Love at first sight (DNF)

By MCwaffels

66 8 1

This is a world where dreams determen your soulmate, will George find his. Or will he be hurt to much in the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Four

7 1 0
By MCwaffels

After they both got ready and went downstairs Sapnap was already there

"What the heck happened last night!!" Sapnap burst out laughing

George grabbed his head with one hand "Ha Ha very funny we got drunk and can you please be quieter"

"No no no George you got drunk I was tipsy" (D)
"Oh shut up Dream" (G)

"Oh ok I just thought you guys did the yknow" Sapnap winked at them.

"SAPNAP!!" Dream and George both yelled

"The heck is wrong with you we are just best friends not lovers you freak" Dream got mad
"We're best friends...?" George looked up at Dream with puppy dog eyes
"Of course we are Gogy" Dream cupped Georges face in his hands

"Omg get a room!!" Sapnap let out a wheeze

"Sapnap stop!!" George jumped on too Sapnaps back "BAHA HA HA AHhhh" Dream started to laugh uncontrollably. "George get off of mee!!!!" Sapnap started to run around the first floor and he dropped George down on the living room couch "Now will you stop with the inappropriate  jokes" George laid on the couch because his head hurt even more than before.

Dream entered the room and saw that George wasn't looking that great "Are you ok George..."

"Yeah I'm ok I'm just tired and my head hurts" (George)
"We should get you upstairs then" (Dream)
"Ouu c'mon guys you just got down here" (Sapnap)
"I'm sorry Sapnap but my head does really hurt maybe you could go over to Karls house"
"That sounds like a good idea. Sapnap you go to Karls for a day while me and George stay here"
"yeah ok that sounds good"

Sapnap was going to his room when he puled Dream a side "You are such a simp it is so obvious that you like George and if it helps, George is Bi so you don't go beating up your self. Go get that brown haired boy Dream" Dream got extremely red "How I- Wha- did-.... Tnx Sapnap" 

George and Dream are only Bi for this story I am not saying that they are in real life.

Sapnap ran upstairs and Dream went back to George
"What did sapnap tell you" George asked "oh umm nothing just some inappropriate joke again" Dream said quickly.

Sapnap texted Karl


Karl <3

Hey I was wondering if we could hang out at your house for a
couple days

Hey Sapnap yeah that would
be great and actually I wanted
to ask if you wanted to go
camping with me for like a
week I just was scared to ask

Oh yeah that sounds fun I am
gona get ready and go to your

Ok se you later <3

Ok bye (:


Sapnap got all of the stuff he needed and went downstairs to tell George and Dream. When he got downstairs he saw them all cuddled up under a blanket

"I thought you were gona go upstairs" Sapnap said while  approaching the front door. "No George wanted to stay here and watch a movie" Dream got up and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water for George
"So you gona go hang at Karls" George yawned. "Actually no me and Karl are gona go camping for a week" Sapnap smiled. "Oh hey so you are gona tell him how you feel" Dream entered the room with a glass of water and a bag of chips/crisps
"well I think yeah" Sapnap blushed. "LETS GOOOO!!!" Dream and George screamed. "Calm down boys ouu and off topic well kinda off topic please don't yknow and if you do keep it in your room" Sapnap said while closing the front door behind him

"Stop it you dumb a$$!!!" Dream picked up a pillow and threw it at the door. All Dream herd was a distant wheeze from Sapnap. Dream sat back down and put his arms around George when the movie ended they stayed on the couch just scrolling thru social media in each others arms.

"Hey Dream what are we gona do with out Sapnap for a whole week" George stretched
"Umm I don't know... we could go to that burger place around the corner" Dream ruffled Georges hair 
"So you're asking me to go on a date with you~~" George said in a flirtatious and playfull manner
"What....WHAT!!!!" Dream froze in place, but in the back of his mind he knew that George was just joking.
"Oh big man Dream can't take a litle flirting~~" George got up and started mocking Dream
"OMG yeah I can, just not from my best friend" Dream chuckled.
"OhH I aM DreAm aNd I liKe giRls~" George started running around the couch and mimicking an American accent
"You are so annoying" Dream got up and tackled George to the floor and started tickling him
"Ok.. ok... stop it.. I'm sorry... I'm sorry" George caught his breath in between laughs

Dream stopped then him and George stared in each others eyes 

Dream thought

"He has such beautiful eyes so deep and dark they are this beautiful brown color and shine in the light"

George thought

"Dreams eyes are so mysterious, he is so handsome... omg George pull your self together"

Dream realized in what position they were in and quickly got off of George. George didn't seem to notice. 

"You know it's so fun with you even if we don't do anything" George smiled 
"Yeah it's fun... how about that burger place thou" Dream laid next to George on the ground
"Yeah we could go, but tomorrow I don't know why I am very tired today" George yawned 
"Maybe it is because you got totally hammered yesterday" Dream chuckled
"Well yeah but it's Jenny too I just might have realized that I never really loved her... I was just kidding my self I think I knew it from the start" Tears slowly started to run down Georges face
"Oh George don't cry... this is great actually you have got closure now and that is pretty hard to get... I know from personal experience... I am proud of you" Dream sat up wiped off Georges tears and hugged him.

