Lunar: End of Magic (IMPORTAN...

By LemonMilkJUICY

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By LemonMilkJUICY

Sirius and his team had finished the week of camping. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Sirius gave Izutoko a weary look but the response he got back was a glare full of "shut up don't say anything I got this." They were supposed to stay in this opposite heaven hole for a month. None of the other group members even knew about it. In the corner of his eye, he could see the up-hair lad spew magic out of his hand messily. Without the wand, it was just flowing out. The three colored magic was slowly reaching its way towards the ground.

Izutoko made his signal. Sirius opened his mouth and took a deep breath, 'Guys! Don't start packing up yet! I found something!' Sirius shouted as he motion for the group to come over and investigate. It was burning hot outside this day and everyone was sweating like crazy, the didn't want to waste their magic yet since they were still getting ready to leave.

They came to Sirius as he explained his sighting. The roots of four trees looked very unrealistic and strange. They were tinted purple. When Dillian had the bright idea to stomp on the thick roots, it released a gas. The cloud swarmed their surroundings and they began coughing and swatting away the smoke. When it bursted, Sirius quickly moved out of the way from the affected area.

Sirius and Izutoko watched afar as their group were hacking at the mist. The area cleared and the group seemed confused. Sirius didn't want to do this but Izutoko seemed serious about it. Something like their lives depended on it. Sirius and Izutoko ran towards the group and checked to see if their plan worked.

'Where's camp?' Adele being the first one to speak out. Sirius and Izutoko glanced at each other firmly and sighed simultaneously. 'Behind us.' Edeni said as he pointed a thumb behind him. Everyone turned to the ghostly campsite before resuming to the silence they accompanied.

'Do you ever feel like you're forgetting something?' Amelia said pointing a finger to her chin. Everyone else hummed in agreement. 'Hey Sirius, when was the last time they had mist and the other times before those? Besides mine of course.' Sirius thought long. He couldn't remember any times when his friends were casted under mist spells or memory washes.

'I think yours must've been the first time. Any other time was for training and usually those are cleaned off dry.' Sirius said while looking up. It was noon. They were supposed to report back by evening. If they stayed here away from the school for a month like Izutoko quoted, nothing should be wrong if the school's mist doesn't fade. The mist had its job of brainwashing everyone to thinking everything is normal and Sirius had an actual month long mission.

'If the plans don't succeed, someone must have infiltrated and the mist hasn't been in effect for them.' Izutoko reminded. The two unaffected boys were sketching out their plans to survive the forest for a month with the broken team of theirs. Kamiday is allergic to grass but doesn't seem to react to it.

'Two; this task has been given to specifically. This mission could possibly kill you and your friends. You need to survive in a forest filled with Ceres for a month or until C.E.O does something.'

Sirius thought back to the line Izutoko said during their flight talk. He made sure to follow them but he wasn't sure why he did it so intently and not suspiciously since it was so sudden. He knew his life depended on it if the words Elite Ceires appeared on the paper. His memory was going in and out. It must've been the side-effects of the smoke Izutoko cast for three months since he was pretty much living in it.

He remembered how he thought he didn't remember what a Ceres was. It was literally an infection around the globe. Also a type of magical species that corrupts the state of mind and turns the infected into villains.

Amelia and Clara were practicing their magic skills. Clara was shooting her arrows at Amelia from a tree. Amelia quickly darted away and took out her wand and blasted an attack above Clara's head. It singed the tree but Clara was on the ground on her feet. The two were at each other blasting attacks that wouldn't harm them too much. Takami, Dillian, Adele, and Kamiday were just at each other's necks and constantly yelling out spells and light kept blinding their eyes. Tyran and Edeni were out on scout. They mist had seemed to work perfectly.

'Wait...isn't this supposed to be my test of trustworthiness? Why am I doing this then?' Sirius looked at Izutoko who had a blank look. 'You're trying to see if I'm trustworthy by trying if I would willingly lie and manipulate my friends.' Sirius spoke in a slight angry tone. Izutoko sighed. 'Alright, you did it. But now you have to lift the mist and convince them about the survival thing.' Sirius nodded and began plotting. He took out the wand with the Golden Glitz touch. Nothing happened when he tried to cast a harmless spell.

'Was his hypothesis wrong? Try using a more destructive spell.' Izutoko spoke. Sirius looked at him suspiciously. Just like he said to his friends, "he's good at manipulating situations". Sirius muttered a destructive spell, nothing happened again. Sirius huffed, if magic wasn't able to even seep through the wand, then he had nothing to project his magic. Izutoko just shook his head before walking up to him.

'Hey blueberry and dead tree! We got a sight!' Dillian shouted from not to far. Izutoko stopped and looked in the direction of the noise. He quickly jogged along with Sirius. When they looked down at the area, it was covered in a light layer of frost. 'Usually, Dillian leaves suspicious stuff like this for us to find later, but since it's hot out, the snow should be melting.' Clara monotonously spoke out while everyone else looked around the white space. Sirius quickly lifted the mist spell and everyone suddenly looked confused.

