Lambs for Slaughter Part 2

By dekat56

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Four months after the events of Lambs for Slaughter Pt. 1, The Darkness has been unleashed on the world, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Untitled Part 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

293 6 4
By dekat56

Lucifer smirked when the humans pulled their guns, expertly trained on their surprise guest. "Come on now, boys. Let's all play nice here. We wouldn't want a repeat of what happened at SHIELD, would we?"

The leader, Brock Rumlow, which Lucifer surmised within the first two seconds of arriving, hesitated, lowering his weapon a few centimeters. "You're...Lucifer? The actual devil?"

"In the flesh, baby," he agreed with a wide grin, stretching his arms out to the side as if presenting them with the prize that was himself. "And as the foremost expert on all things evil, I happen to know that you and your little STRIKE team buddies don't exactly 'fit in' with Captain Stars and Stripes and his merry band of do-gooders. Am I right?"

Rumlow's shoulders stiffened at the accusation, causing the other men in the room to straighten in response and tighten their grips on their guns. "I don't -"

And that immediate denial? It just pissed him off.

"DON'T LIE TO ME," Lucifer boomed, cutting him off abruptly as the walls and the glass between them rattled. He let loose a low hiss between his teeth, forcing his sudden spike of anger to trickle out with it. "I am the King of Deceit, the Father of Lies. It is impossible to pull one over on me, I can promise you that."

He flicked his wrist and all five men were forced to put their hands back down by their side and were shoved into their chairs. Lucifer himself pulled out a seat across from them and sat down, steepling his fingers beneath his chin. "Now that we're all comfortable," he drawled. "Let's try this again. Tell me, where do your loyalties truly lie?"

Rumlow swallowed thickly, casting a glance over to his teammates before returning his gaze to Lucifer. "Hydra. We are loyal to Hydra."

"Hmmmm," Lucifer hummed, his interest peaking. "Hydra. Originally a cult that worshipped the inhuman 'Hive,' at least until he was banished to a different planet by his enemies. His disciples were the ones to establish a secret society which endeavored to bring him back and destabilize the Earth so that the world would be ready for his return."

The humans before him blinked in surprise, as if Lucifer wasn't the one to sow the seeds of discord five thousand years ago. He scoffed.

"Hydra's symbol is inspired by what the secret society believed to be Hive's true form. They were wrong of course, but no harm done," he shrugged before continuing. "With the rise of Hitler, Johann Schmidt led his own Hydra cell and developed weapons with the help of Arnim Zola. He most certainly did more for that ancient society than any of his predecessors, which I've gotta admit, I found pretty damn impressive. That is, until the one and only Golden Boy brought him down back in the day."

Lucifer leaned forward in his chair, his gaze boring into Rumlow's. "But you know what Hydra's motto is, don't you? Cut off one head, two more will take its place. The society managed to thrive despite it's setbacks, even infiltrating the US government and its far-reaching military divisions, including SHIELD. That's quite a bit of power, but that's not enough for you and your men, is it?"

"I guess I shouldn't even bother to ask how you know any of this..." Rumlow responded, still looking uncertain.

Lucifer shook his head and sharpened his grin. "No, no you shouldn't. All you need to know is that I can take your little cult further than any of its founders, Johann Schmidt or Arnim Zola ever thought possible. I am the Lightbringer, the King of Hell, the Prince of Darkness. Under my rule, Hydra will succeed in its original mission to destabilize the world without anyone becoming the wiser until it is much too late."

Rumlow's eyes widened in surprise, and his entire body was drawn in towards Lucifer like a moth to a flame. " want to lead Hydra?"

The incredulous nature of the question had a smirk ghosting across Lucifer's lips. "After Amara is dead, I have plans, boys. Big, big plans. I don't plan on renting out this meatsuit for very long, and there are other chess pieces in play that I aim to manipulate. Say...the leader of the free world, for example?"

That had the STRIKE team members gaping at him in shock.

"You can possess the President of the United States?"

"I can possess anyone," Lucifer snapped. "As long as they give me permission, I am still an angel. But manipulation is my game, boys. They all say yes eventually." He shifted his weight so that his chin rested atop his fist. "Although the Winchester boys are surprisingly resilient to my manipulations. They've been a pain in my ass."

Rumlow cleared his throat and seemed to steel himself for what he had to say next. "And what do you want from us? Somehow I can't imagine that you would offer to infiltrate a place like the White House without something in return."

Lucifer popped an impressed brow. "Kid's smarter than he looks, boys." He pushed up to his feet and waited for the others to do the same. "Very well. I'll join your merry band of evildoers, and even slide into my place as the new figurehead, as long as you kill Dean Winchester before the day is over."

"What?" Rumlow's expression pinched. "Why do you want Winchester dead?"

Lucifer's responding grin was manic as he imagined everything Dean could achieve once he reached his true potential. The last remaining Knight of Hell living on the surface? The possibilities practically had him salivating. Hydra was only a small piece of the puzzle. Lucifer could conquer the world in a matter of years with his guard dog at his side to fight any and all battles for him. But first...

He offered his hand. "Does it really matter? Now, do we have a deal?"

After a moment of hesitation - "We have a deal."



Sam's heart leapt into his throat as the light died out from his brother's eyes.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

He's been forced to watch Dean die thousands of times in the past, the endless string of Tuesdays, the hellhound, and even Metatron, and it never once got any easier. It always felt like his entire world shuddered to a halt, much like it did when Chuck - God, burst into the church and stopped time right before their very eyes. He shoved off from the wall and scrambled towards Castiel, who was cradling Dean's head in his lap and pleading for Dean to wake up. Sam only had a passing flash of relief that his best friend was alive before the knife surged out of Dean's chest, and now all he felt was panic.

He crashed to the ground beside his brother and put two shaking fingers towards Dean's throat to check for a pulse, choking on a sob when he couldn't find one.

"I'm too weak," Cas mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief. "I wasn't strong enough to heal him."

A familiar cry of fury and a flurry of movement brought Sam's attention snapping towards the steps of the altar, where Bucky had tackled Rumlow - that son of a bitch - to the ground and had his metal hand wrapped around his throat.

