Luna of the Rogues

By Hggaccetta88

248K 9K 417

Typically the alpha is a male. Males of the werewolf population or any for the matter are more respected and... More

Day 1~ training camp
Day 2~ Preperations
Day 3~ The Loss
Day 7~ Why is he here?
Day 15~ The Feast
Day 25~ His pack
Day 40~ The Announcement
Day~ 54 The Arrival
Day 77
Day 77- part two
Part 3:
3 months later
Meeting Him
The Lava Pack
Sorting Things Out
Okay Maybe A Wedding
My Best Book Yet


8.7K 339 6
By Hggaccetta88

Damien's POV
I stayed at Snows house longer than expected. Dad though he would never admit it loves the house. Mom thinks Snow as her own, she literally takes her from me. But Snow hasn't really adapted to the whole family thing.
She thinks they're great and all but she doesn't really like being around them.
Mom offered to cook this morning but Snow said she got it.
" Snow dear I really don't mind helping."
" Luna Lillian it is okay if I do it by myself."
" But Snow, dear I have told you countless times just call me Lilllian or mom. Since you don't have a mother."
I felt Snow tense, that hit a tough spot in her. I looked up to see the tears threatening to fall.
" I will have you know that my mother is alive and well, she is not dead."
" Oh my goodness dear I didn't even think about what I just said."
" It's fine nobody ever does." Snow smiled at her and then walked off.
" Dear what do I say to make her like me?"
" Mom Snow isn't good with new people. I mean her and I just shared our first kiss a couple of days ago."
" You did? Honey that's so cute. Was it while you two were arguing or before?"
" While we were arguing, wait, mom were you watching us?"
" Of course not dear."
" Mom?"
" Okay I was curios but I didn't listen in until mid way."
" Mom you can't just watch people it's weird."
" I'm sorry but you've waited long enough for her, I just want to know everything goes smoothly."
" And it will, just stop stalking us."
" Okay fine."
I rolled my eyes at mom, she's crazy. Dad came down the stairs looking amazed by the house as ever. I think it's so cool to him because it's a log cabin style.
" Son I have to know who built this place it's killing me to not know."
" She did."
" What?"
" Snow built this place when she was younger."
" No son how did this really happen?"
" Snow built it, ask her yourself if you don't believe me. But ask her later, mom sort of made her cry."
" And you're not there to comfort her?"
" No I needed to ask you to make mom apologize to Snow properly."
" You mean your mother didn't apologize?"
" No she did but out of guilt."
" An apology is still an apology."
I walked past dad and walked up the stairs towards Snows room, her room was cool. She had this huge aquarium in her room.
I knocked on her door but there was no answer. I turned the knob slowly.
When I walked inside her room, I saw her sniffling and crying in her pillow.
" Snow? Baby listen, mom is crazy and doesn't know what she's saying until she has said it."
" It's okay, it just poked a nerve. I love my mom and dad, they were great. I understand why they abandoned me and all but I just wish they wouldn't have."
" Snow, your parents are monsters, they are horrible people who shouldn't ever get your love. But that's how good of a person you truly are."
" Thanks. I'm actually going to visit mom and dad this weekend, if you want you can come."
" Snow are you sure that's the best idea? I mean your were removed from that pack and forced to become a rogue."
" I know but they're my folks. I miss them, I want to tell them how awesome life is for me and to even thank them because had they not abandoned me I would have never had this pack or have had met you."
I have never thought about it like that. Without her being left she would've never met me, how ironic.
" I would like to join you if you don't mind."
" Of course not, we're leaving Friday and coming back Wednesday. After that we will merge our packs officially."
This girl is amazing, she finds forgiveness for the people who had done terrible things to her. I love this girl and I haven't even known her for a full year yet.
I'm so sorry!!! School has been carazy!!
I hope you guys like it. I will be updating tomorrow since this chapter is so short but don't worry there is way more to come. I am also doing a contest. Whoever makes the best character gets a shout out and character as Snows best friend.
Requirements: Doesn't matter gender
Has to be flirty and silly
Has to be totally opposite of Snow
Damien can't like them whatsoever
Have free reign guys, I love original thinking.

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