
By kaylarosewrites

1.5M 42.1K 43.3K

[complete; editing, ROUGH draft] "Say something in Spanish." I snorted, "Like what?" "I don't know... I just... More

||Author's note||
||01|| Praised*
||02|| Clue
||03|| Under your nose
||04|| Numbed
||05|| Bodies drop
||06|| Undercover
||07|| Blindsided
||08|| Capo
||09|| Meaningless, yet purposeful*
||10|| Helpless
||11|| Her Wings
||12|| Partner In Crime
||13|| Over And Under*
||14|| Blown Through*
||15|| Welcome Back
||16|| Self Confessions
||17|| Re-visited pain
||18|| Risks Taken
||19|| Rules Broken*
||20|| Waffle
||22|| Collisions
||23|| Her and I*
||24|| Two-Faced
||25|| Cope
||26|| Expect The Unexpected
||27|| Recuperating
||28|| One bed
||29|| Agosto?
||30|| Volunteer
||31|| Grave
||32|| Euphoric*
||33|| Letter
||Thank You!||
17 years later: Angela's POV

||21|| Grenade

30.7K 859 908
By kaylarosewrites

August POV

I split from Oakley.

And I don't know if it was a good idea. But I guess we'll see.

Caleb and I are out in the back of the house, planning to break in. While Oakley, Axel, and Slasher get in from the front.

She can handle herself, I know she can.

We reach the back door and I motion to Caleb, who takes out his tools for lock picking. Which were just two sturdy thin lines of metal.

"Step aside, Capo," He says way more dramatically than he should've.

"Just pick the damn lock."

He kneels and works at it. And not even a minute later the door clicks open.

The house is quiet and dim, despite the rays of sunlight coming through a few windows. We enter a living room.

I walk in prepared to shoot, staying along on the wall.

This house must've cost millions. Marble made the floor under my feet causing a click to echo through the house with every step. Chandeliers hang from the high ceilings. There are at least three floors. What if he isn't even here—

"Get down!" Caleb collides with me, sending us both to the floor behind a long couch.

A loud pop goes through the air and a bullet carves in the wall where I stood seconds ago.

Caleb shoots back instantly, his gun on top of the couch, exchanging bullets with the fucks that shot at us.

It couldn't just be an easy task, could it?

I get to one knee and peered around the couch, sending shots towards the men.

My mind never left Oakley. If these fucks are back here with us, there must've been more in the front where she is supposed to come in from. 

"How many," I ask Caleb as he drops his head back behind cover. Bullets sliced through the air around us. A familiar sound.

"Just two," he responds. He unclips the tear bomb on his belt. "Should I now?"

He always carries small explosives. Used for desperate times of need. There isn't usually a time where we needed to drop a tear bomb or grenade during a mission, though. 

I shake my head, "No. Wait here."

I kneel back up as the fucks go to reload and slide behind the couch adjacent to us, hoping they didn't see me.

I tap on my earpiece once I'm fully behind it, "Slasher, Axel. Update me" I say into it. More like 'update me on Oakley's whereabouts'.

No answer.


Caleb speaks through it after hearing my call, sending another clip towards the men across the room.

"They're probably in some shit. They'll be fine. She's fine. Now can you get these fucks already?"

I laugh through my nose at the reassurance that I pathetically needed. He knows me too well apparently.

"On it."

I raise my head and see a clear shot on one of the fucks heads, this angle being a thousand times better than the one Caleb currently fires at.

I grip my gun firmly, pressing down on the trigger. I compress the recoil as the bullet flies through the guy's head, blood scattering on the man beside him.

As the body drops, I see a familiar figure behind the second man. And quickly realize from the tattooed neck that it's Slasher. My shoulders loosen a notch. A smirk appears on my face. He's annoying as shit, but I wouldn't want him dead. Any of them. 

Slasher has his hand around the guy, with a blade pressed against his neck.

Then did his signature move.

