Vexation ↠ Total Drama Action

By weforgottyler

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started february 2022 ended july 2022 SEQUEL TO SERENDIPITY - vex·a·tion /vekˈsāSH(ə)n/ the state of being fr... More

00- Playlist
01- Monster Cash
02- Alien Resurr-eggtion
03- Riot On Set
04- Beach Blanket Bogus
05- 3:10 To Crazytown
06- The Chefshank Redemption
07- One Flu Over The Cuckoos || Part 1
08- One Flu Over The Cuckoos || Part 2
09- The Sand Witch Project
10- Masters Of Disasters
11- Full Metal Drama
12- Ocean's Nine - Or Ten
13- One Million Bucks, B.C.
15- Dial M For Merger
16- Super Hero Id
17- The Princess Pride
18- Get A Clue || Part 1
19- Get A Clue || Part 2
20- Rock n' Rule || Part 1
21- Rock n' Rule || Part 2
22- The Aftermath: Who Wants To Pick A Millionaire?
23- Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion || Part 1
24- Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion || Part 2
A/N- That's A Wrap!
A/N- I Finally Sketched Logan!!
A/N- Third Book

14- Million Dollar Babies

608 19 9
By weforgottyler

Logan's POV

With a stuffy nose, I headed for the trailer door with Leshawna, scratching the top of my head groggily.

"I'm so sorry! I must've started sleep-twirling again!" I heard Beth apologize as Leshawna cracked open the trailer door.

"Did she say sleep-twirling?" Leshawna asked, stepping out of the trailer. I popped out from behind her.

"There's a such thing as sleep twirling?" I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I took a step down and walked over to Leshawna as Courtney started to yell at Beth.

"That PDA is my legal right in this game. Touch it again, Beth, and prepare to be served!" Courtney growled out. I rolled my eyes.

A trombone was played poorly by Chris. He walked over to us with a drum strapped onto his back that would go off every time he took a step.

"Morning, sports fans!" Chris greeted with a large smile. "Who's ready to put up a good offense?"

"Spaghetti here! Get your piping hot spaghetti here!" Chef hollered out, following Chris while carrying balls of spaghetti. He chucked one at each of us- besides Harold who got pelted with them.

"Woah! Woah! That was a spitball!" Harold claimed, getting back up with spaghetti balls hanging off of him.

"That was breakfast," Chris said as I quietly snacked on mine.

"Pasta for breaky?" Lindsay asked, holding hers like a volleyball along with Heather and Leshawna.

"It's called carbo-loading, contestants! Today, you're all going to give two hundred percent in our exciting sports movie challenge!"

Yes! A sports movie challenge. Maybe I have a shot at winning this for my team.

"You are aware that two hundred percent is a mathematical impossibility?" Harold questioned, being his know-it-all self. Chef chucked another ball of spaghetti at him.

"Suck that 'ghetti back, you lovable underdogs destined to come back from certain failure," Chris told us. "We've got a training run."


"That all you got, sports fans?! Man up! It's time for more action!" Chris called out to us as I stopped running. The others were way behind me, gasping for air while I held onto my sides, a little worn out.

"I may have spoke too soon, it seems to me like Logan's the only one who has it in her. Come on kiddies! It's just a jog!" They soon approached us, struggling to find air.

"How... did you... run so fast!" Heather huffed.

"She's a runner," Duncan answered for me as they panted like dogs. "What did you expect?"

"Three cups of spaghetti followed by a 3K jog? All I'm ready for is a nap," Leshawna wheezed out, collapsing onto the ground. "W-What is this? Plastic lawn?"

"Astroturf. Hello? It's a set." Chris gestured to our "field".

"Today's competition is gonna require sweat, guts, heart, and sweat," Chris told us.

"You said sweat twice," Heather pointed out. That only meant double the torture. Great.

"Because it's not just your sweat you'll be dealing with. There's Chef's sweat, too!" Chris motioned to a sweaty Chef who was doing jumping jacks with football gear on. "Cause you'll be pushing him the length of the field! And he just ate a huge jar of jalapeño peppers, so he's spraying like a gym class shower."

