Seductive: part 1&2 x reader

By stxrquill

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Seductive part one and two. Updated and edited. Ron X Reader Professor snape has a daughter? What happens w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

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By stxrquill

Standing in the shop, clueless. I didn't know what I felt. Seeing a guy, a stranger. Seeing that blonde girl wrap her around him made me jealous. For what though? I don't know the man standing in front of me.

"Y/n?" He said.

I nodded. He knew my name yet I know nothing about him. I don't know him. Why? There's so many gaps missing. Questions without answers.

"Ron?" I said.

He smiled as if he was glad. I smiled at him. Merlin knows how I was meant to act.

"You remember, you remember me?" He asked.

"Harry told me your name. The night you died" I replied.

The smile faded from his face. I felt bad for him. Was he hoping for something else? He grabbed the hand from the girl next to him and walked up to the counter seeing Fred and George.

I felt so confused. My feelings all over the place. Why was he so happy about me saying his name? What am I meant to remember?

I felt hands grab my waist from behind and I turned to see Hunter. I pushed his hands off me. He looked over and saw Ron standing talking to Fred and George. Ellie had moved away.

"Because he's here?" Hunter asked.

"What? No. Because I'm still mad at you. Who is he anyway?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, you don't remember?" He said.

Hunter smiled to himself as I asked.

"He was just a friend, nothing serious," he said.

I nodded and walked out of the shop with Hunter. I've been mad at him since the battle. But he's been nice to me. He's helped me a lot. I had a complete breakdown not long after moving back home. He helped me through it.

Pansy and I have become closer. She stays a few nights. She's been great. She is not so obsessed with draco. Since then she's been mature. She was a lady.

I still talk to Draco, but he's always distant, like he's hiding something. He's seen me a few times. I don't miss school.

~ Ron's POV ~

Seeing Y/n standing there. She was beautiful, she always has been. I hoped that she would remember me, but then again I don't. If she remembers then, she'll remember it was my fault. I obviated her. It was for the best.

Me laying there that day, hopeless. I couldn't help but let her forget me. If I died and she knew me still, it would be so hard on her. She lost her dad, I couldn't let her lose me too.

As hard as it was saying that word, I knew it would be best. Best for her to forget me, us. She could live a happy life.

But of course, I didn't die. Harry had put a protective spell on us before the battle. It took a while to sink in. Harry thought it didn't work. They left me.

Y/n walked away with Hermione and Harry leaving me with Hunter. I sat up as Hunter helped me. He helped me to Fred, George and Ginny who took me home. I do thank him for that, but seeing him walk out of the shop with Y/n made me angry. After everything he did to her she goes and gets back with him. Of all people.

I felt myself getting angry at the thought. I squeezed my hand into a ball. Fred grabbed my hand which was in the eyesight of him.

"Calm down," he said.

I have no reason to be angry. I told her to move on. Well move on, not go back to her ex. But she looked happy. That's something right?

"I am calm," I said, letting go of my fist.

Ellie walked up to me and grabbed my hand. She wasn't so different from Y/n. She was sweet, caring and beautiful. But she was also different at the same time. She was good in bed, but she just didn't know me like Y/n did. It was natural with Y/n.

Ellie is more romantic, don't get me wrong it's sweet but with Y/n it was fun. Y/n was my best friend and girlfriend in one. Ellie, she makes it about the relationship. Every night is a romantic dinner night.

I love Ellie. I love Y/n. I love them both. Will she ever remember me? Even if I have moved one and so has she, our friendship can be brought back, right?

"Are you ready to go handsome?" Ellie asked.

"Sure," I replied.

The nicknames she used were Cringey but they were cute. We walked back to her house. She lived alone. The only place we get alone together. When I'm not with her I'm at home with my family.

Fred and George know about the ovlivation but mum doesn't. She thinks that me and Y/n broke up while Y/n focuses on herself. Mum hasn't met Ellie yet. Ellie wants to meet my parents but I put it off. I tell her that they are busy or some lie.

I don't know if she and Draco still talk, I don't know anything. How she's feeling about the battle, losing her father. I want to see her again. I need to talk to her. But I can't.

I walked back with Ellie to her house. We cooked dinner and sat around a table with candles. It was like this every night. We sat and watched a film. Ellie was more film than book. I hardly read anymore.

~ Y/ns POV ~

Hunter and I walked back to my house. Pansy was there cleaning up. I walked over and hugged her. As I rested my head on her shoulder I saw Draco in the corner of my eye. I let go of the hug and smiled at him. He smiled back and I walked over and hugged him. He hugged me back tight.

