COTE X Kumo desu ga, nani ka...

By Ara_kiseki

12.5K 860 758

It seems that I have been transported- no reincarnated? towards here. But what is this feeling? I feel like I... More

I'm Not alone!
Reconciliation and First Kill?!
New Upgrades!

We did it...!

2.1K 149 189
By Ara_kiseki

Stop it, Mono-san! I'm tired! I'll do anything, p...please! If this goes on any longer, I-...I'll faint...

[Just a little more, bare with me.]

Haah...Mono-san you're being too rough! Aahh!

[You seem overly dramatic over this.]

I mean, how could I not be?! It's our new home! We did it!

Despite having a hard time, on spinning the webs properly, we were still able to finish in only a small amount of time! Well, Mono-san did almost all of it though. Ehehe~

Now then, I'll try to make a small couch all by myself, Mwahaha!

I tried spinning the webs in an elegant manner just like how Mono-san did, and boy am I bad at it.

[Need help?]

We shifted our consciousnesses once again, unsurprisingly, I didn't feel dizzy switching anymore.

Maybe because we have repeatedly done this over and over again?

As I was busy thinking, I noticed that Mono-san made a couch in the blink of an eye.

To be honest, if we were playing an RPG right now. And not in a fantasy world, then I would most likely flame him for cheating.

[You just don't know how to...]

Crap...I forgot he could read my mind. No! My weird thoughts!

Oh yeah I forgot, I can also read his mind.

I just don't bother, why? Well, that guy is out of this world, pun intended.

Wait no! I meant that his thoughts are too complex to understand, my head hurts whenever I try to anyway.
And he words things weirdly.

Like come on, who the hell says solitude instead of loneliness?

By the way, I heard that when he asked me earlier if I felt lonely.

To be honest, if I was still a high school girl, I would probably blush because of what he said.

'If I weren't here would you be in deep solitide?' And of course, my dumb ass said 'Yes'

[Kumoko, you do know that I can read your mind, right?]

Damn it, can I not have privacy with my thoughts?

[I forgot to ask, but what did you mean by high school girl?]

Hmm? Just like I meant it, I was a high school girl before coming here.

[Oh, so you were one too.]

Yeah I was...wait too?!'re a high schooler!? I thought you were some weird, handsome monotone alien!

[Kumoko, I was once a highschooler, of course I'm human as well.]


Damn, I said too much.

Anyway, why don't we sit down and talk about each others' stories?

[Sure, why not?]

Wait a second, when I was still in the spider egg, I was contemplating about myself and my past.

So, how do you not know if you could've just read my mind?

[I couldn't hear your thoughts nor reach out to you back then, I was still analyzing the situation.]

[I was about to commence with my strategy, until I heard a voice, that was you Kumoko.]

Wait, what did you hear from me?

[One punch.]

My life is over, now he knows that I'm just a weird shut-in who only watches anime for a living.


[Kumoko, it doesn't matter what you like, I would still accept you. In fact, I actually find it nice that you have something you like.]

[Even if you don't accept me, you're stuck with me here, with no one else, just the two of us in one body.]

You- would accept someone like me?

[Of course, I just said that.]

...I wish I could tear up. This is the first time in my life that I've ever talked to anyone this long, and he even accepts me to boot.

So, I guess I could keep on referencing other shows now? Teehee~

[What a fast mood switch.]

Anyway, Mono-san does your head not hurt whenever you look into my thoughts?

[Of hurts, I'm not entirely sure why though.]

Maybe it's too overpowered to read each other's minds?

[Speaking of overpowered, we must get stronger, unless you want us to die that is.] His tone suddenly changed.

Of course, I don't want to die here. I finally found someone I could open up to, so why should I?

[Kumoko, do you perhaps know what you do in fantasy worlds like this one?] this...hope?

Finally! I found something I'm better at than Mono-san! Mwahahahah! How could he not know anything about fantasy worlds?!

So, why don't we try diving in his thoughts?

[(Do we chant magic? I should try while she's busy thinking, Expurosion.)]

My head hurts, but that was worth it.

I took a deep breath, before taking a long pause.




Is this perhaps an embarassed Mono-san?! Ah, I wish I could've seen his face...!

But seriously though, do we not have any skills? Kind of like those in fantasy novels?

Oh! Oh! If this was a fantasy novel, then I should get the 'Appraisal' skill!

<Number of skill points currently in possession: 100. Number of skill points required to acquire skill [Appraisal LV 1]: 100. Acquire skill?>

...this voice, it isn't Mono-san? Finally skills! Mono-san, Mono-san! Are you hearing this mechanical voice?




