Tony Stark One-shots

By DearVincent

50K 1.6K 630

Come one and all See the Incredible Iron Man, Tony Stark. In this book, you shall explore different situation... More

In His Pocket
Should've left
5 Times the Avenger Caught Tony Singing + 1 Tony Sings openly Part 1
Last Thoughts
Not-Dad (School)
A Day in the Life of Young Sir
You See Me Rolling
5 Times the Avengers Caught Tony Singing Openly Part 2
The Car
The Plush Bee
That White Powder
Beautiful Colours
5 Times the Avengers Caught Tony Singing Part 3
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
One of Those Days
Life Lessons and Ice Cream
A Thousand Words

Quiet as a Mouse

3K 126 119
By DearVincent

"Stark, for the love of God, can you shut the fuck up for a second!?"

Tony couldn't blame Rhodey for snapping at him. He had just gotten back from the military base not even 10 minutes ago, only to be called in for an Avengers mission. Still, Tony would admit that it hurt to be yelled at by his normally passive-aggressive best friend. As a matter of fact, Tony felt his throat close like it did when his dad yelled at him all those years back. Maybe it was because Rhodey, who was practically in all intents and purposes but blood, was his brother and called him by his last name.

The complete static silence that came from the comms gave away that the others were also in a form of shock from Rhodey's yelling. They've heard him call Tony out on his lack of self-preservation and completely bullshit excuses, but Tony was just talking to himself like he does when he gets anxious,

"Um, sorry." The mechanic's voice came through softly and as quietly. He flew high enough to get above the portal that let in giant horseshoe crabs and got a good enough angle to shoot it.

All the while, the comms were still silent apart from the sound of the crabs walking around. At least until Hawkeye asked how they were going to gather the crabs.

"For crabs, these things creep me out," Steve said, herding the crabs to Clint. "They give me the heeby-jeebies."

The team expected some form of sass from Tony but all they received from the other was silence. The genius was currently carrying a horseshoe crab by the shell and flying towards the team.

Clint tapped his comm to open a private link with Tony. "Hey, Tony. You, okay?"


"You sure man? I know I jumped when Rhodes yelled so..."

"I'm fine Clint." The voice was still very quiet.

The archer frowned as he shot a net arrow at the crabs. "Okay. Just, uh, Rhodes didn't mean it alright? It was an in the moment thing. You're good. I like it when you talk so, um, don't take what Rhodes said to heart."


Avengers Tower, NYC

The entire flight to the compound was tense for the whole team, even with Tony deciding to fly in his suit instead. As soon as the Quinjet landed, the group quickly got off and greeted Bruce, who wasn't needed for the mission. Rhodey left the landing pad without a glance towards the man.

"Hey, guys. How was the mission?" Bruce asked as he watched Rhodey leave.

Steve greeted the man before answering. "It was quick Bruce. Have you seen Tony?"

Bruce gave a concerned look. "Yeah, he went to his floor as soon as he dissembled his suit. Did something happen?"

Nat, who was taking off her utility belt, responded. "War Machine yelled at Stark to shut up."


"Well," Natasha sighed. "It's not like he's wrong. Stark talks so much during missions that it can get distracting. Eventually, someone would have told him to zip it."

Clint made a sound of disagreement. "I like it when he babbles. It distresses me. Hell, I'm pretty sure it helps him."

"And if you miss a shot because Stark can't keep his mouth shut," Natasha asked monotonal. "If you get hurt or killed because you were too busy listening to irrelevant chatter."

"Nat, you're not being fair to him." The archer argues. "We all deal with stress differently. Tony wouldn't do anything that would hurt someone during a mission."

Steve rubbed his eyes. "That's not the point, Clint. We know that he wouldn't purposely hurt someone by talking. It's just he does it constantly and doesn't stop. I mean, Howard Stark babbled too but not like that. Can you honestly tell me that Tony would be able to control his mouth if we got into a big fight? Just look at the Battle of New York, he just kept going and going. The first thing he did after gaining consciousness was crack a joke."

"That's just Tony being himself." Clint's patience with his team began to wane. "Are you guys even listening to yourselves? Bruce, man, help me out here?"

Bruce fidgeted uncomfortably. "Well, I mean... He does talk a lot."

"Bruce!" Clint's voice was filled with betrayal.

"It's true though. Tony doesn't know when to stay quiet..." The doctor looked down.

"So, we agreed. Stark needs to learn to keep his mouth shut." Natasha stated.

Clint pulled at his hair, frustrated. "You want Tony to not be Tony. Is that what you're saying? Cause it sure as hell sounds like it."

"Clint," Steve began. "You can't tell me that it doesn't get to you sometimes? Tony talks all the time. It gets a little irritating. Even when we're not on a mission. Every time Stark is in a room it's never quiet. It's like the guy doesn't understand that sometimes people need some peace."

Clint gave a defeated sigh. "I honestly can't believe you guys. Okay, so Tony likes to talk. I don't even think he realizes he talks as much as he does. For me, I don't mind it. I enjoy his talking. I like knowing that someone's always in the room, it makes me feel less alone."

Natasha scoffed. "Whatever Clint. The bottom line is that Stark talks and doesn't know when to stop. If Rhodes didn't tell him to shut it then one of us would have."

"All of you gross me out right now," Clint turned away from them and began to leave the landing pad. "I can't believe any of you."


"Not now Widow."

Stark Suite/Penthouse, Avengers Tower

Okay, Tony could admit that that hurt to hear from the people that live in his building. Dear Tyson, it felt like when he was living with his parents again. It was always quiet in the mansion.

"Stay silent, Anthony. You're not old enough to voice any opinions in this house."

"Anthony, honey, can you please be quieter? Mama has a headache."

"Your father and uncle are home, young sir. Remember to be as quiet as a mouse so that they don't notice you're here."

Tony shook his head. He didn't need to relive his childhood right now, even if the general opinion was the same as back then.