"We gotta push spiced up Chef like he's a football dummy?" Justin asked. Chef stepped on the football sled that sat adjacent to Chris.

"Don't call me a dummy!" Chef spat with venom.

"Um, I am not swapping sweat with an oversized jalapeño," Heather complained, crossing her arms.

"You're taking it for the team. Now get your skinny behind out there and push that dummy!" Leshawna barked out.

"What'd I say about the dummy thing?!"

"You can do this one without me," Heather replied, not seeing like she was going to give up any time soon.

"Gotta side with Leshawna on this one. You're doing it," Duncan spoke up. I nodded.

"It's not fair if you get to watch from the sidelines," I added on. "We're a team."

//Leshawna's Confessional

"Side with Leshawna'?" [gasps] "Are they finally coming around? That'd be like rolling up Christmas, Kwanzaa, Easter, Canada Day, and BOGO day at the shoe store all into one! Sweet, sweet forgiveness!" //

After a little bit more of convincing, my team was soon on the field, grunting as we tried to push Chef to the other side.

I never knew how much Chef weighed, but I should've expected it wasn't going to be as light as a feather with his muscular structure.

"That all you got?! I can push better than that on my day off!" Chef jeered, trying to get underneath our skin.

Leshawna growled, sending my team flying to the ground.

"Don't you talk smack to me!" Leshawna spat loudly as she pushed Chef to the floor, also. "Sorry, dummy. Guess I came to play hardball."

"Nice job, Leshawna!" I congratulated, pulling the teen in for a sweaty hug. Smiling, we watched Chef struggle to free himself from the dummy.


After the Grips tried to move Chef on the football sled, and both teams went through tires with mouse traps at the bottom, we were now making our way through a military obstacle course.

It was a lot like the one at Camp Wawanakwa—bad memories that night, except we weren't getting timed this time around, and it was through mud— luckily not astroturf which burns your skin. So it wasn't terrible, really.

The only thing that was starting to suck was my arms began to itch along with my throat. At least the mud helped cool my arms down, though.

"What is with this barbed wire?" I muttered, army crawling underneath it.

"I have never seen our school football team doing this!" Courtney cried out as the rest of the teens panted all around me.

"You're right. But we had some mud and barbed wire left over from the war movie and it just seemed fun to me," Chris responded to Courtney. "Is it?" We groaned.

I eventually got to the end of obstacle course where Chris called it quits for us. We sighed in relief, heading back onto the field covered in mud.

"That truly bit," Duncan muttered, crossing his arms.

"Tell me more about it," I sniffed as I scratched my own arms where little bumps began to appear.

"Are you breaking out?" He asked as I sniffled again. With a straight face, I stared at him, causing him to quickly apologize.

I'm just hoping my eyes don't swell. I do not want to be another Courtney on the first day of camp. No thank you.

"Who won anyway?" Courtney asked, examining the short-winded teens.

"Let's see. Uh..." Chris pulled out a clipboard, reading off of it. "Three carry the five...Nobody!"

"Huh?" What does he mean nobody?

"It was just to establish who's playing who for the real contest to follow," Chris said, raising his hand up to the jumbo screen where there were four pictures of four different events.

One looked like boxing, another one was badminton, the next basketball, and the last one is possibly wrestling? I wasn't exactly sure, though.

"We're running four sporto contests with competitors seeded according to these results."

Staring at the screen, my picture popped up across from Courtney's.

"Although Duncan is seeded with Logan and Courtney, he'll sit out for today since we have an uneven amount of contestants," Chris added on, scribbling something on his clipboard.

"Seeded? There's a gardening challenge?" Lindsay questioned.

//Lindsay's Confessional

"Okay, so he meant like sport seeding. I knew that. But if there was a gardening challenge, I would seriously kick butt. I mean, nobody can even touch my tomatoes!" [freezes] //


Chris ended up taking us to a boxing ring. I stood with my team while the Grips were across from us on the other side.

"In the right corner, ner, ner, ner, from the Killer Grips, ips, ips, ips, the blonde bombshell, the life of Lollapalooza! The Blue-Eyed Bruiser! Lindsay!" Chris mocked a sports announcer as he spoke into a mic.

