The Alpha And Her Human Mate...

By greybandit313

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Ally Koch, a perfectly normal 18 year-old moving to the middle of nowhere with her mother and twin brother. S... More

Main Characters
The Middle Of Nowhere
The Run And The First Day Of School
The New Kid
The First Day Of Practice
The Kiss
The Talk
The Lunch
Shopping And A Movie Night
The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
(Not) Facing Her
Window Visit
Date Night Part 1
Date Night Part 2
Pack Picnic
Full Moon
Morning In Bed
Breakfast With Friends
Pack Training
Four Days Until My Birthday
Birthday Day Part 1
Birthday Day Part 2
The Gang Sleepover
Movie Time
Making Up
Packs And Alphas
Sky's Birthday
The Alpha Ceremony Part 1
The Alpha Ceremony Part 2
Six Months Later
The Luna Ceremony Part 1
The Luna Ceremony Part 2


177 4 1
By greybandit313

                                                                           Twenty Years Later

"Mommy, Mommy, Peter stole my doll," I hear from behind me and I turn around only to have my nine year-old daughter jump on me, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Peter, VEN AQUÍ. AHORA," I shout through the house and seconds later, my other nine-year old Peter comes running past the stairs with his head down and a small doll behind his back.

"Why did you take your sister's doll? What did I say about stealing?" I say, rubbing my head from all the craziness.

"Es tut mir leid mama. But she stole my race car," Peter whined and pointed at his twin who I let go from my arms. I kneel down and grab each of their hands with mine.

"Now why did you steal his race car Nicki," I ask turning to my daughter who now stopped crying.

"He called me ugly so I stole it," Nicki said, pointing at her brother and sticking out her tongue at him which he replied with the same.

"Hey, Mira, pay attention. No more calling each other names and NO more stealing. You are siblings, even better, you are twins. You share a much deeper connection than anyone else. You guys are special," I say as they both turn back to look at me, the air in the room lightening.

"Now mama has to work and get this down. I think you both are old enough to go back to your room and play. Go and see if your brother Thomas would like to play. And later tonight, if you guys are good, mama and I might take you out to the woods after dinner and we can play hide and seek with your cousins," I say and both their faces instantly light up.

"Okay mama. We promise to be good," Peter says and Nicki nods. I smile back and give them a quick kiss on both of their heads before motioning them both out of the living room and towards their rooms. They soon rushed down the hall giggling towards each other.

I swear if they aren't at each other's throats half the time, they come up with the worst trouble together. I don't know how I gave birth to them.

I returned back to my work before looking at my youngest laying on the couch reading through a bunch of picture books. After twenty years, I had the perfect family. Crazy, but perfect.

Three years after Sky and I's wedding we decided to have children. Blake had given us a spell and a name to a woman who ran a clinic for the supernatural. She was gifted in the area and could acquire the materials necessary to combine Sky's and I's eggs so we could have a child born of both our DNA. Though all our babies are werewolves since the werewolf gene dominates, all my children share a mix of us. The process was tough though because we were mixing three people's DNA together (one from a werewolf sperm donor that we liked) and the pregnancies could be very risky but we were willing to take that chance.

Our oldest, now 16 years of age, Liam Henry Müller was a normal birth, painful but not dangerous when I gave birth to him. His blond and curly hair was an exact image of Sky's but shorter. Sky has been mentoring and training him since five to be the next Alpha in line and even though he is a natural born leader, he does have a tendency to be a player and a joker which Sky got upset at but I think it's good to also have a normal life. He's a normal "cool" kid at school being a futbol player with a bunch of friends.

Hana is our second born as she recently turned 14 and she was also a pretty normal birth. It was quite a crazy one though because Sky birthed her and it is hard to deal with a pregnant female wolf. You do not want to mess with them. They are highly protective and caring over their young in their bodies. Her looks take more on me with her black, frizzy hair that goes down to her hips which she never cuts because I don't want her too. I usually do her hair and put braids all over it with some other stuff in. Her personality though goes to Sky as Hana is pretty quiet and usually observant but when she does talk, power radiates off her. She takes her studies seriously unlike her older brother who couldn't care less about school and I get angry at Sky because she does not pressure him but luckily I am there to make sure his ass is at school every day. Besides her studies, she is the best fighter in her age rank as she practices every day with her mother in the woods. I like to watch them sometimes because they fight so similarly. She stays with Sky a lot in her office reading as she does Alpha work which is surprising because Sky never lets our kids in but one day Hana walked right in and plopped herself on one of the chairs and Sky never said a word. She is definitely a mama's girl to Sky.

