TEMPEST || genshin impact/tha...

بواسطة iloveunora

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Rimuru Tempest was suddenly teleported into the unknown world called 'Teyvant' because of this 'Unknown God'... المزيد

The Outlanders Who Caught the Wind
Shadow Over Mondstadt
For a Tomorrow Without Tears
Wild Escape (for a certain bard, outlander, and a pixie)
Behind The Scene
Chasing Shadows
State of the Holy Lyre (and Venti gets a nickname!)
Gathering the Tears
Reunion with the Dragon
Abyss Mage
Empty Abode
Calm Before the Storm
A Long Shot
When the wind dies down

Shadow Over Mondstadt (pt.2)

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بواسطة iloveunora

Rimuru stared at the huge tree, feeling peaceful. Every time he went here, it's always peaceful unless you suddenly got hit by a mischievous, strange Hilichurl. Perhaps, one day, I can take my students here and have a picnic. He smiled at that.

"There he is." Rimuru said, pointing at Venti, who have this peaceful expression. Did we ruin his peace? 

"Oh? What are you doing here?" Venti asked, noticing them approaching him. "Thought I was just wondering if you would happen to follow me."

"I want to know more about the Anemo God." Aether said, serious.

He's literally in front of you. Rimuru thought, crossing his arms. 

[ I see that you figured it out ]

Of course I did! Also, Raphael-san you traitor. This is the first time you disobeyed. Rimuru told Rapahel/Ciel, half-joking.

[ I wanted to test your brain ]

Rimuru gave them a deadpan expression. I... see. No, he doesn't.

"You speak of the God of Anemo, Barbatos? He already disappeared from Mondstadt a long time ago." Venti said, confused. 

Rimuru gave him a deadpan expression, which the bard noticed. You and I both know that ain't true. 

"Liyue and Inazuma's respective gods of Geo and Electro are still present, but Mondstadt has seen many a moon since they last saw their own god." Venti explained. "Why do you wish to know about the God of Anemo? Does it have something to do with Dvalin?" 

Rimuru nodded. "Yes."

"Oh... ahhh... it's because gods..." Paimon said, a bit unsure.

"Yes, someone told me about Dvalin's past." Aether said, causing Rimuru to look at him. Nani!? Raphael-san, do you have any info about Dvalin?? We know that he is one of the four winds, and he used to be one of the Anemo Archon's best friends. 

Man, I really need to go to the Library. T^T.

"Just how is it that everyone sees Stormterror? I'm quite curious." Venti said while Rimuru glanced up in the sky, sensing something. "That said, there's no need to rush. I have not been back in a while, it seems there are a few who are unhappy with my arrival." 

Aether and Paimon also looked up to see an Eye of the Storm.

Rimuru appeared in front of them and unsheathe his katana. "I see that you have returned." He gave it a dark smirk, causing the Eye of the Storm to kind-of shiver in fear. "Care to have another round--eh??" 

Rimuru blankly stared at the fleeing, scared Eye of the Storm. 

Hmph! Coward! Veldora crossed his arms in anger. 

Aether and Paimon went after it while Rimuru stayed with Venti. "So, you're the Anemo Archon." Rimuru bluntly said, startling the bard- the Anemo god. 

Venti froze, but quickly composed himself. "You must be mistaken. I am but a normal bard." He laughed it off. How did he figure it out!?!? He thought. 

This guy... Rimuru deadpanned at him. "You may be able to fool everyone in Mondstadt, but you can never fool me." He said, narrowing his sharp eyes on Venti, who stiffened at the aura Rimuru was leaking. 

This guy... is terrifying! Venti nervously gulped and sighed in defeat. "How did you know?" 

Rimuru smiled, taking his aura away, much to Venti's relief. "It's quite obvious. I saw you speak with the dragon as if you know him for a very long time. Your performance earlier. The story that you've told. You gave the same energy as the Anemo Statue, and you're Vision is Anemo." Rimuru pointed it out. "Besides, you're connection with Anemo is stronger than anyone."  

Venti chuckled. "You're very smart. Now that you know who I am," His eyes turned dark and turned to Rimuru. He looked so serious for once. "Who are you?

Rimuru darkly smirked. "Why don't you figure it out~?" 

"Can you two stop eyeing each other? Ugh, get a room." Paimon's voice snaps them out of whatever that is. 

"Sorry, sorry~ hehe." Venti scratched the back of his head, sheepishly. 

"So, how was it?" Rimuru asked about Aether's ability and skill. 

"I still got it." Aether smiled, relieved that his swordsmanship haven't turn to dust. But his power is still sealed, which is a bummer. 

But... He looked at his hands. I got a new one.

"Seems the dragon wasn't the only thing affected by this change in the wind." Venti said. "Now then, you were saying someone had told you about the dragon?" He asked, remembering their conversation before they were interrupted.

Aether explained what Lisa told them. 

Venti hummed. "Is that so? Quite the scholar I must say, that Lisa. She's not wrong. The conflict has reached this point, only because both sides have resorted to the use of force."

May the force be with you. Veldora butted in.