He quickly slashed him across the neck. Blood oozed down his chest and then dropped lifelessly to the floor. I stand up and so does Caleb to go rejoin Slasher. My heart pounds as I see he's the only one to enter the room.

"Where is she?" I demand. "Where's Oakley?"

Before he could answer, Axel, comes around the corner, "Not even a where's Axel?" He says fake hurting. I huff in annoyance.

His face flattens out, pushing his dark hair back, "Relax, she's right behind me."

Oakley walks around the corner like a fucking natural to this shit. I wouldn't settle for less.

She pauses and looks at me then at the bodies on the floor then back at me, "Sucks to be them."

I smile, walking up to her and hold on to the back of her head. I planting a quick kiss on her lips, not caring that the guys were watching.

"I want you with me at all times, got that?" I say, rubbing her cheekbone with my thumb.

She looks up and smiled, "Got it, Capo."

"Don't call me that." The title leaving her mouth ticks me off for some reason.

"Okay, Boss." She says instead, I glare at her and the smirk on her face, knowing she's doing it to tick me off. 

Caleb groans, "Just call him daddy, for fuck sake, I'm sure he'll be fine with that. Now can we fucking go? I want to get to Olivia before she eats my fridge."

Slasher scoffs, "Not you too, Caleb." 

I take back what I said, I'm going to kill every single one of them.

Axel takes a glance at Slasher and they cackle to themselves. Oakleys' cheeks darken a shade of red from Caleb's comment and shift awkwardly.

I shake my head, walking over the dead bodies, their footsteps following behind me.

I walk up the stairs slowly, till I reach the second floor.

Whoever else that's in the house must've heard the noise downstairs. There's no way they hadn't.

I lead us down the hallway slowly just as a jingle breaks the tense silence. Sharply turning around, I see Caleb scramble in his pockets and pulls out his phone. The muffled ringtone getting louder.

He answers it as we all stare at him. 

Is he fucking kidding me?

"Livvy now is not a good time," he whispers. "The T.V remote? It's in the bottom left dresser."

He's not serious.

His eyes meet mine and I give him a threatening look. Then he looks at his side at Oakley, "Olivia said hi." Oakley grins and whispers hi back.

"Caleb--" I hiss through my teeth.

"Okay Olivia, I have to go before August shoots my head off." He quickly says bye several more times before finally hanging up. He looks up with a smile that quickly drops once he sees our faces.

"What!" He says as if we aren't on a fucking mission, our lives at risk.

"Give me your phone," I tell him. Sometimes I question how in the hell we haven't died yet.

He digs in his pocket and hands me his phone with a straight face. I take it and drop it on the ground, dropping my heel on it. It shatters under my foot, and Caleb silently freaks out.

"August!" Oakley scowls as if it were her phone.

I ignore both of them and also the cackles behind me from Slasher, and begin walking back down the house hallway. 

What if that was the distraction that cost us our lives?

I stop at a door and step back, kicking it open. Inside was a normal bedroom; A dresser, T.V, and bed. Empty.

"Clear," I said.

I continue down the hall. Why is the house so empty? It isn't like a mafia-owned house to have just two men on the bottom floor. I've done enough of these to know a house like this shouldn't be as empty as it is.

And just as I turn the corner, before I could react, a gun is pointed directly at the side of my head. I lift my hand behind me, telling everyone to stop.

"Don't fucking move." The man that holds the gun says.

Jesus Christ.

He was a shorter man, well built and well dressed. The diamond rings on his finger told me he was the guy we were looking for.

Mathew had told us before we left that he's known as Owen.

"I'm assuming you're Owen?" I asked calmly.

"Yeah, and what the fuck are you doing in my house? Do you know what happens to trespassers on this property?" He asked, I looked at him in amusement with a raised eyebrow. "They get gutted."

"Is that so?" I smirk.

He spits in my face.

I close my eye as the saliva runs down my cheek, ticking off every nerve in my fucking body.

Who the fuck does he think he's messing with? Because he clearly doesn't know me, or why and who I'm here for.