"Sir," J.A.R.V.I.S. interrupted his silent contemplation. "It seems like Colonel Rhodes is searching for you and currently approaching in the elevator."

"Fuck." Call him a coward but he didn't really want to talk to the person that yelled at him right now. "J, tell him I'm busy. No, wait! Tell him I'm sleeping and that I haven't slept for like a week or something. Yeah, that should keep Rhodey away from me for like a few hours."

Tony made his way to his bedroom, in case Rhodey did come to his floor. So, maybe he's hiding from his best friend. Just like he used to with his dad... Nope, not thinking about that. Tony locked his door and went to the bathroom. He wanted to wash off his emotions.

Undressing, Tony stared at the mirror for a moment. He looked tired, maybe he should sleep after all. He stepped into the hot water and let the water wash away from the grime from the day.

"God, Stark, we get that your smart. You don't have to be the teacher's pet too." Tiberius scowled at Tony. It was lunchtime and Anthony was left to his own corner of the table closest to the entrance.

The 14-year-old didn't understand what the older boy meant. "I'm not trying-"

"Of course, you're not trying. The Great Anthony Stark never tries. All he does is answer all the questions and talk and talk and fucking talk. God, do you ever shut up? You even talk in Math! Who the fuck even talks to themselves? And it's the most stupid shit too! Not even relevant to the class!" The senior growled. "Do everyone a favour for once and rip out those vocal cords so no one has to hear that annoying voice anymore!"

With that said, the 17-year-old turned and left for his friends, who were snickering at the younger boy.

Tony turned back to his lunch, the feeling of tears burning in the back of his eyes. He looked down and silently vowed to himself that he'll try to talk less. If only to get Tiberius to leave him alone.

"Fuck." There was a tightness in his chest that wasn't caused by the Reactor. Fuck, Tiberius Stone. He was an asshole but he wasn't wrong. He always mumbled to himself in his classes. He thought he was quiet enough but apparently, he was still too loud.

Howard Stark glared at his son. The boy had interrupted him while he spoke with an uprising tech company in Japan and had the gall to put his opinion in the conversation.

Plastic grin in place, Howard gripped Anthony's shoulder tightly. "My apologies for my son's interruption."

"Oh," the Japanese rep. looked at him. "It's not a problem, Mr Stark. Encouraging a young heir's voice is important for the next generation of a company. Dare I say, your son could bring the next wave of technological advancement."

The grip on the 8-year-old's shoulder tightened. "Yes, well, I expect nothing less from my heir."

It wouldn't be until Anthony was called into his father's office that the boy remembered not to speak out of turn. The glass of bourbon almost hitting him drove that into him. The smack across his face secured it for the next five years.

"Sir, are you alright?" J.A.R.V.I.S. cut into the memory. "Your breathing is showing signs of an impending anxiety attack. Would you like me to inform someone of this concern?"

Taking a deep breath, Tony responded. "No, J. I'm good now."

He turned off the shower and carefully dried himself off before making his way towards his closet. He dressed in large sweatpants and his baggy MIT sweatshirt. It seemed like he was blessed with his mother's height, not that his father was tall by any means, but Tony stopped growing at 16.

Tony sat on his bed, debating whether or not to sleep. He sighed and lifted the comforter, laying himself directly in the middle. He arranged the various pillows so that the largest bordered him. Pulling up the comforter over his head, Tony curled into himself.

"J.A.R.V.I.S.?" Tony asked, his voice just audible enough from underneath the blanket.

"Sir?" The A.I. responded.

"Do I talk too much?" The insecurity leaked out painfully in his whisper. "It's just... Am I too loud? You'd tell me, right, J?"

The reassurance in the A.I.'s voice shouldn't be possible for something not human. "You, Sir, talk the perfect amount. Anyone who says differently doesn't have the intellectual capacity to comprehend what you say."

"But Bruce is smart," Tony objected.

"I find nothing wrong with my statement." J.A.R.V.I.S. sassed. "My records and observations show that, while Doctor Banner is very intelligent, you are simply smart than he is at his current level."

The inventor smiled weakly. His boy always had his back.

"If it's any consolation Sir," The A.I. softly said. "You own this building and fund the team. If you wished it, you could remove them from the tower. They wouldn't have any room to complain if they truly don't appreciate you."

A weak chuckle escaped Tony. "Since when have you been so vindictive, J?"

If his A.I. could sigh, it would've been now. "Sir, I have always been. You are and will forever be my primary objective. That being said, your happiness is important and if the residents that live within my protection can't maintain that state then they don't deserve you."

The genius stayed quiet before speaking again. "J?"


"Thank you, you are my greatest friend."

"I am only as great as my creator," J.A.R.V.I.S. stated. Then, more gently, spoke again. "Sleep now, sir. I'll make sure to protect you to the best of my abilities."

With that said, Tony closed his eyes and slept.

Anthony looked at his mother. Maria was sleeping again. She was always sleeping. He needed to be very quiet so that his mother didn't wake up.

"Quiet as a mouse." The little boy whispered to himself. Jarvis always said that.

All he needed to do was sneak carefully across the living room and grab the stuffed animal he left on the armchair. Anthony very quietly walked across the room, careful not to step on the creaky floorboards. Once he reached the chair, Tony grabbed the stuffed bear and held his breath as he walked back to the door. Finally, he reached the entrance and the moment he stepped into the hallway; Tony let go of his breath.

Scene change

"I see." Howard stared at the young boy, who sat in his office. Turning back to the conversation on the phone and spoke again. "Yes, thank you for the call... It's not a problem at all... Okay, thank you, bye."

The man sighed, hand on his face covering his exasperated expression. "Do you know who just called me, Anthony?"

The boy shook his head, not looking up from the floor.

"That was your school. They said they had to repeatedly tell you to be quiet during several exams."

The boy tensed.