"No!" Cas growled, his voice deeper and more gravely than when Lucifer was possessing him.

Bucky looked back over his shoulder with disbelieving eyes. "No?" He asked incredulously.

Cas didn't move from his spot, hands still laced gently behind Dean's head. "We need him alive, Sergeant Barnes. I remember his deal with Lucifer that led to his actions against Dean, but we need more information before I kill him."

Sam didn't even blink at the future threat to Rumlow's life. Cas was right, they needed to know why Rumlow had done this, why he'd betrayed them, before he died. And he would die, Sam was certain of that. He signed his death warrant the moment he went after Dean.

Bucky must have found some logic in Cas' words, because he grit his teeth and returned his attention back to the STRIKE team leader. He swiftly replaced his grip on Rumlow's throat with his flesh hand before bringing his metal one upwards to get enough momentum to smash into the man's face on the downward swing.

He was out cold in an instant.

"Steve," Bucky tapped the comm piece inside his ear and strode towards Rollins to check for signs of life, his eyes carefully avoiding falling on Dean's unmoving body. "Round up the rest of the STRIKE team. They're Hydra."

"What?" Steve responded, sounding out of breath and completely stunned. "How do you know that?"

Bucky swallowed hard, his voice cracking with emotion. "Because Rumlow killed Dean."

Steve swore and began barking orders to the other Avengers while Bucky moved on to destroying every piece of furniture inside the white stone church to take his anger out on.

Sam tore out his ear piece and closed his eyes before taking a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. He needed to think. So much had happened within the last hour, his brain was muddled down with images of monsters, Dean, Amara, Chuck, and Rumlow.

"Sam," Cas brought him out of his downward spiral. "We need to -"

"I know," Sam assured him. His hands shook as he took his phone out of the small pouch stitched into his tactical gear. He found his friend's contact information and pressed the phone up to his ear. "Hotch."

"Sam," Hotch's voice trembled with barely restrained grief. "Is he really -?"


"Will he -?"


"Can we -?"


Hotch let out an audible breath. "Tell me what you need."


Once Sam hung up the phone, he slid a comforting hand up Cas' arm. "We'll fix this," he swore vehemently. The angel nodded in tired determination, his skin still slightly grey and clammy from his recent bout of possession. Sam finally pushed up to his feet and frowned at Bucky, who was tossing a wooden pew towards the walls with a grunt.

"Bucky," he called out. When the super soldier halted in his tirade to meet his gaze, Sam instantly felt a rush of guilt. The man was panting with exertion and his eyes were rimmed stark red, although no tears had fallen. He and Dean had gotten particularly close over the course of the last few days, and if anyone deserved to know about Dean's...condition, it was Bucky. But it wasn't exactly an easy conversation to have, as Sam was discovering. "We need your help to carry Dean."

"Carry him where?" He asked tightly, back ramrod straight as he fell into attention.

Sam sighed and looked down at his brother. "Hotch will send us the location, we don't have much time."

When he looked back up, Bucky's brow had furrowed as he stepped closer. "For what, exactly?"

Sam exchanged a look with Cas, pausing for a moment before receiving a nod in return. He looked up to meet Bucky's gaze again. "We're going to bring him back."


Aaron took the phone away from his ear, mentally reading through the list Sam requested as Dr. Banner and Agent Coulson spoke in harsh whispers while Reid leaned against the threshold with his eyes fixated on the epoxied floor.

He cleared his throat, bringing three sets of worried eyes up towards him. "I'm going to explain a few things to you, and then we'll need to move very quickly. We don't have much time."

Dr. Banner and Reid glanced warily at each other while Agent Coulson watched Aaron with frightening intensity. "You certainly don't look like a man who just watched his friend being murdered." He looked towards Reid with a furrowed brow. "Neither do you. What am I missing?"

"What are you talking about?" Dr. Banner asked with a severe frown. He took his glasses off and cleaned them aggressively before shoving them back onto his face.

"The Mark of Cain has a unique effect on its bearer," Aaron explained after clearing his throat in preparation. "I'm sure you heard the dialogue between Dean and Amara when she hinted that he wasn't always human, and that he wouldn't be once his life was over."

Agent Coulson slipped his white-knuckled fists into his pockets. "Yes, though it does not make any more sense hearing it a second time."

"It means," Reid continued. "That Dean will come back as a demon." He paused when Dr. Banner and Coulson's eyes widened in shock. "It happened once before, a few months before the case in Cheyenne. The crossroads demon we encountered had hinted that someone in Hell wanted Dean to become a demon again. I honestly didn't think anything of it until..."

"Until Lucifer began showing interest in Dean," Aaron finished with a flash of anger. He should have put the pieces together much sooner, but he'd been too caught up with Amara's threat to pay him the proper attention. And now Dean was paying the price for his laziness. "Sam and Castiel were able to reverse the effects the last time, and we can do it again. Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of time. If Dean is not secured within the appropriate devil's trap before he wakes up, then he will be in the wind, and that cannot be allowed to happen."

"He really turns into a demon?" Dr. Banner asked with parted lips, the scientist within him roaring to the surface. "What is he like?"

Aaron shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't believe any of us truly want to find out." He looked towards Agent Coulson. "We're going to need to find consecrated ground where we can draw the devil's trap, and then we'll need handcuffs strong enough to hold a super soldier, three bags of Type O blood purified by a priest, and a sterile syringe. Can you get all of those things within the next half hour?"

The Avengers' handler nodded sharply and pulled out his phone, a ghost of a smirk touching his lips. "Welcome to SHIELD, Agent Hotchner. We can get anything."


Bucky grit his teeth as he stepped over the threshold back into reality. The sun hung low in the sky, casting hues of soft oranges and reds over the treeline of Central Park. The weather had turned with Amara and her brother's departure, a fresh wind carrying the storm clouds out of sight and the standing water covering the streets evaporating.

It was a sharp contrast to the warring emotions tangled up within Bucky's chest, because while it was beautiful once again outside, all he wanted to do was scream.

