๐˜“๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ต๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ ๐˜”๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด

By AnnaMoon138

645K 13K 2.4K

Having known no kindness in her life, fear and abuse were the only things she has ever known. One accidental... More

Characters' aesthetics.


12.4K 254 52
By AnnaMoon138

Pierre's P.O.V.

"Mhm, est-ce que tout va bien, mon petit papillon?"- I asked my sweetness huskily, helping her to get on my sofa as she is pouting, holding Fuzzy close to herself. (Mhm, is everything alright, my little butterfly?)

"J'ai froid, papa, et j'ai peur que le ciel soit très bouleversé. Il pleure depuis si longtemps."- murmured softly my little girl, making me smile. (I am cold, daddy, and I am worried that sky is very upset. It has been crying for so long.) 

She has such pure heart. God, I am melting from her cuteness. 

I cuddled my treasure, warming her up better, and she snuck her tiny hands under my sleeves, looking so winsome and cuddly. Vivi snuggled into me, laying right next to me. 

"Je suis certain que le ciel est heureux, mais je sais qu'il se sentira beaucoup mieux si vous souriez, mon petit chéri. Votre sourire est comme le soleil pour le monde."- I stated warmly, feeling my heart soar in joy once my baby girl smile brightly. (I am certain that the sky is happy, but I know that it will feel much better if you smile, my little darling. Your smile is like sunshine for the world.) 

I soothed my princess back to sleep as it is very early, only 5AM. Genevieve cuddled up against me and I kissed her forehead, hugging her tightly while sitting up, letting her lean comfily on me. I wrapped my jacket around her petite self better to keep her warmer while she is sleeping peacefully. 

In no time my sons woke up and we ordered coffee, really wanting to get out here. The rain is pouring, but there is hail, much to our fortune. Maybe we will be able to get to London or at least get to some hotel because there is no way I will let my children stay here any longer. 

I called my pilot, talking to him regarding the flight, and smiled when I heard a very good news. Once we exchanged see you soons, I granted my kids all of my attention. 

"We will board the jet in 2 hours and fly straight to London."- I told my boys, chuckling as they grinned adorably. 

"Now that's a nice news."- said Ares and we nodded in utmost agreement. 

On this note Biscuit woke up and we fed him before ordering breakfast - granola with yogurt and orange on the side.

"Mhm."- hummed melodically Genevieve, waking up slowly. 

Her big, bright, twinkling, light blue eyes looked around sleepily and we wholeheartedly laughed when she found what caught her interest - orange, more specifically, its citrusy smell. My precious sunshine hugged her brother, chirping the most delightful bonjours to each other personally, adding those heartwarming nicknames that melt my heart. 

We ate breakfast peacefully, chatting and laughing all along. Vivi ate a bit of greek yogurt and entire orange, liking the fruit a lot. By the time we ate, it was time to board our private jet. 

"Nous rentrons chez nous. Nous rentrons chez nous. Nous rentrons chez nous."- chanted cutely my beautiful daughter with a radiant smile, holding Winston's thumb dotingly as we are going along the tunnel to the jet. (We are going home. We are going home. We are going home.)

Once we took our seats, Mathew fasted his sister's belt as I patted Biscuit, who chilled calmly, not minding the hectic events in the slightest. Moments passed by and we took off, entertaining ourselves with cartoons and games, having absolute blast.

"Regarder! Le ciel est heureux."- chirped Vivi ecstatically, clinging to the window, making us smile brightly. (Look! The sky is happy.) 

Her golden heart and tender soul are too innocent for the world. She was so worried about the sky and kept smiling extra adorably while looking at the window, hoping that the sky will be more joyful and stop crying, a.k.a. raining. This is proof of what a little angle she is. 

"Bien sûr, c'est heureux, la préciosité. Il avait un si joli soleil qui lui souriait."- stated Winston with a smile, ticking his small sister gently, making her giggle mellifluously. (Of course, it is happy, preciousness. It had such a cute sunshine smiling at it.) 

"Pensez-vous qu'il rededra bleu vif si je dessine une image pour cela? J'espère aussi avoir de petits nuages moelleux."- wondered my jewel, hugging her brothers cutely, struggling to do that with all of them at the same time since they are much bigger than she is, yet it doesn't bother her in the slightest . (Do you think it will turn bright blue again if I draw a picture for it? I also hope to get little fluffy clouds.)

"Absolument, la douceur."- replied Mathew and kissed the top of her pretty head. (Absolutely, sweetness.) 

That was all it took for my sweet daughter to hop off the bed and get her pencils, album for drawing and crayons. She came back and I helped her to get back on the bed before she peacefully moved onto drawing, looking so damn lovely and  pure. 

My sons and I played video game, conversing pleasantly. Just like that an hour passed by and we  had 2 more to go. 

"J'ai fini."- said contentedly Vivi, putting down a yellow pencil, and got closer to us, settling on my lap as I hugged her, kissing her forehead lightly. (I finished.)

