediately, pulling Yoongi's hand.

"We can't let Jin-hyung there, alone... He'll miss me." Yoongi replied jokingly.

"But they have knives," Hoseok argued,

"I appreciate the concern love, but we're still going." Yoongi says, before dropping a kiss on Hoseok's forehead and getting a gawking sound from his friends,

"Shouldn't we report this instead?" Jimin suggest,

"Bingo! You do that love... I'll put my trust in you!" Taehyung says cheerfully, sending flying kiss to Jimin which earned him a snort from everyone,

"Let's just go! Faster!" Namjoon called out,

"I'll come with you!"


"You can't,"

"If you come with us, the possibility of us dying today would raise to 99% and that's not by the hands of the seniors who take Jin-hyung, it'll be by Jin-hyung's own filthy hands, so really... No Jeongguk." Taehyung explained,

"But they have knives!!!" Jeongguk tried to convince,

"And Jin-hyung have a hand that works better than any weapon," Yoongi replied before walking out, and the other two, followed.


"Let's just go and report this, the security would be able to give a better help," Jimin told him,

So they both walk out, and Hoseok follows,

"Just in case the security is really thrash," he reasoned.

Surprisingly, the security is not a thrash, they work so fast and located Seokjin and the seniors faster,

Though they didn't let Jeongguk, Jimin and Hoseok to come,

They let them watch the CCTV instead,

And in the CCTV, Jeongguk had seen it,

Seokjin fighting with vigor and precision, knives are scattered around but he never picked one he just fought with his arms and legs,

And even though they're outnumbered they're smirking like they're just playing their favorite game, it's scary to say the least.

Now Jeongguk knows how dangerous Seokjin is, how he's able to send students to the infirmary everyday and why someone would send a boy like him to go and try changing Seokjin.

Jeongguk doesn't know how of course, but out of desperation he agreed, after all if he accomplish this he'll be able to apply for a better college, have a monthly allowance and a place to live when he turned 18 and finally got disowned by his parents.

Though Jeongguk wondered, what makes Seokjin be like this?


"I haven't seen you when I got back, so I haven't asked you, are you alright?" Seokjin says when Jeongguk arrived on his seat.

"You are the one who fought with those guys, I should be the one asking you that." Jeongguk replied

"I'm alright, except for this--" he showed his hand covered with bandage, "nothing bad happens,"

Jeongguk immediately holds the bandaged hand, then he turn it around and saw the palm having a long straight line stain of blood,

"Did you catch a knife's blade or what?" Jeongguk asked jokingly, so Seokjin pulled his hand away.

"Oh fuck! You did?!!" Jeongguk asked, pulling Seokjin's hand again, "why would you? That's dangerous you could have your fingers cut!"

"Believe me, the one holding the knife had a worst finger and fracture right now," Seokjin smirked,

So Jeongguk looked around, trying to find Yoongi, Taehyung and Namjoon.

He hadn't been able to watch how the fight ends because they've been told to go out of the CCTV room when the police arrived yesterday,

But luckily, the other three doesn't look like they have injury or wounds, in fact they look unscathed.

Jimin let Taehyung, and his friends come with them to their place--behind the school building-- during the break that day, which means Seokjin is invited too,

"So this is why you always disappear during break," Seokjin muttered beside him,

"Sit down everyone," Jimin immediately says, tapping the grass he's sitting on,

"Sit down? On the grass?" Yoongi asked, disgustedly.

"I'm sorry, we don't have a throne here Yoongi-ah," Jimin retorts, eyes rolling,

"Oh! Don't be grumpy hyung! Here sit on my lap!" Hoseok suggested, and they earned a gawking sound again,

"I-It's alright," Yoongi says sitting beside Hoseok contentedly, instead.

They all started eating,

Taehyung and Namjoon starting the talk by animatedly telling everyone what happened yesterday,

Hoseok, Jeongguk and Jimin listening attentively, while Seokjin struggles to hold his chopstick,

"Hyung, your hand!" Yoongi informed after a while, making everyone turn their head on Seokjin's hand,

It's bleeding, more than before and it already reached Seokjin's wrist.

"Yeah, it's--" Seokjin tried to explain, but Jeongguk took his chopsticks, putting his own back on his lunch box he says,

"I'm sorry, I forgot." before proceeding on picking on Seokjin's food and holding a meat in front of the his mouth,

Seokjin stared at it for a while-- contemplating whether he should let Jeongguk or starve himself-- before finally opening his mouth,

"AS! I'm saying..." Taehyung drawled, taking everyone's attention back to him again,

Yoongi and Namjoon faked a cough while Hoseok and Jimin pretend they didn't see anything,

By the time, Taehyung's story ended, everyone is already done eating,

They're cleaning up when the bell first rang,

So Jeongguk told them that he'll clean up instead, since he needs to take Seokjin to the infirmary to clean his hand that's covered with his own blood now.

"Are you sure Jeongguk-ah? We can help."

"It's alright Hoseok-hyung, thank you." He replied then he waved at them, who leave one by one.