He rubbed his hands up my back as he comforted me in the hug. Hunter's face was angry. Why? We're not dating. Dracos hands rested on my lower back. Hunter walked over and separated the hug.

"Watch the hands," Hunter said.

"I can touch wherever thank you," Draco replied.

"No one is touching anything," I said.

"Already have love," Hunter said.

"Same," Draco said.

They both smirked and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Pansy. We walked into the kitchen to grab strawberries. Then I left Pansy and Draco in the kitchen.

I felt bad. The one day I see Draco, the day we are kinda like before the battle, I leave him. I didn't give him a reason why I left. Everything was so confusing. I want to know this person. I need to know them.

I heard a quiet knock on my door. I looked over as Draco walked in. What was I meant to tell him?

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked.

"No," I said.

"Then why did you leave?" He asked.

"Everything is so confusing," I said.

"Like what?" He replied.

"Since the battle, memories have been odd. I remember things but I don't." I explained.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, I remember things but it's like something is missing. Someone" I said.

Draco looked away. He knew what I was on about. Yet he acted dumb. I could see on his face he knew. I was eager to find out. I need to know who.

"Maybe it's your mind playing tricks," he said.

"No, I know. You were in one of these memories. We fucked in a kitchen. With who?" I said.

"Me having a threesome? No way" he said.

"Please don't lie to me," I said calmly.

"You'll find out when you're ready," he said.

"I need to know now," I said more firmly.

"It's not my place," he said.

"You my friend right?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied.

"Then tell me. If you care, you'll tell me" I said.

"Y/n, listen, it's not my place. You'll find out when you're ready and even if I told you, you won't believe me." He said.

"Then who's place is it?" I asked.

"You'll find out when you're ready. Ready to let those memories come back in" he said.

"But I'm ready. I want to know. I need to know" I said.

"You're not ready. Let it come naturally like it did with lov-"

"I've said too much," he said.

"Tell me," I said.

"Is that the time? Wow, best get going" he said and raced out of my room.

Why was he hiding? Whose place is it to tell me? When I'm ready? I was questioning my thoughts and memories with what Draco had said. Nothing made any sense. I just need to know who's place it is. Then I can talk to them. Is it the person that is missing in my memories?

I came up with the best idea. A party. Games. Truth serum. Everyone can help them. They won't be able to lie to me with the truth serum. I might find out who it is.

I ran downstairs. Draco was still there. Liar. He had nowhere to go.

"So" I said.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"I want to host a party," I said.

"Why?" Draco asked.

"Reunite with our Hogwarts friends" I said.

"Okay, the party sounds good," Pansy said.

"I'll be in charge of invites," Draco said.

"Do not invite ron" Hunter mumbled to draco.

I heard them talking. Draco agreed not to invite him. Just made me more suspicious. Why was he not allowed to come? What were they hiding?

We spent the night planning the party. I managed to grab an invite while Draco wasn't looking. I snuck up to my room and wrote one out to ron. But then I don't know the address. I need to find a way to drop it off to him. I walked back down hiding the invite addressed to ron.

"I can go take Fred and George's invites to the shop" I said.

That was my plan. Take theres then drop Ron's with it. It worked, everyone agreed to let me take the invites. I grabbed my coat and put it in. I walked to the shop. They were just closing but I caught them in time.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey Y/n," they said insync.

"So I'm having a party, just wondering if you'd like to come?" I said.

They nodded as I handed them the invite. I slipped Ron's between the two. Fred took Ron's one and hid it. Ron thankfully walked out and saw us.

"What did I miss?" He asked.

"Noth-" Fred began to say.

I cut Fred off and finished the sentence. "I'm having a party, I gave your invite to Fred" I said.

Ron smiled at me. "You invited me?" He asked.

"Of course, I got to get to know Harry's friend," I said.

He's face dropped again. Why was he doing that? One minute smiling, the next with no emotion. It's like he was hiding something. I needed him there. I need to find out that blank spot in my memories.

After leaving the invites with Fred, George and Ron, I walked back home. Draco, Pansy and Hunter were still there. Colton had joined them. I've never been close with Colton, I only really knew him through Hunter. They were all grabbing decorations out while Pansy was sorting music. I sat down while they sorted it all out. They looked like they were doing a better job without me.

After a while with everyone sorting things for the party it looked amazing. We had lights flashing, a table for food and drink, sparkling decorations all over the place.

We turnt everything off but left it how it was. It was ready for tomorrow night.

"Thank you for your help tonight guys," I said.

"Any time" they all replied.