He had expected to find the remnants of a battlefield, much like the one he left when he followed the others into the church. Instead, at least fifty SHIELD agents littered the grounds, combing through every inch of the area to dispose of any evidence left behind. Bucky thought for an insane moment that he imagined the whole thing, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a truck being loaded with what looked like body-bags, and the remaining two STRIKE team members, Keller and Khan, were being guarded with their hands behind their backs by Wilson and Rhodes.

Dean was heavy in his arms as he started down the church steps, but the weight was insignificant in the wake of his rippling undercurrent of fury. It was palpable. Distinct. He wanted to rip Rumlow apart with bare hands and then shake Dean with a roar and berate him for not divulging his secret. For not trusting him enough.

But there was nothing to be done except begin the journey past the other Avengers, who were lined up on either side of him with expressions of grief and uncertainty. They didn't know that Sam was planning on bringing Dean back, and Bucky didn't understand it well enough to even think about explaining it to them.

He took a deep breath and made eye contact with his best friend as he stepped forward. "What happened, Buck?"

Bucky swallowed around a sudden lump in his throat and tried to parse through the muddled events of the last hour. The others would have only heard the audio, missing almost everything that happened behind the closed doors. "Lucifer's attack failed, so Amara got rid of him. Before Dean could finish her off for good, her brother showed up and talked her down. She left with him, and then -" he scowled, looking off to the side. "And then Rumlow killed Dean. We don't know why. The bastard is unconscious inside, so we need to bring him in for interrogation. Rollins is dead."

"I'm sorry," Steve told him, his blue eyes searching his own with morbid understanding. "I know you two had really connected."

"Don't be sorry," a familiar voice snapped from behind them. Sam had his arm around Castiel's waist, and the angel certainly looked worse for wear. Though despite the drawn face and obvious weariness, it was perfectly clear that this man was not Lucifer. His eyes had softened from the hard, manic gaze the team had seen previously, and his presence was more calming than distressing. Bucky understood why someone like Dean would want to be close to him.

Steve blinked in surprise, looking over Bucky's shoulder as the other Avengers watched the pair warily. "Excuse me?"

"I said don't be sorry," Sam repeated with a scowl. "Help me get Dean to the location Hotch and Agent Coulson sent. We're running out of time and trust me, none of you want to be near Dean when he wakes up if he's not strapped down."

"I'm sorry, what?" Clint barked, his grip tightening on his bow.

Tony had stepped out of his suit and was watching them with narrowed eyes. "Did you just say 'when he wakes up?' What the fuck does that mean?"

"How is that possible?" Strange asked, suspicion lacing his voice. His damn magic cloak billowed around him despite the lack of a breeze and somehow managed to look as dubious as its master.

Sam shoved forward, keeping his arm around Castiel, and nudged Bucky's back to keep him moving. "We'll explain later, I swear, but we're running out of time. Let's go, Sergeant, there are cars waiting for us."

Bucky cast his friends a final look before giving a sharp nod and starting off towards the line of SUVs that had pulled up to the curb. The Avengers followed close on their heels, probably to keep from missing any hint of what the hell was going on.

Thor moved to Sam's other side to help Castiel with a welcoming grin. "Tis good to see your mind returned to you, fellow warrior. I am Thor, god of thunder. I am in your debt for your sacrifice to stop the Goddess from destroying the World Tree."

"Nice to meet you," the angel flashed him a weak smile as he was herded into the front seat.

Sam drew back and gestured to Bucky. "Dean next, then I need you and Steve to sit on either side of him and keep him close in case something happens."

He and Stevie shared a grimace, but ultimately followed Sam's directions without complaint. It was...difficult, being so close to a lifeless Dean. He had enough experience around dead people to last a lifetime thanks to the war and his past as the Winter Soldier, but losing someone who actually understood what he'd been through - because they'd gone through something similar - was new to him. And it hurt. Fuck, it hurt. Ever since Dean's eyes had fluttered shut for the last time back at the church, Bucky had been steadfastly refusing to look at his friend. He couldn't handle it.

When Sam closed the last door behind him and snapped at the driver to start moving, Steve finally lost his grip on his patience. "I'm going to need someone to tell me what's going on, right now."

"The Mark of Cain," Bucky tried explaining without fully understanding it himself. "It protects him somehow. Apparently he -" he shook his head and flicked his metal wrist towards Sam, encouraging him to continue.

"If Dean is killed while bearing the Mark, it brings him back, but as a demon," Sam blew out through gritted teeth, as if it was extracted painfully. "It's happened once before, and it was nothing short of a nightmare."

The car was silent for a few moments as Steve took in the new information. "Obviously you were able to reverse the effects." It was a statement, not a question, and Bucky felt a flicker of hope deep within his chest at the possibility of fixing this.

"Yeah," Sam agreed with a frown, looking up towards the front seat to make eye contact with Castiel. "I spent six weeks thinking some demon had taken his body. After I tracked him down, I realized that he was the demon, and he definitely wasn't my brother anymore. Everything Dean cared about before - his home, the Impala, me," he licked his lips. "It didn't matter to him anymore. He was down to his most terrible base instincts and without a conscience or even a hint of morals to keep him from doing exactly as he wished."

"Did he..." Bucky started, unsure how to continue. How do you ask someone if their brother went on a horrific murder spree when he wasn't in control of his actions?

Unfortunately, Sam understood what he was trying to say, and nodded slowly with a pinched expression. "Yeah. If he didn't like someone, or if anyone attacked him, Dean killed them with the First Blade without a second thought. But what was worse, he was also a master manipulator. I've never seen someone completely psychologically and emotionally destroy another human being like Dean did to Cole Trenton."

"Is Dean capable of that when he's himself?" Steve asked.

"Oh yes," Castiel agreed. His low, rough voice was still lined with exhaustion. "Many people underestimate Dean, which is precisely what he wants. He's one of the most brilliant humans I've met during my time on Earth, and by far the most extraordinary. He's also a good person, and refuses to use some of his greatest gifts to hurt others. His demon counterpart, however, has no such qualms."

Bucky swallowed, glancing at Dean's slumped body out of the corner of his eye. "That's...disturbing."

