The Right Kind of Wrong (HP f...

By fallenbabybubu

659K 11.8K 1.2K

Scorpius Malfoy, son of Draco Malfoy, restored his family's status in the Wizarding World using his wit and c... More

The Right Kind of Wrong (1)
The Right Kind of Wrong (2)
The Right Kind of Wrong (3)
The Right Kind of Wrong (4)
The Right Kind of Wrong (5)
The Right Kind of Wrong (6)
The Right Kind of Wrong (7)
The Right Kind of Wrong (8)
The Right Kind of Wrong (9)
The Right Kind of Wrong (10)
The Right Kind of Wrong (11)
The Right Kind of Wrong (12)
The Right Kind of Wrong (14)
The Right Kind of Wrong (15)
The Right Kind of Wrong (16)
The Right Kind of Wrong (17)
The Right Kind of Wrong (18)
The Right Kind of Wrong (19)
The Right Kind of Wrong (20)
The Right Kind of Wrong (21)
EPILOGUE (7th year)

The Right Kind of Wrong (13)

24.3K 533 38
By fallenbabybubu

Warning: The next couple of chapters will be quite cheesy.


Chapter Thirteen

Rose was startled as she heard someone come in. How was that possible? This room was currently occupied by someone who didn't want anyone else around. Her eyes soon fell upon the intruder, Scorpius Malfoy. They stared at one another for what seemed like an eternity. Rose felt her jaw clench, her eyes seemed to take on an intensity of fire as she glared at him. Her expression didn't falter even as he gave her that smile. Rose turned back around to the fire.

"Doesn't seem like I have a choice. Even if I said no you wouldn't listen and would still be here, especially since now you can just continue what you started in the Great Hall." Bitterness was evident in her voice. The one place she could go now was no longer just hers anymore. Her arms were crossed over her chest in defense as she glared into the fire. The room had betrayed her and let someone else in. But then again, how had he gotten in? Rose was pretty sure she was the only one who knew about the room for years as she had been coming here for a while.

"How did you even get in here anyways?" Rose asked, not bothering to turn back around.

* * * * *

"True," said Scorpius, shrugging. "I would listen, though," he added in mock innocence. "Just not quite sure if I'd oblige.... And for the record, I already finished whatever I started in the Great Hall."

He looked around as he walked toward the fireplace. It's really cozy here. This is a place wherein he can relax peacefully. And perhaps, somehow be himself. He's glad that Rose is here. But he cannot fully let his guards down. He was going to be cautious this time. He didn't want the same even that happened at the library a few days ago happen again today. It's too recklessly stupid.

When she asked about how he got inside, he smiles a little. He took his time sitting on an armchair beside the fireplace. He leaned back and made himself comfortable. He put his left elbow on the arm pad. He tilted his left cheek on his closed hand. And he just stared at her.

"I guess that's my secret, isn't it?" Scorpius finally answered, with a teasing tone. "Besides, why does it matter? I'm already here, anyway. There's no point in knowing how I managed to do so."

Scorpius decided to tease her first. And then, he'll talk to her. Really talk to her. But for now, he would just lighten up the mood to relax the Rose's tension and cautious self towards him. Frankly, he doubted the latter.

* * * * *

"Well, regardless if you had already finished, you are still the last person I want to see right now. I mean really, it's bad enough I'm stuck hobbling around because of your teammates. Oh and now I'm a laughing stock because apparently it is so unbelievable that someone could actually fancy me. It's probably some joke anyways..." Rose ranted, her hands moving wildly as she talked, not taking her eyes off of Scorpius. The last part she said she had mumbled and she turned away from him and glared into the fire.

Rose wasn't taking his bait of teasing this time, she was stubborn and wouldn't let go of the seemingly small things he had done earlier. She just could never catch a break with Scorpius, she couldn't even escape from him. He always managed to find her and corner her. Rose rolled her eyes and finally looked back at him.

"It matters because I specifically asked this place to be alone and to not be found...Looks like I'll just have to find somewhere else." She muttered, turning back away. Rose refused to look at Scorpius, if she did she would probably betray even herself and give in to his teasing and probably flirt a little, but she would most definitely not let herself do that.