Our third child is Thomas, who I also gave birth to, ten years ago. He also takes after my looks with his curly, black hair. His personality also follows around me with his extrovertedness and joyfulness. He makes quite a lot of friends easily but he also has his cousins. His birth was the easiest of all my children which was quite nice. He is also very studious and likes to train but is not the best at his workouts. He is quite a mama's boy to me since he usually hangs around me and watches all my favorite movies with me.

Our next two are the evil nine year old twins, Peter and Nicki. I also gave birth to them but it was quite painful since they are twins. They have all the looks of Sky with their blonde hair but carry my curls. When they were born, the doctor had told us about twins as werewolves. There is more of a bond between them and one they will have more deeply with each other than to their other siblings. They also will have different mates which is something I asked about but they will always have a more personal connection to each other as well. I asked Sky about it and she told me they were rare but twins are especially important because they train and hunt together. They share a more powerful mind link and they can tell how the other one feels, which I thought was wickedly cool. But for my dear mind sake, they can only get along half the time. Other than that, it is rampage fighting which Sky and I hope will grow out as they grow older.

Our youngest sitting with me across the room is Carlos. His pregnancy really took quite a scare to us and a toll on Sky since she was carrying him. His birth was premature because he was not getting the nutrients he needed. Sky would put her hand on her stomach constantly because she claimed that she could feel her pup more. It was a werewolf thing apparently. She could sense something was wrong with him a couple of months before his birth and he had to be birthed a month earlier than planned. It was quite painful for Sky and himself and he had to be placed in intensive care which worried Sky and I deeply about the thought of losing our pup. But as the months passed on we also noticed something else. The doctor had told us that Carlos was born with congenital hearing loss meaning he was deaf when he was born. But Carlos was also born with a better sight and smell sense than other wolves. He could smell stuff that even his older siblings could not. His deafness did not hold him back because the doctor had said that when he transforms into his wolf when he turns a teenager, his wolf has the ability to heal but not Carlos himself. His hearing loss never leaves him behind. Carlos continues to be the highest in his class through his first years of training and is able to go up against Thomas, Peter, and Nicki. Carlos uses his mind link ability to talk with everyone but from what Sky tells me, he rarely talks and takes more after her and Hana, silent but observant and powerful. Since he can not talk to me through the mind link, I point and touch certain objects so we can talk which he understands quickly and is happy to have a way to communicate with me.

Even though he may not talk with others, I see him talking to his wolf a lot by facial expressions. Being deaf, his wolf and him have a closer connection because they rely on each other more which is what the doctor said. He reads a lot like his mother and his older sister Hana but I do get an equal amount of time with him to myself. He has been able to pick up on basic words though through my mouth movements so basic formalities he can understand.

Carlos suddenly looks up towards me and points towards the stairs. I turn over to hear the faintest of footsteps. Seconds later, he jumps off the couch and into Sky's arms.

"Hi sweetie," Sky smiles as she gives our son a big kiss on the forehead. He giggles lightly and pats her shoulder once to signal he wants to be let down which is weird because he used to use his mind link for communication but has been doing more hand stuff lately. Sky thinks it's because he thinks it's unfair that I don't have the mind link and wants me to feel inclusive which I absolutely adore.

"Hi sweetie number two," I giggle as Sky gives me a kiss on my cheek and sits down next to me.

"What are the dinner plans for tonight?" She asks and I go to pull up the recipe on my computer.

"A huge lasagna and chicken breasts with three nice cakes I made for dessert," I say and I feel Carlos looking at us closely.

"You know he could smell you from downstairs in a house full of our scents, he knew exactly where you were. Exactly. Where. You. Were," I say shockingly and Sky smirks.

"His wolf is advancing. That is good. He will make an excellent warrior and a wolf. He will be top of his class I believe throughout his years of training," Sky smirks with proudness evident on her face.

"He's definitely amazing," I chuckle lightly as I make funny faces at him. He giggles lightly then waves goodbye and goes back to the couch to read.