"And in the left corner, ner, ner, ner from the Screaming Gaffers, ers, ers, ers, the deluted dork, the lightweight loser, the knocked-knead numbskull!"

"Sounds like you're up," Harold whispered to Duncan, forgetting that the punk didn't have to participate in this challenge.

"Harold!" The redhead's face was masked with horror.

"Me? Why me!?" Harold exclaimed. Duncan smiled.

"Because you and Lindsay came in last in the football drills. Loser versus loser. We're gonna build to the top players," Chris answered.

"Glove me." Chris threw the two boxing gloves at Harold.

I noticed that they looked squishy and fluffy instead of hard like normal boxing gloves.

"But these are marshmallow!" Harold complained, lifting up his arm to prove his point.

"Props. So you don't hurt those pretty actor faces," Chris responded.

"Or is it because Chef busted up Owen's jaw?"  I butted in getting a few snickers from people.

"And, in true boxer movie tradition, you'll be fighting in... Slow motion..." Chris said, ignoring my comment.

Harold and Lindsay slipped into the boxing ring. The bell went off, declaring the start of the round.

"You're... going... down," Harold told Lindsay in a slow motion voice as he tried to punch her.

"Wha! Take that!" Lindsay dodged Harold. She socked him right in the face, and he walked backwards from the impact slowly.

"How does he do that?" Leshawna asked, referring to how snail-like our teammate was moving.

Harold got into to the corner of the ring and walked back over to Lindsay.

"Eh, he has a lot of experience getting hit," Duncan replied. Harold slowly swung at Lindsay.

"Whah..." Lindsay stopped Harold by taking a bite out of the marshmallow glove.


"Oh, don't eat it! Block it!" Courtney shouted at Lindsay as she munched on the glove. Meanwhile, I glared at Harold who wasn't attacking Lindsay when she was in a vulnerable state.

"Play dirtier!" I yelled out, waiting for him to swing. Duncan giggled.

"What!?" I snapped out, whipping my head. He leaned against the ropes, staring at me in amusement.

"I like when you talk like that." Huffing, I grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"If you want to kiss me then do it, I might let you," I said jokingly, lifting a brow. A wave of bafflement washed of him.

//Duncan's Confessional

"Although Logan and I are supposed to be staging this whole trifling thing, I can't help but want it to be real. She's incredible to look at and not to mention she has this alluring, painfully snide and captivating personality that makes me want her even more than I already do." //

Harold stood back in his corner after the first round ended, preparing for another round.

"Round two, ooh, ooh, ooh!" Chris's voice echoed through the mic as the bell rung. Chef came out holding a sign while only in a bikini.

I know, a bikini.

"Ew, ew, ew is more like it," Duncan grimaced. I used his hands to cover my eyes.

"Ah, y'all are just jealous," Chef responded.

Hesitantly removing his hands from my eyes, I looked over at Duncan who had his attention focused back on the match. I admired his appealing teal eyes for a bit until I put my focus on Harold again.

"Let's go, Harold, baby! You've got the moves, you've got the grooves!" Leshawna encouraged the redhead. He froze, looking back at her.

"Why, thanks, Leshawna. It's nice to-" Lindsay punched him in the face, and he stumbled backwards. "Oh!"

"One. Two. Three," Chris counted. Ah shit.

"Get up, Harold!" Leshawna exclaimed. He laid on the ground, not moving.

"Harold, they're just marshmallows!" I yelled out, leaning against the rope angrily.

I couldn't believe we were going to lose a part of the challenge because Harold got socked by a marshmallow. A freaking marshmallow.

"Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten," Chris rushed out. Darn it.

"And the winner is, is, is, is... Harold and the Screaming Gaffers!" Chris announced.

The Gaffers and I looked at each other before cheering.

"Huh? But I knocked him out!" Lindsay stated.

"He scored a bunch of extra points for doing such great slow-motion. And I had to dock you for biting," Chris explained. "Very unsportsmanlike, Miss Tyson."

"This was fixed! Ref's going down!" Justin and Courtney held back Lindsay as she tried to dock Chris.