Rimuru forced down a laughter. You mustn't laugh! You mustn't, you mustn't, you mustn't! 

Venti continued, although he glanced at Rimuru, who was looking blankly while his shoulders was slightly shaking. "His hate, however, did not arise from the people not making tribute to The Four Winds. Nor was it born from his own nature, but instead came about as a product of his degradation." 

"Degra... dation?" Paimon was confused as Rimuru finally sobered up and mentally punched Veldora. 

"The black blood flowing through his heart has been torturing him for years." Venti answered. "That's what has allowed him to be led astray by the lies of the Abyss Mage."

"I think I've seen them before. They were guarding Stormterror's lair." Rimuru said. 

"You've been to Stormterror's lair!?" Venti was shocked. Who is this guy???

Rimuru nodded. "Yes. I need to destroy something there." 

"I think I've heard of the Abyss Mage before in Mondstadt." Aether mumbled. 

"Correct. They are from the Abyss Order, an organization comprised of non-human beings. They despise humankind." Venti answered Aether.

"Where did they come from?" Rimuru asked. He was quite curious about these Abyss Mages and their origins. He could still remember what happened when he consumed one of them. 

He could remember screams.

Many people dying as if they were massacred.

People crying and begging. 

People cursing at the Archons

And a flash of blond. 

Something isn't right. Rimuru frowned. Why would they curse at the Archons? Could it be... that the archons are the one who massacre them? That would make sense, but why? And that blond... who are they? 

"I don't know where they come from. All I know is that they hold deep hatred towards the human world." Venti said, making Rimuru's trust on the Archons wavered a little. 

[ Rimuru-sama, the Anemo Archon is hiding something ] Raphael said and that's all it takes for Rimuru to not trust the Archons. If Raphael-sensei said that then it's the truth.

But I still couldn't understand why would they kill those people. 

"Many hilichurls out in the wild take orders from them and act as their weapons." Rimuru listened to what Venti was telling them. "Before arriving here, I too was like Dvalin, cursed and left to waste. But now, before us stands the Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero, the place from which Mondstadt rose. The wind amongst the branches is good, I love the way it smells. Being here with you beneath this great tree feels like when the tear was purified earlier. Like the poison is leaving my body." Venti said with a peaceful smile. "Mmmmmmm... Feels much better." 

He got poisoned? It's probably because we interrupted. Rimuru sweatdropped. 

"So... how exactly did you get poisoned?" Paimon asked. 

"Ahh... that would be because I tried to communicate with Dvalin earlier, but was... interrupted." Paimon and Aether winced, sheepish. "As a result, not only did I not manage to help Dvalin break his curse, but instead, was also infected myself!" Venti frowned.

"Oh, ah... that..." Aether scratched his cheeks, avoiding Venti's eyes. "That was ...us?" 

"Yes, it was you guys!" Venti doesn't look mad anymore and smiled. "So, to make up for it, Aether, Rimuru, you're coming with me to the Cathedral!" 

"The Mondstadt Cathedral? To do what exactly?" Paimon asked, confused. 

"To claim a certain "Holy Lyre der Himmel."" 

Why do I have a bad feeling about this? Rimuru shared a glance with Aether as Paimon agreed. 




"So this... "Holy Lyre der Himmel" is...?" Paimon trailed off, confused.

"One of the most treasured items in Mondstadt. It's the lyre that Barbatos used to play." Venti answered, ignoring Rimuru's eyes. You mean the lyre you used to play. "With it, perhaps I can help Dvalin draw his gentle nature back out of this nightmare he's going through."

"Will it really stop Stormterror from causing more damage?" Paimon was skeptical. 

"Of course. I'm the best bard in the world." Venti smirked with pride. "There's not a single song I do not know, no matter if it's from the past, present, or future." 

I'm 100% sure that you don't know the songs in the Modern world like Arianna Grande's songs or BTS. Rimuru thought, remembering those beautiful songs and Arianna's godly voice. 

Hey, Raphael-san. Do you think we can copy those songs? And make a cellphone or something? 

[ there's nothing I cannot do, however I am missing materials for that, Rimuru-sama ] Raphael-san explained. 

I see. Thank you. I'll get those materials. Rimuru mentally smiled. 

"Look me in the eyes. Do you not find me trustworthy?" Venti said, his eyes sparkling. 

"I still don't trust you." Rimuru bluntly said, causing Venti to be hurt (fake). 

"The color of your eyes is like the sky in my hometown." Aether confessed. 

Venti laughed, regaining his composure. "Hahaha, that one doesn't work on a bard." 

"So how can we get the Holy Lyre?" Paimon asked. 

"Yeah, I've been wondering how are we going to get the Lyre." Rimuru said, deep in thought. 

"It's said that it's enshrined deep within the Cathedral, somewhere safe. I'll go take a look around. You can come if you want." Venti said as they went inside the Cathedral. 




"Let me handle this..." Venti said to them before walking towards one of the nuns. "Hello there, Sister." 

"May the Anemo God bless you, young bard. How can I help you?" Sister Gotelinde greeted.