"Why did you make so much?" Sky asks.

"Well it's Friday. The night I cook and where everyone is forced to have no plans so we could have a big huge family meal," I giggle evilly.

Fourteen years ago, Jay and Mika had their first child, Lily, and Aaron three years after. Lily and Hana are the same age and Aaron is only one year older than Thomas which is nice. Jiago met his mate 10 years ago on a trip to Denmark that Sky forced him to go to talk to some of the European packs there. He never left (well only for holidays) because he met his mate and a year later had Michael their only child. They can only come for the holidays but it's still nice because we have many holidays. Michael fits right in between the twins and Carlos which I like because they all play together. Jason and Kole started having children around the time we had children with their first Daisy, next José three years later, and Amo four years after that. They used a human clinic and picked a nice human woman who they thought was pretty healthy and fit. They don't really talk about who gave the sperm because there is no spell to combine their spell, well not yet anyway so they don't tell anyone who has who's DNA. And the woman lived a few states away so we didn't know what she looked like so it's anyone's guess but it doesn't matter at all really. Daisy and Liam are the same age which I am also happy about because they get along really well and Liam has only Daisy around his age. Everyone else is two or more years younger than them. José is only a year younger than Hana and Amo is the same age as the twins but he likes to hang out with Carlos more because I think the twins drive him crazy like everyone else.

Blake finally met his mate fifteen years ago and it was quite shocking because he is a werewolf!! There is nothing wrong with interspecies relationships but it is hard for the topic of children. Since Blake and Markus (his mate !!) are both males it won't happen but if it was heterosexual relationship, the pregnancy for an interspecies baby is quite hard even more than a human-werewolf pregnancy because the human genes will be recessive but witch genes and werewolf genes are both dominant. Also sadly children don't usually make it either in the womb or out of the womb because their body is fighting against itself trying to pick a side. Sky did tell me though there were a few and they just pick a clan or both sides or be alone yet they can be more powerful than the average of their species. So Blake and Markus had a beautiful baby girl named Lola ten years ago who already tapped into her witch powers and Amy was born three years later with werewolf genes. Thomas and Lola are the same age which is nice and so is Carlos and Amy which is even better because they seem to have a close relationship since I always see them together. Carlos usually doesn't hang out with a lot of people but Amy seems to be a really good friend and they always look at each other and talk in the mind link which creeps me the hell out.

"I can't believe you are forcing everyone to dinner tonight," Sky says, taking me out of my thoughts and I face her and smirk.

"Forcing is such a harsh word babe," I laugh lightly and she rolls her eyes.

"Everyone can burn that food off tonight. I was thinking we take the kids to the woods, only a few meters from the open area, and we can play until sundown," I smile and I see Sky thinking about it in her head.

"Why not? There's going to be numerous grown-ups anyway," Sky replies and I give her a quick kiss on the cheek which results in her pulling me to her and kissing me back.

"Ewwwww, get a room," Liam mocks us as he and Hana walk in.

"Hey moms, how are you," Hana asks sweetly and I know she wants something. She's as conniving as my wife.

"Out with it," I say as I narrow my eyes at both of them.

"Ugh. Fine. We were wondering if we could be off baby-sitter duty tomorrow," Liam asks as they look between each other.

"Hahahaha. No," I say blankly and they both start going into their arguments.

"But mom there is this party tomorrow, a summer end of the year party. Supposed to be really, really fun and Daisy is also asking her parents about it," Liam pleads.

"And Lily and I want to hang out at Natasha's house tomorrow night," Hana adds.

"No, you guys, all the grown-ups are going out tomorrow for a fun night away from you guys. You are the oldest along with Daisy and José. And I know your uncles will say the same thing to your cousins but your grandparents aren't as young as they used to be and can't look after twelve different kids. They agreed to take the twins and Amo out to dinner and I told you that meant that you," I say pointing to Liam, "and Daisy was going to look after Lily, Hana, Aaron, Thomas, Lola, and José. That's eight of you which is why I then am also paying you," I say point to Hana, "and Lily to look after the four youngest. Besides, the age difference between the eight of you is 6 years or less. You all can find something fun to do. You all promised last week so I am sorry," I say sternly. They turn to look behind me and I wave my hand.