"You have no idea," Sam mumbled over Bucky's shoulder. His head snapped up as the car slowed to a stop, and suddenly Agent Coulson was there opening the door for them.

He nodded to each of them even as the other Avengers pulled up behind them in the other SUVs. "Welcome to the Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, Sergeant Barnes. We're ready for you."


Hotch, Reid, and Dr. Banner were already inside the sanctuary, standing beside the completed devil's trap and a small table housing the supplies Sam had asked for. A metal chair stood alone in the middle of the drawn circle, so reminiscent of the last time they had to do this that Sam stuttered in his steps, causing Cas and Thor to pause as well.

"I know," Cas rumbled beside him. "But we have help. It won't be like last time."

Hotch and Reid led them to the first row of pews and guided Cas onto the wooden bench. As soon as his hands were free, Sam pulled Hotch into a fierce hug, clapping him on the back and trying to shove down the sudden wave of emotion that threatened to choke him. Reid was next, and Sam could hear the slight hitch in his breath as he pulled him close. He remembered that neither one of BAU agents had experienced Dean's death before, and as ridiculous and fucked up as it sounded, the first time was always the worst.

At least they had hope that they would get him back this time. Watching Dean get torn apart by hellhounds, for Sam no less, and not knowing if he'd ever see his brother again? It was torture. It broke Sam, leading him into a downward spiral of demon blood addiction and horrible, devastating decisions.

Never again.

He was thrust out of his thoughts when Bucky pushed past them with Steve on his heels, following Agent Coulson towards the devil's trap. The two super soldiers maneuvered Dean into the metal chair before looking back towards Sam for direction.

Sam sucked in a sharp intake of breath and pushed up to his feet, hiding his trembling hands by tightening them into fists. The other Avengers had found their way inside as well, but were smart enough to keep their distance, standing behind a few rows of wooden pews.

"Coulson said that those handcuffs are strong enough to hold a super soldier?"

Tony stepped forward with his arms crossed protectively over his chest and an incredulous brow raised. "Uh yeah, though I have no idea how he would know that, and I feel more than a little violated that Coulson dug around in my room. I modified them myself for..." he hesitated, glancing at Steve, who's cheeks were flushed. "Extracurricular activities."

Sam coughed to clear his throat awkwardly. "Right. Well." He gestured towards Dean. "Strap him down, then."

"If he's going to be stuck inside the devil's trap, why does he need to be chained down too? Isn't that a little overkill?" Steve asked as he and Bucky pinned down Dean's wrists.

"This process calls for a series of eight injections over the course of as many hours." Reid explained, pushing his glasses atop his head. "With each one, Dean will become more and more human, but he won't be fully himself until the eight injection is complete. After the fourth, the demon is still in control, but his blood will have changed enough to allow him to cross the line of the trap. If he's not strapped down when that happens, he'll try to kill us all."

"He's right," Sam agreed with a sigh and rubbed a hand over his face. "Last time he hunted me through the bunker with a hammer. At least now we've got two super soldiers to hold him down if he manages to break free."

Bucky cursed, the muscle in his jaw jumping as his eyes fell back on Dean. "We'll make sure nobody gets hurt. He would hate himself if things got out of hand." Everyone politely ignored the fact that he was very obviously speaking from experience.

Before Sam could open his mouth to say anything else, Dean's shoulders twitched, stiffening for a moment before deliberately relaxing. The sanctuary lights flickered ominously, causing the tension in the room to thicken between one heartbeat and the next.

When Dean opened his eyes, the Avengers closest, the two super soldiers and Thor, sucked in a sharp intake of breath, while the others leaned forward in interest and did a double take to ensure they weren't seeing things. Hotch and Reid's expressions were stony as they looked on with trepidation. Sam, and no doubt Cas, only felt the heavy blanket of dread settling itself over the sanctuary.

The demon smirked, slow and wide like he was in no hurry at all to free himself from his chains. "Miss me, fellas?"

Sam grunted, crossing the room in two easy strides and filling the syringe with practiced movements. When he stepped closer, Dean's pure, ebony black eyes narrowed.

"You really don't want to do this, Sammy," he warned, a teasing drawl lining his very serious threat. "How 'bout you drop that needle, and I won't rip your throat out with my teeth. I'd say that's a fair deal, don't you?"

"You're my brother, Dean," Sam told him through gritted teeth. Fuck, he hated the thing that took over his brother. He was nothing short of an asshole. "I'm not leaving you like this."

"Why fight it?" The demon argued with a condescending smirk. "Why keep fighting this? Because that's what's going to happen, Sammy-boy. With the Mark, each and every time I die, I come back like this, like I was always meant to. This is the real me, and you'll save yourself a lot of time and heartache if you'd just accept that."

Bucky's temper must have snapped, because he shoved forward and snarled at Dean. "No. Fuck no. This isn't who you are, not even close. We'll fix you, I swear."

Dean's cruel bark of laughter had everyone shifting back in recoil. "Oh that's just precious. Fucking precious. The brainwashed terrorist assassin thinks he's made a friend." He sneered, snorting haughtily. "Someone like you, Soldier, will never get your head on straight, no matter what the genius pool led you to believe. It'd be easier, and a hell of a lot more fun if you accept the fact that you can't drown your demons. They know how to swim."

"That's enough," Steve shot back, gesturing for Sam to get moving on the injection. Dean roared when Sam stabbed it into his neck and moved away quickly, away from his furious flailing and gnashing teeth. "One down, seven more to go."

"You, Captain," Dean spat with disdain, anger rippling off of him in waves, "are a man out of time. You think you carved out a nice piece of paradise here in the twenty-first century, with your high rise apartment and your billionaire tech boyfriend. But you and your bionic lap dog don't belong here, you never did. You belong in a world full of war and blood and death and you're both fucking kidding yourselves if you ever thought differently."

When Steve went rigid at the demon's words, Tony lunged forward as if to punch Dean's lights out, but Sam was quick enough to hold him back with a labored grunt.