Howard shook his head. "Boy, do you understand how embarrassing it is that they have to call me? About speaking of all things! How many time's does someone need to tell you to curb your tongue before you learn to do it!?"

The boy flinched as his father's voice became louder.

"For God's sake, boy, no one needs to hear you. What makes you think that if I don't want to hear your voice that anyone else would? You should know better by now!" The older male scowled. "Get out of my sight and if I get another call about something as idiotic as that I'll make sure to drive that silence into you permanently."

The boy quickly walked out of Howard's office.

Scene change

A 12-year-old Anthony Stark sat in the kitchen, watching Ana Jarvis cook. "Okay, Anthony. Now, you know that Mr Stane will be joining your family for dinner?"

"Yes, Ana." The boy said quietly.

Ana looked at the child sadly. "And what did Edwin teach you?"

Anthony sighed. "Quiet as a mouse."

"And what happens if the mouse gets caught?" Ana had a slight quiver in her voice.

"The cat and owl could eat him..." Anthony looked at the counter. "Ana, why am I not allowed to talk?"

The look the boy gave her broke her heart. "Oh, you sweet boy. I don't know dear. I wish I could hear you talk more. You have the most incredible ideas and such a big heart and mind. It's just... some people like your parents and uncle don't understand."

"Oh." The crack in his voice reflected how his heart was.

The woman gave him a sympathetic look. "Dear, I wish I could take you away."

"It's okay Ana. It's just how my life is supposed to be."

The soft sound of J.A.R.V.I.S' voice woke him up. Thankfully, too. Tony really didn't want to keep dreaming memories.

"Sir, the team is getting ready for dinner. They wanted me to inform you if you'd like to join."

The mechanic rubbed his eyes and shook his head.

"Alright, Sir. Is there any you need?"

Another shake.

Tony quietly got out of his bed and made his way towards the staircase. The elevator is most likely being used and the last thing he wanted was to run into anyone. It was like he reverted to the boy who feared waking up his mom.

His steps down the stairs were inaudible as he made his way towards his workshop. The sound of a swinging door and loud steps made Tony pause before he hid in the corner away from their sight.

"Fuck off, Widow." The archer's voice was loud and irritated. "I just want to eat and go back to my room."

There was an audible sigh. "Clint, can't you try to understand-"

"Understand! Fuck, do you even hear yourself!? You want to completely change a person's personality. There's nothing to understand!" The sound of a door swinging open echoed, and the pair's voices were muffled behind the door.

Tony continued quietly down until he made it to his workshop.

Dining room, Common Floor, Avengers Tower

When Rhodey entered the dining room, his eyes immediately scanned for his best friend. The guilt of what he said weighed down on him the moment those words left his mouth. He took his seat when the short engineer wasn't found.

"Has anyone spoken to Tony?" The archer questioned as he served himself chow mein.

Steve opened his mouth to respond, but a crack of lightning and thunder came from the landing pad before anything could be said. Following the sound were the booming voice greeting them and another more composed voice doing the same.

"Brother, get your cape off me before I stab you!"

The sound of fabric rustling was heard before the pair of gods entered the room. Thor with a bright but strained smile and Loki with disinterest and holding a small box.

"Thor, Loki, I didn't think you guys would be here this early?" The soldier began. "You just left last week."

Thor smile strained further. "Yes, well, something occurred, and it was a matter of importance."

"Man of Iron isn't here." The trickster noted. "I'll go search and inform him of the situation."

Thor nodded at his brother and watched him take the elevator before sitting and joining the others at the table. He took a deep breath and sorted his thoughts. "The Enchantress has escaped her confinement and Loki believes she may be here on Midgard."

Bruce looked confused. "Thor, who's the Enchantress?"

"The Enchantress is a sorceress that isn't too fond of my family," Thor explained, grabbing a container of beef and broccoli. "She and Loki never got along. Rather, she was quite more malevolent than my brother. Loki was more into creating inconvenience and giving himself a good laugh than creating deadly illusions."

"So," Steve said, trying to wrap his head around the situation. "You're saying that this Enchantress person is going to be trouble for us because she wants to upset you and your family?"

"Aye." Thor ate broccoli before continuing. "Loki believes she'll attack within a few week's time. Best we prepare for the Enchantress' maliciousness now rather than be caught by surprise.

Steve sighed. "Well, at least we have a warning."

The grim look eased off Thor's face and he gave his shield siblings a look of appreciation before asking. "Aye. By now, Loki should have informed Stark. Why isn't he eating with everyone? Didn't our Captain make team dinners mandatory?"

Private lab, Avengers Tower

"That sucks," Tony commented quietly as he tinkered with the alien gun Loki brought him.

Said god nodded. "Indeed. We must stay vigilant these coming days."

The inventor hummed in agreement but otherwise stayed silent. The lack of enthusiasm bothered Loki. He didn't need to be told that something was wrong, Stark refused to meet his eyes when he entered the lab and hasn't spoken the entire time the god spoke.

Shifting in his seat, Loki asked. "What happened?"


"Stark, Tony, you haven't said anything about the gift. You haven't said one comment about the Enchantress' ridiculous name. The entire time I've been here, you have yet to ask me how my mother is or debated the existence of my sister's realm." Loki stated gently. "You aren't talking like you normally do and it concerns me."

The genius paused and put down the gun. He let out a heavy sigh before looking at the god. "I talk too much."


"That's what the team thinks." Tony's voice may be steady but his eyes gave away how much it hurt. "They think I'm a liability on the field because of it. They said I speak too much at home too. That I'm annoying and loud. Well, most of them anyway. Clint says he's fine with it but..."

Loki frowned at the inventor. "Stark, you can't help who you are. That includes babbling. Besides, you don't say anything that isn't meant to be heard. I enjoy what you say and the commentary you make. Your team should learn to appreciate you instead of making you feel like this."

Tony's face twisted in confusion, unable to understand why anyone would appreciate him. The mischief god softened his eyes. "Oh, Stark. You are exactly how you are meant to be."

