YANDERE || ⁿᵒʳᵉⁿᵐⁱⁿ

By shinryujinswife_

20.5K 854 4.3K

♫︎completed♫︎ 「 he is everything. he is worth any sacrifice. nothing else matters. ... More

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🌈𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟🌈

257 13 1
By shinryujinswife_

happy late 1 year anniversary!!!
i'm so sorry i couldn't update this on our One Year(December 21st) i completely forgot and i've kind of been struggling alot recently,, i hope you guys will forgive me though..
and merry Christmas to those who celebrate it<33
i love you all
thank you for being patient with this update.

. . . . .

today is jaemins birthday!!!

he's throwing a big party at his house, and currently him and jeno are planning it.

the first person he thought to invite was renjun, of course. because he's a simp.


"okay so do you want it like.. alchohol clubby vibes, or rich person ball vibes, or like 8 year old birthday party vibes?" jeno asks his bestfriend, who stared at him with a quite dumbfounded expression. "uh... alchohol clubby vibes?" jaemin answered skeptically, and jeno smiles and nods, already making a plan for the entire evening.


jeno spent the majority of that evening making party invitations, because.. he wanted jaemins 18th birthday to be perfect!

now they're at school the next day, handing out invitations to whoever jaemin wanted to be there.


upon finding renjun in the school garden, the two boys smile fondly and walk towards him.

"renjunnie!!!" jaemin says happily as he runs up to the oldest of the three. renjun looks up from his book and blushes, smiling lightly as jaemin hugs him.

he still felt guilty from having jaemin and jeno witness.. that... last week, but they seemed to be okay, so he tried not to worry too much.

"do you want to come to nanas party friday?" jeno asks renjun as he hands him the little sheet of paper. renjuns eyes widen as he stares at it admirably, before he nods happily.


the three boys then spent the day together, discussing jaemins party details.


all the guests soon began arriving at jaemins house, and soon he began praying he would have enough room to hold everyone..

he soon saw jeno and renjun walk in, and his smile brightened happily as he ran up to them.

of course jeno looked stunning, but jaemin was mainly focusing on how absolutely amazing renjun looked.

- flashback -

"CHENLE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR!!" renjun screams into the phone, chenle winches in anguish as his ears began to ring, before he answers, "remember that crop top i gave you? wear that, with some leather pants, and whatever fishnets you can find- okay?"

renjun gasps for air, as he began to hyperventilate, before he slowly replies, "o-okay,,, yeah,, that's cute-"

the croptop in question was a baby pink hoodie chenle bought for renjun a few weeks back, and he found some fishnets that went above his pants, covering his tummy- he also found some raised up boots(heels) he doesn't know how he got them, but he can only assume it was his mother's doing.

after putting his outfit on and checking it out in the mirror, he quickly tries to out on his makeup, as the party begins in less than 2 hours-


<jeno's reaction>

"renjun ah are you rea- woah.." jeno knocked on renjuns door, and when it opened, he was speechless- 

renjuns pants fit his slim waist and thighs perfectly and his croptop looked so big on him- and jeno could see his stomach and he just wanted to hold him-

he could honestly write a paragraph on how stunning this boy looked in front of him, and his MAKEUP-
of course, he already looked perfect without makeup, but the way he looks right now... is absolutely gorgeous-

<back present time>

jaemin was speechless, he's never seen renjun look so.... sexc 🥴

"junnie.. y-you look great-" jaemin manages to mumble, eyeing renjun up and down repeatedly,,, renjuns heart began to flutter and beat faster as he saw where jaemins eyes kept stopping-

'thank you chenle....'


everyone is at the party now, it's crowded and smells like alchohol and sweat.

being around all these people made renjun a little nervous, so he stayed behind jeno and jaemin the majority of the time,,

that is, until he lost them-


nomin had been talking to all of the party guests, and renjun was just quietly following them. he turned away for maybe 30 seconds, and when he turned back to where they previously were, they were gone-

he started getting anxious, so he decided to go to jaemins bedroom and hide in there for a bit-

, , , , , ,

"shotaro hyung!!" shotaro hears his name being yelled from across the room, and he turns in the direction he heard the voice.

he saw one of his only friends, sungchan, and he smiled and walked over to him. "sungchan!! i already told you you don't have to call me hyung,,," he says softly as he smiles softly at the taller boy.