'Woah! Frost in the middle of nowhere!' Edeni said while pointing at the obvious color. Kamiday and Amelia backed away a bit for the two late lads to inspect. 'If I see anymore of this Imma just run out.' Takami said as she had backed up as well while shaking her head. She was slightly dancing. Clara glared at Izutoko for a bit before at the sight. Sirius caught that glare though. 'Weren't we supposed to be heading back now? Like back to the school? I don't want to though but these woods are giving me the creeps.' Adele said while looking around the trees that were taller than her. Nightfall was coming.

'We should head back to camp. Then we could go back to the school.....' Tyran trailed off. 'I really don't wanna go back though.' He said with a laugh, Edeni snorted before laughing along with him. 'D-dude! L-Last time you said that you g-got folded by B-Brink!' Edeni said out loud with the most obnoxious laughter. Dillian and a few of her friends began laughing as well. 'That's right! Brink told me that Tyran got his butt whooped because he said that! When I went to see him, he was folded like an omelette!' Takami said while trying to stifle her laugh. Sirius was also bursting out with laughter. Izutoko stood there awkwardly and confused.

The group were back at their moved campsite since they didn't want to be near sus content. They had more diabetes to eat such as s'mores. When they all needed to sleep, before they could even say they wanted rest, foot steps were heard. It wasn't like the rustling on the first day, it was sticks snapping and leaved crunching. Everyone looked at each other in attendance. Their team members were all present. Who was this mysterious person? Was it the back-up team already making a move to find them?

'Guys, I haven't told you yet but, we have to stay in this forest longer than anticipated because of delay.' Sirius said as the bonfire illuminated orange on everyone's faces. 'Isn't that the same thing?' Adele said while leaning forward with her hands on her knees. Everyone sat around the fire like a cult yearning for the warmth in the empty air. Takami was scrolling through her phone before she covered her mouth. Adele looked at her in concern. Takami showed her phone to her face and the both started squealing. The other girls had went over to investigate except for Clara. She was looking in the fire mindlessly. A minute later, the girls started fangirling over an anime character.

'How do you guys forget about things so easily?' Izutoko asked Sirius in a quiet tone. Sirius just shrugged. But the way no one was moving to their tents was a sign that they knew something was still in the dark. Edeni had suddenly yawned, making everyone else yawn. Clara had grabbed her set of arrows and her bow. She stood up abruptly and was ready to shoot in the darkness. This alerted everyone else. They too, had gotten their artifacts ready and activated their aura control magic. The mixed colors of magic was swarming the area and their bodies. Something was moving in the dark and Clara's arrow was following it. She pulled back farther until a narrow blast of white and blue magic flew at her. She released with a great amount of force and the ice obliterated into small pieces.

Everyone on signal had moved away from each other but still stayed close. Tyran had put out the fire quickly. They converted the aura control into a flashlight with their weapons. 'Keep quiet and don't make too much noise, whoever this is used ice on my arrow.' Clara said as she grabbed her arrow from an impaled tree. There was ice coating the entirety of it and it looked like it had been like that for years.

She shot another arrow into the darkness except ice was formed clearly from white and blue sparkles. Everyone turned to the ice and had their magic ready. They heard footsteps all around and turned their bodies to the sources of the noise. From a tree, to a bush, to the ground and all over the place. Dillian had enough and zapped magic in spot where the mystery was supposed to land. Ice had sprouted again and became a shield. Smoke was sizzling off from the ice and the smell was making the air suffocating. Tyran muttered out a spell and suddenly everyone could see a bit more clearly in the dark. The mystery had the form of a person.

Some fluff hair there, a flowing scarf, jacket, joggers, and boots made for not farming but the cold. There was fur sticking out for the boots, a sign that they were meant for warmth. Another thing is they had a metal looking face mask covering their mouth. Blue eyes like ice were piercing. Everyone was done admiring and began forming. Clara was first to attack, the ice that shot out from their hand had deflected them and they went flat in the ground.

After her attack, Adele had casted a root spell to try and bind the mysterious person that was seemingly a boy. He just kept running like crazy and dodging everyone's spells. Sirius remembered what it said on his mission paper. Other schools would be assigned onto this mission as well, but they may attack back. Sirius quickly put a force field around the person who had yet to attack them again since the first. Sirius made sure that the bubble was secure before walking up to it.

'What is your purpose here? Why are you attacking us?' Sirius asked. The person stayed quiet. His eyes trailed to the boys hand, which held ninja stars in them. Each finger clasped one, his left hand had ninja darts. Sirius then noticed that the faint color of the scarf was a pure red. His magic color distorted the colors, blue and red makes purple. He saw clearly now. But what was his name? The note from Edeni never specified who was who. The person then suddenly punched the shield. Sirius backed up in reflex. They punched again until the shield broke like glass. Kamiday was on the side lines watching uselessly. Dillian had tried to zap the person but the runner was faster than her lightning. The entire time, they moved farther and farther away from the campsite.

