Is this happiness?

By Elia-keen

55.8K 2.1K 340

She was having fun until it lasted. She tried to understand but she couldn't, she wouldn't...She gave up. But... More

Chapter 1 - The awakening
Chapter 2 - Who the F are you?
Chapter 3 - Shut up and dance!
Chapter 4- The pancake
Chapter 5- Are you crazy?
Chapter 6- Compelled
Chapter 7- Exorcism
Chapter 8- Not a monster
Chapter 9- The old witch's house
Chapter 10- Wickery bridge
Chapter 11- Maths and history books
Chapter 12- Alaric problem
Chapter 13- Dear diary
Chapter 14- Finland's step up
Chapitre 15- Flashback
Chapter 16- Explode like a phoenix
Chapter 17- Hurts like a bitch (1)
Chapter 18- Hurts like a bitch (2)
Chapter 19- Period
Chapter 20- OMG
Chapter 21-T for Tension or Trip?
Chapter 22- Tension (1)
Chapter 23- Tension (2)
Chapter 24- Letters, Songs and Threats?
Chapter 25- Dream, Letter, and Threat?
Chapter 26- Are we the hunters...
Chapter 27-...Or are we the preys?
Chapter 28- The dreams to...
Chapter 30- Two Things at a time
Chapter 31- More than that
Chapter 32- Surprises
Chapter 33 - It needs to stop
Chapter 34 - Hurt
Chapter 35- Talk to me
Chapter 36- Changes
Chapter 37- I need you...
Chapter 38-...I accept you...
Chapter 39-...But I need to breathe...
Chapter 40- ...Before any of you finds me...
Chapter 41- Secret Trip to the next mystic
Chapter 42- ...I'm found and yours
Chapter 43- At the Christmas Party
Chapter 44- The Hidden Scenes of the Christmas party
Chapter 45 - Before the After Party (1)
Chapter 46 - The Gifts At the After Party (2)
Chapter 47 - The Plans At the After Party (3)
Chapter 48 - The plans At the After party (4)
Chapter 49 - A Deal With Thorns
Chapter 50 - Break Your Chains Enzo!
Chapter 51 - Confessions of A Castello (1)

Chapter 29- ...The half revelations

556 37 17
By Elia-keen

All it took was one minute. One minute in which Klaus left Mazikeen's room to wake up his older brothers to discuss her situation and once he came back, to say he was angry was an understatement as anger had been part of his daily routine in New York since Kol's problem and now Mazikeen's.

But to find his psychotic brother, Kol, on the verge of drinking her blood, was enough to throw him over the edge he was already in, putting him in an inexplicable fury and overprotectiveness.

Vamp-speeding behind his brother, Klaus snapped his neck and chained him in the basement, after having placed Mazikeen back on her bed and ordering Rebekah to keep watch on her.

Currently angrily pacing in front of his brother, Klaus was trying to remain calm and not make hasty decisions.

« What in the bloody hell is going through your head, brother? Do you realize what you were about to do? And it is not the first time either! », he was reprimanding the sulking original vampire chained to the wall. This time many chains were restraining Kol.

« Wha-no! I didn't want to, I didn't mean to, brother, you have to believe me. », Kol pleads, staring worriedly at his angry brother.

« ...Oh, I know, you are just crazier than before. Now tell me what is going on with you, or so help me God, you'll stay here chained for a century since the daggers got destroyed. », The original hybrid threatens, missing the dagger that could at least put him to sleep. Though he knew he would have broken his promise if he used it.

« I do not know what's happening to me, Klaus. One moment I was here and the next, I was itching to drink her blood. You- you can't let her near me. », Kol starts, explaining how lost he was, with tears rolling down his face. Casting his gaze to his brother, he continued.

« It's like her blood calls out to me. All I can think about is her, her scent, her blood, all of her. And that scares me because I don't know if-if I taste even one drop of her blood I'll be able to stop. And there's this feeling, this pull, like that time in the woods, I could find her without much effort, I was just following it. It's the- »

« Same you felt. You feel connected to her. », Klaus interrupts with a dazed look as he realized he too felt that way, he felt a connection with Mazikeen. One that scared him yet he didn't want to get rid of it. And sometimes he found her blood tempting.

Seeing his look, Kol, as the quick-witted person he has always been, realized something. « You fancy her too...or better yet, you feel it too. », it came out through gritted teeth as he was jealous and angry the person he liked, was liked by his brother.

It only takes one idiot to not realize that his brother fancies her and Kol knows he does too. However, stories about brothers fancying the same girl never ended well. But all he wanted was for her to be safe, and if it meant to be with his brother, then he would accept it. Not sure the animalistic part of him would.

Klaus stayed silent, knowing there was no point in lying.

