The Dark War - The Mortal Ins...

By PsykoTeddyBear

15K 213 55

This is my story of the Dark war in COHF. This takes place after Clary agree to take the throne with Sebastia... More

Chapter 1
Chaptr 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

809 14 4
By PsykoTeddyBear

Sebastian smiled triumphantly. His sister was finally his. He had touched and loved every part of her body now. He lay in Clary´s bed with her by his side. They were naked and his sister was fast asleep, her red curls cascading her flawless face. Sebastian groaned as he realized he had plenty to do as he sended a herd of Demons to Alicante yesterday. The war had begun and they didn´t even know it. Clary stirred besides him but didn´t wake. As Sebastian rose from the bed and got dressed in his black clothes he walked back to his room for a shower and change of clothes. This day was going to be remembered. This day he and his sister were going to burn down the world and rule the rest of. He was sure of it.

Isabelle was lying in a bed in the infirmary that was put up at the ward. She was bleeding heavenly from a cut in her forehead and some smaller cuts in the arm. There was a young adult who was treating her. After a long curse of complaining and curses she had agreed to lie down, but she didn´t like it. She wanted to fight with the others. She wanted to know if her family was safe. The young girl stood with a steele at Isabelle´s forehead and was going to start on a iratze when the door open and two shadow hunters was dragging a red head inside. At first Isabelle thought it was Clary but then she remembered that her friend was with Sebastian. Which could only mean one thing. That red head. On the bed across from Isabelle was in fact not Clary but her mother.

“Jocelyn!” Isabelle cried as she jumped out of the bed and ran across the room to the shadow hunter. Jocelyn had a big gash across her chest and stomach. It was blood everywhere. She took small shallow breaths and her eyes was closed.

“Why aren´t you helping her?!” Izzy demanded as the girl was about to leave

“I´m sorry… There´s nothing I can do. I need to focus on the shadow hunters who I can save” the girl said with a sad smile.

“But…” Izzy stammered out at the same time as Jocelyn breaths stopped. A single tear fell down from Isabelle’s cheek. Not because she had known Jocelyn. But because she had lost another friend. And one of her friends had lost her mother. Even if she didn´t knew it.

Clary woke up in an empty bed. She sat up only to find a note and a black rose next to a black dress.

‘Rise and shine. Today the world will burn. Meet me at the dungeons’ the note said. Clary walked in her bathroom in the mansion of Edom. She was going to take a shower before she got dressed. She was standing under the hot water washing her hair and humming.

She got out of the shower and put the dress on. It got to her mid-thigh. It had broad spaghetti stripes and an open back. She put her nine inch boots on and her black leather jacket. She did her dark makeup and leaved her room with the rose in her hand. As she walked down towards the dungeons she heard a terrible growl and as she hurriedly opens the door she saw a beaten up vampire and her beloved king.

Jace was standing in the middle of three demon fighting when they suddenly stopped. Everything after that everything  happened in slow motion. He saw all the demons retrieve and bow before a now open portal. He was shocked and so was everyone else. He tried to localize his family and friend. Alec was supporting Magnus in the east. Maryse and Robert was standing outside the infirmary and Isabelle was talking to them. He saw tears run down her face and he wondered who of their friends had died. He tried to find Jocelyn but couldn´t find a redhead anywhere. She was probably just in the infirmary. Suddenly the ground was shaking and out of the Portal came four people. The first two he was fighting to recognized but soon did. Then veins on his body was dangerous visible. His skin greyish and the blood from all the cuts on his body made Jace regret ever eating breakfast. He heard his sister screams as the boy in front of them was Simon and Amatis.

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