"I'm going to head to bed and get some beauty rest ready for tomorrow," I said.

Everyone nodded and started heading to the door. Hunter stayed. He walked up next to me and put his arm around my waist.

"Is that your way of getting everyone to go?" He whispered.

"No, I actually need beauty rest" I said.

"I can't help with the beauty" he whispered again.

I moved his hand and walked up the stairs.

"You know where the door is," I yelled down.

I saw him roll his eyes as he walked out the door. I walked into my room and changed into pjs. Maybe tomorrow was the day for me to finally find out who was in my memories. Everyone knows but me.

I climbed into bed and laid there for a while thinking of ways and who to ask about these memories. I've asked Draco and he is no help.


I woke up at midday. Most of the day is gone already. I got into the shower and washed. I sat in my towel as I did my make up. I didn't put a lot on but I feel more myself when I wear it.

I spent ages looking through my wardrobe looking for a dress. I saw a few that I have worn before but I don't want to wear it again. I saw a red dress, one that I had worn before but I can't remember why. I put it on and stared into the mirror.

I walked downstairs, Hunter and Pansy were here already. They acted as if they lived here as well. Hunter looked me up and down as he smirked.

"I have a hot sister," Pansy said.

"You do," Hunter agreed.

I rolled my eyes as the door knocked. I opened the door to Draco who was followed by Colton. They all brought a few drinks with them. Everyone was a little dressed up. Not too much though.

Draco looked at me wearing the dress confused.

"Why that dress?" He asked.

"Why can't I?" I asked.

"The mem-" "don't worry" he said.

I was confused about what he meant. I know that I've worn this dress before but that shouldn't be a problem right?

He walked in and sat down next to Hunter. They began whispering to each other. Hunter gave me a screwed up look.

Harry and Hermione were next to arrive. Hermione looked amazing. Her and Harry were holding hands. I hugged them both. Hermione and I were distant at Hogwarts, something caused that but I can't remember. Guess it wasn't important.

We all sat around. It was very silent. Draco got up and put the music on. I remembered Pansy made the playlist as 'don't cha' started playing.

She would always play that song to cheer me up when I was sad. It had no meaning but we would just dance around. She'd start twerking against a wall.

She looked at me as the song played. A smiled grew on her face as she grabbed my hands and started dancing with me. I was basically standing still as she danced around me. Hunter got up and grabbed me pulling me to one side.

"I want you to change," he said.

"No," I replied.

"Change" he ordered.

"What is wrong with this dress?" I asked.

"The reasons behind it," he said.

"And what are those reasons?" I asked.

"Well you're wearing it for a reason, why are you wearing it?" He asked.

"Because it's a nice dress and I wanted it too," I said.

"So you don't remember, you weren't wearing it to make me mad?" He said.

"Remember what? And why would you be mad? You don't own me" he said.

"Whatever," he said, walking off.

I bet Draco knew the reason. Probably what they were talking about.

The song had finished. The door knocked again as Fred and George arrived.

"Ron isn't coming tonight, he and Ellie broke up" George said.

"That's sad. Maybe he should come out, keep his mind occupied" I said.

"No, it's best if he stays home," Fred said.

I rolled my eyes and walked back into the living room to the others. Pansy had started drinking. She was lightweight and already twerking against the wall with the others watching.

Everyone else grabbed a drink. Everyone seemed to be having fun. I grabbed a drink and started drinking too. Songs kept playing. Pansy was now twerking against Colton. Hunter and Draco sing to each other. Harry and Hermione kissing. Fred and George messing around with the lights.

I felt a bit dizzy from the lights. I walked outside to get some air. I sat on the front door step. The moon was already out. The light of the moon shone in the wet grass.

I looked up for a slight second as I was Ron walking up the drive. I smiled for some reason. It was like I was happy to see him, but I don't know him that well.

He got closer as he looked at me.

"Bloody hell you look beautiful" he said.

I recognised that line. He had said that before. Too me? Why?

"Thank you, not to bad yourself" I replied.

It felt like I was having déjà vu. He grabbed me and pulled me into an unexpected hug. I smiled and hugged him back. I tried to pull away but he didn't let me.

~ Ron's POV ~

Seeing Y/n sat there. Wow. She was wearing the same dress that she wore on our date. The dress she wore when we officially became us too everyone.

She looked beautiful. Whatever she wore, she was beautiful.

"Not too bad yourself" she said that day. She may not remember, but I do. I wish she could remember the fun we had. The love we shared. Us.

I pulled her into a hug. I couldn't let go. I didn't want to. I could feel her trying to pull away. I needed her to remember.