"Easy there, Tiger!" Justin said to her.

After calming Lindsay down, we headed out the door. Before I could slip out of the building, Duncan grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"You think you handle doing our challenge, today, vertically challenged? Like going against Courtney and everything? You are breaking out pretty badly," he said in an attentive manner. I rubbed my burning eye slightly.

Duncan lifted up my arm to show me more of the small bumps forming. There were also scratch marks and red splotches from me grazing them with my nails.

"I'm not sick you know. It's just hives," I reassured him, grabbing my arm back and bringing it to my side quite harshly without intending to.

Duncan froze, a bit surprised at my actions. I gave him a look of confusion before realizing I may have rolled my eyes at him.

Sighing, I soon caught up with the other contestants who were at a badminton court that was set up on the field.

"Hey, it's a miniature tennis racket. Where are the miniature tennis balls and how come the net is so stupidly high?" Justin asked, swinging a racket around.

"This is a badminton court, Justin," Chris responded, walking over with Chef.

"There was never a sports movie about badminton!" Justin snorted. "That'd be seriously lame."

"There was a movie about badminton, it was very un-lame!" Chris yelled one Justin's face. "And it starred the very talented... me."

"Figures why we've never heard of it before," I muttered. Chris shot me a glare.

"Thanks for asking, I'd love to recreate my finest scene." Chris grabbed Justin's racket and walked over to the badminton court to act out his movie.

"I just want you to know... you guys are the best darn badminton players I've had the pleasure of coaching. You're beacons of freedom. Go show the Olympic committee we deserve a shot! Show them it's not badminton, it's goodminton! Heck, it's greatminton! Now get out there and win one for the Flipper!" Chris reenacted. Chef stood behind him, silently crying.

//Chef Hatchet's Confessional

"Why couldn't the Olympic committee just give the Flipper a break? It was his big dream!" [snorts and cries] //

After his reenactment, Chris sat in his red chair. "Battling for supremacy in our second round, Beth and Heather!" he announced.

"Should've been me. So much hate," I grumbled to Duncan, sitting in the bleachers.

Badminton was one of the sports I was really good at.

"Yeah yeah, I know." Duncan squeezed my thigh as I sighed.

I could of easily demolished anyone here, let alone Beth.

"Me against her? Piece of cake," Heather said cockily, standing on the court.

"Watch the birdie!" Chris tossed Beth a stuffed bird.

"Feathers are about to fly!" Heather rocked back and forth, prepared to crush Beth.

"You can do it, Beth!" Courtney cheered.

Beth tossed the bird into the air. She barely hit the birdie, and it squeaked as soon as it landed on the ground a foot in front of her.

"Eek! It's alive!" Beth freaked out. Chris jumped off of his chair, and he scooped the bird up.

"It's stuffed. With a squeaker," said Chris dully. "That okay, Chicken Little? Serve to Heather!"

Heather tossed the bird up into the air and swung. Beth jumped back as the bird landed on the ground next to her feet.

"Woohoo! Buh-ring it! Show her who's in charge!" Leshawna cheered. Beth tensed up, getting better and better with each hit that both girls took.

"Cheer her on, guys!" Leshawna told Duncan, Harold, and I.

"That's right, Heather, no mercy!" Duncan called out.

"Make us racket!" I hooted, clapping.

"Serve her up a hot steaming bowl of humiliation!" Harold added on.

"Your chances of winning are just about as real as your boyfriend!" Leshawna chirped in.

Beth growled, becoming more aggressive with each rally. She spun the racket in the air, she bit it, she did all sort of things that amazed me.

"Woah..." I uttered, watching Beth twirl the racket into the air. The birdie flew over to Heather, landing in her wig.

"Ahh! Get it out! Get it out!" Heather exclaimed, trying to remove the bird. Chris blew on his whistle.

"We have a winner!" The Killer Grips cheered, running onto the court to pick her up.

"Now that's some greatminton," Chris said proudly, watching them carry her away.

"Your eyes are swelling," Duncan whispered to me.

"Hm?" I felt around my eyes. Sure enough, they were puffy.