Dean noticed their reactions and his grin grew even wider. They were giving him exactly what he wanted. "And Stark, I was hoping you'd be here. The Merchant of Death. Did you know that demons have been following your lead for years? Always looking for the next best way to slaughter innocent people. "You may have thrown your hat in with the so-called 'heroes', but no matter how many people you save, there's always going to be a special place in Hell waiting for you." Tony visibly trembled as the blood drained out of his face. "Who knows, maybe I'll even get a chance to try my hand at torture again. Alastair always said I had a knack for it."

Sam pinched the bridge of his nose and pushed against Steve and Tony's shoulders. Fuck, he needed to get everyone out of here right now before every last Avenger was hammered with abuse. The demon would hunt and sniff out the one thing each of these people was most sensitive about and exploit it in the most despicable way possible. And the worst part of all of this was that Dean was only getting warmed up. He wasn't desperate enough to play hardball yet, and once he was, nobody in the vicinity would remain unscathed. Sam knew that from experience.

It was telling that they all wanted to be here for Dean, to help out in any way they could. It proved that his brother had inadvertently managed to burrow his way under the Avengers' skin and make a place for himself there.

But they couldn't help him. Not now. Not with this.

Sam also needed to clear the room because there was no doubt in his mind that the demon wouldn't hesitate to spill the Winchesters' secrets if it meant getting the last word in. Nobody needed to know about their time in Hell or the disastrous decisions both of them had made when they thought they were doing the right thing, including Sam's addiction to demon blood and Dean selling his soul.

"Everyone out!" Sam ordered with a growl. "You all being here is only adding fuel to the fire. It's going to be a long night, and it will only be a hell of a lot worse if you stay. So please," he begged, running his fingers through his hair and pulling. "Get out."

Dean's harsh laughter filled the empty space between the sanctuary's walls. "Awh, what's the matter, Sammy? Don't want 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes' to find out that their new pet willingly took up the knife in Hell and broke the first seal that kickstarted the Apocalypse? They deserve to know, don't they?"

His sharp black eyed narrowed in on Bucky and the Avengers behind him. "I got bored of being cut into after so many years, so I tried my hand at the other side of the blade. And guess what?" He hissed. "I loved it. I was made for it. That's who I am, and who I will always be. A demon, a torturer. And the second I break free, I am going to rip each one of you to fucking shreds and then drag your pathetic souls to Hell to rot for the rest of eternity!"

The room was silent, Dean's low, rough chuckle of victory the only sound to be heard.

After a few moments Bucky nodded decisively. "Sam's right, everybody out. I'll stay here to make sure he doesn't leave the devil's trap. The rest of you can interrogate the remaining STRIKE team members about their Hydra connections and why they were working with Lucifer."

Steve agreed without further comment, wrapping an arm around Tony and leading him towards the exit. Thor, Natasha, Peter, Strange, Clint, Dr. Banner, and Agent Coulson followed wordlessly. Hotch and Reid spared Dean one last worried glance before following their lead.

Once they were gone, Sam blew out a breath of relief. At least now the others would be spared emotionally and psychologically. When Dean was human again, he'd have some bridges to mend.

"And then there were three."

"Shut up," Sam, Cas, and Bucky all growled in unison.


As Sam predicted, it was a long fucking night. Bucky was already running on fumes from his lack of sleep the previous night, and then after the longest day in history - including, but not limited to, Strange and the witch restoring the Mark of Cain, the subsequent storm and sparring practice, and the battle in Central Park - he was rightfully exhausted.

They were on the fourth dose when Bucky noticed that the demon hadn't directed one hateful word or spiteful comment towards Castiel.

He sharpened his gaze at the interesting development and made a point to ask Sam about it close enough to the devil's trap so that Dean could overhear the question. Sam's eyes widened at the realization. His head spun around while a ghost of a smile touched his lips. "You're right. He hasn't said anything to Cas."

The demon's jaw twitched, but otherwise he gave no outward indication that he'd heard them.

Sam zeroed in on the possibilities like a dog with a bone. He cocked his head and strode closer, just on the edge of the trap. "Why haven't you said anything to Cas?"

"Getting bored, are you?" The demon sneered.

"Don't be deliberately obtuse," Sam countered. "Have you just decided that he isn't worth your energy? Or is there another reason you won't attack him?"

"Is that an invitation?"

When Castiel struggled to push himself to his feet, Dean's bottomless black eyes snapped towards him and almost seemed to soften. Which...Bucky wasn't sure what to do with. Did the demon still have traces of affection for Castiel left over from his human feelings? If so, then why did he treat Sam with such obvious disdain?

"Dean," Castiel said, moving to lean against Sam. He was recovering slowly, but was still weak. "Are you - do you still..." he hesitated, frowning when he couldn't seem to formulate the appropriate words.

"Don't read too much into it, angel." Dean's lip curled suggestively. "Just because I don't want to rip your heart out of your chest doesn't mean I have pure intentions, if you know what I mean."

Bucky couldn't help but roll his eyes at the innuendo. Of course the demon was more concerned with sex than anything else. Probably thought insulting Castiel would ruin his chances of getting laid or something equally frustrating.

Castiel's expression dropped for a moment before smoothing out. As much as they all would hate to admit it, at least this new development was progress.


After the sixth dose, Dean had managed to gather enough force to break out of one of the handcuffs. Luckily they had been expecting something to go wrong, because how could it not, so Bucky was there within a fraction of a second to clamp his unrelenting metal hand around Dean's wrist and strap him down again with the help of new cuffs supplied by Tony.

The responding roar and slew of irate curses were disturbing, definitely more so than what they'd been assaulted with before, but Bucky ignored him with now practiced ease.

He just forced himself to remember that this wasn't Dean, not really. His friend was still in there somewhere.

A sudden thought struck him, causing him to scowl with a slap of understanding that this must be how Stevie felt when he found out the identity of the Winter Soldier.



As Sam stepped forward to inject Dean with the eighth and final dose, Bucky and Cas followed close behind. He was more than a little frayed at the edges. So much had happened in the last few days, and he was eager to be finished with it.

All he wanted was his brother back. They could deal with everything else after.