I know she'll remember when she's ready but I wanted her to. I love her. I ruined everything. Maybe if I died it would have been easier. I wouldn't have to live with the fact I broke this.

I eventually pulled away and looked at her. She smiled slightly at me. I creeped her out. She hardly knows me and I gave her a hug. She probably felt like a stranger was hugging her. Well I am. I'm a stranger to her.

"So Fred and George said you weren't coming tonight" she said.

Of course they wouldn't want me to be here. Yes me and Ellie broke up but it wasn't a reason for me to stay home.

"I wasn't going to but it's best if I keep my mind occupied," I said.

"I said to Fred, that you should keep your mind occupied," she said.

"Guess our minds think the same," she added.

"They did," I mumbled.

She smiled at me. Her god damn smile. Those lips. I just wanted to kiss her. I couldn't. I creeped her out with the hug, and didn't want to ruin it even more with a kiss.

"Why did you invite me?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to get to know you," she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want to know my friends, friends," she said.

"Of course, Harry potters stupid friend" I mumbled.

"Stupid? Are you calling yourself stupid?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Why?" She asked.

"Don't worry about it," I said with a fake smile.

I was stupid. I fucked everything up. Our friendship, our relationship, her memories. Just everything.

"You must be cold, let go," I said.

She nodded as we both walked in. Everything was crazy. Lights flashing everywhere. I haven't seen Harry and Hermione in a while, it seems like they're having fun without me though. They had their tongues down each other's throat.

Hunter looked at me and Y/n as we walked in. He was jealous seeing Y/n next to me. He walked over and grabbed her. He acted like he controlled her.

I took a few shots hoping the pain would go away. I felt like a girl on her period. All these emotions hit me hard. Anger, emotional, happy. It was hard.

The song that was playing ended and a new song started. 'Let her go' was playing. Today wasn't for me. I know I've let her go. I've ruined everything.

Everyone was singing and waving their hands in the air. Even Y/n was singing it. The chorus came on as Fred and Y/n looked at me.

"You only know you love her when you let her go, and you let her go" they sang.

It's true. I loved.. love her. I let her go. It was the best.

More of the song played. I couldn't listen. It reminds too much of what has happened. She looked at me as I started walking away.

"Maybe one day you'll understand why" I sang.

She didn't understand and continued to sing. I was angry at myself. I continued to walk as she grabbed my arm.

"Don't go," she said.

"I need to," I said.

"Has someone said something?" She asked.

"No," I replied.

"Then stay. We can go upstairs if the music is too loud" she said.

Maybe being alone with her could help the both of us. Maybe I can remind her of the times together. Maybe remind her of us.

We walked upstairs and sat on her bed. It was much more comfier than the one at Hogwarts. I never moad because I just wanted to be with her. Even if the bed was uncomfortable, her presents made it better.

We sat silently on the bed. She sat next to me and fiddled with her fingers. She'd always do that when she was nervous or didn't know what to say.

"How have you been?" I asked.

"I'm okay," she replied.

"Are you and Hunter... dating?" I asked.

"Oh hell no, he hurt me and I can't forgive him," she said.

I was kind of happy inside.

"How are you after Ellie? I'm sorry I shouldn't ask" he said.

"It's okay, it's hard but it's best. I think. I say and do what I think best but then it turns out I regret it." I said.

"Why would you regret it if you think it's best?" She asked.

"Because, I've fucked up before. I still and will always love them. But it's too late to change anything" I said.

"They would be one lucky girl," she said.

"No, I was lucky to have had her. I ruined that" I said.

"How did you ruin it?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter," I replied.

"Are you drunk?" I asked.

"A little bit," she laughed.

She laughed. She'd always smile when she laughed. I smiled at her.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked.

"Why did you have to ask if I was drunk to kiss me?" She asked.

"Because there would be a chance you won't remember it" I replied.

"Why can't I remember it? I have enough I can't remember" she said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I don't know, black figures in memories. Things that don't make sense. People missing" she explained.

She was slowly remembering. If I kissed her maybe it would help her remember. But was I ready for her to remember?

I got up and walked to the door. If she remembers, I would have to tell her why. She could get angry at me. As much as I want her to remember, it can never be the same.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Home" I replied.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because it's the best," I said.

She stood up and grabbed my face. She kissed me. Wrapping her arms around my neck. I kissed her back pulling her further into me. She stood on her tiptoes.

I couldn't pull away. She wasn't either. Our kiss became more forceful and rough. She always made me feel a way, a way that I was addicted to her. I couldn't move. I was worried, was she remembering anything?