* * * * *

"It isn't a joke," mumbled Scorpius to himself, looking away.

Shall he tell her? Isn't it too early? He's so confused. Rose is clearly hurt by what he said earlier in the Great Hall. To add things worse, she thinks it's a joke. Yes, he heard her mumble it. How can she think that those letters were a joke? And that whoever wrote it was playing with her? How can she think that? Then, of course, Scorpius thought. If he was her, he wouldn't easily believe those either. But if he was her, he wouldn't stop until he found out who's sending it.

Scorpius cleared his throat. "Why would someone waste their time writing to you if it's just a joke?" he asked. Then, he snorted. "Even I wouldn't bother wasting my time pulling a prank as lame as that. So whoever wrote you a letter isn't playing with you, Weasle-bee," he added seriously, his voice soft, while his eyes tried to stare into Rose's. "I don't mind sharing this place," he said, looking around, and then turning back to Rose. "Especially if it's with you," he added more quietly, hoping that Rose didn't hear him.

How extraordinary would it be if they shared this place? Minutes and hours of only the two of them alone. Peacefully. Where, somehow, he could be himself. He can talk to her freely without anyone bothering them. Without anyone to see how he softens when he sees her smile. Though he doubted he'll see it with the way she feels about him -- which is hatred, maybe . But he didn't believe that she does. There was something more to it than she lets him see. He was sure of it.

* * * * *

Rose considered his words for a moment. She couldn't think of anyone else who would pull this type of prank except for Scorpius, who had dubbed this type of prank as lame. For him to say that eased her mind that he thought it was real. She was still slightly peeved about the things he had said earlier, but not as much. So somebody did fancy her, Rose just didn't know who.

"Well, at least I know it’s not you...I had you pegged for being the one to do this as some sort of sick joke considering all you have done for the past few years is pester me..."

Except for yesterday, she noted, but Rose pushed that back into the back of her mind. She looked up, meeting his gaze and felt dizzy. It was a good thing she was sitting, for his gray eyes took on a silvery tone from the light that was glowing around the room. She bit on her lip, hoping he wouldn't notice the effect he had over her. She looked away and sighed.

"Yeah but I do...Just because it has been practically only mine for a while. My own secret...But, I guess I'll be generous and share it with you. None of your goonies though...Consider it my thank you for yesterday." She said, smirking and turning back to the fire, absentmindedly twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

* * * * *

Scorpius stared at her for a few more moments, a little bit surprised because she agreed to let the both of them share this magical place. He let out a chuckle.

"Well, I guess I should thank you for letting us share," said Scorpius, turning his eyes toward the fire. "Look at that, a Malfoy and a Weasley exchanging gratitudes. Now, you won't see that every day," he sneered.

He thought of the days they might spend together in this room. Little by little, he'll uncover the things about her that he'd never known before. He may see another side of her -- the side which she only shows to those closest to her. The thought excites him. He cannot wait for that time to come. And then, something bothered him. What about his other side? Will he be able to show it to her, as well? Will he continue to send her those anonymous letters? Or will he eventually stop? Will she wait? Will he tell her that it was him? What will be her reaction? Will she hate him even more? Or will she confess the same feelings he have endured?

These questions boggled his clever mind. Questions he did not want to think about, for there was no certain answer to it. At least, not now. But he will eventually have those answers. He always do. For now, he's safe from her suspicions. But he wondered why she suspected from him.

Well, Scorpius thought. If she thought that it was a prank, who will be the first one she'll think of that could've made the mischief? Of course, it will be me. But...

"I'm actually hurt, Weasle-bee," said Scorpius, placing his fist on his left chest, as though stabbing his heart. His facial expression was mocking pain. "You actually thought that I am that simple-minded? Even Goyle wouldn't think of a prank like that. Much less me." He paused, smiling with a raised eyebrow. "What if I was the one who sent you that letter? Not as a joke, but for real. What would your first reaction be?" he asked, with a little hint of a smile left on his face. His tone was indifferent. His eyes were very curious as he stared at her, waiting for her answer.