"Let me throw that--"

"No! Just stay there." Jeongguk immediately interrupts to Seokjin who's been offering help for 5 times now,

"Okay, are you su--"


Seokjin didn't say anything after that, he just stay seated.

When Jeongguk asked him to follow he did follow,

It's not a long way towards the infirmary and the school doctor is already standing on the door when they arrive,

"Oh! Seokjin? Is that really you? You grow up so handsomely!" The school doctor says, when he saw Seokjin, "you're so small when I first saw you--"

"I'm grade 3! And I'm taller than my age! I wasn't that small!" Seokjin protest,

"Still! You're still small, but look at you now! You're already the most handsome student I'd seen in this school!" She says again,

"I'm just your favorite," Seokjin stated, not really believing the doctors word.

"Anyways, why are you here and who's this?" She asked, looking at Jeongguk,

Seokjin just showed his hand and answered, "Jeongguk,"

The Doctor immediately let them in, and find her first aid kit,

"Is Jeongguk the one who did this?" She guessed, sheepishly.


"Oh... then you've been in a fight again?" She asked calmly, voice covered with warmth,

Seokjin didn't say anything, he just look at his hand on the Doctor's hand.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you, but a lot my patient have stories about so I don't feel that left out, they say you had loyal and strong friends... Uh... Yoongi? Taehyung... And Namjoon they say... You didn't introduce them to me but based on the stories I heard they are your loyal friends..."

"Loyal?" Seokjin asked confusedly,

"They say those three is always with you and fighting with you... So I think they're loyal..." The Doctor replied,

And Seokjin just hummed, watching his hand be cleaned, repeatedly.

Jeongguk is amazed, watching Seokjin's face and never seeing any sign of feeling pained, except for a frown that seems to permanently stay on his brows,

Then he wondered again, What makes Seokjin like this?

"Is Jeongguk your friend too?" She asked Seokjin but her eyes stays on Jeongguk,

It's a scary eye, it looks like it can see through Jeongguk, and know his true motive,

"I don't know..." Seokjin admits, so the Doctor paused in the middle of putting a bandage,

Jeongguk flinch and he's suddenly holding his breath involuntarily,

"I hurt him, and he still hadn't forgave me, so--"

"W-who said I still haven't forgave you? I-I already do! When you said sorry, I already forgave you!" Jeongguk protest, feeling his face heat up, because of the sudden attention he's getting,

Though Seokjin just smiled,

"Alright," The Doctor says after securing the bandage, "You better clean this again when you got home and don't let it get infected or anything, change the bandage too and take this medicines," she continued while scribbling,

"Thank you," Seokjin says when he received the medicine and the prescription,

"You're so handsome Seokjin-ah, but as what I'm always saying," she paused, giving Seokjin a once over, "I'll appreciate it if I won't see you here again," she smiled,

"Can't promise that, but I'll try, Mrs. Shin... Congratulations on your wedding by the way, I'm 2 years late tho,"

That's the first time Jeongguk had seen Seokjin smiled genuinely and mischievously,

Such a beautiful sight to see, now he envies Mrs. Shin,

"Thank you, take care of yourselves... and Jeongguk?" She said voice inquiring, so Jeongguk nods "...please take care of him, You're the only person he takes here, so you're the only person I can ask to..."

Jeongguk nods eagerly, "I-I will M-mrs. Shin,"

The Doctor smiled contently and let's them go, to walk back to their building,

"Seokjinssi..." Jeongguk called out, when they got a little far from the infirmary,

Seokjin hummed, but didn't look back,

"It's true... What I said on the infirmary is true, I already forgave you,"

Seokjin looked back at him this time, lips lifting for a small smile,

"Thank you," he says,

Now Jeongguk is not envious of Mrs. Shin, he got a genuine smile from Seokjin already,



"Can you call me Seokjin-hyung?"

Jeongguk immediately nods at that,

"One more thing, will you go on a date with me?"

Jeongguk's eyes widened, "on a what?"

"A date..."


It is indeed a date, and before Jeongguk can take a deep breath, he's already in their street, waiting for Seokjin to pick him up,

"Jimin-hyung? Am I sure about this?"

"You better be, because Seokjin's car is approaching," Jimin deadpanned,

He's the one who helped Jeongguk prepare for this date, today, and he--surprisingly--didn't complain not even once, and he's also here to accompany Jeongguk while waiting for Seokjin,

"Should I hide?--"

"Times up!" Jimin cheered before pushing him forward, closer to the car,

"Hi," Seokjin greeted,

"Hello hyung," Jimin greets back, flashing a sweet smile that Seokjin nods at,

"Hi..." Jeongguk greeted as well,

"Are you ready?" The eldest asked cautiously, and Jeongguk nods.