« You can't hide it from us, neither from yourself Klaus...I don't have time and the thought of you and her together anger me to the point I want to tear you apart, but I'd rather have you being there for her, protect her you know how dangerous she is to herself alone have to protect her, don't tell her about me, she mustn't know. », he says both heartbroken and firm at the thought of not seeing Mazikeen.

At that, Klaus frowned and approached his brother, not understanding the words he was uttering. « Bloody hell Kol, what are you talking about? You have time- do not speak as if you were going to die. You're a Mikaelson and Mikaelsons don't give up! »

« I'm not giving up! Never! But I have to- we have to face reality brother, I already don't have much time. », Kol explains, with a pained expression while showing his desiccating fingers and feet. Immediately, Klaus's eyes widened, fear creeping up in him.


Now sitting in front of the female adults, Mazikeen was expressionless, her arms and feet folded as she looked at both women. A mechanism? Maybe, since her gaze wasn't fierce but it wasn't soft either, and that, the women were used to it. Once she awoke in the same place again, she raced down the stairs and began looking for a way out, moving books for a secret passage, or even using Harry Potter's spells to find the real exit door.

Eventually, she gave up, as there was none and from what she was told, the only way out was to speak with the women.

Of course, if someone was in her place, seeing her dead mother and the grandma she missed a lot, their reaction would have been to cry and probably scream bloody murder, but, she was Mazikeen. And Mazikeen hated being deceived, hoping for nothing and such.

« So, what's the riddle? », she figured if there was no secret passage, and that spells weren't working, maybe a riddle would.

« What riddle? », he mamà, Evangelina Castello Cooper calmly asks while sipping tea. She was amused at her daughter's way of brushing reality and although she had missed being in front of her like this, she had been watching over her from the instant she left the world and so she knew her antics.

« You truly are your father's daughter, hijita. Una chica terca. », her grandmother, Teresa Castello Sanchez, comments with a fond smile, having missed her granddaughter since she disappeared. She knew Mazikeen was being stubborn as she wanted to understand everything first instead of blindly believing and getting disappointed.

At the endearing name, Mazikeen's stiff posture relaxed and she sighed, as her heart was filled with love. Biting her lips to stop herself from being too emotional she says: « Ah, the father, I think you're talking about the biological one, abuela. I know I'm adopted so... »

The women exchanged a nervous glance which didn't go unnoticed by Mazikeen as she frowned and thought she was indeed dreaming and it wasn't real and so she'll end up getting hurt, again.

Sighing, Evangelina became serious, as not only she and her mother didn't have time to say everything they needed to say but there were lots of important things to say.

« I'm sorry for the way you found out. We didn't mean for it to happen that way. », she says sadly with a bit of anger dripping in her voice when she remembered the disgusting attitude of her ex-thankfully dead-husband towards their daughter after she died.

« Ahora todo es en el pasado. », Mazikeen breathed in a sigh, not wanting to remember what she once buried.

Standing up, Evangelina went to sit next to her daughter who stiffened when she was brought in the adult's arms, before relaxing once she smelled the familiar vanilla and caramel tea and books scent.

« You can't be here, you're dead... », Mazikeen trails off, eyes watering and hugging the woman.

« Lo sé- I'm sorry I left you when I said I wouldn't. I'm sorry you had to go through all these things and trust me if I could go back and change everything I would, mia preciosa luz. », the dead mother says softly while embracing her now crying daughter, her tears slowly falling down her face.

Mazikeen wasn't crying because she remembered her past, she was crying because of the nickname. Evangelina used to call her ''mia preciosa luz'' which meant ''my precious light'' in English. She remembered when the woman would call her that and tell her many times that she was the flash of light that had brightened her dark road. That she was a surprise for her and her family, a revelation...a gift.

Teresa who was watching the whole moment had a fond smile on her face, missing the old days where the tree would be spending time together, either cooking, playing a game, and doing many other things. She had been devastated hearing her daughter's death but mostly she had been angry once she found out the truth as to why she couldn't see her grandchildren who were kept away by the one she thought to be the perfect son-in-law for her daughter.

'People can really be deceiving.', she thought with anger before shaking her head and focusing on the present. Now as the three were reunited again, even though it was for a short period, she was happy. Now they had things to tell Mazikeen but it wasn't going to be easy.