Tony closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Thanks, Lokes."

One week later, Central Park, NYC

Although the team had a warning, they were currently getting their ass handed to them. The Enchantress was easily the most frustrating woman they encountered. Although, perhaps, it was more due to the tension from the team the past few days.

Tony had been able to sneak past everyone. If it wasn't for the A.I. informing them that the genius was still in the building, most of the team would've thought the man left for a business meeting. Instead, Tony was silent enough that they wouldn't notice that he snuck out of the rooms they were in. Clint had spent most of the week with the genius, filling the silence with his voice and sometimes sleeping in the genius' room and lab. The gods, once Thor was informed of the situation, were noticeably upset. Thor had sought out Tony and reassured the genius that he can speak all he wants because it was his home and didn't bother him. Rhodey tried to apologize to Tony but every time he tried, Tony left the room.

Now, the blonde sorceress took advantage of the discord within the group.

"I thought that the group Loki and Thor associated with would be more challenging than this," she mocked. "Obviously, not too much of a challenge. What kind of team lets one of their own lives with silent despair."

"Listen, lady," The Captain began, tired of being thrown around. "You don't know what you're talking about."

The woman gave him an amused look. "Oh," the fake confusion oozed out of her voice. "Perhaps it's you who doesn't understand."

She gathered energy into her hands. "After all, if you could sense the emotions of the metal man then maybe you wouldn't be in this situation." A look of pity flashed in her eyes. "It's not fun to battle with a divided team. Perhaps, just this once, I will assist. If you are unable to resolve the issues... Well, that's on your own ignorance. Either way, this battle is boring me."

The Enchantress then flung the magic at Tony, who immediately fell onto the ground like a dead weight. Before questions could be asked, she vanished.

Rhodey quickly got out of his armour and ran to his brother. He looked for the manual latches as the rest of the team gathered around them.

As soon as the chest plate came off, the team was engulfed in the magic and collapsed.

Unknown location

Clint groaned as he got up. Whatever happened made his head hurt. "Everyone okay?"

"Tony's not waking up?" Rhodes answered. His voice shook as he held his friend close to him.

The rest of the group was moving closer to the two men. Noticing the lack of armour and weapons on them, they tensed. Loki sat on the other side of Tony and focused his magic into his hands. He hovered them above the genius' chest and slowly moved them to his head.

"He's going to stay asleep," Loki said, not moving his hands from Tony's head. "If I am right, the Enchantress has us trapped in Starks psyche."

"Great," Natasha commented. "Just what we need."

Bruce groaned and cracked his back. "If we're in Stark's mind, how come our bodies hurt like this?"

Thor, surprisingly, was the one to answer. "Our minds are not meant to be in another's. Hence the mental aches we are experiencing."

Steve was about to say something but then the previously vast white scenery had transformed. Where they stood in nothingness was now the inside of a large entrance hall.

"Where are we?" Steve asked. He began to walk down the entrance and stopped near the bottom of a staircase. The team followed him; Tony being carried gently by Thor.

Rhodey looked around and quietly spoke. "I know this place." He touched the stair railing. "This is Stark Manor. Tony lived here till his parents died."

The manor was exactly how Rhodey remembered it. Cold, silent and lacking life.

"Tony's home?" Bruce asked. He shivered; it gave off an odd vibe that made him anxious.

Natasha noted the other's reaction and mentally agreed with it.

Steve's expression was more baffled. "It feels... cold?"

Rhodey snorted. "Yeah, well, what do you expect living with these people?"

Steady footsteps softly came into the room. A tall dark-haired man stood at the bottom of the stairs, dressed in a dark suit, and holding a paper bag in one hand. The man appeared not to see them, though if what Loki said is true, then it was one of Tony's memories. He looked at the top of the stairs, waiting.

"What is the-" Clint began but stopped as he saw a small figure appear at the stairs.

A small boy, dressed in a blue school uniform, softly came down the steps. His footsteps making no noise. As he came to the last few steps, the more the group could see. Dark curly brown hair, and vacant honey brown eyes. Pale face, button nose and pale lips as well as a natural soft pink blush. His uniform was a white button-down shirt. blue dress pants and blazer and uncreased dark dress shoes.

The child was adorable but there was a sadness radiating off him, that his eyes refused to reflect.

"Little Sir," the man knelt in front of the boy. "Here's your lunch. Ana packed you an apple tart."

The boy nodded.

"Also," the man sighed, looking sadly at the child. "Your father will be home early today. Sir invited Mr Stane for supper today."

Another nod.

"Which means..." The man trailed off, waiting for the child to respond.

"Quiet as a mouse." The boy answered, his voice almost a whisper. If it wasn't for the silence in the manor, they wouldn't be able to hear him very well. "Jarvis, will mother be there?"

The man, Jarvis, gave the child a sympathetic look. "I apologize Anthony. Lady Maria will be attending Mrs Sullivan's ladies gala tonight."

Anthony gave no outright reaction other than a nod. "Thank you for lunch."

The man patted his shoulder. "Come, Little Sir, let us get you to school."

Jarvis led the boy to the entrance hall. Where the man's footsteps made a silent sound, the little boys made none.

"The child," Loki asked. "That was Stark, yes?"

The team looked at the sleeping genius, still in the thunder god's arms and dead to the changing scenery around them.

Rhodey nodded. "That was Tones."

Clint looked down at the genius. "He looked so... sad."

"He didn't make a sound," Natasha said. "The boy barely used his voice."

The team stayed silent at that comment. The memory around them finished shifting, now they were in the computer lab of a school.

Anthony, now slightly older was pushed into the room by another student.

"I thought I told you to rip out those cords of yours, Stark." The older teen growled. He shoved the younger against the blackboard harshly.

Anthony let out a soft whimper.

"But no," he mocked. "You use that annoying thing to correct me! You just don't get it, do you!?"