I took the album, smiling in utmost pride and joy. The drawing is mesmerising to say the least. It is impossible to say that 4-year old drew this, let alone absolutely on her own, but she did and I am so fucking proud of my talented girl.

"C'est le plus beau paysage que nous ayons jamais vu, ange."- stated Ares genuinely and I kissed her cheek. (It is the most beautiful landscape we have ever seen, angel.) 

"C'est très beau, mon petit papillon. Vous êtes un artiste extrêmement talentueux, mon amour."- I said from the bottom of my heart and she smiled cutely, blushing so winsomely, showing off her precious dimples. (It's very beautiful, my little butterfly. You are exceedingly talented artist, my love.) 

"Pensez-vous que le ciel l'aimera?"- asked Genevieve sincerely, melting our hearts. (Do you think the sky will like it?)

"Le ciel va adorer."- I assured her honestly, gently tucking a strand of her silky, dark blonde hair behind her ear. (The sky will love it.) 

I helped her to lightly tape the picture to the window from the inside as she informed me what my sons told her about a rainbow, being very clever and witty girl. She knows impressively a lot, including about rather complex things. I will definitely work on her gifts with her. 

Once we were sure that the sky has clear view of the drawing, we got back in bed and ordered light lunch - salad with chicken and orange fresh for us; Genevieve wanted just vegetables. It was pure entertainment to watch how my sweetheart ate: first of all, she ate all cherry tomatoes, then all lettuce, separately slices baby carrots, bell pepper and cucumber and only later on she ate the small pieces of chicken since she needs some protein too. God, it is the most wholesome thing to watch. 

Time ticked by unnoticeably and we landed in no time. Ares untapped the drawing and we chuckled at how euphoric Vivi got as she saw crystal blue sky and lots of white clouds. 

"Allons à l'extérieur, s'il vous plaît."- pleaded excitedly my sunshine, holding my pinkie cutely. (Let's go outside, please.) 

We headed out, smiling in joy while watching how she looked at the sky, grinning in the most perfect way imaginable. So much happiness because of this simple thing is worth taking a lesson from. 

All of us got in the car and I drove us according to Ares's directions, soon reaching the house, only for us to tense up as a guard rushed to the car sooner than we could reach the gate. 

"There is that woman from before. She is fuming with anger and is determined to see Miss Morales."- stated the guard and my grip of steering wheel tightened. 

"Take Vivi out of here. A toy store, play centre - anywhere. I will meet you there later."- I told my sons quietly enough for only them to hear me. 

I got out of the car, but stopped as my little girl called for me. I opened the back door and smiled at my baby girl, who immediately held my thumb, pulling me close in a tight hug.

"Je vais faire une chose et puis je serai avec vous à nouveau, belle. Tout va bien, ma douceur."- I assured her warmly, laying gentle kiss on her tiny, pretty, button nose. (I will do one thing and then I will be with you again, beautiful. Everything is alright, my sweetness.) 

"Je t'aime, papa."- spoke profoundly my sweetheart, making me grin. (I love you, daddy.)

"Je t'aime, la préciosité."- I stated genuinely and kissed her cheek. (I love you, preciousness.) 

Matthew took driver's seat and they drove off while I went inside with the guard, who informed me about what the fuck is going on. 

"You."- she gasped in shock, eyeing me in utmost confusion. 

"Surprise, Kelly."- I said indifferently, leaning on the doorway. 

I hate her. I used to love her more than life itself. I wanted to give her the world, I did my best to do it, but she chose to turn her back on my children and me. She doesn't deserve a shit and I am so sorry I even tried to fight for this selfish, cruel, heartless snake. 

"H-how?! He had to kill you!"- she ranted and I rolled my eyes. 

"Sike."- I replied, seeing how damn mad she is about the fact that I am just fine. 

"Cut the shit talk. What the fuck do you want here?"- I asked coldly and she glared at me. 

"I want my daughter back. Give her to me now!"- dared to demand this bitch as I scoffed. 

"Your daughter? Since when she is yours? You nearly killed my child, my only daughter. How dare you make such statements?! You are fucking mad if you think that you will get anything from this."- I stated harshly, losing all gentleman-like behaviour. 

"I will sue you, Pierre!"- threatened Kelly and I chuckled darkly. 

"Go ahead. Court will only make you pay for the harm and damage you've done, you will get years of prison."- I said surely, knowing damn well that I will win the case without any doubts. 

"Get that horror of a child here right now. I am her mother."- she demanded, pointing gun at me. 

She thinks that I will what? Shit my pants and comply to all of her demands? Not today, bicth. 

After years of being head of Mafia, I can tell when gun is loaded and when it is not. Hers is empty. Go ahead, boo me and tell me a boogie man will come for me. 

"You are a fucking joke, Kelly. You used to be a better person and look at you now: whoring around, doing drugs, constant consumption of alcohol. You look and act like a piece of shit."- I stated honestly without shame, approaching her. 

