Kidnapped | Chanyeol X Reader

By jungshook0613

11.6K 419 115

A nice visit with your best friend ends up taking a dramatic twist as you encounter the largest gang in your... More

Just Another Day
The Big Day
A Life Changing Moment
Waking Up
Pieces of the Puzzle Part 1
Pieces of the Puzzle Part 2
Pieces of the Puzzle Part 3
Shocking Information
It's Finally Here!!
A New Beginning
The Big Reveal
Celebration Part 1
Celebration Part 2
Celebration Part 3
The First Steps to Unity
Secret Plan
Unexpected News
Getting Closer
No More Waiting
Second Chance
Half Way There
The Last Night
Change of Plans
Unity at Last

It's Go Time

129 5 4
By jungshook0613

I woke up at 9:00 when my alarm went off. I rolled over and laid in bed for a few more moments before getting up. I stood up, walked into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror.

"This is it. This is the day you've been planning for. This isn't the dream. This is real. You know what you're doing. Get in, get the intel, get out. Stick to the plan and you'll be safe." I said to myself, hoping to calm my nerves a little. I stayed there for a moment until the doorbell rang, taking me out of my thoughts.

I went and opened the door to reveal a smiling Kai with a tray in his hands. "I thought I'd surprise you and bring you breakfast! Gotta eat well since today's the day!" He said as I invited him in.

Thankfully he made enough for the both of us so we sat and ate together.

After a moment of silence, he gently placed his hand on top of mine. "Are you well this morning? You know, after last night?" He asked in a hushed voice.

I let out a big sigh. "Honestly, I'm hurt badly. But I know I can't let that get in the way of the mission. Mission first, then I'll deal with Chanyeol."

Kai nodded in agreement with that plan. We continued eating and talking until around 10:30. We said our goodbyes and I got ready for the day.

I wore a loose fitted light pink top with baggy white sweats and light pink sneakers. I decided to put my hair up in a bun for now since I didn't feel like doing anything with it at the moment. I looked in the mirror and sighed before heading out to meet up with Wonho to discuss details.

Chanyeol POV

I woke up with a massive headache and took some medicine for it. I stared at myself long amd hard in the bathroom mirror, ashamed of what I've become. I promised her I wouldn't go back to my old ways and I did exactly that. Even though I only had sex with one of the two girls, I still felt like a disgusting human being.

I looked down at my hands that were on the counter supporting me and let the tears fall. The last time I cried over a girl was when my first love cheated on me years ago. Losing her wasn't nearly as bad as the thought of losing Y/N. I can't do this without her and I'll never forgive myself if I don't make it right. I sniffled as the tears stopped and decided to do what Kai said, starting with getting my shit together.

I gathered my things and headed out to find something perfect for her as an apology and as a seal to the promise I made her. Except this time, it's a promise I will keep.

I went to the local jewelry store and found a stunning ring. It was simple in design, but definitely caught your eye. "It's perfect." I said looking at the ring.

"Are you gonna propose?" The young jeweler asked.

I looked at her and shook my head. "Promise ring." I simply stated.

"I see. Well, if she doesn't accept it, you can always come have some fun with me." She said in an attempt to seduce me.

The old Chanyeol would have very easily taken her up on her offer. I had to admit, she was very beautiful. But I made a promise to Y/N and I'm going to keep it. I have to or I'll lose her... forever. "I'm flattered, but I know she'll accept it." I said confidently while on the inside, I was completely unsure.

"We'll, you let me know how it goes and I might see you around, handsome." She winked at me as she handed me the ring that was wrapped nicely in a box

I thanked her and headed to the flourist to grab a fresh bouquet of flowers for her as well. I know she loves lilies and daisies so I got her a little bit of both as well as some white roses.

"Who's the lucky lady? The older woman asked as she wrapped the flowers.

"She's the most amazing girl I've ever met and I hope she'll take me back." I sighed.

"Ah, I see. So you're girlfriend left you and you want her back?"

I shook my head. "We'll we didn't officially break up, but we kind of did. We've drifted apart after I messed up and I want to make things right with her and I'm hoping she'll forgive me amd take me back." I confessed.

The older lady smiled. "That's very mature and wise of you to want to make things right between you guys. I'm sure with these flowers and your sincere apology, she'll be back with you in no time!"

"You always know what to say. Thanks, auntie Min." I smiled.

"Take care now Channie and let me know how it goes!"

I waved and walked back to headquarters to find Kai, hoping to explain what I plan on doing and hoping he'll let me in her living quarters so I can set up the flowers and ring.


I walked up to the coffee shop where I was meeting Wonho and found him sitting with a couple other people who I didn't know. He explained that they would be helping me with my disguise and making me unrecognizable.

From that point on, everything from my nightmare became a reality. The disguise, the entrance point, even what floor the info would be found on. The only difference was that it wasn't a huge office. It was just an empty floor with computers everywhere.

"Okay, you see the monitor in the far back left corner?" Wonho said in my earpiece.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Go to that one, plug in the memory stick, download the data, and Bob's your uncle."

"Huh? Who's Bob?" I asked confused as I began downloading info into the memory stick.

"It's just a saying meaning that once you've done that, we're all set." He explained.

I just nodded my head. As soon as the downloading was complete, I removed the memory stick and left the way I came. For some reason though, it was all empty. The mafia men I saw earlier were nowhere to be seen which raised my awareness.

"Um, Wonho? Where'd everyone go?"

"Ah! Well you see, I set the alarm in there complex to signal an attack at the opposite end of the compound, therefore allowing you to sneak out without being noticed. Success?" Wonho's sister chimed in.

"Yeah, im heading back to you guys now."

I suddenly felt uneasy and looked around to see if anyone was following me. To my dismay, I couldn't see anyone, but I picked up the pace nonetheless. I looked back and still saw no one. Even more panicked, I was almost running as I made my way back to Wonho's place, almost running into him.

"Wosh there! You okay?" He asked holdin gmt shoulders.

"I-I felt like someone was following me." I said as I caught my breath.

He looked behind me and everywhere around, but saw no one. I sighed in relief and we went inside.

"So, you got the intel?" He said with his hand out.

I nodded and handed the flash drive to him. He handed it off to his sister as she plugged it into the computer. Suddenly, the screen was filled with files filled with information.

"Wow! This is amazing!" She said with a wide smile.

I looked at her confused as to what was on the screen.

"Turns out you didn't get the intel on us. You got every single file that was stored on that computer. Do you know what that means?" I shook my head before she continued. "We now know everything about them." She said with a smirk.

Hey guys!! I am so so so so sorry that it took me this long to publish another chapter. I got promoted at work and have been super busy. I hope you guys understand! As always, thank you for reading! Love you all~!

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