copycat ~ k. saiki x fem read...

By butterflyglasses

123K 3.5K 4.9K

"Oh, so you're just a copycat." After a weird encounter at the beach, Saiki wonders if he's not the only one... More



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By butterflyglasses

Saiki's POV:
I wonder what's taking Y/n so long. I told her we'd meet by the entrance after school and she still hasn't shown up.

Saiki cocked his head as the green-haired girl ran towards him.

When she finally reached him she began to wave her hands frantically, "sorry I'm late. I couldn't get away from Teruhashi."

Saiki frowned, "jeez, you sure do attract a lot of attention for someone who doesn't want to be noticed."

"You're one to talk," Y/N said folding her arms across her chest, "your friends have been approaching me all day. They're not exactly blending in material either."

He pursed his lips, "I guess we're just unlucky then."

Behind them, a purple-haired male called him, "Saiki! I'm here! Why did you call a PK psy..."

The boy paused and stared at Y/n for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"H-hey, who's your friend?" He leaned forward, "I'm Reita Toritsuka, are you new? I haven't seen you around before. Do you want me to tell you who your spirit guide is?"

Y/n didn't answer him. She looked back at Saiki, "this the guy?"

Saiki nodded which made Y/n turn back to Toritsuka, "hi I'm Y/n. Yes I am new, thank you for asking. You asked about my spirit guide, are you a medium of something?"

Toritsuka sweat dropped, "uh yes I am."

This girl's really weird. Whatever doesn't matter. She's still cute!

"Do you still want me to tell you about your spirit guide? They look really strong!"

She shook her head and turned back to Saiki, "ok I met the other psychic. Are you all going to be able to help me now?"

Other psychic? Wait is this girl-

Toritsuka looked at Saiki to which he nodded as a response.

"Yes we can help you now. All three of us can test your abilities and it'll make helping you faster."

"Whoa! Saiki I feel like that was the first time I saw you open your mouth to speak!" Toritsuka awed.

Huh? Oh yeah you weren't in that chapter. Y/n can't hear any of my telepathic thoughts and I can't hear hers.

Y/n turned back to Toritsuka and grabbed his hands, "thank you for helping me! I promise to pay you back."

The boy blushed, "uh yeah! Definitely!"

Pay me back? All right! This just got more interesting!

Saiki shook his head, if she could hear what you just said she would totally take that back.

"We should probably get going. Aiura's already waiting for us on the roof."

~Slight Timeskip~
"A samurai? That's cool," Y/n said as she walked up the stairs.

"It is. He's protecting you from any harm."

Y/n sweat dropped, "really? Lately I feel like he hasn't been doing his job then."

"You guys are finally here!" Aiura beamed as they finally reached the roof.

Y/n smiled, "sorry it took so long. I was running late."

"Let's just get this started," Saiki monotoned as he dragged Toritsuka with him.

All three of them faced Y/n, "alright. So what kind of psychic abilities do you have," Aiura said taking out a notebook.

"Are you ready? There's a lot of them."

"Try me," Aiura said clicking her pen.

"Alright, well.....I have telepathy, psychometry, psychokinesis, x-ray vision, foresight, teleportation, clairvoyance, pyrokinesis, a favorbility meter, restoration, mind control,"

"Slow down!" Aiura said quickly scribbling.

"I can aport things, astral project, use biolocation, cryokinesis, electrification, levitation, hydrokinesis, hypnosis, invisibility, memory alteration, mind control, genetic manipulation, petrification, psychic hold, super strength, size alteration, thoughtography, time travel, shapeshift, and bone dislocation."

The three of them stared back at Y/n in disbelief.

"There are more," the girl said placing a hand under her chin, "they're not really relevant though."

"HUHHHHHHH!???" Toritsuka and Aiura said in unison.

"That's basically the same powers Saiki has!" Toritsuka exclaimed.

"Basically!?!?? Their the same!!!!" Aiura shouted.

Saiki blinked at her, "oh so you're just a copycat."

"W-what? No I'm not. It's not my fault we were born with the same powers."

They all became quiet until Saiki realized something.

"Wait a minute. If we're the same then wouldn't you have to be wearing something to limit some of these powers like I do."

"I do where some things," Y/n said pointing at her Germanium earrings, "I also wear thin gloves to prevent my psychometry from activating."

"And the petrification?" Aiura asked, "Saiki wears glasses but you don't."

Y/n pointed at her eyes, "special contacts."

"Huh," Toritsuka said placing his hands on his hips, "a female Saiki. Nice."

"Don't be weird," Y/n mumbled.

"But your powers are out of control aren't they? I don't think these special contacts of yours last throughout the day if some random powers go off that are out of your control."

"HUHH?!! Her powers are out of control??!" Toritsuka questioned.

Y/n shrugged, "they've managed to work well for the past sixteen years. If all else fails I have some glasses on me at all times. As for the powers out of control thing," she turned to Toritsuka, "it's usually just my telepathy and super strength that goes off. The only other one that has gone off is my invisibility."

She smiled at them, "rest assured I'm always prepared!"

Saiki felt a smile form on his face.

Even in a crisis, Y/n always seems to see the positive side in things.

Y/n turned to Saiki, "how soon can you get this information to your brother? I don't want to risk other abilities going off."

"He should be coming home soon so maybe in a week or three."

"Great! Things will finally go back to normal by then!"

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**We own nothing.** Please don't sue us. We decided that there weren't enough Kaido x Readers out there so we made one. We hope everyone enjoys!