« Hijita, creo que sabes esto no es un sueño normal. », the grandmother began seriously with a soft tone, once Evangelina and Mazikeen calmed down. She nodded, prompting Teresa to continue. « Everything that happened from the day you died...wasn't accidental. It was meant to be and we know you're scared but listen to us. »

« There are things you don't know and it is maybe our fault as we were too slow to tell you and she caught us. But now we don't have a choice, we didn't have a choice. »

« You woke up in mystic falls, no? In that tv show, you and Ariadne watched, and although you've watched tons and tons of others, it wasn't an accident if you woke up in that specific one.  »

« Qué dices abuela? »

« Mia preciosa luz, sometimes, dreams are more than your subconscious reaching out for you and what the universe has in store for you. Remember what I used to tell you? There's always a reason behind everything, no matter how silly it is. It's not because you don't know that it means that there's no reason. Do you know the most complicated one to find: the reason we're born, our purpose. »

« We've watched over you since you arrived in mystic falls, we saw everything and we want to tell's not your fault. You don't have to blame yourself; you don't have to keep people at arm's length; you don't have to half like someone, scared they'll end up dead because of you. What happened to your mom and Alessandro is not your fault no matter what you've been told. And your biological parents didn't abandon you. The sun loved the moon so much that it died every night to let it have its moment to shine. »

Both she and Evangelina knew there were things Mazikeen didn't know and didn't remember, such as the real way Evangelina died, or her 14-year-old birthday. And that fact was dangerous as once she will, they couldn't even imagine her reaction as it would be beyond anything they had seen since the moment her daughter opened their front door to a 1-year-old Mazikeen.

And they knew it, they came up to know it when she turned 2 years old, from asking when she was going to see her mother and father every day. When they were going to come to get her and upon seeing they didn't come for her Christmas and birthdays, even at a low age, her reaction was destructive. The hope she had was crushed to pieces and in retaliation, she lashed out, thankfully they had a friend, who knows what to do, calmed her.

It was enough to calm her but not for long and so they had to make her forget the bad times. It helped her stand up each time she fell with worlds coming to an end.

But now with her arrival in another world and her meeting with certain people, they had to warn her.

Listening to her mother and grandma speaking, Mazikeen was shocked and puzzled. 'How could she know all of that?... And I really died?'

'How is any of what's happening possible? They couldn't have both been watching over-', as she thought about it, something clicked in her mind, hard. Her head whirled back and forth between the women so fast she was starting to get a neck ache.

« You said you've been watching over me- you two-that means you're dead grandma- », she cut herself off as Teresa's sad smile answered her, causing Mazikeen to leave her mother's side and crashed into the open ones of her grandma. The thought of her grandma dying alone with no one to her came crashing inside her head, all feelings of people she missed finally hitting her hard as she cried in Teresa's arms.

Evangelina stood up, deciding to go make what she had learned to be her favorite hot drink, a hottie cloud. Coming back with it, she placed it on the table and sat next to her loved ones, rubbing circles on Mazikeen.

The trio reuniting felt like a wound had healed, a weight had been taken off their shoulders. They exchanged words, hugs, and laughs before the moment had to be cut short. The house began to shake and whereas the two older women knew what was happening, the younger one watched with confusion written on her face.

« What's happening? Is there an earthquake. », she asks, standing up with them as they grabbed her and brought her closer to the front door.

Once in front of it, both women gripped her arms and spoke in a serious yet rushed tone.

« It's time. You have to go. Escucha...Escúchame! », Teresa held Mazikeen's head between her head, prompting her to focus solely on her and her voice.

« Promise us you're going to keep fighting, to never give up. Promise, porque no hay mal que por bien no venga. Remember when you see it, do not quiver. You have to do what you must, but in no way must you cave in, don't let it catch you. », Teresa spoke mysteriously, confusing Mazikeen with each word that was coming out of her mouth. She wanted to protest with the elderly woman but the latter gave her a look that told her it was serious.

Evangelina opened her mouth, catching her attention, causing her to turn her head in her direction on the right. « Mi hija, remember the place you used to hide in when you were always upset with us? »

« Sí, porqué? »

« It's good that you remember. », is all Evangelina said, smiling at her daughter, before stroking her head and bringing her into a hug.

« I want you to get out there and live, love and fight. »

Mazikeen had tears falling down her face as she hugged the woman she has missed since she was 6 years old. She realized it has been the most closure she got since even when she used to have dreams about her, they weren't as real as that. Nodding her head with reluctance, she departed from her mother, who sent her a sad yet happy smile.

As the house shook more, things began to fall and cracks appeared on the house, the grandmother pushed her towards the exit.

Slowly opening the door, Mazikeen faced the light again. Looking over her shoulder, she stared at the loving women who sent her kisses and waves.

« Te amamos, siempre. »

« Y yo también. », she says before jumping into the light.


Instead of waking up to a familiar place as Mazikeen expected, she woke up in a forest, the moon the only source of light illuminating her surrounding. Confused she started walking, uncertain of the direction she took, Mazikeen thought she was back in her dream and was supposed to find her way back to Damon and Klaus.

« Holá!...Somebody?Anybody? Nobody?...a body? »

« Um, Santa Klaus?...Dumbledwarf? »

Well, that was before her hope to be back was crushed by strange sounds.     She heard grunting coming from behind her. Standing still, she pondered if she was going to turn around and be thrown into some kind of horror movie.  Eventually, she turned and saw it, the source of the grunting.

