Secrets and Suspicion (Book 1)

By euphoriahh

169K 5.5K 1.2K

After three years of Padmé and Anakin Skywalker being married, suspicion rises between others close to Both A... More

The Plan
Injury on the Battlefield
Double the Pain
Author's Note
Big News
Little Acts of Love
A Mix-Up and a Search
Another Close One
The Warning
Separatist Spies
The Least Expected Visitor
The Council's Greetings
The Average Couple
Typical Interruptions
To Rescue a Youngling
Love is All You Need
The Chosen One
Truly & Deeply
Classic Sarcasm by Yours Truly
Ways to Say Goodbye
Jedi Camp
Forgetting Something?
Won't Let Go
The Countdown
Still Young
New Report
Miracles: They Do Happen
Soft Voice
Late-Night Reunion
Safe Haven
Bottomless Pit of Good News
A Padawan's Celebration
An Urgent Request
Unconditional Love
Bittersweet Memories
Birthday Surprise
Love Accepted

A Sweaty Jedi and a Funny Droid

2.6K 96 9
By euphoriahh

Anakin came home dripping with sweat from being at the gym. Before he walked in the door, he could already hear girly laughing. He hesitated, but then opened the door.

When he stepped over the threshold, he saw Padmé and Ahsoka laying on the couch laughing, C3PO standing in front of them.

He walked closer and stood next to the golden droid with his arms crossed. "What's so funny?"

When Ahsoka could finally catch a breath, sighing with laughter, she answered him. "Just 3PO," she said, laughing more.

"Okay..," Anakin said, walking into the kitchen to get some water.

Ahsoka followed him soon after he reached the kitchen. "Okay, so..." she took a deep breath, still laughing. "He's explaining to us ho-" she started laughing again.

Anakin rolled his eyes, turning around and pouring water his glass. "How about you just tell me later when you can actually talk, okay?" He turned back around, raising the glass to his mouth.

"Anakin," Padmé called, also laughing. "You should come listen to 3PO explain what it's like when he's around you and I."

Ahsoka let out another loud laugh.

"What are you talking about?" Anakin asked, walking into the living room.

"Just listen," Padmé said.

So Anakin had to sit for ten minutes listening to C3PO's vision of what it was like when Anakin and Padmé kissed and when they talked flirty and whole bunch of other things they did that Anakin didn't want to hear about.

Anakin's hand held his forehead and his elbow was propped on the arm of the couch. "Okay," he groaned, with Padmé and Ahsoka laughing and laughing for the past what it felt like an hour. "It's not that funny." He got up and carried his glass to the kitchen. He looked at the clock. "It's 22:00 pm, don't you want to get in bed, Padmé?"

"Do I have to?" she joked. "Just kidding, I'm coming."

She and Ahsoka kept talking until Anakin walked out. "Goodnight, Ahsoka."

"Goodnight, Master."

Anakin smiled at her and he held his hand out to Padmé. She placed her hand in his and he pulled her up from the couch.

"Thanks," Padmé said, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Anakin said back.

Ahsoka stood lonely behind them and waited. Finally, she spoke up. "Guys! Hello? Where am I supposed to sleep?"

Padmé turned her head around with her hands on Anakin's arms. "Oh! You can sleep on the couch." She pulled her arms away slowly from Anakin and ran to the bedroom. She came back with two big, thick, soft blankets in her arms. She placed them on the couch. She also had brought a pillow out for Ahsoka to sleep on.

"Thank you guys so much. For everything," Ahsoka said.

Anakin turned from walking to his room. "Thanks for coming back to the Order."

She smiled as Anakin and Padmé walked away to their room. She soon realized that she was going to enjoy it back here in Coruscant being a Jedi a lot more than she thought.

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