"Wipe that fucking smile off you're pretty facing," He hisses. I raise an eyebrow, hiding my anger.

"All I'm getting at is that you're into dudes. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have a girl," I said, a smirk still playing on my lips.

"Thanks for the compliment, though," I add.

I know Oakley is around the corner listening, they all are, waiting for my call.

"Shut the,"--he suddenly throws a punch across my right cheek--"fuck up!"

I laugh out, stumbling back and taking his hit easily.

I hope he continues, then I'll have every reason to tear him limb from limb before fucking killing him.

"Is that all you got?" I questioned. "I'd say you hit like a girl. But I'm not the sexist type; even my girl hits harder than that."

I wiped my jaw and huff out a laugh, "I guess what I'm trying to say is, you hit like a fucking pussy."

He begins to raise his gun, but I quickly reach out, grab it, point it away from me, and elbow him in the nose. He stumbled back but I pull him towards me with the hand that holds the gun. Then turn him around, his back again my front. My arm goes around his throat with his own gun pointed at his head.

He huffs out of breath, trying to pry my tight arm from around his neck. But fails.

"Not so tough now, hmm? What was that about gutting me?"

He huffed then let out a loud whistle. Within two seconds five men appear from the opposite end of the hallway pointing their guns our way around a pillar.

They hold their fire, realizing the position their boss is in. It only takes one move of my finger to end his life. But if I do, they won't hesitate to shoot.

One of the men steps forward, "Release him!" 

"You're outnumbered, give it up," Owen says, chuckling.

"Mmm," I hum, "Not by much."

I move backward until I see my crew pressed against the wall. I smirk as I see Oakley set her eyes on me, her shoulders relaxing a bit. I wink at her and the corner of her mouth curls.

I tilt my head to Caleb as a 'go' and they reveal themselves from the two corners at my side. Oakley and Axel on my left, Caleb and Slasher on my right.

"I wouldn't necessarily say outnumbered'," I say to Owen.

"You see that big guy right there with the tattoos?" Slasher glares at me, "He's equivalent to four of your men." I tell Owen. 

Slasher sends one of his blades flying down the hall, and it hits right between the eyes of one of Owen's men's faces. No surprise to me. The man drops to the floor with a thump, setting off the others. Gunshots go off and everyone scatters.

"Oh, would you look at that," Slasher says before taking his gun out of his holster, "I guess we're even numbers now?"

I use Owen as my shield, sending shots toward his men. Shot are exchanged, and I contemplate just blowing this fucks head off. But then I hear Oakley scream out. I look behind me to where she was standing, now laying on the ground.

"Oakley!" I turn, losing my composure.

Losing it long enough for Owen to elbow me in my side, causing my grip on him to instantly loosen. Fucking hell. Does he have a metal elbow or some shit?

I double over, wincing at the pain in my side. He slips out of my hand and starts running down the hall towards his men.

I look at him, then at Oakley on the ground. The decision splitting me in half.

Do I go after him, or make sure that Oakley is okay?

My heart hammered at my chest, my feet stuck on the ground like vines were keeping me in place.

I hear Caleb or Axel— was it Slasher? Someone was shouting at me, or maybe they all were. I can't tell, their voices all sound muffled. My ears must be fucking up or some shit.

My head began to go light. Why is it so bright? Why does my side hurt more than it should? The gun in my hand goes heavy.

I look down at my other hand, taking it away from where Owen had elbowed me.

And It was covered in blood, warm scarlet blood. Blood?

My blood.

Did he stab me?


"AUGUST!" I could faintly hear Oakley scream. My heartbeat in my ear overpowering her angel-like voice. I always loved her voice. And her face, her face is perfect.

I shook my head. Even in my last moment's shes is all I think about. What am I talking about, this isn't my last moment. 

I have on a bulletproof vest. But a knife is no bullet. A knife was not supposed to get so close to me. I wasn't supposed to get distracted.

Someone grabs onto me as I stumble downward. I try to keep my footing as much as I could.

