ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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Y/N was right behind me as I slowly but surely approached the front of the house. She gripped my hand in hers, and I could feel her shaking slightly.
I wasn't sure what to do. Go inside, wait for someone to come out? The ominous note hadn't told me much.

But that question was answered swiftly when the door suddenly creaked open, and someone stepped out. My jaw dropped and Y/N gasped when we saw who it was.

"Chandler!" Y/N raced forward, colliding into the tall Hallow boy and wrapping her arms around him in an embrace.
"Chandler we were so worried!" She exclaimed, pulling away. "Are you alright? Who took you? Is Tareq here?"

Chandler seemed to hesitate a moment, eyes unfocused, before he finally responded. "I'm alright," he said slowly. "I just... We found a neat place for a video and wanted to check it out. Y'know, a haunted house type thing?"

I was confused. "What?" I asked. "That doesn't explain why you went missing all of a sudden. And why do you look so terrible?" I noticed the light bruises around his eyes, and he looked tired and dirty.

Chandler hesitated again, finally speaking in a strange tone. "Uh... We stayed a while, to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary..." He paused again, before saying something else.
"Karl you should come inside, it's awesome!"
At the same time, he made eye contact with me, shaking his head rapidly with wide eyes.
Y/N looked back at me, confused, before looking up at Chandler again.

"Are you okay buddy?" She asked, and he quickly said, "Yeah, I'm okay. Come inside, it's great!"
Again, he shook his head, pointing behind him and giving us an anxious expression.
"What's going on?" I asked, taking a few steps closer. "Why do you look so... Scared?"

(A/N: Shock/minor "torture" and violence warning)

Chandler suddenly gave a cry of pain, recoiling as he half collapsed, rubbing his leg with a pained expression.
"Chandler?!" Y/N exclaimed.
"What's the matter with you?"
I rushed forward as well, as Chandler looked up at us, gritting his teeth as he slowly lifted the leg of his jeans. It revealed a small black device strapped to his leg with a light flashing.
"What is that?!" I said in surprise. "And why is it attached to your leg like that? Who did this to you?"

Chandler responded with another cry of pain, falling back as he tried to claw the thing off of him. Y/N set to work to help him, careful to avoid the metal of the device. I realized there must've been someone controlling it, and listening to what was going on somehow.

Y/N finally got the thing off him, and I quickly grabbed her arm. She looked at me with fearful eyes. I stayed silent, but pointed to the car. Then I held up nine fingers, then my index finger on both hands. She caught on that I meant to call 911, and raced back to the car.
A moment later, the door banged open again, and a figure stepped out. I recognized the face of someone I never thought I'd see again.


He didn't say anything, eyes alight in rage as he lunged forward toward us, sending a powerful kick right at Chandler. The Hallow boy was still recovering from what I guessed were shocks, and he only narrowly avoided the kick.

"Shane!" I yelled, standing up protectively in front of my friend. "What do you think you're doing?!"
Shane turned to me with a sinister grin.
"What I should've done a long time ago." He all but snarled the words, reaching to his pocket for something. He looked down sharply, grabbing at nothing but the fabric of his pockets. His eyes lit up in anger again, and he turned to me, barreling straight into me without warning.

We fell to the ground, and I tried to push Shane off me. The Dawson kid was far stronger than me, landing a few punches aimed at my gut. I cried out in pain, squeezing my eyes shut as I felt sick. I kicked my knee up, feeling it impact something soft, and Shane gave a grunt. I'd hit him somewhere. I took the moment to push him off me, sending him tumbling back on the grass. I tried to stand, but he swung his foot out, knocking it into my ankle and making me trip up. He lunged to pin me to the ground again, lifting his hand in a fist, glaring down at me with a sick grin.
"You're going down, Jacobs!" He screamed, and I closed my eyes, preparing for the hit.

But it never came, because I heard the door slam open and felt a force knock against Shane, sending him rolling off me with a yell. I opened my eyes, gawking at the scene before me.

Tareq had come out of no where, tackling Shane to the ground and pinning him against the grass.
"This is for Chandler!" He all but growled, aiming a punch at Shane's jaw.
"And this is for Hazel!"
He landed the punch straight at Shane's nose, and I cringed at the sound of the impact.

Shane's eyes rolled back in his head as he went limp, apparently unconscious.
I heard sirens fast approaching, and noticed a few cop cars pulling into the street. I gasped for air, gritting my teeth at the pain from Shane's hits. Y/N ran towards us, immediately falling to her knees at my side.

(A/N: TW is over)
"Karl, are you okay?!"

I nodded, panting as I looked out at everyone, while the cop cars parked in front of the scene.
Y/N, the only one still in a good condition, went to meet up with them, while I stood up. Tareq looked up at me, and I reached a hand out to him. He grabbed it and I pulled him up with a good tug.
"Nice of you to drop in like that." I said as I did the same thing for Chandler.
Tareq smirked slightly. "Yeah... Good thing I did before he knocked your lights out."

I smiled at his words, feeling a sudden wave of relief wash through me, making me wobble where I stood. The other two boys came to my side, and we linked arms to steady each other. As I watched the cops cuff the barely conscious Shane, I realized what had just gone down. And I couldn't be happier.

A week later



My eyes widened as I looked up. I was at the hospital, beside Hazel's bed. I couldn't believe it as I saw her eyes slowly blinking open.
"Hazel?" I asked, gently taking her hand in mine.
She looked over, her eyes focusing on me.

"Tareq...?" She murmured. I nodded, feeling a wave of emotion come over me.
"It's me! You're awake! I... Are you feeling alright?"
Her grip around my hand tightened slightly.
"I feel... Like I just had the best sleep in ages." I smirked at her words.

"You probably did," I breathed softly. "You probably did."



Y/N came running into our room excitedly, and I looked up at her. She jumped on the bed, tackling me in a hug, making me giggle.
"What is it, what's got you so happy?"

Y/N pulled away, her eyes bright. "Tareq texted the group. Hazel's awake!"
My heart soared at this. Finally!
"That's awesome!" I said honestly. "Now the Beast squad is complete again!"

She nodded happily, then glanced over at the stream set up.
"Should we stream to tell everyone the news?"
I nodded at her idea. It seemed like a perfect way to tell everyone the good news.

And so that's what we did. And as I watched Y/N excitedly deliver the news to the thousands of viewers, I smiled. My heart felt happy for the first time in a while, and I again felt that familiar sence of relief. Shane was going behind bars, Chandler and Tareq were alright, and Hazel had woken from her coma. It was like the most perfect ending to a book.

As the days go on for Y/N and I, I have a wish. A wish that we would continue making videos, grow closer to one another, and that only happy memories would continue.

The End





There you all have it, the ending you've been anxiously waiting for! Here at long last! I'm so glad I could finally, finally wrap up this series!

It's been a joyful ride with you all! This is the series that was my success on Wattpad, and I'm so, so thankful for everyone who reads these!

I hope you enjoyed this! And I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day!


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