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By sydneyy_17

8.8K 213 330

Karl and Y/N thought their lives were finally free of trouble. But when one of their friends is suddenly inj... More

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Not an update
Not an update again
Anyone still here? ๐Ÿ‘€
โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ โ„•๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•–
Tiny rant
I'm alive
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461 16 26
By sydneyy_17

I opened my eyes, and was greeted by a jolt of pain rushing through my head as I tried to look up. I cringed, going slower, while trying to adjust to the dim lighting around me.

I had absolutely no idea where I was, nor how I'd gotten here. I only vaguely remembered something striking me, and then waking up here.

As my eyes slowly got used to the darkness, I began to make out my surroundings. I was in some kind of room, with a wooden floor, and one, tiny bulb lit up in one corner, providing the only source of light in the room.

I turned to face the back of the room, and made out the shape of what seemed like a rickety bed and a small dresser-type object.

Suddenly, with a jolt of fear, I realized someone was laying on the bed. I got up, the wooden flooring creaking with my every movement. I slowly approached the bed, confused as to who or what would be in it.

When I was standing beside it, I still couldn't make out who was there. Cautiously, I tapped the person's shoulder.
They rolled over with a groan. But this groan sounded familiar. When the person sat up, letting a silver of light land on their face, confirming my suspicion, I gasped.


"Wh-what? Tareq? What are you doing here-?"

He seemed genuinely confused, and also a bit hurt. His jaw seemed slightly bruised, as well as just above his right eye.

"Good question," I responded, kneeling down next to the bed. "I think I was standing outside, and then everything went dark and I woke up here."

Chandler gave a nod. "That's pretty much what happened to me," he said. "Do you have any idea who it was?"

I shook my head, then winced as it throbbed with pain, making me dizzy.

"What's going on here?" I asked, and Chandler shrugged, sitting up on the side of the bed.
"Who knows? I swear the guy who came in here earlier sounded a bit familiar, but I couldn't tell why."

I blinked. "Someone else is here?"

Chandler nodded. "Yeah. He came by about an hour and a half ago saying he'd have a surprise for me soon," glancing up at me, he blinked. "I guess that was uhm... You. And before that he'd come along here like two hours after I woke up here and told me I'd be staying here and would be stuck until his 'deeds were done'. Whatever that meant."

I took all of this in, wondering just what kind of situation we were in.
"Didn't you get a look at him when he came in here?"

Chandler shook his head. "He had this weird mask-like thing over his mouth and eyes, and a hood on. I couldn't see anything of what he looked like."

I leaned back against the edge of the bed. I had no idea what was going on here, and I was worried what the other guys would be thinking.

Just then, footsteps sounded outside, and the door unlocked, then creaked open.

Chandler stayed seated, so I did too, looking up at who entered. Sure enough, the person's face was completely obscured by a mask-like covering, and a hood.

"Oh good," the man spoke. "You're awake. I trust that Chandler told you what you need to know. Get comfy. You won't be leaving this room for much."

With that, he slammed the door shut and locked it.

I agreed with Chandler; the voice sounded painstakingly familiar, but I couldn't put a finger on where I'd heard it from.

"You heard him," Chandler said, lying back on the bed. "You may as well get yourself comfortable here."

He pointed across the room, to where another rickety bed lay in nearly complete darkness; which is why I hadn't seen it before.

I sighed, going over and slowly laying down on the bed. It wasn't comfortable at all, and had no blankets or sheets, but I guessed it was better than nothing. I closed my eyes, wondering if perhaps I could wake up, and this would all be a bad dream.

Two Days Later

Y/N and I didn't have much to do now that we were basically on vacation, and most of the day would be spent watching TV, Netflix, or doing basically anything to pass the time.

Now it was just past lunch, and I was relaxing in the living room, when Y/N came downstairs to me.
"This is strange." she said to me. I gave her a confused expression, and she showed me her phone. On it was the contact name of Tareq's brother (A/N: Who's name I don't know, sorry LOL).

The text from him read, Hey, Y/N I know you and my brother work on the same team, so I thought I'd ask you. Have you any idea where Tareq is?? He hasn't been home for two days and hasn't responded to any of my texts or calls. I tried checking to see if he'd been to the hospital to see Hazel, but he hadn't. I'm confused and a bit worried, he'd tell me if he was staying somewhere else a while.

I blinked at the message, then looked at Y/N. Immediately, I took my phone and texted the Beast crew groupchat, asking if anyone at all had seen or heard from Tareq since the hangout.

After about ten minutes, everyone had responded... And everyone had said no.

"It's just like Chandler," Y/N murmured. "He's gone missing without a trace."

That's when a sound at the door made us both flinch. We relaxed quickly, though, when we saw the pile of letters sitting on the front mat. It was just the mail guy.

I quickly went to retrieve it before either of the cats could mess it up, and noticed with a pang of dread, a familiar red envelope.

"No!" Y/N exclaimed when I walked back over with it.

I opened it, to the same parchment with red ink. This time, the message read, You're next.

I shivered. I looked at Y/N, and saw my fear reflected in her eyes.

"What does this all mean?" She questioned. "What does he want? Who is he?"

I couldn't answer her questions for the ones running through my own mind. Why was this person sending me messages like this? Why did they hurt Hazel? And what about our missing friends? Were they safe?

Were any of us safe?

A/N: I wrote this chapter very late at night because I wanted to get it out for y'all. Hope you enjoyed! XD.

Anticipate chapter eight!

Remember to smile, because smiles are the brightest light! \ (^-^) /

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