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By luna_pearl_moon

455K 12.2K 13.4K

"Holy Hades, what is that", Thalia yelled. "Is it, oh my gods, it is", Annie squealed screaming. Da... More

Cast & Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 58

2.3K 84 274
By luna_pearl_moon

     As I said, I don't remember much from the PJ books since it's been a while since I read them. I'll have to listen to the audiobooks.

     Things r about to take a BIG, HUGE, GRANDE turn, for the better or worse...you should be scared...fasten your seatbelts.


Sirius's pov:

     "Such an ungrateful bitch," mother yelled kicking me.

     I had enough, "If I'm such an ungrateful bitch then you don't need me, at least the Potter's love me!"

     "Fine then go ahead," mother screamed.

     I stomped up the stairs not showing any pain from the countless bruises. I went to my room and packed a back and marched down the stairs.

     Before I reached the end of the stairs, Reggie stopped me.

     "Sirius, don't go," Reggie whimpered.

     "Come with me," I said, despite, Reggie and I not being close as we were, he was my little brother and I loved him.

     "I-I can't," Reggie said looking away.

     Then suddenly he hugged me. I hugged him back. Reggie was my brother and I won't let him go.

     "Reggie, you're coming with me," I demanded.

     "Stay in touch with me, I have to keep up the role as mother's favorite child," he whispered.

     I nodded and gave him one last hug.

     Then I stomped back down the stairs and took a handful of Floo-powder giving one last look at Reggie, "Potter Manor!"

     "Padfoot, what are you doing here," James said jumping up from the couch.

     I coughed, "I ran away."

     "Mom, Mum, Mother, Mummy," James yelled.

     "What James, I'm right in the kitchen. You don't have to yell for everything, I heard you the first time," Mia scolded.

     "Sirius is here," James yelled.

     "Sirius," Mia yelled as I heard her feet rushing towards us.

     My face was covered by my hair and I was facing away from James. I didn't want him to see the black eye mother gave me and the other cuts and bruises.

     "Mom, you care more about Sirius than me," James whined.

     "Oh hush," Mia said then gasped, "Sirius, did she do that!?"

     I slowly nodded.

     "Pads why didn't you tell me," James said regretting joking around earlier.

     "I didn't want to come here as a charity case," I muttered.

     "Sirius, you will never be a charity case, you are like a second son to me," Mia said giving me a big hug.

     I couldn't hold it back anymore and cried on her shoulder, "Why does she hate me so much?"

     "She doesn't matter," James said mad.

     "Monty get the first aid kit and my wand," Mia yelled.

     "Why," Monty yelled.

     "Because I said so," Mia said rolling her eyes.

     Monty came into the room with Mia's wand and first aid kit, "Oh Sirius what happened to you!?"

     "Walburger the bitch happened," Mia spat.

     I smiled at the name she gave my mother.

     Mia patched me up, with magic she easily healed the bruises and cuts. She gave me a yellow cream thing to put on my eye and an ice pack for some for the other bruises that were larger.

     "That's it," James yelled and grabbed a handful for Floo-powder.

     Mia pulled him back, "We are not going to go get revenge right now!"

     "Mum, you saw what she did to Sirius," James said.

     "We will get our revenge when the time comes," Mia said.

     "Come on son, I'll take you to your room," Monty said helping me up.

     I had my own room at the Potter Manor. The times I would come here during Christmas and summer break. They gave me my own room across from Jameses. I now learned that Aster's room is right next to James's.

     I can't wait to see Aster again.

     "I'm dating your daughter," I said with a goofy smile.

     Monty coughed and gasped, "Excuse me what!?"

     "I'm dating your daughter, she's my girlfriend," I said my smile getting even wider.

     Monty had another coughing fit.

     "Fleamont, do you need the first aid kit too," Mia said coming into the hallway.

     "I'm dating your daughter," I said again.

     "Yeah, we know Sirius, you and Aster just love to rub it in my face," James said rolling his eyes.

     "What," Mia yelled.

     James looked at her surprised, "I've told you about this many times in my letters!"

     "Mia gives me the letters to read, she has gotten tired of listening to you fangirl over Lily. I just read it to see if you did some pranks," Monty said shrugging.

     "I knew she fancied you," Mia said giving me a hug.

     "So that means you will be my son," Monty said hugging me too.

     I laughed hugging him.

     What could go wrong?


     "Sirius, there's mail for you," Mia yelled.

     I rushed down and grabbed the envelope tearing it open, it was from Aster!

     "Lily you're here," James yelled.

     I looked up surprised, "Lily!"

     "Yes Lily, I convinced her to come over as well as her friends," James said excitedly as Marlene, Mary, and Alice came in with Lily.

     I smiled and waved at them, I just wanted to read the letter from Aster. I opened it and found many, many tear marks on it.

     Αγαπητέ Σείριε,

     Ξέρω ότι μάλλον δεν θα μπορείτε να το διαβάσετε. Ζητώ από τον διευθυντή του στρατοπέδου Chiron να σας γράψει αυτό το ξόρκι στα αγγλικά. Λυπάμαι που το κάνω αλλά σας χωρίζω. Δεν σε συμπαθώ και δεν μου άρεσε ποτέ. Λυπάμαι που πρέπει να τελειώσει έτσι.


     Hello, I'm Chiron. Please use the spell 'Latianrevilio'

     "Mrs. Potter, can you use this spell for me," I asked.

     "How many times have I told you to call me mom, and sure," Mia said doing the spell.

     Now I could read everything.

     Dear Sirius,

     I know you probably won't be able to read it. I asked my camp director Chiron to write you this spell in English. I'm sorry to do this but I'm breaking up with you. I don't like you and never did. I'm sorry it has to end like this.


     I dropped the letter and crumbled to the ground.

     "No, nO, No, NO," James yelled, "They were supposed to stay together forever!"

     Lily snatched the letter out of James's hand, "She's only saying that, look at how many tear makers are leftover!"

     "Yeah, Aster is in love with you, I know because I'm the matchmaker of Hogwarts," Marlene agreed.

     "Lily what about that idea of yours," Alice said.

     "Yes I agree, Lily's idea is the best option right now," Mary agreed.

     "Oh yes, I got all the information I need from her, she lives in New York in America near the Empire State Building. I did my research and the Empire State Building is a tourist attraction and is in a city called Manhattan. New York is also known as the city that never sleeps," Lily said pouring out all her research.

     Mia hugged me comfortably.

     "So you're saying that we go to New York and find her," James said.

     "I know it's crazy but-," Lily started.

     "It's bloody brilliant, I knew there was a reason I'm in love with you," James yelled hugging Lily.

     Lily stood there frozen and blushed.

     I can't deny that it was a good idea. A part of me knew that Aster wouldn't break up with me for no reason.

Meanwhile In New York in Aster's pov:

     "Aster are you certain about this," Thalia asked.

     "I already broke up with him, don't make me regret it," I yelled.

     "You really don't have to do this," Percy said.

     "Did you call her here," I asked Thalia?

     "Yes, m'lady will be here in 2 days to talk with you," Thalia muttered.


     What do you think is happening? Please vote, comment and share. Check out Delilah Solace and also Traveling To The Medieval Era.

     Also I added a Extra Special to the Holiday Specials so check it out!

     Tell me your theories. -->

     Does anyone have a link to The Last Olympian audiobook? 

     Have a great day, thinking about what's to happen next! Sorry, I didn't update, I had a rough week but you guys did get 2 updates last week!

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