The teen threw Anthony onto the floor and kicked him in the stomach. "Your voice, it's useless! No one wants to hear you speak, Stark! Take the advice already and cut them out! Fuck, just stab yourself in the throat! Maybe then no one will have to suffer from having to hear you!"

A growl left Rhodey's throat. If he wasn't aware that this is a memory, he'd beat the little shit for hurting Tony.

"Oh my god." Bruce's voice shook. Apparently, being in Tony's mind meant he couldn't change into the Hulk.

Steve tried to grab the older teen's arm but his hand went right through the boy. "What do we do?"

He couldn't just stand there and watch the younger version of his teammate be beaten.

"Nothing," Loki stated. The god sat on the floor, face showing distaste at the antagonist's actions. "This is a memory. All this had occurred already, there is no way to change Stark's past here. All we can do is hope the man wakes soon."

"You're useless, Stark." The older student growled. "Maybe next time, remember that no one needs to hear you speak. Leave that to someone who actually has something important to say. Better yet, leave that to someone important."

The older boy made his way to the door, glancing at the smaller student still curled up in pain but not making another noise. "Who needs to hear the noise you make anyways. Learn to keep your mouth shut. Maybe then people won't find you irritating."

Steve winced, remembering that he calls Tony that just a few days earlier.

"Oh, Tones." Rhodey kneeled in front of the small teen. "Tony... come one kid, move."

The boy took a shuddering breath and slowly shifted onto his knees before very carefully getting onto his feet. "Okay, Anthony, okay. We got this." Anthony spoke silently to himself. He reached into his bag and pulled out a spare dress shirt.

"There we go, kid," Rhodey said. "Just take your time. You're gonna be oka- Fuck!"

As the teenager slid off his shirt, dark bruises graced his pale stomach. "Okay." He whispered. "Not too bad."

"Not too bad? Not too bad! Hear that Tash? He doesn't think that's bad!?" Clint's voice was boarding hysterical.

Thor looked at the little genius, wishing that the man never had to through that.

"Stupid," Anthony told himself, sliding his bag onto his shoulder and making his towards the door. His voice was bitter. "If dad didn't want to listen to me, why would anyone else want to..."

The door softly clicked close and the scene began to warp again.

Guilt began to weigh down on Natasha. The boy didn't even groan in pain while he was getting beaten.

Bruce walked over to Thor, who was now sitting next to his brother and lain Tony so that his legs acted as a pillow. Gently, Bruce put his hands on the mechanic's stomach. He knows it was just a memory. That Tony had long ago healed from it but he couldn't help but want to feel useful.

"Tony, if you wake up, I promise to never complain about your talking again." He whispered at the younger man.

Clint paced around, wanting more than anything to have Tony wake up. Steve seemed to be of the same mindset if the grimace painted on his face was any indication.

Rhodey mentally prepared himself for the next memory that was shifting into their surroundings. He prepared that whatever memory was about to be shown knowing he wouldn't be able to protect his little brother.

The scenery finished shifting. They were now at the manor again, this time with many people dressed formally surrounding them. The manor was full of chatter, a stark (pun unintended) contrast to the first memory.

A few children were lingering at the corners of the walls. They spoke animatedly, laughing and playing with one another. One child, however, stood apart from them. The other children didn't bother to speak to the child, although a few did stare at the boy and then whispered to their friends.

"Anthony," Steve jerked at the voice. "Come here."

The little boy, about 5 years old, walked towards the voice. His face was neutral and his steps even. The team followed Anthony as he stopped in front of them.

"Howard?" The soldier looked at the man who stood next to the child. He was older, of course. Hair slowly greying and while Howard wasn't considered tall by any means, he toward over his son.

"Mr Samson, this is my heir, Anthony Stark." The man said, voice strict and dominating, hand on his child's shoulder. "Anthony, this is Nathaniel Samson, my head of R&D."

The other man spoke. "Hello, Anthony." There was an Irish accent. "Your father tells me that you sometimes come to visit R&D during the weekend. So, I'll be expecting you, okay."

The boy opened his mouth to respond but feeling his father squeeze his shoulder, stopped and nodded instead. The Irish man frowned but said nothing.

"Go see to your mother, Anthony," Howards said. "She should be heading to bed soon."

The boy nodded and turned to walk away but was stopped by his father's next comment. "We'll talk before you go to bed."

If Anthony was facing his father, the man would've seen the flash of fear in the boy's eyes and how his face paled slightly. Instead, the Avengers saw it.

The scene quickly morphed to a large bedroom, where a woman was already lying in bed. Anthony stood in the corner carefully walking towards the bed. He watched where his foot landed and shifted it to somewhere else when he decided to not put it there.

Once he made it to the edge of the bed, Anthony gently kissed the woman's cheek. "Good night mama." The child whispered gently and then the scene warped again.

This time, they were in a bare room. It was cold and the room resembled an unused guest room except for a small bear on the bed. A soft sigh came from under the bed that showed that the room wasn't as empty as it appeared.

There was a gentle knocking on the door before it opened. "Sir?" There was an inaudible pause. "Little Sir?"

Jarvis walked into the room and looked around before pausing at the edge of the bed. "Anthony, please, Young Sir?"

The was a quiet shifting. "Jarvis?" The boy's voice sent the Avengers warning bells to go off.

Jarvis carefully laid down on the floor and looked at the small boy, who was hidden under the bed.

"Hello, Anthony," Jarvis said gently.

There was a sniffle. "Did father retire to bed?"

The man reached his arm under the bed. "Mr Stark went to bed an hour ago, Little Sir."

There was shifting from underneath the bed.

"Ana and I will be going to sleep soon," Jarvis mentioned. "We were worried about you when we saw your father come here."

More shifting was heard. "Why does father yell at me, Jarvis?" His voice broke the hearts of the adults in the room. The boy shifted closer to his butler. "Jarvis, I swear I didn't speak! I didn't! I was going to but I stopped. I promise Jarvis. Please believe me."

