Love & Risks - A Rich Prick l...

By TrinaMReads

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Working hard the last six years slinging drinks at a dive bar, Eden Rhodes, a recent college graduate has fin... More

Chapter 1 - Eden
Chapter 2 - Wes
Chapter 3- Eden
Chapter 4- Wes
Chapter 5 - Eden
Chapter 7- Eden
Chapter 8 - Eden
Chapter 9 - Wes
Chapter 10 - Eden
Chapter 11 - Wes
Chapter 12 - Eden
Chapter 13 - Wes
Chapter 14 - Eden
Chapter 15 - Eden

Chapter 6- Wes

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By TrinaMReads

It's 7 o'clock on a Monday night, I'm on my second Jack and Coke and I'm fucking bored.


Me, bored. I couldn't remember the last time I was bored. Since nothing smart or good happens when I'm bored and because of that I've tried to refrain from boredom.

But, sitting here drinking Coke with my Jack Daniels, in my living room, alone because I have to be up bright and early for my "job" in the morning was unfortunately my new normal. At least for the next six months.

Getting up early in the morning to punch a clock was foreign to me and I couldn't wait for it all to be over.

I lean back in my longue chair with a sigh.

Only one hundred and eighty-two more days to go.

How the fuck was I going to get through another day let alone one hundred and eighty-two days? The thought alone made my mind run, stomach turn, and jaw hurt as I clench my teeth. I take another swallow of my Jack and Coke which was now watered down due to the ice that had melted. Well, quite frankly it had been watered down once I added the coke and ice. Standing from my recliner, I walk towards the kitchen and dump the watered-down drink into the sink and set my glass aside to be cleaned in the morning.

I slide my tie off and toss it onto the counter. I unbutton the first few buttons on my collared shirt as my mind begin to wonder with thoughts of Eden. Learning that I was going to be working with Eden was probably the only good outcome from taking my fathers' deal. Eden was great to look at, and by her excitement she was also eager to learn. Eager to navigate her way to the top with hard work and dedication.

Hard work.


What the fuck did that even mean? I couldn't remember the last time I worked hard, unless you count me fucking my way through Italy one many summers ago. Dedication? Please, I wasn't dedicated to anyone or anything. Mainly because I hadn't needed to be dedicated to anything in a very long time and I didn't want the whole playing an advertising associate bit to be where I'd planned to start the idea of dedicating my time and efforts to something.

As I think back, maybe I was the entitled rich Jackass, or douchebag that Eden called me earlier that day. I chuckle and my dick twitches in my slacks, as I remembered the scowl, she'd given me earlier today.


As I step off the elevator and stride towards Benjamin, a local chef my father hired so that the executives, visiting investors, department directors and certain other staff members could enjoy a five-star meal on the house. Benjamin only provided his services on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and today he'd prepared something that I simply could not pass on. I've always been a sucker for a great piece of steak, or any red meat for that matter.

I could feel, what can only be described as a magnetic pull, as I immediately spot Eden sitting with two of the interns I'd recognized from the group. The expression on her face has me curious and I drop my eyes down towards her full lips and begin to read them. She's far away enough for me to not hear her conversation, but she's close enough for me to make out the words: Asshole, rich-jackass, and douche; and I know that she's referring to me since she can't stop staring me.

I'm not bothered by her bluntness; in fact, I encourage it. I could only imagine the type of words that will leave her mouth when I'd gotten the chance to bend her over my desk and fuck her against the cherry wood finish. I'd planned on asking her to join me for lunch, since I knew that none of the food served in the cafeteria would compare to what Benjamin had prepared, but I was interrupted by the women she's currently sitting with.

Maybe some other time sweetheart.

By the time I reach the seventeenth floor, I had my new, solo, office ready. It's the same size as the rest of the offices since all the offices on this floor are the same except for Faiths, being the senior advertising executive and all, but I'm happy to be sitting here alone. Despite the less than impressive sizes of the office, I didn't think I had the willpower to keep my hands and thoughts G-rated if I had to share an office with Eden.

I stand, speechless in the doorway as her tits hypnotized me while she bounced in her fuckable high-heeled shoes. I had to shove my hands into my pocket to keep from lurching at her and doing unspeakable things. The feeling in both my heads alone, was enough for me to justify my needing to get away from her.

Moments later, after lunch, I'm buried deep in a fantasy football draft pick on my computer, that should be used for work purposes, when a soft knock comes to my door. I look up to find Eden standing there, waiting to be invited in.

"Yes!" I answer, turning my attention back towards my computer while forcing the X-rated thoughts that seemed to pop up in my head on command.

"May I come in?" She asks, as she stands in the doorway. I want to tell her no. I want to send her ass away because there isn't anything that she could possibly say to me that I would care about and my since my dick was currently straining to get out, I needed her to turn that pretty ass around and leave me to my draft picks. But I refrain, needing to show the respect that my mother would have wanted to me show towards a fellow employee.

