Hand Over Hand (Hermione Gran...


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"When I saw her smile, I didn't know what I was feeling. Because I want to be her tomorrow, I lived through t... More

Year 2: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter One: The Boy
Chapter Two: New Friends
Chapter Three: Quidditch
Chapter Four: Chambers
Chapter Five: A look into the past
Chapter Six: Unknown Origins
Year 3: The Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter One: New Classes
Chapter Two: Confessions
Chapter Three: Betrayals
Chapter Four: The Time-Turner
Year 4: The Goblet of Fire
Chapter One: A Chaotic Start
Chapter Two: Five Champions
Bloopers #1
Chapter Four: The Yule Ball
Chapter Five: The Second Task
Bloopers #2
Chapter Six: He's Back
Year 5: Order of the Phoenix
Chapter One: Back to Hogwarts
Bloopers & Behind #3
Chapter Two: Secret Lessons
Chapter Three: Secret in the Forest
Chapter Four: The Prophecy
Year 6: The Half Blood Prince
Chapter One: Draco and Mum
Bloopers & Behind #4
Chapter Two: Memories and Nightmares
Chapter Three: Hand Over Hand
Chapter Four: Christmas
Chapter Five: Jealousy
Chapter Six: Horcruxes
Year 7: The Deathly Hallows (Part 1)
Chapter One: The Wedding
Chapter Two: Effects of the Horcrux
A/N: Question
Chapter Three: Merry Christmas
Chapter Four: Snatchers
Final: The Deathly Hallows (Part 2)
Chapter One: Gringotts Break-In
Chapter Two: The Battle Begins
A/N: New Book!

Chapter Three: The First Task

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"Magical Water Plants of the Highland Lochs?" Harry read out.

Y/N, Harry and Neville were hanging out by the Black Lake. Harry was sitting on tree roots, leaning his back against the tree's bark. Neville was standing in the water, his pant sleeves rolled up while Y/N stood next to him, skipping pebbles across the lake. Y/N's face was tense, his eyebrows were furrowed in frustration. He had read the newspaper that Rita had written about him, she published saying that Y/N was Voldemort's long, lost, son.

"Yeah, Moody gave it to me. That day we had tea." Neville explained before waving towards someone behind Harry.

Y/N and Harry's heads turned to see Hermione, Ron and Ginny walking towards them. Y/N's eyes softened at the sight of his girlfriend. Hermione and Ron seemed to be arguing while Ginny ran towards Y/N, giving him a big hug.

"I saw the newspaper, it's horrible she made up those rumors about you, Y/N." Ginny consoled.

Y/N gave her a soft smile and pat her head before she ran back up to Ron and Hermione. Y/N and Harry took a glance at each other. Harry stood up and Y/N walked up towards him.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione walked forward towards Y/N and Harry.

"Ronald would like me to tell you..." She said, taking another deep breath.

Y/N and Harry looked at each other with confused expressions.

"That Seamus told him... that Dean was told by Parvati that... Hagrid's looking for you, Harry." She managed to get out.

Y/N started walking towards Hermione when Harry's voice stopped him.

"Is that right?... What?" Harry asked, not understanding.

Hermione groaned before rushing back towards Ron, whispering in her ear. Harry shot a questioning look at Y/N who shrugged back.

"Dean was told by Parvati that..." Hermione said, walking up back to Harry.

She sighed.

"Please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's looking for you." Hermione said, frustrated. 

She quickly grabbed Y/N's hand, pulling him towards her before turning her back.

"Well, you can tell Ronald-" Harry yelled.

"I'm not an owl!" Hermione snapped, facing back towards Harry.

She then pulled Y/N's hand along and wrapped her free arm around Ginny as she brought the two away from Ron and Harry. Ron stared at Harry for a few seconds before turning his back and following the trio.


Hermione's eyes were glued to a book. She was sitting on Y/N's bed, leaning her back on the headboard. She wore one of Y/N's hoodies, playing with the strings of it with one hand holding onto her book.