The seconds ticked by, bleeding into long, drawn out minutes. Before Sam could open his mouth to reassure Bucky that it had worked, to just be patient, Dean's eyes flickered open.

Bright, shining green greeted them.


Aaron only managed to suffer through a few fitful hours of sleep before he gave up and padded towards the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. To his surprise, Reid, Tony, and Steve were already lounging in the living room with their hands curled around steaming mugs.

Steve's lips twitched upwards. "Help yourself to the kitchen, Agent Hotchner. Tony brewed some coffee and Dr. Reid made tea."

After doing exactly that, Aaron carried his mug to the empty space beside Reid and nodded when his friend offered to share the large blanket between them. "Can't sleep?"

"Not tonight," Aaron sighed, his eyes flickering back up to the two Avengers. "I see you're having trouble as well."

Tony grimaced. "Every time I close my eyes I see..." he waved a hand out to the side as if to say 'you know, the demon's terrifying black eyes.'

Aaron hummed in agreement. "It was quite disturbing, to say the least. I wonder how they're faring. Sam has returned a few of my texts, but there isn't much of an update."

"They asked for another set of cuffs, just in case," Tony replied. "I spent a few hours in the lab earlier and sent three modified pairs along. They didn't ask for Steve's help though, so things haven't gone sideways yet."

"Were you there last time this happened?" Steve asked with a note of curiosity.

Both Aaron and Reid shook their heads. His friend sank further into the couch and wrapped the blanket more firmly around his legs. "No, that was before the case in Cheyenne. We saw the after effects though, and it was equally disturbing."

"He was severely on edge, and any hint of violence strung him out even further, as if he was an addict in desperate need of his next fix," Aaron explained, taking a sip of his drink. "The Mark had gotten a taste of what it was like for Dean as a demon, and it pushed and compelled him to return to that state. I fear it might be even worse this time around."

"Is there any way to help him?" Steve frowned, likely uncomfortable with the idea that Dean would be in so much pain after his recovery.

"I have no idea," Aaron answered honestly.

The four of them sat in quiet contemplation for the next hour or so while the dawn of the sunrise began inching through the floor-to-ceiling windows towards the furniture.

They were broken out of their silent reprieve when Aaron's phone went off. When he saw it was Sam calling, he clicked on the speaker and sucked in a bated breath.


"Yeah, it's me. We did it. Dean's human again."

The air left his lungs as if he'd been punched in the sternum, sheer joy flooding his brain with endorphins and undeniable relief. "Oh thank God. Is he okay?"

"Yeah, but he really needs some sleep. We're headed back to the tower now."

"Are you going to send him straight to bed?"

"I think that's the best option right now. He isn't in any state for visitors yet. Cas will be with him."

Aaron rubbed at his temple. He was disappointed that he'd have to wait to see Dean, but he understood the need for rest. Maybe now that Dean was better, the rest of them could try sleeping again. "Tell him I said I'm happy he's okay."

"Will do, thanks Hotch."

When the line clicked off, he glanced up at his companions, who all had matching tired grins. "Looks like it's good news."


Dean awoke with a gasp, the remnants of his nightmares burning a hole through his memory. He flinched hard when he felt a hand land on his bare shoulder, and Dean twisted abruptly to see Cas hovering carefully behind him, the sheets pooling at his waist.

"Are you okay?"

He swallowed thickly and choked on the wave of emotion that surged up his throat. Cas must have understood his unwillingness to voice his thoughts, because he simply tugged Dean down so that he could rest his head on the angel's chest, the constant thrum of his heartbeat calming Dean's own.

They slid together effortlessly, two puzzle pieces finding their other half. Dean had missed this with a fierceness he'd never be able to convey. Losing Cas to Lucifer was necessary, sure, but it hadn't made the separation any less heartwrenching. When he saw Amara rip Lucifer out of the vessel, he thought - he thought Cas had -

"Shh," Cas murmured in his ear, running a strong hand through his hair while the other brushed against his spine. "You're okay. I'm okay. We survived."

And they had.

It was a fucking miracle that everyone made it out of there alive - excluding Dean, of course, but the Mark of Cain had ensured his survival, even if it was through the worst possible way.

Yeah, they'd have the Mark's effects to deal with, and they would need to set up a game plan of shoving Lucifer back in the cage, but for now, they were alive and well. Sam was healthy, Hotch and Reid were in one piece, Bucky and the Avengers hadn't suffered any injuries or losses, and Cas was back in Dean's bed where he belonged.

He tilted his chin up to look up at his boyfriend, his brilliant blue eyes staring back at Dean as if he were the center of the angel's entire fucking world.

Dean's breath caught. Fuck, he loved him. More than he ever thought possible. There weren't words for how grateful he was that they found each other again, so Dean leaned forward to capture Cas' lips with his own. The sweet familiarity of the kiss had him tightening his grip on the bare skin beneath his fingertips, and his longing and desperation spiked as he surged closer to the angel. Cas responded in turn with a guttural moan, sinking his fingers further into Dean's hair and grasping the back of his neck possessively.

He needed this. Needed to be close to Cas, to feel him in and around him, to completely surrender himself to the angel's mercy. Dean needed to feel safe and secure and protected after losing himself so completely to the Mark.

"Please," he begged against Cas' lips, flailing against the angel's body in hurried, frantic movements.

Cas nipped at his bottom lip before drawing back a fraction of an inch to bring his forehead against Dean's. His pupils were blown, only leaving a glowing ring of blue as he stilled him and nodded.

"Anything, Dean. Anything."


After a few hours of restful sleep and another bout of sex in the shower, both Cas and Dean were back on their feet and mentally preparing themselves to face the day. They dressed silently, Dean trying to hide the slight tremor in his hand and failing miserably and Cas gauging how much of his grace had been restored after his possession, while watching Dean not-so discreetly.

Before they stepped out of the room, Cas tugged Dean closer and held him tight, burying his nose in the crook of Dean's neck.

Dean resisted for only a moment before relaxing in his hold.

"I wish I knew how to help you, Dean."