The man rolled onto his side and shifted closer to the bed before he reached his other arm underneath. "I believe, Anthony."

There was more sniffling.

"Oh, dear." Jarvis pulled the 5-year-old into his arms. "Come here, Anthony."

The little boy, who looked even smaller in the man's arms, silently cried into Jarvis' chest. The man wrapped his arms around the child and gently shifted into a sitting position.

"Honey, I'm sorry." Jarvis tightened his arms. "I wish I could take you away."

Anthony kept crying, his small hands gripping onto the shirt of his only positive male figure. "I didn't speak Jarvis."

"I know, dear. I know." The man rocked them slowly.

The little boy trembled. "Why did father do that? If I didn't do anything, why did he hit me?"

There was a pregnant pause.

"The fuck." Clint choked. Natasha gripped his arm, almost as if to steady both him and herself emotionally.

Bruce buried his face into Thor's side. The god and his brother had already known about their friend's relationship with his father. They didn't, however, know it in detail. It wasn't for the first time, Loki wished he could take the life of the elder Stark.

Steve's world seemed to have tilted to the side. He was already feeling guilty for what he said a few days ago. Now, he just wants to be put back in the ice because he called Howard fucking Stark a better man than his son. The same son that willingly flew a nuclear bomb into space. The same child that told him repeatedly that Howard wasn't a good father but was quickly dismissed by Steve.

Rhodey had moved and sat next to the butler. He kept reaching for the boy, knowing that he can't do anything to comfort the small child, but still trying and failing.

Jarvis buried his face into the child's hair. "I don't know, Anthony. I wish I could tell you."

It hurt Rhodey to see his little brother cry so quietly. To be unable to protect him and take him away from here.

"Why am I not allowed to talk?" The little boy hiccupped. "Why do other kids get to talk?"

Jarvis let out a pained sigh. "I don't understand them, Little Sir. You have the most amazing ideas. Such a smart little boy."

The child held onto the man tightly as Jarvis shifted and stood up. He carried the boy in his arms like Anthony was the most precious being in existence.

"Where are we going?" Anthony asked.

"We're going to my room, Little Sir." The man responded softly. "We're going to sleep there with Ana. She'll help check for little owies so they don't hurt anymore."

The room shifted once more and a smaller bedroom came into view. This time, it was warm and smelled like crisp apples. It smelled exactly like Tony's floor at the tower. There was a woman, light brown hair in waves and dressed in an old shirt and sleeping pants. She sat on the bed with a book.

"Edwin?" The woman looked at the door when it opened. Her face turned into concern as she saw the little boy in her husband's arms. "What happened?"

The man gently sat down the child on the bed and reached into the side table drawer. "Howard was unable to hold his temper."

There was a scowl on her face that quickly disappeared as she carefully checked over Anthony. "Oh, honey. Let's get some cream on that, okay."

The boy nodded and leaned into the woman's arms. "Yes, Ana."

There was quiet whispering between the couple as Jarvis gently put the cream onto the bruised boys chest and back.

"Okay, Little Sir," Jarvis said, putting away the cream and going into the dresser. "Here, you can wear this tonight."

The man helped Anthony put on the too-big shirt. Ana pulled down the covers and waited for the man and child to join her. Jarvis looked at the little boy, who was rubbing his red eyes and yawning. He quickly dressed himself in his bedclothes and lifted the child.

Gently, Jarvis put Anthony in between his wife and himself. He covered them with the comforter and wrapped his arms around the boy protectively. His wife copying the same action.

The scene began to haze over, like a fog. Before the scene disappeared the group heard the last few words being said.

"Goodnight, Anthony." Jarvis' voice sounded underwater.

The next voice was obviously a child and only slightly clearer. "Night, daddy."

Bruce let out a shuddering sigh and wiped his eyes. He looked at Thor, who had his arm wrapped around him tightly. The god seemed like he was barely holding it together. Loki, on the other hand, was carefully composed. He looked straight ahead, breathing carefully measured.

Natasha faced away from everyone, her shoulders tense and her hand still holding Clint. The archer had quiet tears travelling down his face.

Steve paused still staring at where the little boy and man had been. His face twisted with pain and guilt. Meanwhile, Rhodey hugged himself and forcing the tears to stop.

The scene shifted and a new memory was produced. A young woman sat on the grass of a campus.

"Hello?" A voice came from behind them. "Are you Sunset?"

The little boy transformed into a teen again. He seemed painfully young compared to the female. The woman looked at the boy and gave him a tight smile. "Anthony, right?"

The short boy smiled, blindingly bright. "Yep, that's me."

"Okay," Sunset looked over the boy. Yeah, he's too young for her. "Look kid, I don't know how I ended up as your senior guide but here's the general rule. Freshmen go off and don't bother anyone who's a junior and above. Don't bother me and we'll be good. As the matter of fact, go off join some science club and don't talk. Good? Good."

She got up and walked away from the teen.

Anthony closed his eyes and walked back towards his dorm building. "Useless."

He looks at a payphone and changed his direction towards it. He quickly dialled a number onto the phone and waited.

"Hello?" A man's voice was heard through the phone.

Anthony leaned against the payphone. "Hey, Jarvis. It's me."

"Anthony," the affection leaked out of the other's voice. "How are you?"

Anthony closed his eyes. "Um, not so good. Jonah, my roommate, doesn't like me very much. He's a political science major and likes to bring up father to me a lot."

"Oh, Little Sir..."

"I was supposed to meet with my senior advisor right now," Tony took in a shuddering breath. "She didn't like me too much either. Told me to be quiet and not to bother anyone."

"Anthony," Jarvis' voice was filled with concern. "I wish I could help you."

"Yeah, well, I'm a big boy now." Anthony joked pitifully and choked on his next words. "Can I visit next week?"

"Of course, Anthony."

"Thanks." The teen took a deep breath. "Can Ana make those apple tarts?"