They need me. I'm Capo. I'm not supposed to go down. 

But the more I struggle, the more my vision blurs. And eventually, I shut down completely.

Oakleys POV

I  watched August get stabbed. I stood there and watched him get stabbed.

I didn't run, I didn't speak, I didn't shoot.

I froze.

Before it happened, a bullet had hit me in my chest, knocking me clean off my feet. But the only thing I felt was pressure, it hadn't shot through the vest I'm wearing.

But once I looked up I saw Owen getting the best of August, and before I knew it, blood was oozing down August's side.

My heart had skipped a beat— fuck, it had stopped beating completely. Or at least that's what it felt like.

And it still does as I watch Slasher quickly lift August's unconscious body like he weighed nothing but a feather, back towards us as Caleb and Axel cover him. 

I sniffled from behind the corner, letting out heart-wrenching sobs. I held my heart and slid down the wall behind the corner.

Is he dead? Has he died before ever knowing how much I truly feel for him? God, I should've told him everything this morning.

I should've told him that he means everything. I should've told him how much he's changed me; I should've kissed him quicker, told him how I felt quicker, and been easier on him. He can't go and leave me, it's exactly what I fear. 

But this pain is the price I pay for loving someone that's life isn't guaranteed to me. Love. Of course, I love him. He has to live, he has to live to hear me tell him something I've never told another man. That I love him! A tear drops on my shaking hands and my gun drops to the floor. 

Talking to Owen he said I was his girl. His girl. Not a girl, but his girl. And right now I want nothing more than to hear him say I'm his again.

But now, seeing his blood slowly leak from his side as Slasher slides around the corner out of my sight with him. I don't know if I ever will.

My mouth stayed open as my eyes follow them, no words or cries leaving it. Only the silent hurt, too painful to make a sound.

Axel comes into my blurry view and snapped me out of my haze.

"Oakley, fuck, Oakley! Stand up." he taps on my cheek and I meet his eyes.

"He's gone, i-isn't he?" I whisper, sobbing. Yet feeling so numb. 

Axel pushes his fingers through his dark hair and then glanced at Caleb, who was still sending shots down the hall to the men.

He swallows, "I don't know. But I know Capo is one strong mother fucker," Axel said looking back at me. "Slasher is getting him to the car now, we need to go. You know he wouldn't want you crying on a job. Right?" He says, trying to lighten me. 

I press my lips together, sniffing, and nodded. 

Caleb turns to us. A layer of sweat layered his forehead, his blond hair latching onto his skin as he huffed out of breath. He held something in his hand.

"A Grenade. The teal gas would only keep them off us for so long and they know we're down one, their coming in quick." Caleb says in one breath. "I'm gonna blow them to fucking pieces for stabbing him, Oakley, don't worry."

"When I pop this we have about six seconds to get the fuck out of this building." He adds, holding the green grenade, no bigger than a tennis ball. I've never seen a  real one before.

Axel nods at him and he looks at me and I nod, wiping my eyes. We stand up.

Caleb goes to shoot around the corner some more before pulling back and raising the grenade.

"RUN!" He shouts, pulling the safety pin. I didn't get to see him throw it because I was already running away down the hall.

I've never run faster in my life. My heart pounding in my chest as Caleb and Axel flank behind me. Each step feeling heavier than the last as we run down the opposite hallway of the men.

"The window! We have no time!" Caleb shouts from behind.

Ahead at the end of the hallway I spot the large window. To jump out of it? Where on the second floor, yet it's pretty fucking high—

And as soon as we reach it, a loud boom vibrates through my entire body, rippling through my ears and a gust of scorching wind lifts me off my feet, crashing me through the window. Deciding for me. 


First time doing two POVs in the same chapter. This is late, I was busy watching Outerbanks S2 sorryy. 

Thoughts? Don't crucify me besties T-T

I added side character aesthetics in the "Authors notes" chapter if you wanna go see that. 

Cya later alligator (Yall better say the rest back)

-Kayla <3

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