winter&summer [] Elsamaren fa...

By zxM31K0_

856 16 47

so- this wont make any sense bc i dont have anything planned out? so ima just go w/ the flow and write. this... More



63 2 2
By zxM31K0_

Anna smiles and tilted her head, "Elsas coming."

"They'll be there coming for you Elsa."

Elsa began walking towards the cave thing. "Anna?" She calls out, not as loud as if you can hear it all the way from the campsite. "Anna~! C'mon your making me worried sick.." she gulps as she picks up the pace. She hears the alarming cracks of the twigs and the small leaf piles.

Elsa continued walking, her mind drifting off to Honeymaren from time-to-time. That is until she reached the cave, she heard slight sounds small creatures made. "Hey Anna, y'here?" she whisper-yells. The sentence echoed through, all the creature-like sounds ended all of a sudden. She took in a shaky breath and stepped in, she held her lamp out infront of her to lead the way.

"Anna..?" she asks in an unsure voice, she stepped around carefully. Maybe Honeymaren knows about this place and can guide me through? she thought, well if she knew this cave well, im sure its okay and safe.

But we are pretty deep in the forest.. she gasps as she sees a colourful orb in the middle, the place was pretty cramped. "Is this place what Honeymaren was talking about? Now i understand how she feels.." she shudders, she held her lamp around the circle of trees.. or.. cave. She places the lamp down and looked around to investigate.

She went to the back area, it had a pretty big hole between trees, like recently someone scratched their way out. She bent down on her knee and ran her fingers through the sharp wood, she peeks in the hole, nothing but darkness.

Then the fire went out of her lamp that was reflecting good light, she looks back suddenly at the orb. "Well who's this?" a voice chirps in, Elsa snapped her attention to the direction of the voice. "Who's.. there?" She stood up and walked slowly towards the voice. Yet another creepy voice piped in, "Is she a friend of the last kid?"

Hone-"-ymaren.." she blurts out, she shook her head. "Wheres my sister? and who are you?!" She yells out, activated her ice.

"Whats your name, dear?" A voice asks, from behind her. "None of your concern.. now -- Tell me where is my sister, Anna." she demanded.

The whispers of each different voices chattered, "It's Elsa.. the one they have been looking for." a voice trembled beside her, she held out her hand to her left, yet nothing but another thick trunk. She inhales deeply, "Who is this they?"

No answer, "I said.. Who is this they?!" She asks more harshly this time, yet still no answer.

"Fine.. where is my sister? Do y'know where or who she is? Maybe her name may help you recall, -- Anna-"

"Elsa!!" Anna appeared out of no where, Elsa snaps her attention to her, yet her voice seemed deeper. "Ann-"

Anna crashed onto Elsa, "Ive missed you so much! I'm sorry i left -- i didnt mean to.."

"Hey its fine," Elsa began, she made a small ice protection shield around them two. "It's okay, i got you.." She smiles, and hugged Anna. "Also.. your voic-"

Anna pulls away from the hug, "Oh.. uhm.. its nothing. Sore.. my throat was sore from yelling too much." She mumbles, Elsa looked deep in Anna's eyes and they flickered black and white slightly. Woah.. am i seeing things?- "Lets get out?" she asks, Elsa nods and evaporated the ice.

She activated her ice once more and waved her hands to make a source of light to lead them away from the cave of trees. "Youre okay now, right?" Elsa rested her hand on Anna's shoulder as a sign of comfort. Anna nodded, she smiles.
"I'm relieved now, actually. You came to save me, thats sweet."

"Mhm, Honeymaren said i shouldve came looking for you in the morning.. if i followed what she said, i dont think you'd be okay-"

"Dont let Honeymaren manipulate you Elsa."

"Shes not ordering me," Elsa hisses, "She doesnt know how much i was worried for you anyway-"

"I'm sure she knows exactly how you feel, did you ever think that Honeymaren might be trying to make you follow her demands? or her orders?" 'Anna' asks, smirking in the inside.

Det er arbejder..

"She'd never do that.." Elsa became suspicous of Anna, she squinted her eyes and stared intensely into Anna's eyes. Flickered.

"Why are your eyes flickering?" Elsa stepped away from her a bit, "What d'you mean?" Anna picked up the pace a little.

Elsa stopped Anna, "Quick test.. how did Father and Mother die?"

"They planned to cross the dark sea to Ahtohallan, find the answers about your powers.. Why did you even bring that up?" Anna frowns, Elsa frowns too. "Well.. whats --or who -- is our main Christmas tradition?"

"Olaf..? -- Okay, this is stupid-"

"What did Honeymaren do when we first met?"

"You hung out at a campfire, pretty cute though." Anna snickered, Elsa rolls her eyes. "i mean, when we first first met."

"Uhh.. you two had a fist fight..?" Anna smiles awkwardly, Elsa points her eyebrows, "Who are you?" she hisses, pinning 'Anna' to a tree firmly.

"I'm your sister, you dont treat siblings like this you assh-"

"Elsa..?" Honeymaren snuck up from them, "What going o-"

"Maren, leave. This isnt Ann-" Anna pushes Elsa off, catching her off guard. "Anna!" Honeymaren yells, "What are you doing?!"

"Mare. Leave. Now." She hissed, she waved her hands and wrist, to create an ice force to push Honeymaren out. "Wait! Elsa!" Her voice drowning and fading away.

Elsa stood up, she flicked her wrist and magicked a small shield, "I dont want to hurt you, whoever you are. Just give me back my sister!" She demanded, keeping aware.

"But i am your sister!" Anna grins, she held her arms out open. Trying to convince Elsa it is her sister, "You dont believe your own sister, Anna?"

Elsa ran up to her and grabbed Anna's wrist, she tackled her to the ground and made her some wrist shackles. "Tell me now." She demands once more, the sounds of the shackles icey chains clank together as 'Anna' struggles to get away.

Elsa flipped Anna over and made an ice sword, she stared into Anna's eyes and noticed brighter flickering.

Anna's breathing went heavy and looked around, "Els.. Elsa.."
Elsa notices her normal voice, it wasnt high nor low. Exactly how she had remembered it.

They both stood up and hugged, "I'm glad youre okay now, please dont go running off again.." Elsa whispers.

Anna smiles and hugged her tighter, "I'll be more careful then."

She smiles, creepily this time, and on the subject of time..

Everything has stopped.

Except for Anna and a moving shadow, the shadow faced infront of Anna.

The shadow manipulated Anna, into saying the same things he said, without making her eyes flicker.

"They'll be there coming for you Elsa.."

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