* * * * *

"Yeah, imagine what our fathers would say...Our dead families are probably rolling in their graves..." Rose said, bemused. She laughed slightly at the thought before putting her walls of defense up again.

For the time being, Rose would keep her walls up; she always had to when it came to Scorpius because of the constant battles that wore on between them. If he knew her, like really knew her, that would just open up new warfare for him to use against her. But, maybe there could be something trustworthy about him. Maybe there was more to Scorpius Malfoy than what she, or anyone knew. The only way she would let her guard melt away would be if he lowered his as well. She tore her gaze from Scorpius and down at the rose and scroll that were set on top of her bag that was laying forgotten on the floor. Rose looked up and rolled her eyes as Scorpius put on an act of mock hurt. As she was about to retort, she was taken for surprise at his question. She just stared at him, trying to formulate an answer. Why would he bother to ask that? Rose shrugged it off as she took in his expression, he was only joking. She shrugged her shoulders and looked back into the fire and she took a breath.

"Hmm...Well...First I would think it to be a sick joke, naturally. But if it turned out not to be a joke then...I-I'd..."

Rose tried to think about what her reaction would be. She honestly did not know what her reaction would be. Of course Rose wasn't going to say she would be quite excited and she would definitely not say that she fancied him. That would be suicide. After all the years of bickering and pestering there was no way he would ever write those letters. If he ever did write them,however, Rose was sure that Scorpius would have lost his marbles. Well then, the same could be said for her now, considering she somewhat fancied him at the moment, but he or anyone didn't need to know that. 'Exchanging gratitudes' was one thing, but anything beyond was just...out of the ordinary. It would probably cause mass chaos. and She smirked as she turned back to Scorpius.

"I'd wonder if you would want me to reserve your room at St. Mungo's because you clearly would have gone off your rocker."

* * * * *

Scorpius cannot help but burst into laughter. That was a very nice answer from her. Of course, maybe it was a serious remark from her. But it was amusing to think that she could come up with that on her own. He's a bit impressed yet again. He'll never admit that to her, though. He kept grinning as his laugh slowed down.

As a matter of fact, maybe I need to check myself in St. Mungo's right now for the way I've been thinking these past few days, Scorpius thought. Or rather, with the way I've been feeling. Really, it's unbelievable for me to have this kind of feelings toward a Weasley.

However he agrees with Rose, though, he still felt the need to contradict her. It's nothing but a challenge to him. There was nothing else in the world that would lighten up his day than to prove Rose wrong. But really, what they were talking about isn't an argument. Scorpius just cannot stand that Rose would think that he could not be serious with anything. Especially with his feelings. Frankly, he cannot blame her. Up until now, he had never been serious with anyone -- regarding his feelings. Except for his family, maybe. But to anyone else, it has always been an act. His cool act. Well, it's not like he can easily express them. Besides, it's one of his many assets. Nobody can fully know what Scorpius Malfoy is thinking.

"Hypothetically, Weasle-bee," started Scorpius, with a raised eyebrow. "A man in love will always be a mad man."

Apparently, I'm close to being a mad man myself, thought Scorpius.

"But would you truthfully react like that, Weasle-bee?" asked Scorpius, with piercing gray eyes. His tone was skeptical with a little hint of seductiveness . "Would you really?"

* * * * *

Rose laughed along with him, realizing what she had said. It had been quite clever, she thought. Her laughter subsided into a few giggles, yes giggles, before quieting all together. She tilted her head as she considered his words. She arched an eyebrow as she rested her chin in her hand, gazing at him.

"Yes, love can make a man do crazy things...But if you were to, hypothetically of course, be in love with me then I am sorry to say, but you would have surpassed all other crazy and deranged men. Plus, mass chaos would be sure to follow." She said, calmly looking back at him.

Rose had to play it cool, she couldn't let him see a glimpse of what she may actually be feeling. She felt goosebumps arise across her skin from the tone of his voice and felt uneasy under his piercing gaze. He was just trying to get the satisfaction of her reaction, that was all. Rose took a breath to steady herself, still keeping eye contact with him.

"I wouldn't believe you...After the constant battles we've had over the years it would be hard to believe you could be serious about something like that." Rose said quietly, finally looking away and back to the fire, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on the arm rest next to her.