"Sure." I answer, never taking my eyes away from the computer screen, although it does nothing from keeping me from being able to still get a good view of her. Eden walks in but she only takes a few steps inside before stopping too far away from me.

"Sorry to bother you. I tried to find an email for you but –"

"I didn't set one up." I answer, interrupting her. She stares at me, as if she were trying to figure out a difficult quantum physics equation.

"Well do you know when you'd have time to set one up? It's a great way to communicate with you should a question, comment or concern arise." She says as she tries to cover up the annoyance in her tone.

"Or you can just stop in and tell me your concerns, comments and ask me your questions." I add. I watch as she clinches and unclenches her hands, obviously frustrated with me. And damn if she doesn't look even more sexy when she's annoyed.

"It would be great if you could set that up as soon as possible. We were given a brief description on our first client, and I have some ideas and would like to hear your input." She says through gritted teeth. Her small button nose, creases and I don't think she could get anymore sexier.

My phone buzzes in my hand, I look down and open the message as the word: Mom, flashes across the screen. I quickly skim the text message my mother had sent. She'd wanted to inform me of an impromptu family dinner this weekend and didn't fail to add the time and date. After I fired off a quick: Sure, I'll be there, response I look up at Eden who is standing impatiently as she taps her foot against the floor. My eyes fall down to her fuckable heels, and now I'm imaging those heels digging holes into the carpet as she tries to hold onto the edges of the desk as I plow into her.

"Wes?" she says, and my eyes shoot up to look at her.

"Look, I probably won't be setting up an email today. If you have something you'd like to speak about now, I'm available." I say, inwardly hoping that she'd just take the hint and leave. Eden all but rolls her eyes.

"Would it be easier if I set up your correspondence accounts for you?" she asks.

"That won't be necessary. Now, should we get back to your reason for being here?"

With a quick nod of her head, Eden turns on her heels and exits my office. Her office is located directly across the rows of semi-private cubicles where the admins sit, giving me a full view of her office with ease. I watch as the sway of her hips hypnotizes me, causing my dick to strain against my zipper, wanting badly to be let loose.

I watch her curves sway with each step until she's inside her office. She sits behind her desk and begins to type and fiddle with her computer. My eyes narrow, wondering what exactly it is that she's doing. A few seconds later she's up again and headed towards the communal printer and copying machine. I watch as Eden pulls the printed sheets off the output tray and heads back into my office. She takes a seat across from my desk and begins to hand over some of the printed sheets she's holding.

"The company is called VitaMission. Maybe you've heard of it, they're one of the leading health manufacturers here in the U.S. The company focuses on producing various styles of vitamins and nutritional supplements." She stops, eyeing my toned arms as I leaned forward on my desk, barely listening to the words that are coming from her, and rather wondering what her plump gloss covered lips would feel like wrapped around the tip of my pulsing dick. "They offer pill form, shots, powder packs for single use and now they are launching a vitamin in the form of a flavored water." She adds.

"They want us to think of a creative way to promote the vitamin flavored waters. I've done a little reading about the company, and they are looking to expand into a broader market. Specifically, millennials, which is why they are launching this new product." She adds and I nod again. She opens her mouth to speak but then closes it, her brows furrow as she stares back at me.

"Aren't you going to take a look at the company's mission, and the notes that I've taken." She asks pointing towards the untouched pile of printouts that she'd given me.

"I'll look over them tonight." I lie. Truth is, I had no intention on looking at the notes she'd taken about the company and its products. I mean why the fuck should I? My plan to do nothing was going exactly the way I'd wanted it to. I was paired with someone who was an overachiever, which was great since she'd be doing all of the work on her own, while I sat by and showed up whenever my face was necessary to be seen. It would be enough to uphold my end of the deal with my father and just enough for Eden to feel as though I wasn't a complete slacker. Besides, advertisement and anything to do with advertisement wasn't my thing.

Advertisement, while it ran in my blood, wasn't something that I took an interests in. I went to undergrad school for finance and afterwards I went to grad school, only to please my mother, and studied mathematics. Counting and anything to do with numbers, statistics, logical and illogical reasoning had always come easily to me; in fact, I don't even believe I studied for one test in grad school. Choosing finance and mathematics was the easy route. It was a way to further my education without having to cram for tests or sit in a circle full of dweebs as we chatted about weekly lessons. So, as I sit here with my fuckable partner as she rambles on and on about a drinkable vitamin, I knew that even pretending to look at the papers would be exhausting.

She slams her pen on my desk and looks at me.

"Are you going to take this serious AT ALL?" she asks.

No! I think to myself. She waits for a response, but I don't give her one. I'm sticking with my plan to have her work on each assignment that we were given, alone. I'll show up for the pitch and if absolutely possible, I would input my ideas, but if I'm lucky enough Eden wouldn't need my help. It was an asshole move, pawning my work on someone else but it was the only way I could still enjoy my lifestyle and please my father at the same time.