'Goddamnit! Let me zap you!' Dillian shouted as she was slightly raging. She kept zapping and trailing the person further into the forest. She wondered where everyone else was until she no longer could see their silhouettes. She was starting to panic now, she was acting off her emotions and didn't realize that she trailed away from her classmates.

'FOCK!' she yelled out as she stomped her foot. She lost sight of the enemy and lost sight of her group. She concentrated hard, she finally was able to locate them but everyone was scattered out now. She could also feel the presences of other beings too. When she stopped aura control, her enemy was right in front of her when she opened her eyes. She quickly zapped in reflex at the enemy. An ice barrier had been created as the wall separated them. The person quickly had started creating multiple ice walls around randomly. Dillian quickly shot them down with her electric spells.

She finally landed a hit and he person fell down with a shock. She went up to the person in caution. She had to make sure that they were alive so her family didn't have to pay for death bills. They were breathing fine, just knocked out. She left them like the bean bag they were positioned in, folded, before running away in towards the north. The fight was short but everyone was separated from each other. She needed someone to be with since she was color blind and needed assistance just in case someone used colorful spells. She was able to find Adele and Takami. They were walking around trying to look for something. They were walking very slow and carefully.

'Hey what's up? I just knocked a guy out!' Dillian said as her tone surprised the two. Adele left out a sigh of relief. 'You scared me there, I would've shot you. We're trying to look for Takami's glasses, they fell when everyone ran around.' Adele spoke, Takami was looking around the place carefully. All of a sudden, the three's feet were in solid ice. The struggled to be free and looked behind them. The person with fluffy hair was awake but looked very tired. They were shooting ice towards the three. Adele quietly shrieked but put a barrier around them. They melted the ice and began to sprint away from the maniac. The ice was missing them by landslides but a few were very close to freezing them.

They were still on the run but they were running out of breath. The person chasing them seemed much more tired but kept persisting. A shot of green was suddenly blasted at the tired person as the fell to the ground breathing heavily. The girls looked to he side and saw Tyran with his wand out, threatening the lying person. The girls moved towards the trusted lad. The person tried to get up but Tyran had spewed out three more spells much faster. The mystery had laid back down panting heavily but knocked out again. Tyran checked their pulse and sighed.

'Everyone ok?' The girls were becoming exhausted and started explains what happened and how tired they were. Takami still couldn't see too well in the dark. Tyran fished out something from his inner coat pockets and took our familiar glasses. Takami thanked him and put on her glasses. She switched them to night vision mode and observed her surroundings. She looked at the dead person on the ground whose breathing became even.

'Well sheesh. That's what he gets for messing with two blind people.' Takami said as she did a little jiggle dance. Tyran led them as the tried to find their other allies. They kept quiet to listen out to their comrades if they were near by. Walking in the forest at night with flashlights was scary, getting chased by a potential murderer was scary, having an MVP save you was ok.

'I think I see Kamiday! But her scared self isn't moving!' Takami said as she ran towards Kamiday. The others had followed up and saw Kamiday in a daze. Her eyes looked the same but she had a more dreamy look to her. 'I hope she didn't do the grape, she can't fight no strength.' Adele said as they tried snapping her out of it. When she did, she looked pained. 'Can y'all (forking) help me?! I feel like I got bit by something and the poison! The poison!' Kamiday shouted out with might. Takami looked offended.

'Wait, is that why your face is like three colors?' Dillian said as she took a look at Kamiday's angered face. Adele also inspected, she had a more concerned face. Tyran was busy trying to aura control to locate their other friends. 'Your faces looks a bit swollen. Purple, did you bruise your face? I also see a bit of blood red.' Takami said as she lit the light in Kamiday's face. Her face in the light looked horrible with the bruising colors. The purple had veins pulsing and showing like sore thumbs. The dark red looked like blood but was faded in the edges. It was clear she was poisoned. When they inspected closer, in the pool of blood now, they could see ruptured vessels that busted outside her skin. They were disgusted by her face merely. This was when they started to care.

'Where did you get bit?' Dillian asked monotonously. Kamiday rolled up her sleeve, her arm had the same thing going on with her face. Purple, blood, vessels popped outside the skin. But the bite marks looked like they went entirely through her arm. She seemed just fine her body movement told them that she was scared dearly. Tyran suggested to roll up her pants as well to see if any action was going down there as well. Her legs were a bit purple. The shortie suddenly started to feel pain. She kneeled down and began vomiting what seemed like dark green sewerage. The smell was strongly vile. Kamiday looked at the disgusting stuff.

'What the heck...' Adele muttered to herself. Kamiday started to panic. 'We gotta find the others quick! Do any of them know any healing or purification spells?' Kamiday quickly stuttered out as she looked up miserably at them. Tyran thought for a moment. 'Remember? If you want to heal, to have to give up healing molecules from your body to heal faster magically. I don't think anyone knows how to properly purify poison that already spread throughout your system.' Tyran said with sadness. His eyes showed pity and their slight yellow glow from the moon made them look eerie.

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