Dream thought

"I am so proud of him he is so strong he got over this relationship pretty fast in a couple days that's impressive"

"Ok then lets go upstairs and get some sleep" George sniffled 
"George it's still early it's like only 6 pm and when was the last time you ate something" Dream got up from the ground and lifted up George
"Yeah you're right I am pretty hungry" Georges stomach rumbled 

Dream carried George to the kitchen and sat him down on one of the chairs and then started making something to eat.

George thought 

"He looks so cute in a apron.... omg George what are you thinking for all you know he could be straight"

After a litle bit of time Dream was finished.

"All done Mac and Cheese to your service... ahh wait that's not right ok what ever" Dream said while putting  a plate with food in front of George 
"I didn't know you could cook and it looks very tasty" George smiled up at Dream
"Tnx lets eat now" Dream ruffled Georges hair and sat down next to George 

They ate the food in silence. Dream finished first but George had 

George swallowed a bite a said "We are already so close even thou we haven't talked like just the two of us"
"Well yeah your mind has been occupied" Dream got up and put his dish in the sink and then sat back down next to George
"He he well yeah sorry" George put the last bite of Mac and Cheese in his mouth.
"Ohh it's ok I'm a patient person" Dream smiled
"So Dream do you like video games" George got up and put his dish in the sink.
"Yeah I have some on my laptop" Dream turned around and leaned against the counter facing George.
"I have games on my laptop too" George made his way to Dreams room that they shared now to get his laptop 
Dream sensing what George is doing he started to go up the stairs to their room to get his laptop too.

George was already in the room trying to find his laptop in his bag. When he found it he opened it and on the screen popped up the proposal plan and then all of a sudden he got really sad because he had forgotten about the way Jenny hurt him. He didn't care about Jenny any more, only the way she hurt him.

George thought

"I am so over her ... then why do I do this to my self maybe it's just because of the way she hurt me"

Dream came in to the room and saw George siting on the ground sad with his laptop on his lap and the laptop had the proposal plan open on it. Dream realized what had happened and rushed over to George and hugged him.

"Are you ok George" Dream closed the page that the plan was on and put the laptop on the ground
"Yeah I am ok and I am totally over Jenny I- I just remember the hurt" George turned around and put his head on to Dreams chest. 
Dream chuckled and squeezed George a litle tighter then he let go "So what did you want to do with the laptops"
"Oh yeah amm what games do you have on your laptop" George grabbed his laptop

Dream grabbed his laptop to and opened it

"Well I have .... hmm ok just just look your self" Dream handed George his laptop
"Ok" George took Dreams laptop and started looking

After some time he jumped up "Hey you have Minecraft"
"Yeah I really like it and and play it a lot " Dream scratched the back of his neck
"Yay! I really like Minecraft too... can we play together" George made puppy dog eyes at Dream
"Of course I will play with you" Dream took his laptop out of Georges hands
"Ok then lets play" George grabbed his laptop and started up the game

They talked and played for hours they learned so much about each other. For example Dream has a sister named Drista and that George is a lefty.

It was really late when George said that they probably should go to sleep Dream agreed. They got dressed for sleep for George that was an over sized t-shirt that was over sized because it was Dreams and boxers for Dream it was just the boxers.

They went to sleep cuddling as always.

Next morning George woke up feeling super refreshed and feeling great. George rubbed his eyes and looked around the room but didn't see Dream so George got up and made his way to the bathroom when he entered the room he saw Dream geting out of the shower.

"Oh my god Dream I am so sorry I didn't mean to... I am so sorry... Sorry" George put his hand in front of his face and quickly exited the room
"George!" Dream quickly grabbed a towel

George jumped on to the bed face down to hide his extremely red cheeks meanwhile Dream in the bathroom got red too and dried him self of and got dressed.

Dream carefully entered their room "Are you ok George!"
"Yeah I am fine ok and I didn't see anything!" George looked up at Dream 
"Ok then I am gona go make breakfast" Dream awkwardly made his way to the kitchen

George thought

"Oh my god I feel so embarrassed and now I can't get it out of my head ok ok George get your self together"

George got dressed and went down stairs.

"Hey breakfast is almost ready" Dream waved at George to come sit down
"I am so sorry about earlier I didn't mean-" George rubbed the back of his neck
"George it is ok it was my fault I forgot to lock the door" Dream interrupted George smiled at him and pated him on the back
"Oh ok so what's for breakfast" George cleared his throat and sat down 
"We are having waffles" Dream put a plate of food in front of George 
"Mmm very fancy~~" George mimicked an American accent  

They both burst out laughing and started to eat.

They were almost finished with breakfast when they herd a knock at the front door they both looked at each other confused because they weren't expecting anyone they got up and went to the front door.

Thank you so much for reading leave your thoughts in the comments and I will post the next part as soon as I finish it ly.

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