"Nuh uh. Don't look at her. She won't help you. She knows who she shares a bed with every night," I say, making them groan.

"Ugh. What time are you planning on coming home?" Liam asks, frustrated.

"I don't know. Probably around midnight. But everyone besides the four of you will be in bed by 10:00 so how about I cut you a deal. I will get my mother to check in on the little ones real quick and you guys can leave at 10:20 to your party and your sleepover," I say, trying to reach a compromise because I know what it was like to hang out with people.

"Ugh. Fine. Whatever," Liam groans, frustrated.

"Hey watch your tone," I hear Sky say sternly, pointing to Liam.

"Sorry moms. I apologize for my behavior. That time is fine," Liam says looking down.

"If you need to stay over because you get too high or something, you are welcome to do so. Send me a quick message to tell me," I say and I see his face brighten instantly because I just gave him the green light to smoke weed but that was around the age I started smoking and if it's just weed, I don't mind.

"Okay. I will. Thank you moms," He says and turns around to leave.

"Your ass better be on the training grounds by 10:00 tomorrow morning at the latest," Sky shouts and I chuckle lightly as I hear him groan even louder. I turn my attention back to Hana.

"How was your final day sweetie?" I ask, "I haven't seen you all day," I add.

"Fine. I'll continue my studies over the summer," She says calmly.

"Are you excited to learn at your Uncle Blake's workshop?" I ask and she looks shocked.

"I took laundry from your room and saw books on the politics of the SCA and books on different species. And then your mom told me the most interesting piece of information. That your uncle had asked you to join him for two weeks on his work for his coven and for his little workshop. Am I right?" I ask.

"Yes mamá. You are," She replies calmly, again.

"Well that sounds like a lot of fun. Be good to your Uncle while you are there. And I sent you the link to the SCA teen program. You're in a group of people from all around the world spending a month in the northern parts of Africa where the main building is located and seeing real live committees go through. I think you will make an excellent candidate with your interspecies relations hobby," I say, smiling at her.

"Thank you mom. That sounds very fun," She says with a little more emotion this time. I see her smile at me and then look back to her other mother. I turn to see Sky get out of her chair.

"Let's get out of here cub. Back to my office," Sky smiles at Hana and I can tell both of their moods brighten. I know it's a really great bonding experience when they do it and Sky really loves having her there even though she doesn't admit it out loud.

"Bye, my beautiful wife," Sky says as she gives me a longer kiss and I lightly bite her lip to tease her and I see her eyes brighten.

"You. Me. And your ass being spanked tonight," Sky whispers low enough in my ear so Hana doesn't hear it and I blush lightly.

"Bye love," I say and I see Carlos close his book and run off to give Sky a quick hug before going back to the couch and opening another book. Both and I share a "woah" glance before she moves back to Hana and motions for the both of them to her office.

I turn back to Carlos who is looking at me and I give him a wave and a quick kiss before standing up and walking next door to the kitchen to get started on dinner.

I go back to my thoughts while every once in a while checking on Carlos as he moves from the couch to the kitchen counter which I love even more.

My life is amazing right now and I couldn't have asked for a better life. I love my wife and my children and my nieces and nephews and the rest of my family. I love that I came here to this small town, that I met her. The love of my life.





MY FIRST BOOK IS FINALLY DONE! I had SO MUCH fun writing these characters and loved ending on such a beautiful note. In the end it was about 65000 words and 240 pages long on Google docs which is where I keep my notes. I really did have such an amazing time writing this book and will continue to make more!!!

 Each character was incorporated from a part of me and I love all my character babies.

 I am currently on three new ideas for two new different books. One will be a Mikaelson fanfiction!!!!! starring the best, Klaus and his siblings, Caroline, Davina, and a few others in the TO Universe. I have two options for that book, either making characters supernatural or human. I am not sure yet but will let you guys know! I know it will be on the mafia so stay tuned for that!!

The other one will also not be a fanfiction but just a normal book with completely original ideas from me like this one!!! 

I am taking a couple of months off to start on the ideas of my books also my classes have started recently again and I am taking more rigorous classes this year so the fall will definitely be hard so I might not update two chapters a week but I will let you guys know! 


-greybandit313 💜💜💜💜

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