"Thank you Jimin-ah," Seokjin mumbled,

"Yeah... Keep him safe okay?" Jimin warned,

"I will,"

Seokjin didn't take him to any fancy restaurant, he didn't take him to amusement park too, nor a big cinema,

Seokjin opt to take him to a park, near their school,

It's not isolated, there's some kids and couples around, but because it's already passed midday some are preparing to go home,

"Can you hold this?" Seokjin asked, holding out a basket which Jeongguk immediately took,

He took out another basket, then he closed the trunk,

"What are these hyung?" Jeongguk asked trying to peek on the basket,

"Food." Seokjin simply says,

But when they got to the farthest table beside a big tree, Jeongguk found out that it's not just food, it's foods.

"Hyung... You prepared this?"

Seokjin nods,

"This is a lot! And... you know how to cook?" Jeongguk asked again, so the older hummed,

"Wow! That's awesome! I don't know how to cook but I know that's hard." He complimented,

"Try it first, you can't just compliment me without trying it, what if it tastes bad?' Seokjin says, so Jeongguk does,

He took some kimbab, egg rolls, pork cutlets, and side dishes and it was all good,

"Hyung! This is all delicious! How did you do this? It tastes so good!" Jeongguk exclaimed,

"Really? I should thank our Ajumma then," Seokjin mumble before taking a food and shoving it to his mouth too, "Yeah...You're right it's delicious! We have the best cook" Seokjin adds, and Jeongguk almost choke,

"What do you mean?" He asked after recovering,


"You said you prepare it?!!" He protest, looking so betrayed.

"I did prepare it, but the ajumma cooks," Seokjin laughs, eyes turning to crescent,

"Wow," Jeongguk says disbelievingly, "I really thought you cooked this! I almost asked you to marry me!!!" He jokes,

But Seokjin immediately perks up, "I can cook!"

"Don't lie hyung!"

"I really can! But if I did you should marry me on the spot,"

"That won't happen," he laughs,

"You'll regret saying that,"

It's dark when they finished eating, but they doesn't want to go home yet so they just put the mat on the table and lay there watching the night sky,

"Hyung... Do you like astrology?"

"I don't," Seokjin answers right away,

"But, I like astrology" Jeongguk pouts,

"It's only fitting, because you hold stars in your eyes..."

Jeongguk snorts ungracefully, but Seokjin didn't take it back. He just turned to look at Jeongguk,

"It's the truth... You have the most beautiful eyes, even when you're crying," Seokjin mumbled,

One date turns to two,

"Can we go on a cheaper one next time so I can pay?"

"You don't have to pay, just enjoy the night,"


"That fish looks like you!"

"Why am I being compared to a fish?"

"You both have big eyes!"

"Then that shark looks like you!"

"Why? Because it's scary?"

"No! Because he likes me! Look he keeps looking at me!"


"Hyung, I'm soaked!"

"It's alright, come here! Give me a hug!"

"You're impossible..."

"You're beautiful,"


"Why do people put two poles in one place?"

"It's not two,"

"Why do you look so handsome?"

"You're just drunk, should I carry you to your door?"

"No! Mom would kill me! Like literally," Jeongguk laughs, then he rummage for the door handle and stepped out,

"See you tomorrow?" Seokjin asked,

"Yeah, see you tomorrow..." Jeongguk repeated,

But Seokjin didn't see Jeongguk the next day,

He didn't get a text too,

Jimin doesn't know either,

Same as today, and it's the 3rd day

He's worried, so he drive on Jeongguk's house,

Jeongguk had never let Seokjin visit his house, so Seokjin didn't do anything stupid, like knocking on Jeongguk's door,

He just stayed on his car, in front of the house, hoping to see Jeongguk, or Jeongguk to see him,

Jeongguk did saw him, and he immediately get inside the car telling Seokjin to drive,

On which, Seokjin oblige.

It's almost evening and the sky is orange, but Seokjin didn't stop driving he just followed the way and let Jeongguk cry on the passenger seat,

It takes them hours before Jeongguk's sobs stop,

And another for him to finally stop zoning out and look at Seokjin,

"I'm sorry," he blurts out after minutes of staring, "family matters,"

"Is it because you got home drunk? Are they angry about that? I-I, should apologize to them, Let's go--"

Jeongguk kissed him,

A simple prolonged press of lips, not moving, but still, a kiss.

And Seokjin knows how much courage Jeongguk needed to do that,

So he waited, until Jeongguk pull away, hands still resting on his chest,

"Hyung, do you like me?" The younger asked, voice almost desperate,

"I do, I like you Jeongguk-ah..."

"Can I be your boyfriend?" Jeongguk asked again, can't hide the desperation anymore,

But Seokjin just smiled, pulling Jeongguk's head closer before uttering a "Yes, of course," and giving him a proper kiss,

Jeongguk felt relieve, and something fluttering inside his stomach, but doesn't know how to respond, nor what to do, so he stay still and let Seokjin lick, suck, and nibble on his lips, eyes closed and one hand gripping on the older's shoulder, while the other is spread on the older's chest,

Seokjin smiled at him after that kiss, and he smiled back dopily,

"Do you wanna eat something or you want to go home now?" Seokjin asked, putting their heads together,

"Let's eat,"


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