The scratches of a pen coming into contact with paper was the only noise heard in the quiet room. Y/N sat next to Hermione, scribbling things on a few sticky notes, sticking each one gently onto Hermione. Hermione tried her best to ignore Y/N's antics, focusing on her book.

"Y/NNNN..." Hermione whined when Y/N placed a sticky note on her forehead, finally pinning her attention to him.

Hermione pulled off the sticky note on her forehead, turning it to read. Her annoyed expression was replaced with a small, loving, smile. On the note, the words "I love you" were written neatly, along a few hearts decorating the small piece of parchment.

"You're so cheesy..." She mumbled with a grin before sticking her head back in her book.

Y/N smiled, seeing his girlfriend finally smile after the little incident with Harry and Ron. He knew she was stressed due to Ron ignoring and hating him and Harry. Hermione wouldn't want anything more than to spend her days with Y/N but she was torn between her two best friends and boyfriend. She was stressed about it and Y/N knew that. Hermione being, well, Hermione decided that studying would be the best way to get rid of her stress while Y/N had a different idea.

Y/N gave Hermione a small kiss on the cheek. He then pulled the book away from Hermione, ignoring her little noises of protest.

"Y/NNNNN... Give me my book back, I'm trying to study." She whined once more, reaching out for her book.

Y/N simply shook his head "no" placing the book on the bedside table before pulling the smaller girl onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her back into him as he buried his head into her neck. He placed a small kiss on her neck.

"Y/NNN..." Hermione groaned, though much softer this time.

"You need to relax, love..." Y/N whispered into her ear, making her shiver.

Hermione let out a relaxed sigh as she turned herself to face Y/N, still sitting on his lap. She then rested her chin on Y/N's shoulder.

"I love you too..." She mumbled into his neck.

Y/N smiled softly, wrapping an arm around her waist and playing with her hair with his free arm. He leaned back onto his pillows, letting Hermione lay on top of him. The two lovers stayed in that position for a while, with Hermione resting her eyes. She nestled her neck between Y/N's shoulder and neck with a small smile on her face. Y/N gave her a kiss on the head a few times.

Within a few minutes, Y/N felt Hermione's hot breath soften on his skin. Assuming she had fallen asleep, he pulled the blanket over them, turning off the lamp.


"You cheat, Y/N. You stink, Potter." A random student insulted as the two boys walked down the halls.

Harry and Y/N were lost in their conversation. Harry had told Y/N all about the events of last night, telling him about the first challenge of dragons. The two boys were on the way to the library, they were looking for Hermione and Ginny. Almost every student wore magical badges, switching from green to red to yellow. When it was green, it had "Potter Stinks" written on it, when red it had "Red-eyed cheat" and finally the yellow ones had "Support Cedric, the real Hogwarts champion." written.

"Like the badge?" A tall Hufflepuff student asked, blocking Y/N and Harry's path.

"Excuse me..." Y/N said softly.

Y/N was conflicted, he understood why they were angry but didn't know why they were going this far. Y/N was used to all the hate, he grew up receiving it. But he thought it was unfair. He felt bad for Harry.

Y/N was snapped out of his thoughts when Harry pulled him by the arm, pushing through the Hufflepuff students who blocked their way. They saw Cedric who was hanging out with his friends. Y/N looked towards Harry who nodded at him, separating from each other.

"Y/N!" One of the Hufflepuff students yelled out.

"Hey! Read the badge!" Another one teased as Cedric stood up.

"Leave him alone, guys!" Cedric scolded, making his friends quiet down.

"I have something to tell you..." Y/N muttered, his cold gaze eyeing each and every one of the students.

The grin was wiped off of Cedric's face when he saw the stern look on Y/N's usual tired eyes.

"Dragons. Harry told me that was the first task. A different dragon for each champion." Y/N whispered.

"Come on, Ced!" One of his friends called out.

"Are you serious?" Cedric questioned, tilting his head.