I moved my hands to her arse as I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my back. I placed her on top of her draws. We didn't break the kiss. Not until Draco walked in.

Draco was completely drunk. He walked in laughing.

"Don't worry, you two keep to your two ways. I don't want another three ways." He stuttered drunkenly.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I asked.

"I'm sorry did I disturb you? I always do that" he laughed.

"You alway interrupt Ron?" Y/n asked.

"No you both" he said.

"Draco," I shouted.

He covered his mouth as he widened his eyes. He realised what he said. Y/n looked at me confused. Hunter ran upstairs at my voice. He saw Y/n sitting with her legs around me. I was kind of glad. He looked like he wanted to punch me.

Hunter stormed over and pushed me. He grabbed Y/n like she was a baby and walked downstairs.

"I'm sorry Ron," Draco said.

"Forget it," I said.

"Does she remember you?" He asked.

"By the way she acted, no" I said.

I fell backwards onto Y/n's bed and grabbed her pillow. I put the pillow over my face and screamed into it.

I pulled away and smiled at the pillow. It smelt of her. I hugged the pillow a little while I cried. 'Men are strong. Men don't cry' it was stupid. I've lost everything. Everyone. I was alone.

I laid in Y/n's bed as she stayed downstairs with Hunter and the others. Draco made his way down slowly. I could hear him stumble a few times.

I started to overthink. It was my specialty when it came to Y/n. What if that kiss did bring something back. What if she remembered something? Maybe she couldn't say anything because Hunter was there. This was a bad idea.

I was still upset about Ellie. She got suspicious about the invite. The day at the shop, she wanted to know how me and Y/n knew each other, but all I said was "she doesn't know me". Well she doesn't. She can't remember me.

Ellie didn't believe that. She thought I was lying and someone was going on. She saw the invite and thought that Y/n was up to something. I tried to reinsure Ellie but no, she wouldn't take it.

We argued for a while about that whole stupid situation. I got bored of replaying it. I raised my voice and began shouting at her, "Leave".

She did exactly that. She went to the bedroom and packed all my stuff. She brought it back to me and threw it at me.

"I'm not leaving my house, but I'm leaving the relationship" she said while tears fell down her face.

I didn't want to break up. Not only did I ruin it with Y/n, I ruined the relationship with Ellie. I fucked up with Hermione. Everyone. She pushed me out the door with my stuff.

I walked home and joined Fred and George. I told them everything that happened. They call me 'a bloody twat'. They were right. I was.

Maybe I should stay away from Y/n before I ruin something else. I can't hurt her even more. Sticking around will just make her confused, and risk memories coming back. The pain she will go through. If she loved me like she said, it would hurt her knowing what I did. Even if it was to protect her.

I got up and walked down the stairs. She was sitting on Hunter's lap. He had one hand pulling the hair away from her neck while he kissed it. She looked uncomfortable, but I couldn't do anything.

~ Y/n's POV ~

After kissing Ron, Hunter brought me downstairs. He could be very controlling at times, well most of the time. He would act like I was his. No one could touch me. I'm surprised he didn't punch Ron there and then.

I'm confused at what Draco meant though. "I'm sorry I disturbed you, I always do that". He always disturbed Ron? It was Ron's reaction. Embarrassed? No he was more like mad. Why would he be mad about it. Well I would be mad if someone walked in on my having sex. Was that what they meant?

That black figure came back to mind. I need to know who it was in that kitchen.

Hunter sat me down on his lap. I was facing forward listening to the conversation everyone was having. Nothing interesting.

Hunter moved a bit of hair from my neck and began kissing it. I saw Ron walk down the stairs and look at me.

Why did he want to kiss me? We hardly know each other. I mean I don't regret it. He's lips were soft even when we were kissing rough. I felt addicted, like I couldn't let go.

Hunter broke away from kissing my neck and looked at Ron. He bit his lip and grabbed my face. He turned my head and kissed me. I pulled away and sat on another chair.

I don't know his story with Ron but kissing me like that wasn't necessary. I don't understand why he was trying to make Ron jealous. Ron smiled as I moved and sat down.

"What about a game of truth or dare?" I asked.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Not the best idea," Ron said.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Why? This just made me more suspicious. What were they hiding?

"Oh come on, what are you guys hiding?" I said jokingly.

"Nothing, let's play" Ron said.

I smiled and everyone looked at Ron. Was it honestly that bad? What were they hiding?

"I'll go first, truth or dare Y/n" Hunter said.