The man on the other line laughed gently. "I'm sure Ana will happily make our favourite little boy some apple tarts."

Anthony gave a watery smile and held onto the phone with both hands. "Thanks, Jarvis. I miss you."

"I miss you too, Little Sir."

The memory began to shift again.

The archer let out a deep breath. "Well, that one wasn't too bad."

Rhodes stood near the thunder god and gently reached down to shift Tony into his arms. "No, it was bad."

"How?" The Captain asked. "No one hit him or yelled."

Rhodey looked at him and explained. "Sunset set the entire tone of school for Tony. It took me two years to get Tony to understand that he could talk outside of answering the class questions and talking to me. Hell, it took me almost two semesters to get the kid to start a conversation with me."

Rhodey gently stroked Tony's hair. "Sunset was a bitch and lives up to it even now. If she wasn't running a company, then Tony would have cut that cancer off after he took over S.I."

The memory that came next was more recent. Tony was sitting near Steve on the common floor's living room couch.

"The explosion had me tasting sounds for these past couple of weeks. Which really, I don't understand how it's possible but when I say Clint's name it tastes like red skittles and Pepper's taste like sweet peppers. When I was in the lab, Jarvis spoke and all I could taste was apples. Anyway, the point is that I think I need to go the hospi-" The genius pause. "Are you listening to me? Steve?"

The man in question hummed. "Yeah, that's great Tony."

Tony frowned. "I mean tasting sounds is kind of cool but I was asking if you could take me to the hospital because everyone's out, the clinic in the tower is going through cleaning protocols so everyone has the day off and I don't think I should drive right now. Car horns taste like habanero peppers and I don't want to be the cause of an accident because my mouth suddenly is on fire."

Steve hummed again before saying. "What's a seven-letter word for indifference?"

"Disdain." Tony looked down at his hands. "Which taste like cocoa baking powder."

"Yeah, thanks Stark." Steve wrote it down.

"You're welcome," Tony murmured before speaking to himself. "Great job Anthony."

The scene changed again as the team processed what was shown.

"What the hell Cap?" Clint growled.

Steve crossed his arms, trying to comfort himself. "I know, okay. I was being an ass. If I could take it back I would."

"It doesn't change anything," Natasha said quietly to herself.

Loki finally spoke up. "He was asking for the hospital, Captain. Why weren't you listening to him?"

"I don't know." Steve's voice dripped guilt. "I guess I thought he was just babbling again."

"Of course," sarcastically responded Rhodey. "Your team member says he's tasting sounds and shows, for once in his life, actual concern and you decide that it wasn't important."

"Rhodes," Bruce responded. "Just leave it for now. We'll talk more about it after Tony wakes up."

"We damn better."

The surroundings warped into the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helacarrier. Tony was standing next to Natasha, slightly bruised from a recent battle but talking enthusiastically about the War Machine armour.

"So, basically I'll be making sure to add some better cushioning into it cause I don't want my platipus to end up paralysed." Tony's hands moved while he spoke. "Anyway, I won't be doing that till I get back from Chicago. Pep scheduled a meeting there and I don't trust the people that will be attending it."

Natasha nodded but kept staring at the wall, visibly bored.

Satisfied that she was still listening, Tony continued. "Talking about Pep, I want to go to the jewellers soon. I spent the last year debating whether it was the right time, but the world isn't ending so better now than never, right?"

The spy nodded again.

"Anyway, I wanted to know if you'll come with me." Tony looked bashful, he began to play with his hands. "Just so, you know, I don't go overboard. I was actually debating whether to use the shrapnel that was removed to forge her one, but I wasn't sure. I thought maybe you'd have better intuition about this stuff."

Natasha glanced at him and pulled out a wireless earbud. "Sorry, I was listening to music. Did you need something?"

Tony paused for a moment before a painfully fake smile graced his face. "Nope, just wondering if Fury will be here soon."

Looking at her phone, she responded. "My guess is that he'll be here within the next five minutes."

With that said, Natasha put the earbud back in and the memory began to morph again.

"He wanted me to help pick out engagement rings?" The Widow's voice was rough and choked.

Before anyone could respond, the scene changed. This time they were in the chemistry lab. Bruce was carefully beginning to pour something into a bunsen burner. Tony, sat across from him looking at his phone before he looked up.

"Brucie, I don't think-" His voice was a soft whisper as to not startle the scientist.

Bruce sighed. "Tony, can you not right now. I need absolute silence and you're not helping."

Tony put his head down and kept quiet. When a small explosion sounded, the mechanic looked up to see Bruce quickly making his way to the emergency shower.

"I was going to say that I didn't think that it should've been heated." It appeared that the scientist didn't hear Tony and instead focused on letting the water run down his face.

The memory faded again and began the process of morphing. Clint was rubbing his eyes, he really needed Tony to wake up. "Basically, we don't listen to Tony."

A murmur of agreement passed through the group. There was a heavy blanket of guilt on most of them. To think, they would have preferred that Tony stay silent instead of letting him speak.

Rhodey looked at his sleeping friend. He looked younger asleep, like when they were in school together. His little brother shouldn't have to feel like he wasn't allowed to speak.

"Tones," Rhodey softly pleaded. "Sorry, Tones. I'm sorry. I should know better than anyone to not yell at you. To not tell you to keep quiet. Promise I'll make it up to you. I'll let you talk me into watching Grey's Anatomy. Just, please Tony, wake up."

The surroundings settled, this time the scene was at a college dorm. Anthony was putting folders and books into a backpack when he received a call from the wall phone.

"Hello, Anthony?" A woman's voice sounded.

The teen twirled the cord around his fingers. "This is he."

"Hello, I was calling to tell you that we found a freshman who is willing to receive a roommate. He was supposed to have one but the roommate decided to commute instead." The woman informed.

"Oh, that's, um, that's good." Anthony sounded unsure as to whether it was a good thing.