His angels' voice sounded so defeated and broken that Dean just wanted to play it off and tell him that he would be fine, that he would get better because it was the only option they would accept. But the truth was, he didn't believe any of that shit. Even if they did manage to break the Mark of Cain again with the same spell, there was no telling if Dean would survive the effects any better than he did against Amara's growing power. There was no doubt in his mind that he was in for another rough few months. What could he even do to make things easier? Maybe he would be forced into retirement to try and lessen the opportunities to use the First Blade, though Dean was fairly sure that the Mark would find a way to feed regardless of the safety measures he took.

Finally he sighed and inhaled Cas' scent, letting it surround him and offer him a small amount of comfort. "I know, Cas. I know. I'm still planning on talking to Wilson once a week. You know, the veteran counselor I told you about? Maybe that will help a little with my headspace."

Cas pulled back and gave him a small smile, cupping Dean's cheek. "I think that's a great idea. Who knows, maybe the others have an idea of how to help. Speaking of," he gestured towards the door. "They're probably anxious to see you in one piece again."

They were. The moment he stepped into the living room, he was bombarded with cheers, too-tight hugs, and hard slaps on the back from his team and the Avengers who were all waiting for him to emerge from his room.

They even welcomed Cas with equal fervor, which surprised Dean considering they'd spent the last few days being terrified of Lucifer. But the change between the two must have been as glaringly obvious to them as it was to Dean and Sam, so they shook his hand and asked about as many questions as the BAU team did when they first met the angel. His boyfriend looked a bit overwhelmed, but ultimately happy to be back in his vessel and close to Dean, if the fact that he hadn't been able to keep his hands off him was any indication.

Not that Dean was complaining.

They eventually migrated into the kitchen where Dr. Banner, Hotch, and Steve had made an enormous celebratory breakfast. The super soldier encouraged everyone to make themselves a plate and adjourn into the dining room. Hotch sat to Dean's left with his right arm slung across the back of Dean's chair while Cas took up his post to his right, a hand resting on Dean's knee. His brother, Reid, and Bucky were seated nearby while the other Avengers took their seats around the table and started up a conversation about the monsters they fought during the battle in Central Park. Dean let out a soft exhale of satisfaction and dug into his food.

He knew things would only get worse for him in the coming months, but for now, he could enjoy the moments he spent with his friends and family. That's what living was, wasn't it? Making the most out of the little moments?

As breakfast drew to a close, the ding from the elevator doors could be heard from down the hall. Everyone's attention drew towards the doorway, expecting to see Agent Coulson or perhaps Director Fury now that the immediate threat had been dealt with, but Sam, Dr. Banner, Hotch, Bucky, Dean, and Castiel all stiffened in shock when Chuck Shurley appeared before them, clad in loose jeans and a light blue button down with a red sweater vest. And converse.

God was walking around in fucking converse.

"Security breach!" Tony yelled around a mouthful of eggs.

Steve half-rose from his chair before Chuck held out a hand to stop him. "Don't get up, Captain, please. I won't be staying long."

"What are you doing here?" Sam rasped, wonder and a hint of fear lining his tone. His eyes had widened to the size of saucers, much like everyone else who was either present in the church or who had watched the live footage from Bucky's body cam.

Chuck shrugged, reaching a hand behind him to scratch at the nape of his neck. "I came to make things right. All of this could have been avoided if I'd just set my ego aside, but I wasn't ready yet. Amara and I have quite a few things to work out, but we'll get there."

Clint choked on a piece of sausage.

The others were frozen in place, watching the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"Anyway," Chuck cleared his throat and walked around the table to stop behind Dean, who twisted in his chair and watched the King of Kings with his mouth agape. "That Mark was a mistake, Dean. If you let me, I'd like to remove it."

Dean searched Chuck's pale blue eyes for any hint of deceit, but found none. Before he could even think to respond, both Sam and Cas were leaning forward and yelling, "YES!"

The corners of Chuck's lips twitched upwards as he spared them a glance before letting his gaze fall back on Dean. "Very well, then." He brought up his hand to rest two fingers against Dean's forehead, similar to how Cas liked to heal him, and a white-hot flash of light blinded the room.

Dean hissed as a searing pain tore through his arm for a fraction of a second before it dissipated, leaving only a warm, apologetic caress of energy. His eyes snapped open and his attention jerked down to the spot where the Mark of Cain was etched into his skin.

Except it wasn't there.

It wasn't there.

"Holy shit," he whispered, unable to tear his eyes away from the clear patch of skin.

"Holy shit," Hotch repeated beside him, and the others pounced. Chuck backed away with a low laugh while Cas, Sam, Reid, Bucky, and the other Avengers took hold of his arm and stared at the spot where the Mark of Cain had disappeared.

Finally, after several minutes of checking, and then double, triple checking that it was real, they all looked back up at Chuck, who was standing against the doorframe with arms crossed over his chest. A small smile touched his lips as he watched them warmly.

"You all have done well," he praised softly. "Especially you, Dean. You, Sam, and Castiel have always fought for what you believed to be right, and have suffered greatly over these past few years. Enjoy this time together with your friends and new allies." He shot them a wink, "I'm sure Amara and I will see you again, one day."

Between one heartbeat and the next, Chuck was gone.

"Holy shit," Dean breathed out again, his cheeks aching from his wide grin. He turned around once again to see everyone's expressions matching his own.

He was going to be okay.


He really was going to be okay.


Castiel despised being away from Dean, especially so soon after getting him back, but he couldn't let the matter lie. After a few hours celebrating with the BAU team members and the Avengers, Castiel pulled Sergeant Barnes and Natasha Romonov aside and asked them to escort him to his destination.

The trip to the SHIELD facility took only a few moments, and to his guides' credit, they only needed a few minutes to reorient themselves after teleporting for the first time. The SHIELD agents must have been apprised of their arrival, because none of the guards tried to stop them, even though the last time they saw him, Lucifer had exploded three of their agents with the snap of his fingers.

Finally, Agent Coulson met them at the front and escorted them to a row of cells in the basement. Castiel nodded for him to open the door, and was unsurprised to find Brock Rumlow sitting on the concrete floor with his back propped up against the wall. His face hadn't recovered from the severe bruising Sergeant Barnes inflicted upon him, and Castiel found himself particularly happy about that fact.