Ahahah, Mono-san jokes like that aren't funny you know!


Mono-san...please I'll do anything, just respond...

[Sorry, Kumoko. My head hurts quite a bit from the continous strain of reading your mind.]

Yes! Oh, don't you worry Mono-san I'll take care of these skill things!

But...please don't scare me like that again...

'Appraisal' eh? It's usually used by the protagonists to identify their surroundings, enemies etc.

To put it simply, it's the starter pack of Isekai reincarnation.

Wait, before I get this I should consult Mono-san first.

[(If you're in my thoughts right now and waiting for my approval, then do what you think is right.)]

Agh, my head hurts, but it's all worth it because I got his approval...I think.

So why don't we acquire it?

Alright, Acquire!

<[Appraisal LV 1] acquired. Remaining skill points: 0.>

Oops, I don't have skill points anymore...ehehe?


[Kumoko, I can finally reach out now.]

OOH! Mono-san! Wait, does your head not hurt anymore?

[It doesn't anymore, after all I bought the 'Pain resistance' skill.]

Oh, that's awfully convenient!

Hmm...why do you have skill points as well? Aren't we supposed to be one spider? How many skill points do you have currently?


Why spend so much for somthing like 'Pain Resistance' though? Doesn't it just make things hurt less, but still hurt?

[It's to properly communicate with you without interruptions.]

Oh, that makes sense.

But wait, since we both have skill points and are in the same body...does that mean we can both make use of 'Appraisal' and 'Pain Resistance'?

Speaking of Appraisal, why don't we try that out shall we.

I went out of the house and picked up a nearby colored stone, and went back.

Why'd I go back so quick you may ask? Well, I'm a fucking coward. And I don't want to die either.

Mono-san may be able to control this body much more better than me, but I still wouldn't risk it.

If we were faced with a formidable opponent, then we would both die, no matter how incredible Mono-san is.

Enough of that negative thinking! Now then, time to try out Appraisal!

I looked at the colored stone really hard, until a voice was heard.

<Red Stone>

Uhh...I know that it's a red stone though.

Wait, can't I just look outside instead of picking up rocks?

Let's try.

<Wall> <Floor> <Ceiling> <Stone>



HOW USELESS! I didn't ask for that, well...I technically did, but still! Not the information I wanted.

So was that a waste of points? I don't have any more skill points, what'll happen now?!

This can't be... I've disappointed you Mono-san.

I-...I'm sorry.

[Don't be so negative.]

[That's probably to be expected though, the 'Appraisal' skill is still level 1.]

Areeeeh? I forgot about that.

So does that mean, it'll be useful if it levels up? Well all I can do is hope that I really didn't get a trash skill.

Oh yeah! I forgot to do this.

<Spider Nameless>

Well, that's to be expected. But, what's up with the 'Nameless' thing though?

Anyway, let's just lay down for now and take a rest...right Mono-san~!

[Yeah, you seemed quite ti-]

Eh? Why'd you pause Mono-san?

[Kumoko, do not make any noise.]

Wait, why th- a monster, walked past by our home.

I couldn't properly see what it looked like, but I'm more than sure...

That entity, is dangerous.

Oh! Since I don't know what it is, I should try using Appraisal on it!


I looked at it's figure, and appraised it while trying to conceal my presence.

[Wait, Kumoko, st-]

<Cannot be appraised>

What? Appraisal failed?! You could do that? Is that like a skill?

[Kumoko, give me the body.]

Why the sudden switch?


Alright, alright, I'll give it for now.


M-Mono-san...why is that thing looking at us?

Has it perhaps found out we appraised it?

No, that's impossible...right?

[This is...dangerous, I could sense clear bloodlust aimed towards us.]

Then...what should we do?

[Leave that to me, partner.]


Important Note:

[Text] Is conversing with each other.

[(Text)] Their inner thoughts.

<Text> Is the system.


Actually, ive done this chapter yesterday and I just forgot to release it lol.

Here, as a sorry have a free gif.

(I totally dont have at least 132 different gifs of her in my gallery.)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

And also, I forgot to tell you that Ill be making another book (ehehe)
But this time, its going to be yours truly, in the Sleepy princess universe. Eh, just check out the coming soon chapter if youre interested.

Check it out or else...

Nah I'm just kidding.

But everyone...I- I think I may or may not betray Suya-hime.

Because of Elaina.



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