Y/N nodded his head slowly.

"Fleur and Krum, do they know?" 

Y/N nodded his head once again, this time, turning to leave. Y/N was a little annoyed that Cedric just watched as the tall Hufflepuff blocked him and Y/N's path, so he left right after. Looking for Hermione.


"Bets, place your bets! Bets taken! Bets taken here!" The Weasley twins called out.

It was now the day of the first task. Crowds were cheering as they sat on the bleachers. 

Y/N and Harry stood in a tent, pacing back and forth. Harry was nervous for the task, so was Y/N but he didn't show it.

Hermione had been helping the two of them practice a spell when they figured out that they were allowed to use their wands. Harry had planned to use his broom to make his way around the dragon. Y/N didn't tell them what he was planning but Hermione trusted him, helping him with the Summoning Charm.

But now the two were alone, walking past, worry plastered on their faces. Harry was scared of getting hurt, scared of facing a dragon. Y/N on the other hand, was scared of letting his powers go out of control, scared of accidentally hurting the dragon badly.

Harry had his Gryffindor long sleeved shirt and a hooded vest while Y/N had on a cloak that he had gotten from his sword master, a small Gryffindor logo was on the clip. Cedric had on a sort of Hufflepuff robes, which was specially designed for the competition.

"Psst!" Harry and Y/N heard from the curtain, startling them.

"Psst!" They heard it again, going closer to it to investigate.

"'Mione?" Y/N whispered, leaning his head on the curtain.

"How are you two feeling? Okay?" Hermione asked, concern laced every word.

Y/N and Harry looked at each other, not knowing how to respond. Hermione took a deep breath.

"The key is to concentrate. After that you just have to-" 

"Battle a dragon." Harry interrupted.

The two boys heard Hermione whimper before she leaped out of the curtains, jumping into Y/N's arms, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. Y/N caught her, lifting her slightly off the ground when suddenly a loud flash was heard, it was a camera.

"Young love! How... stirring." Rita said, walking towards the trio.

Y/N placed Hermione down, turning to face Rita and taking Hermione's hand into his. Harry looked towards Rita in shock.

"If everything goes unfortunately today, you two may even make the front page. I can see it now, curly haired bookworm falls for the devilish son of the Dark Lord!" She exclaimed.

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions... and friends!" Krum spat at Rita.

"No matter. We've got what we wanted..." Rita said, looking defeated.

She then made her way out.

"Good day, champions. Gather round, please." Dumbledore ordered, coming out from behind Y/N, Harry and Hermione.

Y/N pulled Hermione out of the way, making her hug his side as Dumbledore and the other judges walked in.

"Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. A moment only five of you can fully appreciate." He said turning his head.

"What are you doing here, Miss Granger?" He asked with curiosity, subtly sneaking a wink to Y/N.

"Oh- Uhm..." Hermione stuttered out.

Y/N shot a pleading look towards his grandfather.

"Nevermind that, I suppose you can stay for a little while longer." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Barty! The bag!" 

"Champions, in a circle around me." Crouch ordered, making a circling motion with his finger.

"Miss Delacour, over here." He pulled Fleur closer towards Y/N and Harry.

"Mr. Krum. And, Potter, Potter, over here."

"Miss Delacour, if you will." Crouch said, opening the bag for Fleur to draw from.

Fleur pulled out a small green dragon which looked towards her, growling.

"The Welsh Green."

"Mr. Krum." Krum pulled out a small, angry, red, dragon.

Harry and Cedric then pulled out small dragons. Cedric got the Swedish Short-Snout while Harry pulled out The Hungarian Horntail.

Hermione stiffened when it was Y/N's turn to pull out a dragon, hugging his arm tightly. Y/N pulled from the bag revealing a small, white dragon. Hermione's eyes softened, noticing which dragon it was.

"Ah, the Antipodean Opaleye. Less aggressive than the other dragons but horrifying when left to protect something." Crouch explained causing Hermione to tighten her grip on Y/N's arm.