"You should go back to the-"

"I'm fine," I interrupted Duncan coldly. With a frown, he turned his head to the Grips.

"You might have game girl, but you still don't have a boyfriend," Leshawna spoke up as the Grips walked past us.

The Grips stopped cheering, and Beth snapped her head around to look at Leshawna. She jumped off of her teammates and stomped over to the bleachers.

"You just resent me for being a champion baton twirler! Just like you resent everybody here!" Beth claimed. Leshawna's eyes widened.

"Excuse me?" Leshawna let out a small laugh.

"Why don't you admit it? Or should we have Courtney play what you said about all of us on her PDA?" Courtney laid her hands on her hips while I gave my full attention to the two girls, curious to see what Beth was talking about.

"I told you to stay away from my PDA!" Courtney snapped out.

"It's on the Total Drama website, Leshawna," Beth continued. "Everything you said about all of us when you went on that spa night!" Harold, Duncan, and I gasped.

"Ooh, the underdog's about to take a bite out of her rival. This can't end well. Don't go away. There's plenty of sports-themed back stabbing fun to come on Total. Drama. Action!" Chris said into the camera.

"You said what about us, Leshawna?" Duncan sneered. Leshawna looked around at us with gallons of sweat dripping off of her forehead.

"You said mean things about me?" Lindsay asked.

"Let me see! Let me see!" Harold got up and walked over to Courtney.

"No!" the brunette shouted, pulling the PDA close to her chest.

"Come on, Courtney, you know you wanna," I smirked, leaning up against the fence.

"Only because I think you all have the right to know what she said." We crowded around Courtney as she went to the Total Drama website to pull up the clip.

"There's nothing to see! You guys will be bored." Leshawna tried to stop us, but Courtney clicked on the clip anyways.

Leshawna and LaShaniqua, her cousin, were shown inside a limo.

"Ooh, Heather. Mm. just mean for the sake of being mean. Lindsay has half a brain cell. Max. And it's usually gone out shopping," Leshawna said through the video. "Ooh, ooh, probably with Justin's giant ego!"

"Oh, Duncan likes to think he's a bad boy. But whenever him and Logan hang out alone, he's as tough as butter. Oh oh, and Courtney. That girl is just crazy, LaShaniqua. I can't believe she's suing her way back into the darn show. Like she's gonna drag Duncan around by his eyebrow ring, that's Logan's job." They both laughed obnoxiously loud.

I huffed, seeing what she had to say next about the other contestants.

"Beth actually wears a side ponytail. A side pony! And Harold... Darn boy's sweet on me. But he's getting about as much play as an old school casette tape in a world of MP3." I glanced over at Harold who sighed.

"Ooh, girl!" LaShaniqua replied, shaking with laughter. Courtney turned off her PDA, and we all stared down Leshawna.

"You don't understand! That was outside the game! I didn't know anybody'd see it," Leshawna panicked. Chris approached her smugly.

"So you weren't just joking? I thought maybe you were joking," Lindsay spoke up, the first to respond to her.

"Uh, yes! I was! And I wanted you to see it! Yeah, isn't that a riot?! Haha, psych!" Leshawna laughed nervously trying to save herself.

With the shake of my head, I walked away from her to the next challenge.


We sat on a new set of bleachers inside a set waiting for Chris to tell us about the next challenge. Fortunately for me, my allergies have only managed to get worse.

"Leshawna just told it like it is. I don't see what the big deal is. I do it all the time," Heather piped up as we sat silently, all far away from Leshawna as we could.

"She called you mean and nasty," Lindsay pointed out.

"I can live with that," shrugged Heather.

"You can?" Leshawna asked. "Thanks, girl."

"Don't push it. It's not like we're new BFFs," Heather responded.

"Silence!" Chris shouted out as Chef dragged him out- both of them wearing Greek outfits. "The score is one to one! And now... second seat Courtney will attempt to brrreak the tie competing in Grrreco-RRRoman wrrrestling with... Logan!"

With a pale look on my face, I scrunched up my nose and sneezed.

"Get into your swimsuits buckaroos, you'll be wrestling it out this time," Chris informed us. I groggily got up and made my way out the door to change.