Maybe I could please him enough to let me go after thirty days.

"I told you, I'll read it tonight." I lie again. Eden cocks her head to the side and narrows her eyes.

"You'll read it tonight?" she questioned, clearly not buying my bullshit.

"Yes Ms. Rhodes, I'll read it tonight as I watch the latest episode of Law and Order as I sip on an imported whiskey from Ireland. Is that ok with you?" I mock.

Eden quickly stands and begins to gather up the papers and tucks them under her arm.

"Don't bother!" She growls.

I won't.

She turns to leave but then stops short. She slowly pivots in her heels, facing me again. I cock a brow at her, waiting for her next move all while enjoying the view.

"Your name, Wes Connor. As in Wesley Connor Jr.?" She asks her voice is low, yet calculated, which leads me to believe that she already knows the answer to this question, but I oblige her anyway.

"That would be correct." I answer. Eden shakes her head, almost in disbelief; her eyes roll up towards the ceiling.

"Typical." She says before storming out. I watch as her plump ass move against the fabric of her tight baby blue skirt, until she's no longer in sight and I turn my attention back to my draft picks.

That was easier than I thought.


I glance down at my watch, 7:15p.m. I let out a low growl and begin to head back towards my bedroom. I wasn't sure what the proper protocol was for being bored at 7:15p.m. on a Monday with work in the morning. So, I decide that a nice shower and a few episodes of shit television might just lull me to sleep. Before I can make it towards the hallway, the loud chatter of a group of people in my private hallway captures my attention and I make a beeline for the gallery, just as Stew and three other women, exits the private elevator and greets me at the door.

His arm is thrown around one woman, who looks almost too excited to be his pick of the night. Two other women follow behind him, and my eyes fall to one who looks familiar, yet I can't quite place where I'd known her from.

"There's the working S.O.B." Stew calls as he and the women file into my gallery.

"I figured you'd need to let off some steam after a hard day's work." He adds.

"Fuck you!" I reply. He smiles and pats me on the back playfully.

John Steward, who I've called Stew for as long as I can remember, had been a friend that I've made bad decision after bad decision with for over fifteen years.

His father, a heart surgeon, and my father ran in the same social circle. Stew and I met at one of the dinner parties my parents had thrown. Stew managed to snag a bottle of vodka from the bar, and we hid in my room for the rest of the night passing the bottle back and forth between one another as we poked fun at the people who mulled around the courtyard. After my sixth round of chugging down the burning, unforgiving liquid, I couldn't hold the alcohol down any further and ran to my bathroom, almost missing the toilet completely before throwing up. That night had been the first time I'd ever drank alcohol or did anything that could land me in the shit hour with my parents, but Stew had been used to it. It would be one of the many mistakes Stew and I would make for years after that night.

Stew stood in the doorway, watching me throw up the chicken cutlet that I'd had just hours ago. He continued to take swigs from the bottle of vodka as I sit on the bathroom floor, pulling the bow tie that my mother made me wear from my neck, and resting my head against cool porcelain as I try to wonder how was it that he seemed so calm and put together after taking several swigs of raw vodka.

"We've gotta build your tolerance man." Was all he said, before leaving me to pull my ass off the floor another hour later.

"Wes, you remember Amanda, right?" He says, as he points towards the woman who'd look familiar to me.

"Actually, it's Alison and Wes and I met the other night." She corrects, as she steps towards me. As she gets closer its then that I realize that she is one of the three women that I'd woken up to Saturday morning.

"It's nice to see you again Alison." I say, just as Alison presses her body against mines. She leans in close, pressing her tits against my bicep. Alison is tall, slim, with a model-like figure. Her hair is cut short, like the beautiful Halle Berry in the early 90's. Her skin is bronze, and it almost seemed to glow a little, as if she's wearing body glitter or some shit.

She smiles seductively up at me, she begins to rub her hands up and down my chest and as I wrap my arm around the Halle Berry look alike, images of Eden flashes behind my eyes. I inadvertently squeeze the Halle Berry look alike, whose name I can't seem to make stick, against me as the image of Eden becomes more clearer in my head. Her eyes and the beauty behind them. Her pouty lips and my desperation to kiss them, even though I know I shouldn't. I blink, trying to rid the image and I turn to Stew whose tongue is halfway down one women's throat while his right arm is wrapped snugged around the waist of the other woman, he'd brought along with him.

"So, should we finish where we left off?" Halle asks me. I shrug my shoulders and begin to lead her towards my bedroom, leaving Stew and the other two women to their own adventures.

It's funny how my night had gone from me taking a shower and falling asleep to bad television to watching Halle remove the barely their red dress she'd wore and letting it hit the floor. She turns to me wearing nothing but a red satin thong and starts a slow seductive walk in my direction and I have to say, the alternative to my night is much, much better.

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