Y/N looked towards the small dragon, a small, gentle small on his face as the dragon laid down, falling asleep on his hand.

"These represent five very real dragons, each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple: Collect the egg." Crouch announced.

Y/N gave a small kiss on Hermione's forehead before she released her grip on him. Dumbledore nodded at the two as Hermione exited the tent.

"This you must do, for each egg contains a clue, without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?" Crouch continued.

"Very well. Good luck, champions." Dumbledore said, walking forward.

Cedric went first, taking a deep breath before running out of the tent. The Champions weren't allowed to watch them to prevent them from cheating. Within 15 to 20 minutes, his dragon roared, signaling that he had finished the task.

Fleur went on next, she gave a small smile towards Y/N before walking out. Not long after, she had also successfully finished the task. The same with Krum, leaving Y/N and Harry alone in the tent.

Y/N watched as Harry shivered. Harry took a deep breath before standing up. Y/N gave him a brotherly hugged before he left. 

After a few minutes, Y/N heard cheers signaling that Harry succeeded. It was now Y/N's turn.

Taking a deep, shaky breath, Y/N walked out to see a large, pale, white dragon. It was standing protectively in front of the golden egg. Gripping his sword on his waist, he gently walked towards the dragon who carefully watched his every move.

"Don't hurt it. Don't hurt it. Don't hurt it." Y/N whispered over and over in his mind. Y/N blocked out the cheering crowd as he tried to focus. The dragon then growled, smoke flying out of it's nostrils. Y/N gulped before reaching his hands out, cupping them. Y/N closed his eyes, muttering something out of his breath as the dragon slowly approached him with curiosity. Suddenly, a dozen red butterflies flew out of Y/N's hands.

"Help me out, please..." Y/N whispered as he opened his eyes.

The red butterflies flew around Y/N's body, increasing his speed and strength. Y/N closed his eyes once more and breathed out mist. He then suddenly teleported, right next to the dragon's head, crouched down, gently falling.

"I don't want to hurt you..." Y/N whispered in the dragon's ears.

The dragon was too shocked to move, it's glittering multi-coloured eyes, wide in shock. 

"You're a beautiful dragon, I'd just like to take the egg." Y/N said softly as he landed on the ground.

The dragon finally gained it's composure, turning to face Y/N and breathing out a vivid red flame, that seemed to chase after Y/N. Y/N closed his eyes and started running away from the flames.. Y/N gracefully dodged the flames in the air, turning his body with his cloak fluttering in the wind, much like a butterfly that's flying in the wind. His actions flowed together, like a raging river. 

Once the dragon grew tired of breathing the flames, it was Y/N's time to attack. Opening his eyes, Y/N ran towards the dragon, his arms glued to his sides as his cloak fluttered around him. The dragon was terrified of the cold energy Y/N was letting out.

"I'm sorry, about this." Y/N muttered before closing his eyes.

Y/N jumped in the air, finally drawing his sword as the red butterflies swarmed behind him. He then looked back towards the dragon, who stood there in shock. In a flash, Y/N seemed to disappear, only leaving the butterflies which flew slowly towards and behind the dragon. A loud sword slash was heard, followed by a harsh wind. The dragon stood there, unmoving. In what seemed like a second, Y/N had hit the dragon's pressure points with the hilt of his sword, though no one's eyes were fast enough to see it.

"Gloria Chorus..." Y/N whispered as he landed behind the dragon, his back facing it.

(A/N: Translates to: Butterfly Dance.)

Everything was silent. Y/N opened his eyes with his back turned to the dragon. A loud thud was heard as he turned to face the dragon. Y/N stared coldly, slashing his sword twice in the air in an X pattern before sheathing it. The dragon was still conscious, it's body was aching from the impact of Y/N's sword and was unable to move. Y/N reached his hands back once again, letting the butterflies fly back into him.

"Thank you for the help, little ones." He said softly, letting all of them get absorbed back into him.