"Hey, you doing alright? You don't look so hot," Duncan said, running up to me.

"I-I'm fine," I coughed out, rubbing my somewhat swollen eyes.

However, I wasn't fine. In all honesty, I felt like complete shit, and part of it wasn't even because of the cold I had. I was utterly miserable.

"Take it easy, okay. I don't want you to hurt yourself." Duncan placed his hand on my shoulder. "I know you're not having a good day. Please be careful."

"I'm good. Seriously. Okay?" Shrugging him off, I trudged over to the trailers to change.


"Are you sure you're cool with doing this?" Duncan asked as I crawled up to the boxing ring where Harold's challenge was held.

In response, I gave him a thumbs up, aligning myself with Courtney.

However, whole body was covered in hives, head from toe, and my head pounded with every breath I took.

"Be prepared to lose," Courtney spoke, stretching her legs out.

Before I could muster out a word, I got submerged with plastic balls.

"Wait wait wait a second, I have to wrestle her in a kiddie ball pit?" I exclaimed after popping out from the pit.

"Ew! How long since these things have been washed?" Courtney cried out, spitting out a ball.

"Never. We got 'em from a local carnival," Chris answered her. "A really cheap, skeevy one. Now play ball!" He blew into a horn, starting our wrestling match.

Courtney and I dove into the ball pit, me basically flopping because I felt so lightheaded.

"What's the matter, blondie? Can't swim?" Courtney taunted as she sat on top of my shoulders. I swayed back and forth, feeling my breath grow uneven.

Think of all the things she has done to you, Logan. Remember when you tried to be her friend? Remember how she convinced Duncan to not be your friend? Remember how she treated him?

Feeling myself grow vexed, I managed to push Courtney off of me, but I also found myself falling backwards into the ball pit. With the great amount of strength I had left, I swam back up to the surface, trying to balance myself.

"Logan isn't looking too good," Harold spoke from the bleachers as I closed my eyes for a brief moment, trying to find the perfect balance.

I just want to lay down, cry, and sleep my pain away. Is that to much to ask for?

"You got this, vertically challenged!" I heard Duncan encourage as I shook my head, trying to fix my blurry sight.

In a swift moment, Courtney's legs were wrapped around my neck.

Get her off of you, Logan. You can do this.

I felt myself grow even more drowsy as black spots clouded my vision. I tried to peel Courtney off but it was no use; I simply had no energy left.

"Logan? What do I hear?" Chris dropped down to us, cupping his ear. My mind spun trying to stay conscious.

Struggling to breathe, I let tears I've been holding in roll down my face. The teens gasped as I felt my body go numb before my vision faded into a black fog.


"Hey," I mumbled with a small smile, turning on my side to see Duncan taking a seat next to my cot.

After my challenge, I was taken to the infirmary where I stayed for the rest of the day.

"Hey," he responded. "How you feeling?"

"A lot better now," I answered him, lifting up my arm to show him the faint hives. "The Benadryl they gave me is helping a ton."

"That's good to hear," he nodded after examining my arms. I shook my head in agreement.

Although I was still pretty shaken up about what happened, I was glad that my hives, scratchy throat, and swollen eyes were easing up on me.

"How'd we do?" I asked, peering over Duncan's shoulder to see the sun was now setting.

"Huh?" Duncan rose his head, seeming to be in his own sort of daze.

"I said, how'd our team do?" I articulated. The delinquent's lips twisted in displeasure. 

"We lost," Duncan broke the news to me. I immediately frowned.

"It was because of me, isn't it?" I suddenly blurted out.

You're weak, Logan. You let Courtney, that sinful louse, beat you.

"No, not at all," Duncan immediately reassured me, placing his hand next to my arm. I sat up, cocking my head.

"What do you mean?"

"After you fainted, I volunteered to step in for your challenge. Technically, you never said uncle so the two teams were still tied, and Chris wanted to complete the round," he explained. I let out a sigh of relief.

Maybe you aren't a total loser, Logan.

"Did you win?" I smirked, flicking up a brow. Pressing his lips together firmly, Duncan glanced away.