"And look at you: being a whipped daddy with hearty eyes. That makes you a boy, not a man."- she sneered, gasping when I gripped her arms, turning her around and pinning her arms behind her back, making her drop the gun. 

"Then I will gladly be a whipped daddy with hearty eyes because my children are happy, safe and healthy. My kids come above all and I will do everything, absolutely anything for them. I may not have been the best father ever, but I am trying and I won't give up on them, on my relationship with my sons and daughter."- I spoke, kicking the gun far away from her crazy self. 

"I hope you rot in hell, Kelly."- I said bluntly and meaningfully, passing her to the guards, who will take her to police. 

I want her to die so damn badly, but I am not the one, who can kill the woman, who bore me my beloved children, no matter how fucking much I hate her and wish her the worst. I love my kids more than anything and anyone, therefore, I have the tiniest, the smallest, the most minute amount of respect for that bitch for giving me fatherhood. I still have a heart and sanity, I won't step that low, even though a part of me wants to pull the trigger far more than once. 

I got a text from Winston: they are in the park. On that note I drove to the park and chuckled when my darling dashed to me, holding a big, vividly sparkling ballon. I scooped her tiny self in my arms and peppered her gorgeous face with kisses as she hugged me tightly, smiling happily. 

"Mattie m'a donné un ballon, papa. Regardez comme c'est brillant."- chirped Genevieve, giving me a closer look at the pink balloon. (Mattie got me a ballon, daddy. Look how shiny it is.)

"C'est très joli, mon amour."- I replied with a smile and kissed her cheek tenderly. (It is very pretty, my love.) 

I set her on her small feet and she got back to looking at the flowers while I explained my sons what happened and what's next 

"The case will definitely be taken to the court since they will want to heart with whom Vivi wants to live, but that's it."- I said calmly, not even doubting that my sweetheart will stay with me. 

I am certain that I will have full custody of my daughter and Kelly won't have any right to as much as look at her. There are many witnesses of my beautiful relationship with my children and I will find people, who can confirm that bitch is dangerous and unable to take care of my baby girl. 

"Good. She deserve to rot in jain."- stated Ares seriously and I hugged them, knowing that they do not see her as their mother and they have all the right to. 

"Everything will be fine, you have my word. I will never let anyone hurt you."- I promised sincerely, chuckling as they squeezed my robust frame lightly. 

We hang out in the park peacefully, played around for a long time, until heading home at 5PM. Dinner followed and in no time my sweetness was half-asleep, meaning it was time to get her in bed. 

"Puis-je prendre un bain moussant avec des canards, s'il vous plaît, papa?"- asked drowsily Genevieve as I carrier her upstairs. (Can I have a bubble bath with duckies, please, daddy?) 

"Certainement, beau."- I replied happily and kissed her cheek. (Certainly, beautiful.) 

I made her a bubble bath and she peacefully played with 5 yellow duckies, being covered in pink bubbles in split second. I let her have fun for a bit, planning to shower quickly meanwhile. Once I did my routine, I wore black sweatpants and towel-dried my hair. Then I went to check on my sweetness. 

I played with her while she bathed. Shortly I washed her voluminous, velvety hair for her, being extra gentle and cautious not to hurt her. 

"Viens ici, mon sucre."- I cooed my baby, wrapping her in a big, warm, soft, pink towel as she giggled adorably. (Come here, my sugar.) 

Genevieve did her routine mostly herself, needing very little help. Then she wore her light pink, silk pjs - trousers and tank-top - and I tucked my darling in bed. 

"Voulez-vous me raconter une histoire, s'il vous plaît, papa?"- pleaded winsomely Vivi, smiling angelically, and I nodded with a delighted smile on my face. (Will you tell me some story, please, daddy?) 

I sat next to her and she scooted closer to me, listening about the legend of El Dorado. 

Upon arriving in South America, 16th-century Spanish explorers headed for the Andes Mountains in search of Lake Guatavita. Located in present-day Colombia, they believed the lake was chock-full of gold thanks to an ancient induction ceremony performed by the Muisca tribe.

When a new chief rose to power, the tribe covered him in gold, and treasures of all sorts were dumped into Lake Guatavita to commemorate his first day on the job. Hoping to find the lake, the Spaniards began referring to the Muisca chief as El Dorado or "the gilded one." Sadly, the explorers never met El Dorado, but in 1545, they found Guatavita. After draining the lake, they pocketed some gold, but the treasures alas were nowhere to be found.

My precious girl fell asleep just in time when I finished. I tucked in her better and kissed her cheek, turning off the lights, leaving nightlight dimly turned on. Biscuit is sleeping right next to her on the bed, looking very comfy on his own pillow underneath the covers. Fuzzy is right in her embrace, no doubt being very snug too.

I let my girl sleep and closed the door on my way out. The next a few hours I spent with my sons, having incredible bonding time with them: laugher, smiles, movies, talks, jokes. I love how close and strong my relationship is with them, it is all I could ever dream of. 

At 11PM we exchanged hugs and goodnights, heading to our rooms to get some sleep. 

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