Y/N clenched his teeth, grabbing his head with one hand. He stabilized himself before walking slowly towards the dragon. Upon arriving towards it, Y/N gently pat the head of the dragon as if to comfort it.

"Accio..." Y/N whispered, wandless.

With a flash, a small lyre appeared in his hands.

"This should help you out, buddy." Y/N whispered gently into the dragon's ear before strumming his lyre.

With each note played, a red light flew out of the instrument, going into the dragon, easing it's pain.

The song was over and the dragon could now stand. What it did next, shocked everyone. The dragon bowed, moving away from the egg. Y/N gently whispered a thank you to the dragon before grabbing the egg.

"L/N finished the task with the most interesting way!" Crouch shouted as Y/N finally tuned back in with the crowd.

The crowd was cheering loudly despite their hate for him from earlier. Y/N was happy, he didn't have to harm the dragon too harshly and succeeded with the task.

"Y/N!" Hermione said, jumping into Y/N's arms.

"You didn't tell me you were musically talented!" 

Y/N chuckled as he returned his girlfriend's hug.

"My master taught me, we did a lot of traveling. Eventually I invented a pain relieving spell with a lyre for creatures..." Y/N explained.

Suddenly, Y/N's headache had gotten worse, he stumbled down, nearly falling before Hermione had caught him, giving him support.

"Come on, Y/N. Let's take you to the common room." Harry said, helping Hermione with Y/N.


The common room was noisy, they were all clapping for Y/N and Harry. Y/N hugged Hermione's waist from behind, peppering her neck with kisses causing her to giggle as Harry fueled the crowd. 

A loud screech filled the room when Harry opened the egg, making Y/N cover Hermione's ears instead of his own. 

"Close it, Harry!" Y/N scolded.

"What in the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked, walking towards the trio.

Y/N looked away, burying his face into Hermione's neck at the sight of him.

"It's alright, Y/N..." Hermione comforted, raising a hand to pat his head.

"Alright everyone, go back to your knitting. This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in." Harry said, making the crowd disperse. 

Hermione gave Y/N a soft kiss on the cheek before untangling herself from him. 

"Go talk to Ron." She whispered, pushing him towards the other two boys.

Y/N nodded as Hermione went to talk to Ginny.

Harry and Y/N stared at Ron awkwardly.

"I reckon you have to be barking mad to put your own names into the Goblet of Fire." Ron said, looking towards the two boys.

"Caught on, have you?" Harry spat.

"Took you long enough..." Y/N mumbled, standing next to Harry.

"I wasn't the only one who thought you two did it." Ron spat back.

"Everyone was saying it behind your back."

"Brilliant." Y/N whispered.

"Makes us feel a load better." Harry spoke up.

"Least I warned you about the dragons." Ron hissed.

"Hagrid warned me about the dragons." Harry corrected.

"No, no, no, I did. Don't you remember? I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you." Ron said.

"Seamus never actually told me anything, so it was really me all along. I thought we three would be all right, you know, after you'd figured that out." 

"It's alright, Ron. Forget about it." Y/N said, patting Ron on the shoulder.

"Boys... You three are idiots..." Hermione whispered, tears threatening to fall from her face.

Y/N quickly made his way towards Hermione and wiped her tears, wrapping his arms around her.


Harry stared at Cho, spitting out his drink when she smiled at him. 

"Look at this!" Hermione hissed, putting the newspaper down on the table.

She had been reading the newspaper with Y/N seating next to her. The quartet were seated on the Gryffindor's table eating lunch, well, the boys were eating lunch while Hermione read the newspaper. Y/N occasionally lifted his fork towards Hermione's face, feeding her. She had eaten everything he made her. Y/N was making sure she was eating properly.

"I can't believe it! She's done it again!" 

"Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for a famous red-eyed wizard." Hermione read out, pointing at the moving picture of her and Y/N hugging.

"Her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the Bulgarian bonbon, Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Y/N L/N's taking this latest emotional blow." She finished reading.