"I didn't." Holding onto my stomach, I let out a boisterous laugh.

"What are you laughing about!?" Duncan demanded, studying my vivacious state. "This isn't funny!"

"You got beat by a girl! Again!" I cackled, slamming my fist against my upper thigh.

"She's not just a girl, she's Courtney!" he argued, crossing his arms in protest.

"Mmhm..." I wiped a tear from my eye while taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Meanwhile, Duncan rolled his eyes at me.

I wish I got to see that.

The room soon filled up with a cold atmosphere, neither one of us wanting to break the ice about what happened today.

"You can't do that to yourself, Logan," Duncan finally spoke up, aggrieved, referring to my heedless actions. My stomach immediately sank as I replayed the events of today in my head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to lose," I apologized to Duncan, ashamed.

"I know you didn't," he mumbled, sitting in thought.

Pulling my knees up to my chest, I stared down at my converse, wincing.

It pains me to see how disappointed my best friend is at my stupid actions. Just by his body movements, I can tell that he's upset at me for overworking myself. I don't blame him, though. He was just trying to look out for me, and I ended up being an ignorant fool.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself like that again," Duncan finally spoke up, rubbing his thumb across his knee. I let out a sigh as I rose my head up from my lap.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, closing my eyes in regret.


I sat next to Duncan in the bleachers at nightfall, behind Harold, waiting for Chris to begin the elimination protocol.

After some heart to heart conversations and a whole lotta laughter, Duncan and I had to get to the Gilded Chris Ceremony.

In the end, our team ended up falling short because of a blatantly inauthentic Chris McLean cheer.

"So, the Gaffers lose it again. Must be tough, especially with your own teammate dissing you all over the World Wide Web!" Chris began.

Without hesitation, Heather, Harold, Duncan, and I crossed our arms at Leshawna, sending her sour looks.

"Hey! I got enough problems without you mixing things up!" Leshawna clapped back.

"And Heather, you gotta feel awful over your humiliating loss to Beth on the badminton court," Chris continued, waiting for a response. However, Heather ignored him. "Heather?"

"Sorry, I'm trying to remember what feeling awful is like," Heather replied.

"Duncan might remember, seeing as he lost to a girl... in wrestling!" Chris grinned.

"She's not a girl, she's Courtney! It's a whole 'nother thing," Duncan responded in a snappish tone.

"Then there's Logan, getting choked out by her enemy then crying about it!" Chris held his sides as I silently picked at my nails. Duncan squeezed my knee for comfort.

"Harold, I'd say you're the only one here who might be safe," Chris told the redhead.

"Well, Chris. I-"

"Oh, nobody wants to hear it. Just take the statue," Chris interrupted him, tossing him his Gilded Chris. "Diaper shark, you're safe too." Chef sent one over to Duncan next.

"And crybaby, here catch this!" I caught the Gilded Chris with narrow eyes, placing it on my lap.


"Yes?" Leshawna bit her lip with anxiety.

"I'm sorry, but... heads up!" Chef threw one directly in her hand.


"What?!" Heather exclaimed, standing up in utter shock. "You voted me off? Me?!"

//Duncan and Harold's Confessional

"I know Leshawna dissed us..." Duncan started out.

"Sure Leshawna called me diluted..." Harold spoke up.

"But that cheer, well, pfft. We counted her out, but she showed us she heart, guts, grip, and a bounce that won't stop," Duncan told the camera.

"Sounds like a sports movie. The thing is, she didn't totally shoot me down." Duncan gave Harold a look.

"Okay, she still has a hold on me! I can't help it! I'm a slave to love!" Harold cried out, clinging onto Duncan. //

I watched from the bleachers as Leshawna ran up to Heather who walked down the Walk of Shame to the Lame-o-sine.

"You're going to be okay, right?" Duncan asked me when we stood up to head back to the trailers.

"Yeah. I think I'll be okay," I breathed out, my lips itching up a smile.

"If you can't sleep, just let me know," he told me. I nodded.

"I hope you know I care about you," Duncan added on, pulling me in for a hug.

"I care about you, too, delinquent," I responded with my face on his chest, meaning every word.

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