sungchan blushes and nods, before he grabs shotaros hand and begins to walk. shotaro blushed- he didn't know where sungchan was taking him, but he trusted the tall boy-

,,,his hands were also so warm.

shotaro doesn't know if he has feelings for sungchan, but whatever he's feeling now is definetly hinting to that.

they make it to jaemins porch, and sungchan sighs. he turns to shotaro and smiles as he says, "it was too crowded in there,,," shotaro giggles and nods.
sungchan stopped stopped in his tracks, staring at shotaro.. "w-what?" shotaro nervously asks, sungchan smiles and replies, "your laugh is cute.. you should do it more often" shotaro blushes, shaking his head as he replies, "n-no it's not-"


the two boys stayed together on jaemins porch for a while, just talking about random life things.


renjun was still huddled up in jaemins room. everytime someone barged in, he glared at them until they got scared and left-

he missed jaemin and jeno... he's used to always having them by his side in big, loud groups of people like this.. even if he's alone in the bedroom.

suddenly, the door barged open.


"nana-?" renjun nervously said in a questioning manner, waiting to be responded to, but instead.. he got a bunch of drunk gibberish.

he was sitting down on the bed, and once jaemin finally noticed it was him ...-


"gAH!! J-JAEMIN-" renjun squeals as he gets pushed backwards onto the bed. his legs are slightly spread, and jaemin is on all fours in between.
he inches closer to renjun, smirking drunkenly as he says, "injunnie~~~ babyboyyyyy~~" renjun starts feeling dizzy,
his high feeling-
he hasn't felt this in weeks-
jaemins face is so close to his, he can feel jaemins breathe against his lips.

"nana..?" he whispers, jaemin smiles and mumbles a 'shhh' before he kisses the older boy.

*thump thump thump*

renjun couldn't describe this even if he wanted to.
he felt fireworks inside of him.
every atom inside of him was exploding with happiness.
this is all he's wanted since the day he laid eyes on jaemin.

his eyes flutter shut as he wraps his arms around jaemins neck, pulling the boy closer to him.

jaemin stumbles as he tries to keep his balance, holding renjun with one arm while the other was behind him on the mattress, steadying them upward.

this kiss.. didn't feel like a drunk kiss.
renjun couldn't even tell jaemin was drunk.
he wasn't sloppy, he was gentle and.... kind? renjun didn't know. and he frankly didn't care.


they continued to kiss for over 5 minutes, occasionally gasping for air because *oxygen*, and then jaemins arm finally gave up on him and he fell on top of renjun.

that didn't stop renjun though.

he clung to jaemin like a koala and continued to kiss him, and jaemin did too-

this would've gotten even Տᵖ𝕴🅒︎𝓲ꏂʀ if it wasn't for someone barging in on them-

"GET! OUT!!" renjun screamed from under jaemin, and he heard the door quickly shut. once he glanced back up, jaemin was looking down at him.

jaemin smirked and said, "you're cute when you're angry~~" renjun looked away and blushed, clearly embarrassed.. jaemin giggled and said again, "you're also cute when you're flustered~~"


renjun didn't know how to comprehend what just happened.

so many questions were circling his mind.

was jaemin just drunk?
did he actually mean that?
will he remember this tomorrow?
did i just spend months killing people for him and it was all useless?

he thought jaemin was asleep, that's why he flinched and got startled whenever jaemin turned around and stared at him.

jaemin eased his hand up renjuns shirt, feeling his soft skin beneath the fishnets he was still wearing, as he said quietly, "you're so pretty babyboy,,," renjun felt in heaven with the way jaemin touched him. so delicately, his hands warm like fire.


renjun tried to calm down enough to sleep, but his mind was racing so much.

here he was
lying in na jaemins bed
with him
after they kissed
.... alot
and now
na jaemin is cuddling him
and he loves it way more than he should.


"injunnie?" jaemin asked as he woke up with an AWFUL headache, he felt around for renjun, but didn't find the older boy.

getting worried, jaemin hurrily sits up. he looks around, and sees that renjun is no where to be found...

he remembers what happened last night, and so he tries to call the older boy.
... he didn't answer.

so jaemin tries to call jeno, only to realize he has jenos phone-

'how the heck,,,,'

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