Y/N pouted, wrapping an arm around Hermione's waist and pulling her closer towards him.

"It's alright, Y/N. I'm not really interested in Krum. This newspaper's a load of rubbish." Hermione reassured, placing a kiss on Y/N's forehead while he chewed on some ham.

"Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley." A first year boy said, passing Ron a parcel.

"Thank you, Nigel. Not now, go on." Ron replied, waving the young boy off.

 Harry and Y/N tilted their heads at Ron while Hermione gave him the "Angry 'Mione Face" as Y/N liked to call it.

"I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph." Ron explained.

"Oh look, mum's sent me something!" 

He unwrapped the parcel revealing funny-looking dress robes. Standing up, he took the dress robes and unfolded it.

"Mum sent me a dress." Ron said, confused.

Y/N let out a small chuckle before taking a sip from Hermione's cup since he forgot to get one himself.

"Well, it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" Harry teased.

Harry reached in, finding one then handing it to Ron.

"Nose down, Harry." Ron spat.

"Ginny, these must be for you." 

"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly!" Ginny said, putting her spoon down.

Hermione let out a laugh, making Y/N's heart melt.

"What are you on about?" Ron questioned, walking towards her.

Hermione laughed harder, burying her face into Y/N's shoulder.

"They're not for Ginny. They're for you." Hermione explained, her voice was muffled slightly.

The students laughed as a wide grin made it's way onto Hermione's face.

"Dress robes."

"Dress robes? For what?" Ron asked.


"The Yule Ball... has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament... since it's inception." Professor McGonagall explained while Filch tried setting up a giant jukebox.

The Gryffindor's sat in a room with the girls sitting on the left side of the room and the boy on the other side.

"On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally, because... the Yule Ball is, fire and foremost... a dance." She continued, walking through the middle of the room.

The girls chattered excitedly among themselves while the boys groaned.

"Silence!" McGonagall ordered, making the room go quiet.

"The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly 10 centuries." She said.

"I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons." 

"Try saying that fives times fast, huh?" Fred whispered to George.

George then tried doing it, making Y/N chuckle lightly.

"Now, to dance, is to let the body breathe." McGonagall explained, waving her arms around.

Y/N caught Hermione staring at him. He winked, making her blush and look away.

"Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight."

"Something's about to burst out of Eloise Midgen, but I don't think it's a swan." Ron whispered to Harry and Y/N, making them laugh quietly.

"Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley." McGonagall said, making her way towards the boys.

"Yes?" Ron mumbled as Harry and Y/N lowered their heads.

"Will you join me, please?" The professor asked, placing her hand gently on Ron's shoulder.

Ron and Professor McGonagall made their way to the middle of the room. Y/N and Harry looked at each other with cheeky smiles.

"Now, place your right hand on my waist." She instructed him.

"Where?" Ron asked.

"My waist and extend your arm." She replied.

Y/N and Harry let out a soft laugh as George and Fred whistled.

"Mr. Filch, if you please." 

Filch started the music.

"One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two three." She lead Ron around in a dance.

 The twins started dancing along, mocking Ron.

"Oi!" Harry called to the twins.

"You're never gonna let him forget this, are you?" Y/N asked with a small giggle.

"Never." The twins responded at the same time.

Harry leaned back, laughing.

"Everybody come together!" The girls instantly shot up, walking towards the middle.

"Boys, on your feet!" The boys reluctantly got up too, making their ways to the girls.

Everyone slowly partnered up.

"Miss Granger, may I have your first dance?" Y/N asked politely, grabbing Hermione's hand and cheekily placing a kiss on it.

"With pleasure, Sir Y/N." She responded with a smile.

Y/N placed his hands on Hermione's waist as she placed hers on his shoulders. The two swayed together to the rhythm perfectly in sync. They stared at each other, lost in each other's eyes. Hermione's brown eyes were shining brighter than any city ever could.

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