An Unexpected Romance


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Chikako must submit to an arranged marriage with the much older and irritable Tobirama, what will come of it... Еще

Credits and Disclaimers
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 7

2.3K 80 12

The Next Evening

Tobirama slid the door to Chikako's room shut and heaved a sigh as he leaned against it. It was firm and cool against his back, a welcome relief to the overheated room they'd just left.

"That was easily the most exhausting event I've ever engaged in."

Hata hadn't said much of anything last night at dinner when Tobirama had shown up with Chikako. He'd sat sullenly through the meal and cleared the hall as soon as he could. It might be why hadn't mentioned that he'd managed to put together a full wedding for them today, no doubt planned by his many servants and associates. It had started at ten this morning, giving Tobirama and his men just enough time to wash up and dress after training.

The ceremony itself had dragged on for hours, only finishing an hour before dinner. Then they'd spent that hour, all of dinner, and another hour after, greeting people and accepting their congratulations and thanks for the alliance. He hadn't realized how many people lived in Iwa until today.

"That's quite a statement, given your a ninja and leader of your village." Chikako had a teasing tone in her voice that matched the smile threatening to blossom across her face. "I'm tired too. Why did he have to make such a big deal of the wedding? It's not like I matter to him."

"Did you get anything to eat? I managed a few mouthfuls in between introductions." It saddened him that her feelings and well-being didn't seem to matter to her father. It angered him that it was so obvious even she knew it.

"I ate enough. Are you still hungry?" She flitted about the room, moving things she'd packed, repacking a bag after emptying it, and then unpacking it again.

The air in the room practically crackled with her nervous energy. Tobirama's heart hurt for her. In the course of two days her entire world had been turned upside down and now she was leaving the only home she'd known tomorrow.

He wished he could stay longer, but Konoha needed him back if there was no more work to be done here. If it wasn't for the lack of respect and consideration her own father had shown in arranging the marriage he might have managed two more weeks. Not only could he not stand another two weeks with Hata, Tobirama thought it might be easier on Chikako to get the leaving over with.

She'd finish packing her bag for the third time and he took it from her, placing it next to his bag. She glanced around the room, tears shining in her eyes and plopped down on a pillow.

"Do you want tea, Tobirama-san?"

Tobirama nearly growled. Hata had made it clear she was to address her new husband with the traditional honorifics throughout the day. At first they'd grinned at each other each time she said it, as the day wore on though her eyes had gotten duller and her voice more artificial sounding, as if she was rehearsing lines she'd been given rather than rejoicing her marriage.


"I'm sorry." She heaved a sigh and held her head in her hands. "It's left over from today. Did you want tea?"

"Chikako, you look like you're heading to an execution. I promise being married to me won't be that bad."

Little lines creased her eyes, a black smudge lay under one where her eyeliner had bled. Had she been crying?

"I'm sorry. I'm nervous. I've never... Please forgive me. I promise not to..."

"Chikako," his voice boomed far more than he'd intended it to and he paused to let the quiet fill the room, "I won't hurt you. I promise."

A crimson blush bled from her neckline up her face, but she kept his gaze, her lower lip quivering.

Had she ever been alone with a man, besides Takao? Was her fear more about their wedding night than leaving Iwa tomorrow?

Tobirama shook his head and offered a prayer to the gods. Hashirama was going to owe him for this and the strength the marriage would bring to the village. He'd certainly never asked for it. He'd never even considered marrying.

"Chikako, I want to talk a bit about our marriage and what it will be like." He settled next to her on the cushion, facing her so they could talk.

"I won't be a bad wife! I promise." She bit her still quivering lip as if that might stop it. "I won't..." tears dripped down her face before she covered it with her hands. "I'm messing this all up, aren't I?"

Tobirama's heart broke for her. She clearly knew just enough of what was supposed to happen to be scared, and not enough to understand it. Again, his anger flashed at the casual way her father had sold her off for the sake of his village.

"Come here." He pulled her into his lap, shushing her when she gasped and resisted. "I'm only going to hold you. Tonight we need to sleep, so don't worry about the marriage, or me, or anything besides making sure you're rested enough for the trip."

"I don't mind. If that's what you want." She was stiff on his lap, her hair forming a barrier that blocked her face as she hung her head.

As if he wanted a reluctant young woman under him just because she thought it was her duty. Tobirama was no virgin, and he'd never had to stoop to frightened, unwilling partners. He wouldn't start tonight.

"Why are you angry at me?" She whispered the words out through sniffles. Wet splotches spread on her lap where her tears fell.

He pulled her closer to him, settling her head into his shoulder, where she stayed, stiff but compliant.

"I'm not angry at you Chikako. I'm angry at your father. So angry I'd like to march off to his room, pull him from his bed and drown him with my water jutsu. You haven't done anything wrong."

She relaxed just a little against him so he continued.

"He has handed you away like chattel to me for peace between our villages. I would have given it to him with an exchange of men, or trade, but he wouldn't hear of it. And he hasn't prepared you, or had someone prepare you for this in any way. He didn't even tell you, until he'd offered it to me in front of you." Tobirama stopped with a sharp intake of breath as she sat up.

"I'm prepared. I know what to expect, and that it may hurt. I'm frightened, but I'm not naive." She met his eyes earnestly, widening them when he snorted.

"I won't hurt you. Not ever, and especially not when I make love to you. Which won't be tonight."

She gasped, opening her mouth to speak but he cut her off, whispering his reply.

"Do you really think half the village isn't listening at the walls to see if we consummate this union tonight? You deserve... we both deserve privacy for that moment. And, as I said, tomorrow will be a long day. We both need our rest." He cupped the back of her head, lowering his mouth to her and brushed his lips against hers. "You are so brave. Don't ever worry about disappointing me Chikako."

Her eyes softened, flooding with tears that ran down her face as she buried her head into his shoulder and leaned against him, her body shaking with sobs. She spoke, but between her sobs and being mashed against him her words were too muffled to understand.

Tobirama held her and stroked her back until her sobs let up to soft heaving sighs and then deep even breaths as she fell asleep. And then he moved her to the bed and lay beside her staring at her and wondering about their future for hours. 

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