"You're not him," Rumlow sneered, looking up at him with such disdain.

"No, I'm not. I am Castiel."

Rumlow snorted, resting his elbows on his knees. "If I didn't talk to any of the other interrogators, then what makes you think I'll talk to you? Bring Lucifer back, and then we'll see."

Castiel strode forward until he was directly in front of Rumlow before crouching down to eye level. "You have information that I need, and I can't kill you until I pull it out of your head."

"Well good luck with that, because I'm not telling you shit."

He spat at Castiel's shoes for good measure, and the angel's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Well then, it's a good thing I don't need your permission."

Rumlow didn't even have a chance to scream before Castiel was on him.


Castiel took the offered towel from Agent Romanov and wiped his hands free of the blood, then produced a piece of paper from his coat pocket. "Every Hydra agent, plant, or mole that Brock Rumlow was aware of is included here. There are quite a few within SHIELD, and the US government is unsurprisingly not as secure as the world leaders believe it to be."

"And Rumlow?" Romonov asked, her tone disinterested and face blank. From her demeanor, Castiel guessed that she was a superior agent and very good at her job.

Castiel looked between her, Agent Coulson, and Sergeant Barnes. "Brock Rumlow tried to take away my very reason for existence. He gave up his life the moment he drove a knife through Dean's chest. Do any of you have a problem with that?"

"No," Romanov replied.

Agent Coulson shook his head. "It's unlikely we could have stopped you."

"You did my job for me," Barnes told him with a ghost of a smile.

Castiel nodded once. "Good, then we're done here."


After Cas disappeared with Bucky and Romanov, Dean found himself outside on the balcony leaning against the railing with Steve and Hotch sitting in the two lounge chairs, each with a beer in their hand. The sun was still straddling the horizon, leaving enough light to illuminate the city center. It had been a while since he let himself simply enjoy the warmth of the sun, and he was certainly soaking it in now that he was free of his curse. He wasn't sure he'd ever get used to feeling so...normal.

"I really am -"

"Dean," Steve chided for the third time. "Really, you don't need to apologize. None of us hold what was said before against you."

Dean grimaced, tilting his head back to take a sip from the bottle. "I know, I know. I just..." he sighed, keeping his gaze out on the busy streets below. "I'm sure it was awful and vicious. You should know that's not how I feel about any of you. You're my friends."

Steve gave him a small smile when he risked a glance behind him. "We are, no doubt about it. You don't hold anything Bucky did as the Winter Soldier against him, do you?"

Dean spun around, brows furrowed in accusation. "Of course not! How could you even ask that?"

"Then you should understand how they feel," Hotch told him with a look. That look was familiar now, telling Dean that he was being an idiot without saying it in so many words.

He blew out a breath and all of his pent of guilt and anger followed. "You're right. I guess I was just worried that I had burned too many bridges to be able to come back."

Steve shook his head. "Don't worry about that. From what I hear, after they weed out all of the Hydra moles, Agent Coulson is going to be looking to hire a Supernatural Consultant to keep on retainer. And you know Tony's like a dog with a bone. He's been talking nonstop about how to help keep the hunting community safe."

"You've got yourself a good one," Dean grinned, still flushed with pride and excitement after his and Tony's two hour conversation earlier. "And I know taking on an actual paying gig will help with the bills, but Sam and I still have outstanding warrants for our arrest. A contract between SHIELD is basically a paper trail that would lead straight back to us."

Hotch cleared his throat and smirked, as if he knew something Dean didn't.


His friend scratched the back of his head. "Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about that anymore."

"What do you mean?" Steve asked with a frown.

"I mean, when I was at SHIELD the other day, I watched a technical analyst destroy every file they had on you and your brother. As far as the law is concerned, Sam and Dean Winchester are both free men."

Dean spit out his beer. "What?" His eyes were wide as pulled Hotch to his feet and crowded into his space. "Are you serious?"

When Hotch nodded his confirmation, his smile matched Dean's own, and Steve whooped, pulling the two of them into a crushing hug.

"That's fantastic news! Congratulations, Dean! We should tell the others."

Dean didn't let either of them go just yet, doing his goddamned best to squeeze the life out of his two friends before rushing off to tell his brother the good news.


Dean slid his hand over the hood of the Impala, feeling her purr beneath his skin and knowing that all was right with the world.

"I'm going to miss the hell out of her," Bucky sighed dramatically.

"Guess you'll just have to let her come and visit," Tony nodded in agreement, looking down at the Impala mournfully. "I don't know if I can let her out of my sight for very long."

Dean tucked his chin against his chest and tried to fight off the blush that threatened to crawl up his cheeks. His new friends were idiots, but it was nice to know they wanted to see him again. "I'm sure we can work out visitation rights," he responded with a grin.

The Avengers, including Steve, Tony, Bucky, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Dr. Banner, Sam Wilson, Colonel Rhodes, Dr. Strange, and Peter had all come down to the garage to say goodbye. Tony's driver, Happy, would drive Reid and Hotch to the airport for their flight back to Virginia.

After Chuck had removed the Mark and Cas had gotten the information from the remaining STRIKE team members, Tony insisted on throwing a party. It lasted all throughout the night, and everyone spent the entire next day recovering from their hangovers. After that, they couldn't push back their departure any longer, so they'd all booked their flights and packed the Impala, dreading the moment when it was time to leave.

"You'll be hearing from me soon about a new line of weapons and tools I'm creating for the hunting community," Tony told him, wrapping an arm around Steve's waist. "So keep your phone on."

"Don't worry," Dean assured him, shaking his hand one last time and nodding towards Bucky and Wilson. "I've got a few calls I'll be making, so you can reach me anytime."

Cas cleared his throat and rested a hand against the base of Dean's neck. "Well, not anytime."

Good-natured laughter surrounded him, filling him to the brim with wistfulness and bone-deep happiness as Dean waved at his old and new friends one last time. "I'm going to miss you guys."

Finally, he addressed his brother and his angel. "Let's go home."


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