"If you come by to the campus center, you can pick up the keys to your new dorm. Your new roommate is with his family for most of the day but will return in time for dinner."

"Okay. I, um, thank you."

"No problem, honey."

The scene quickly changed into a slightly bigger dorm room. Anthony had just finished making his bed when the door unlocked.

An older dark-skinned teen stood in the room. He looked around the room. "Hello?"

"Hello," Tony answered quietly. The small teen looked incredibly young sitting on the lofted bed.

The older boy glanced around his roommate's side of the room. It was neat, almost impersonal like the younger boy didn't have anything he liked. No pictures of a family stuck on the dresser, no posters tacked on the walls. The books on the shelf were organized by subject and authors' last name, none of them looked like they were fiction or read for enjoyment. There was a single photograph, however, on the desk. It was of a tall dark-haired man and a lighter-haired woman.

"So, um," The teen began. "What's your name and major?"

Anthony took a moment to respond, almost unsure how to answer. "I major in electrical engineering and physics."

The other boy whistled. "Damn, that's... That's amazing. Good luck with that man."

Anthony looked down bashful and shy. It was endearing, the older thought. He made his way towards Anthony's ladder and climbed up until he could rest his elbows on the mattress.

He took in his new roommate, who looked even younger up close. Too skinny, his ma would have a fit if she saw him. The boy's eyes looked back at him and the emotions reflected in his eyes almost made the older teen think he looked scary. Which didn't make sense because his ma made him wear the tie-dye sweater his little cousin made and it had smiley faces all over it.

Something settled in his stomach, something warm and protective.

"Well," The older teen smiled softly at his roommate. "Let's try this again."

Anthony looked at him with wary confusion.

"Hi, I'm James Rhodes," James said gently. "You're new roommate. I major in aerospace engineering. My favourite ice cream is rocky road and I think I'll join the military at some point."

"Rocky road?" Anthony let out a small giggle. "And your name is Rhodes?"

James laughed. "Yep."

"Should call you Rhodes then," Anthony said and then his eyes lit up. "No, wait, Rhodey. I think that fits better."

James tilted his head and chuckled. "James Rhodey Rhodes, huh? Not too bad. Well, you've got my name, what's yours?"

Anthony's smile dimmed slightly and wariness filled his eyes. "I- um... Anthony. Anthony Stark."

"Anthony?" Rhodey was slightly shocked to see that he was rooming with a Stark but he quickly got over it. It was easily evident that the boy didn't feel comfortable sharing his name. "What's someone so short doing with such a long name?"

"I'm not small!" Anthony exclaimed, but the playfulness showed that he wasn't offended at all.

"Are too." Rhodey reached out and ruffled the younger boy's hair. "Look at you! You don't look like you'd reach my chin."

Anthony let out a laugh that surprised him. He was being too loud but... Rhodey didn't look angry.

"You know what," Rhodey looked at him. "You're more of a Tony."


Rhodey ruffled his hair one more time. "Yeah, you're Tony now. No backsies. Anthony sounds too stuck up for someone so small and adorable."

"Tony..." The small teen repeated for a moment. Then gave Rhodey a fake scowl. "I'm not short."

"Really?" Rhodey joked. "Come down here and show me just how tall you are."

Tony's face reddened.

Rhodey laughed. "That's what I thought. Well, come on, they have crème puffs at the dining hall and I need like five of them to feel satisfied."

"Do they have doughnuts?" Tony asked quietly.

"I think they have chocolate frosted."

Tony gave Rhodey a wide smile as the memory faded.

A groan distracted everyone from the disappearing scene. Tony, it seemed, decided to finally wake up.

"Ugh, my head." Clint groaned. White sound and a sharp pain had everyone groaning.

Infirmary, S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier

When Tony woke up, he recognized the sterile smell immediately. The second thing he noticed was that he was sleeping with one other person on the bed.

"Tones?" The voice was soft and gentle. "You feel okay?"

Rhodey, Tony realized. That was his honey bear.

"Rhodey." His throat was dry.

"Here." There was a straw near his mouth. Now, slowly, Tony opened his eyes and looked around. Most of the team was sprawled across chairs, all sleeping.

"Loki and Thor are back on Asgard," Rhodey whispered. "They had to talk with their dad."

Tony nodded.

Rhodey sighed and softly spoke again. "Tones, I'm so sorry."

Before Tony could interrupt him, the Colonel kept going. "I should have known better than to talk to you like that. You worked so hard to be able to say what's on your mind and I went and ruined it. Everyone feels bad about telling you to be quiet. I'd get it if you don't want to talk to us for a while." His voice cracked. "I'm just so sorry Tony. I'm sorry."

Tony thought for a moment. He wasn't sure why Rhodey would feel this bad, he was right to tell him to shut it. He wrapped his arms around his best friend and buried his face in his chest.

"Honey bear," Tony's voice was rough and muffled. "Stop it and hug me."

Rhodey did as asked and held him tight. After a few moments, he spoke again. "Y'know that they're going to be finding ways to apologies to you, right?"

"Sure," Tony answered, falling back to sleep. "I don't get why but sure."

Tony spoke again, his voice heave with sleep. "Since you feel bad and all. does that mean you'll do a series marathon with me?"

Rhodey's chest shook with his laugh. "Is this you trying to get me to watch those medical dramas again?"

"No..." A pause. "Yes..."

Arms tightened around Tony's shoulders. "Whatever you want. Got to keep my little brother happy after all. Hey, is there any ice cream in the freezer?"

"Mhm, on my floor." Tony said, "I can make apple tarts too."

Rhodey smiled at the almost asleep man. "Sounds good, Tony. Go to sleep before I call ma to yell at you."

"Liar," Tony was barely audible. "She'd never yell at me. Mama Rhodes would scream at you and say to stop bothering me."

He was right, of course. His ma treated Tony like her baby. "Just go to sleep or I'll call Pepper."


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