~ Ron's POV ~

He was honestly getting on my nerves and he knew it. Thankfully, Y/n moved away from him.

A game of truth or dare. Really?

"Not the best idea," I said.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Thank merlin. What if she asks something I can't answer.

"Oh come on, what are you guys hiding?" She said.

"Nothing, let's play" I said.

If we didn't shell only get more suspicious.

"I'll go first, truth or dare Y/n" Hunter said.

"Truth" she replied.

"How many guys in this room have you fucked and who was the best?" He asked.

You gotta be kidding me. She doesn't even remember me. Hearing her talking about her fucking someone else was going to kill me. Even the thought of her fucking someone make me angry. Was he trying to make me feel better about himself? Hoping she would say him.

"Well I feel like have really good sex, but idk who with. I can't remember" she said.

Was she talking about me? Was I the best person she fucked? Hunter clicked on and looked at me. He was mad. I shrugged at Hunter and gave a friendly smile.

"Who?" Hunter asked.

"Well in this room are the only guys I've fucked. There's someone else but like I said, I don't remember." She said.

"Just tell us who" I said.

"I've fucked, Hunter and Draco" she said.

She remembers fucking Draco but not me. I nodded and Hunter smiled at me.

"Who was the best?" Hunter asked.

"Draco," she said.

"Him?" Hunter shouted.

"You're useless," she said to Hunter.

"You were good at first, then I fucked someone who I can't remember. That made me realise how bad you were" she said.

I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone else did too.

"Didn't stop you last week," he said.

They been fucking recently?

"I was turned on and you were there," she said.

That's my ... that's not my girl right now. But that would be her sassy ness. I smiled at her comment.

Hunter walked over and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the kitchen.

"Right, we both know that she's talking about you," he said.

"And?" I asked.

"I need your help," he said.

"No," I replied.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because you're a dick" he said.

"It's for Y/n," he said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You love Y/n right? You want her to be happy and remember?" He asked.

"I do but I don't. She'll hate me" I replied.

"Well what if we tell her, tell her the memories but without you and replace them with me?" He said.

"You want to put yourself in my place of her memories?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"No," I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because these are our memories," I said.

"But think about it. She'll remember and won't be mad at you" he said.

"But it's not your memories," I said.

"Oh come on. She'll remember your time. I'll just act it out." He said.

"What do I get out of it?" I asked.

"You can talk about your memories together," he said.

"But with you," I said.

"Yes. But at least you'll talk to her about them" he said.

"But you don't know anything," I said.

"That's why you're going to tell me." He said.

"Even how good I made her feel in bed?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, yes" he said.

"But you're useless. If she asks you to fuck her then she's gonna know it's lies" I said.

"Well you can tell me what she likes," he said.

I didn't know what to do. He was right. Giving her her memories back we could talk about it, even if it wasn't me. Or I could go along with it for a bit then, mess up and tell him something else. He could tell her what I tell her and she'll realise the memories weren't made with him. Or she might not believe him at the start.

"How are we going to tell her?" I asked.

"In the game" he said.

"You in?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied.

This could go my way in the end.

I explained some memories to Hunter about Y/n and I that could help. We walked back into the living room and sat down. Y/n was more drunk. She was dancing around.

"Y/n, can we talk?" Hunter asked.

"Sure. What's up?"

Hunter and Y/n walked into the kitchen. I sat down while Draco continued to drink. I started talking to Harry and Hermione. They told me about the last few months they were dating. They kept it low.

~ Y/n's POV ~

Hunter and I walked into the kitchen. I was confused. My brain was messed up from the alcohol anyway.

"The memories you don't remember, it's my fault" he said.

I let out a laugh. He wasn't being serious right?

"I'm serious." He said.

"No, the memories that I remember. Mainly sex and they were good. Like I said you were useless" I said.

"I was high. Sex was always better when I was high" he said.

"I don't believe you. How many threesomes did I have?" I asked.

He looked confused.

"Threesome?" He asked.

"Exactly. The memories aren't with you" I said.

I walked back into the living room. Hunter walked over to Ron angrily and started whispering. I couldn't hear what they were saying.

~ Ron's POV ~

Hunter stormed behind Y/n as they walked back in. He walked over to me and started whispering. He was angry.

"Threesome?" He asked.

"What about it?" I asked.

"You had a fucking threesome." He said.

"Yes," I replied.

"I fucked up. She mentioned that and I was shocked." He said.

I laughed. I knew she wouldn't believe him.

"What did she ask?" I asked.

"How many did she have?" he said.

"So she remembers then," I said.