"Actually, I know a secret that can save Mondstadt from its current predicament." Venti admitted. 

Sister Gotelinde gasped. "Oh, what a blessing from the God of Anemo!" 

If only you know that the bard in front of you is the god you worship. Rimuru sighed. 

"But you should report that to the Knights of Favonius. Why have you come to me?" Sister Gotelinde said, confused. 

"Hahaha, because you, dear sister, are able to help!" Venti said, this guy is a master of fluttery. "I'd like to borrow... the Holy Lyre. With it, I'll be able to help Stormterror–" 

He was cut off when Sister Gotelinde refused. "Please see yourselves out." 

I knew this won't work out, especially since the sisters seems to dedicate themselves to worship the Anemo Archon. Rimuru thought. 

"What?" Venti recoiled in shock and confusion. Didn't they want the Stormterror's case to be solved?

"It's a vicious dragon indeed, but once the Acting Grand Master makes up her mind, nothing can stand in the Knights' way." Sister Gotelinde said.

"That's simply not acceptable. Wouldn't Stormterror end up getting killed that way?" Venti said, slightly angry. 

"That foolish beast betrayed the winds. Not even the God of Anemo themselves would forgive it!" Sister Gotelinde firmly said, frowning. 

Rimuru refrained himself to facepalm. Wow, the irony of this situation. 

"Wow." Even Venti looked so irritated with this before putting his innocent face. "Please, I beg of you!" He pleaded. 

"I'm afraid not, little bard." Sister Gotelinde said, but she did feel bad. Strange... Somehow I feel so bad rejecting this sweet child... 

Strange, indeed. 

"Then... I guess I'm left with no other choice." Venti sighed, disappointed. "I cannot hide anymore!"

"Oi, oi, oi, don't tell me..." Rimuru couldn't believe this guy. 

"My disciples, rejoice! Behold, the God of Anemo, Barbatos has descended!" Venti revealed his identity. 

You... moron! Didn't you see a goddamn Fatui agent/diplomat here!? Rimuru facepalmed. 

"Shocked, aren't you? Don't you just want to cry out and rejoice? How does it feel to finally meet the god you've been serving?" Venti said with a joyful tone, he didn't even notice the disbelieving stares of Aether, Paimon, and Sister Gotelinde. 

You idiot, read the room! Rimuru sighed. At this rate we won't be able to get the damn Lyre. 

"If there's nothing else, I'll be going back to handle the Cathedral's paperwork now." Sister Gotelinde coldly said as the bad feeling she felt for Venti disappeared. 

"Wait–" Venti tried to stop her, but she walked away from him. 

"There goes our chance of forcing her to give us the Lyre." Rimuru gave Venti a smile. "Great job, Anemo Archon." 

Venti pouted in irritation. "I'd like to see you try." 

Rimuru laughed, tho it sounded fake. "Don't cry when I succeeded, Barbatos." 

Aether and Paimon cleared their throat, snapping them out of it. "What is up with you two!?" 

"Nevermind about that, let's go back to the main topic." Rimuru said, turning back to his serious mode. "We didn't get the Lyre, but she didn't deny that the Cathedral is enshrining the Holy Lyre." 

Venti nodded. "Now, Aether, Rimuru, since you two are the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius. Maybe you guys can give it a shot." Venti said before disappearing.

Rimuru and Aether walked towards Sister Gotelinde, who immediately noticed them. "Barbatos bless you." 

"Hello." Aether greeted her with a smile. 

"Ah, it's you! The newcomers of the Knights of Favonius, aren't you?" Sister Gotelinde exclaimed. 

"Yep, we are the Honorary Knights of Favonius. I am Rimuru Tempest, and this is Aether (the Traveler) and Paimon." Rimuru introduced them. 

"So what brings you here? Tasks from the Acting Grand Master?" Sister Gotelinde asked, confused. 

"Yes, actually. The Knights of Favonius would like to borrow the Holy Lyre." Aether said with Rimuru nodding. 

"Is that so? Not that I don't trust you. It's just that a suspicious bard came looking to borrow the Holy Lyre as well." Sister Gotelinde said as Rimuru inwardly curse the cheeky bard. "He's full of nonsense and even called himself Barbatos. He must be up to something. There are regulations in place for the use of the Holy Lyre. Currently, it's only used in Ludi Harpastum." 

"Ludi what now?" Rimuru was confused before shaking his head. "Is there anyway to borrow the Lyre?" 

"Yes. In order for you to have the Holy Lyre is signed documents from the Grand Master, Seneschal, and Community Representative are all required." Sister Gotelinde said. "So, may I see the document from the Knights of Favonius?" 

But... that'll take a lot of time. Rimuru sighed. Looks like we have to take that damn Lyre with force. 

"The Grand Master didn't mention it." Aether said, frowning. He doesn't want to wait too. 

"A signed document is required. Without it, there's not much I can do." Sister Gotelinde answered. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I really am quite busy as of late."

Rimuru nodded, grimly. "I see. Thank you for your time, Sister Gotelinde."




"Looks like we're gonna have to steal that damn Lyre."  

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