Standing tall at 7ft and 7 meters away from her was a monster- no a beast. It looked dangerous, beastly and somewhat, Mazikeen found it in her to call it beautiful. It had enormous horns and his body- because she determined it was a male-, was filled with red and orange flames at some places.

« Holy nutsy! Either I entered attack on titans -well more like beasts- or, you big guy, is an illusion... », she stared wide-eyed at the creature who didn't move and only stared at her. « I'll take it as, I JUST ENTERED ATTACK ON TITANOUS BEASTS! »

She cheered, her hung mouth turning into a wide smile, not at all scared of what was in front of her as if it was a common thing. Well, she did feel a familiarity with it.

« Can you control fire? », 'Is he stronger than Eren Jaeger?... I should wait for Levi and Hangi-san. Gosh, I'm so waiting for them.'

Her excitement was short-lived when the air tensed around them and everything became dark to the point that the only source of light was the creature's body. The latter sensed it as it opened its mouth showing sharp razor teeth.

« .𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖒 », it spoke -growled- before turning around in a sharp motion, too fast for the human eye to catch but somehow Mazikeen did.

'I know this language...', she pondered as her mind recognized the language from somewhere she wasn't sure of. Suddenly she clutched her head as her head began to hurt like someone was hammering her brain the more she thought of it and the dark feeling overwhelming the place.

« wha- it means...Run...why? », holding her head in pain with her face turned to the ground, Mazikeen couldn't see what was happening in front of her.

The pain became too much and she fell on her knees, probably scraping them. It felt like an hour when it finally stopped and she was left on four, panting as though she had run the marathon for three days straight. In a daze, she lifted her head and only caught the sight of a dark monstrous mist entering the tall creature.

However, the creepy feeling never left her as her body began to shake and her heart pumped fast. Looking at the creature, she saw its body changed: The mist had enveloped its body and the once fire-like eyes had turned as dark as to where they were, as empty and thrilling as an abyss. It was when its head turned her way that Mazikeen finally understood what it meant from the beginning.

She must run. Run for dear life or she would be fucked up. Well, that's what she was screaming to her body as the beast approached her while all it did was shake. Mazikeen's mind was more than confused, it was as if her body recognized the dark mist as dangerous but her mind couldn't remember anything about it. About what it was, what it wanted, and how dangerous it could be.

'Blazescinating, you decide to abandon me again! And it's not for backstabbing body! I'm exchanging you as soon as a way is found...', she was pleading her body to move as the distance between her and the beast now monster diminished.

Sure, tears were rolling down her face but she refused to acknowledge them when she had more important matters. Desperation crept up to her until she finally gained control of her shaking body and stood up, quickly turned around, and dashed through the woods.


The monster's loud footsteps were enough to tell her it was behind her and she was scared shitless. She didn't where she was going and all she thought of were the people she missed and a way to get out.

'Ok, Mazikeen you're fine...there's nothing wrong it's probably just a dream- oh fuck, it's not, what do I do?... Mamá...abuela...Qué puedo hacer?'


Her heart was beating so fast she was sure even a cardiogram wouldn't be able to keep up. Now she was probably going to die and all alone. 'I want to live.'


If it were any human, the monster would have caught them already but somehow Mazikeen was fast, faster than ever and it gave her hope. Whether it was a dream or not, she wasn't going to take any chances. It was either she fought or she fought. There were people she wanted to see at least one last time, people she first thought of as characters but then she learned to them. 'No, I can't die like this. I promised to fight and I will.'


Then an idea came to her. 'What did she say again?...don't let it catch me...There's always light at the end of a tunnel.'

« You beastyfucker! I'm done playing games with you. », taking a sharp turn, Mazikeen came to a stop a couple of meters away from the monster.

'I hope it works.'

« 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖔𝖘 𝕺𝖑𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖙! »

Right after shouting those words and right before the monster's fingers were going to touch her, there was an explosion. A burst of light engulfing the place and Mazikeen closed her eyes.

The next time she opened them, Klaus's worried face and moving lips welcomed her and after what felt like a painful hour but was a mere second, an ear-piercing scream filled her ears. A scream with a voice she recognized as hers.



'Una chica terca = A stubborn girl'

'Ahora todo es en el pasado. = It's all in the past now.'

'Hijita, creo que sabes esto no es un sueño normal = My dear daughter, I think you know this isn't a normal dream.'

'No hay mal que por bien no venga. = Even if you're going through some bad times, remember something good will come from it.'

'Escucha...Escúchame = Listen...Listen to me'

'Te amamos, siempre. = We love you and always will.'

'Y yo también. = me too.'

'𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖔𝖘 𝕺𝖑𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖙! = Let there be light!'

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