"How many?" He asked.

"1 almost 3I said.

"3? He said, shocked.

"Yes" I replied.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he said.

"Didn't know she was going to mention that" I replied.

He rolled his eyes and sulked on the sofa.

~ Y/n's POV ~

After Hunter and Ron finished talking, Hunter sat on the sofa sulking. Whatever they were talking about made Ron happy and Hunter angry.

I saw Draco start dancing. I grabbed him and started dancing as the song 'often' started playing.

He grabbed my hips and stood behind me. We began dancing in front of everyone. We were both drinking and having fun. I leant my head back against his shoulder. He grabbed my throat and kissed me. I kissed him back while turning my body into his.

He moved the hair away from my ear and kissed my neck.

"I want to feel you," he whispered.

I nodded. He lifted me up and walked to the bottom of the stairs.

"Do I have consent to fuck you drunk?" He asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Louder," he said.

"Yes," I shouted.

Ron and Hunter watched us walk up the stairs. They were both angry.

Draco threw me onto my bed and lifted the bottom of my dress. He pulled my underwear down and kissed up my thigh. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him over my body.

"I need to feel you first," he said.

I bit my lip as he began kissing my neck. He's hand stroking the inside of my thigh. He stroked my flaps gently. He put his thumb on my clit as I arched my back while moaning.

He got down on his knees pushing my legs further apart. I leant up and watched him as he sucked my clit. I threw my head back as my back arched again.

He slowly enters his fingers. He stroked the g-spot gently. He brought me close. He took his fingers out and unbelted his trousers. He grabbed my hands and wrapped them up in the belt. He held my hands above my head with one hand.

He stroked his length then pushed into me. I moaned as he entered me. He hovered over further as he started going harder. He breathed into my ear sending butterflies down my stomach.

I completely forgot about the black figure. The one that fucked me so good. I don't know if it was because me and Draco where drunk that the sex was way better or because I was better then Hunter.

Feeling the belt around my wrists reminded me of when I was fucked while tied to corners of the bed. Again I can't remember who. I never thought anyone could beat the way that person made me feel. But feeling Draco right now, wow.

It might just be the alcohol making me feel much better than it is. I don't know. He started fucking harder as I finished. My legs shake rapidly. He pulled out after finishing.

He undone the belt around my wrist and put it back on his trousers. He laid in bed next to me. It felt weird having comfort from someone I like. Someone I don't want to push away. Even if we're friends. Friends that's just fucked. Id alway push Hunter away after him laying next to me.

Draco and I fell asleep. No one disturbed us, thank merlin. I slid on his chest.


I opened my eyes and looked at the draws I had earlier sat on while kissing Ron. There was a book. A book that wasn't there before. I left Draco laying in bed as I walked over. I picked up the book and read the name 'the maze runner'. Where did this come from? I never liked to read, but I did. I read this book.

I opened the pages to see a page folded. It was the last page I read. I never finished it. Why? I carried it back over to the bed and sat up. I looked out the window, the sun was coming up. I didn't bother going back to sleep. I opened the book and began reading.

I was intrigued. I was reading for hours before Draco woke up. He rubbed his head and groaned. He looked in the mirror that was at a distance. He screamed at the sight of his hair. Spiked up and knotty.

He burped and covered his mouth. He ran to the bathroom. I heard the sound of him throwing up. Disgusting. I barely get hangovers. As much as I was out of it last night, I remember what we did.

He walked back in, wiping his mouth. He was pale. The colour of his skin matches his hair. He nodded at me and walked out. I shook my head and continued reading. I knew I had to forget that figure. Like Draco said, as soon as I'm ready it will come naturally.

I spent a few hours reading. Hunter walked in and stood by the door. He didn't say anything. I folded the corner of the page in my book and placed it on the side table. He folded his arm. Probably mad about last night.

"Are you going to say something?" I asked.

He ignored me and continued to stand by the door. His arms folded.

"Why are you so mad? Because I fucked someone that wasn't you?" I asked.

"Exactly. You should only be fucking me" he said firmly.

"You don't own me. I can fuck who I want" I replied.

He walked over and grabbed the book. He looked at it and began waving it in my face.

"Who gave you this?" He shouted.

"I don't know," I said, using his tone.

"You stay away from everyone," he said.

"You can't force me," I said.

"Oh but I can," he replied while smirking.

"How?" I asked.

"Because I know something you don't. I can end everything before you even know" he said.

I had no clue what he was talking about. What did he mean?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"These memories you have, the black figure. I know who that is." He said.

"Tell me," I said firmly.