* * * * *

Mass chaos, huh? Scorpius thought.

He smiled at how right she was. She just stated what he had been thinking since he realized how he really feels for her. There will surely be chaos, from both sides. Not many will understand. He's absolutely sure of it. Why do you think he has a hard time being secretive about it?

"Yeah, you're right," agreed Scorpius, nodding slightly. Then, he sneered. "That's why we don't belong together, Weasle-bee. Don't be sad, though. There are a billion other blokes there for you. But I doubt they'll see something more than what Scamander sees in you." He teased, chuckling.

But deep inside, he wanted to hunt down Scamander right now, just mentioning his name. He hated the idea of some bloke fancying Rose. No, he didn't just hate it. He loathed it. And the mere idea of her going out with someone else, makes his blood boil like a lava on a volcano. He wanted her to be his. And his only. But of course it's not probable. No matter how much he wants her, she can never be his. And for the very first time in his life, he wanted to get rid of his family name. If only he was born in another family. Would things be different right now?

He shook his head to remove that thought in his mind. He looked at her, and saw how he wanted her badly. How, by just looking at her, all rational thinking vanishes from him. And right then and there, he'll tell her everything.

"Didn't you ever think that maybe there's a reason behind all those badgering?" asked Scorpius, narrowing his eyes. "A reason which neither you and I haven't realized yet? Maybe not until now? I mean, really. Can you honestly tell me that you haven't felt something these past few days?" he asked, all rational thinking blown over by his feelings. He wasn't thinking now. He stared at her through his eyes. Trying to see through her. Trying to interpret what she's thinking through her eyes.

It all depends on her answer now.

* * * * *

"Excuse me, but there is more to me than meets the eye, Malfoy. There is a lot that someone could see in me." Rose said, her eyes fierce as she turned to Scorpius. As soon as she was going to continue, she was caught off guard at the sudden turn of conversation. Did he really just ask her those questions? Had he seen right through her all these days? Was she really that easy to read?

Rose felt the familiar heat begin to rise in her cheeks and ears. He must have noticed the past few days, especially yesterday after her had caught her. Her eyes stared back and she felt herself lost. She swallowed and quickly tore her eyes away from him. She couldn't admit it to him. But then again had he felt something? Her heart skipped a beat at the thought. He did say that neither of them could have realized until now. Maybe he had felt something...Rose looked back at Scorpius, her eyes meeting his. She had to be sly about how she went about this, she had to tread lightly.

"What do you mean by something? Are you implying that there is something, whatever that something is, between us?" Rose asked coyly, the intensity in her eyes increased as she gazed at him. She obviously knew what he had meant, but she decided to milk more out of him so to speak.

* * * * *

Scorpius raised an eyebrow. So she decided to go for the innocent act. Huh. She'd good, as expected. But not good enough. Scorpius is practically the prince of acts, whether it's being deceptive or manipulative. Which, frankly, is the same thing. So something as pure as Rose wouldn't be able to play innocent like she wanted.

Scorpius chuckled and stood up from where he sat. He didn't look at Rose as he walked around.

"Why don't you just answer, Weasle-bee?" he asked, with an amused voice. "After all, someone as clever as you would surely know the answers to my questions. Or is your mind only limited to academics? Which I don't believe so. You see, I too, was skeptical at first. But then, there was really no point. I tried to prevent it, of course." He paused and shrugged. "I guess for the first time, I lost the battle -- against myself. There was nothing I could do but to accept it..... and face the consequences."

He turned his back to her couch as he walked over to one of the bookshelves. He thought for the thing he needed most at that moment. After a few seconds, he saw it on top of a slanted book. With his back to Rose, he picked up the thing and swiftly hid it behind his back. He turned to Rose. He took his time walking towards her, behind the couch. Her face was facing the fire. He leaned down, his lips and inch away from her left ear.

"I'm not playing around anymore," he whispered softly in her ear. He pulled out the thing he was hiding, and held it out in front of her. It was a Rose. A red one. And then, he added very gently, "Rose."

End of Chapter Thirteen


Oops. I think it's too long..or not. Hehe..

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