PHILTATOS // Foolish X Reader

By Lillianna1125

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THE FALL OF AN EMPIRE BOOK TWO -- Approaching Anoitos' temple again, you opened the door, turning as you step... More

Beginning Notes
Ending Notes


10.1K 811 706
By Lillianna1125

The colosseum was crowded - as it always did, in your experience. You kept close to Foolish as you joined the crowds of people streaming into the terraced seats, following in his wake. It was easy to keep close to him in the throng - he towered above the rest of the gathered citizens, and was broad enough that people moved to get out of his way. It was almost like they knew, subconsciously, that he was a god.

You found seats in the middle of one of the terraces - what would have been a decent view down into the arena, if you had been able to see over the heads of the people in front of you. Foolish had no issue seeing down to the sand (and being honest, you were a little bit glad that you couldn't see down into the ring - you weren't eager to see another round of citizens meet their bloody ends).

Foolish seemed excited though, his eyes darting over the people that were gathered on the terraces around you. "There are so many people..." He noted. "And they all look so different."

You nodded. "Before the city was like it is now, all sorts of people used to come here looking for work, or for better lives." You said. Back then, the city had been a haven for people seeking refuge, or just wanting to build better lives. Thinking about it now though, having so many people come from other lands might have contributed to the crowds of people living in the streets. "It was a completely different place when I was younger."

"I wish I could have seen it then." Foolish said. "If this is the city at it's worst, the best must have been truly something."

You smiled, flashes of the city from when you were small dancing through your head. The poets that would sit on the street corners, regaling the passerby with tales of the gods and heroes. The way you could barely see the mosaic tiles on the agora floor because of how vendors carts used to be overflowing with their wares. The festivals that used to fill up the holidays, frivolity filling the streets instead of poverty.

You train of thought was broken when a roar picked up from the crowd. It seemed the whole colosseum leaned forward at once, peering down into the sand as the day's champion entered the ring. Through the heads in front of you, you caught a glimpse of curls draped across strong shoulders, glided armor catching the noon sunlight and reflecting it back. It wasn't until Foolish spoke that you were truly sure who it was though.

"Their eyes..." Foolish said, squinting down at the champion. "They're one of Logios' chosen?"

It was Ceres then. Champion of champions, ruler of the shadows, and the caesar's favorite. A glorified executioner, really.

You were not looking forward to watching this fight.

Ceres took their place in the center of the ring, the light catching on their wrist bracers as they stretched out their shoulders, waiting for the first contestant to enter from the other side. It was a long moment before a man came stumbling out, clutching onto a sword like it would save him on it's own. It was little things - like how long it had been before one of the prisoners had stepped out into the sand - that had changed since the old warden had run off.

The crowd roared again as the fight began, and even though you were having a hard time seeing as it was, you kept your eyes trained on Foolish, avoiding the sand below you. He, however, was focused solely on the arena, eyes bright. For a moment, you swore his teeth looked sharper than normal.

But another cheer from the crowd made your eyes flick away for a second, and when you looked back, whatever you had seen was gone.

Though you weren't watching, by the noise from the crowd around you, you could tell the fight was picking up. Everyone knew that the prisoner they had thrown in the ring would be no match for Ceres - the fights were purposefully unfair for a reason - and it was only a matter of time before Ceres got bored of chasing the man around and dove in for the kill.

Even though you weren't watching, you knew exactly when Ceres tore the man in two, just from the mighty roar that went up from the crowd.

Foolish grabbed your hand excitedly, looking away from the arena. "That was fun! A little unfair, but whoever the winner is puts on a great show."

"I'm glad you're liking it." You said.

Foolishs' grin turned confused. "Liking? It's over isn't it - there's a winner?"

The crowd roared again as the next contestant entered the ring.

"Oh no." You said. "Foolish, it's not just one fight - it used to be like that, but now... they'll kill hundreds a day."

Foolishs' gaze turned back to the arena, watching as the next prisoner in line entered. "Surely you can't have that many criminals?"

"The streets are so full they stopped caring so much." You said. "It could be the smallest crime - you could just speak out of turn, and a guard will tote you off the prison underneath the ring."

"But that's a death sentence." Foolish said.

You nodded.

You watched as Foolish worked through the thought, his face falling as he realized what sort of fight exactly this was. It wasn't what he had been thinking at all - this was not a just contest between the accused and a champion of justice, it was a full scale execution.

When Foolish looked back to the arena, the gleam that had been in his eyes was gone. The look now was something of horror as he watched Ceres hunt down the second contender, killing him ruthlessly. You squeezed your eyes closed as another roar from the crowd went up, and more blood spilled onto the sand below.

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