"Not so easy, little girl," he replied.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want you to stay away from everyone," he said firmly.

"Then I'll forget the figure. It's not important anymore. I'll remember when I'm ready" I said.

"That won't be so easy if they don't remember you," he said.

"What are you talking about? You're talking in riddles" I said.

"You need to black figure to help bring your memories back. But if he doesn't remember, then you can't either." He said.

"What Is wrong with you?" I asked.

"I want you," he said.

"You're not having me," I replied.

"Fine. I'll make you mine" he said.

He threw the book that was in his hands across the room. He gripped my ankles and pulled me down the bed so I was on my back. He hovered over me and held my hands. I used my legs to try to kick him off.

He didn't let go. He placed both my hands into one of his and ripped my clothes with his free hand. He looked down at a scar I had. I can't remember where I got it but it was cute. I gave up asking myself things.

"How have I never noticed this? What is this?" He spat.

"I don't know. A heart" I said.

"I can see that. Where did you get it?" He asked.

"I don't remember," I replied.

"You are mine. Not whoever did this. I will mark you myself" he said.

I continued to try to push him off. He was stronger than me. He wasn't moving. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. He put it in his mouth and lit it. He blew the smoke into my face. I turned my head away.

He inhaled the cigarette, making the flame red. He pushed it down on the outline of the heart in my chest. I screamed in pain. He was burning me. He continued to inhale then push on me.

He burnt around the outline. Tears we're running down my cheeks. I felt numb. It was a whole new side to him. I was frozen. I couldn't move him off me.

He wanted it gone. But all he did was go around the outline. Was he replacing it? He had finished his cigarette. I thought he was done. No. He grabbed the lighter and burnt the middle of the heart. It was gone. The shape was no longer seen. I cried and screamed. He didn't move until he was finished.

"You won't be forgetting me," he said.

He walked out the room and I curled into a ball. I cried and cried. There was no one to comfort me. I felt sick from the pain. The pain in my stomach from me screaming. The screaming didn't help.

I laid for hours crying. I didn't bother getting dressed again. I laid in the ripped clothes. I got in the shower. I sat down while the water poured over my head. Knees to my chest as I cried with the water.

I heard my name called. It wasn't Hunter. I turned the water off and wrapped up in a towel. I pulled the towel over the burn. I gasped at the pain. I walked into my room to see Ron standing there. He was holding the book. The book I was reading.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey" I replied.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to see you," he said.

"Well here I am," I said.

"Last night, when we kissed. Did you feel anything?" He asked.

"Well more like remember?" He added.

"What was I meant to remember?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said.

He walked to the door. "I'll see you around," he said and walked out.

I nodded and grabbed some clothes. I dropped the towel. Ron walked back in. My back to the door. I turned around and looked at him. His faces dropped.

I quickly grabbed the towel and covered myself. He walked over to me and moved the towel away from my chest.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing. What do you want?" I asked.

"I came back to say that book. I never finished it either, when you are done don't spoil it. I'm waiting to read it again with the person I started it with" he said.

"Who were they?" I asked.

"Someone special," he said.

"Now tell me what happened," he said firmly.

"It's always been like this. I was born with it" I lied.

"Don't lie to me. That's fresh burns. Who did this?" He said.

I kept quiet. He rolled his hand into a fist. He grabbed some clothes and threw them at me.

"Get dressed," he said.

I did what he said and got dressed. I put on a hoodie. He looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Since when did you keep my- that hoodie?" He asked.

"I don't remember actually." I said.

He grabbed my hand as we walked out the room. Hunter walked past the stairs. Ron turned to me and put his finger over his lips telling me to be quiet. I nodded. Hunter walked into the living room and sat down. Ron grabbed me as we ran out of the house. Hunter heard the door and ran after us.

Ron and I continued to run. We smiled as we ran next to each other. Hunter gave up. I don't know why I was running from my own house but it was fun. We arrived at the field. We sat on a wall and caught our breaths.

"Did you see his face?" Ron laughed.

"Why are we running?" I asked.

"I know it was him," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"That hurt you," he said.

I looked down.

"Why did he do it?" He asked.

"Because I had a scar there. A heart. He said someone else had marked me and he wanted to mark me.
He said that I won't forget him. He told me he knew who the black figure is in my memories. He threatened to make them forget me so that it would be hard for me to remember. I'll remember when I'm ready right?" I explained.

"When you're ready, you'll remember," he said.

"Draco said the same thing," I said.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Anything," he replied.

"So you're Harry and Hermione's friend. Why were we never friends?" I said.

"I honestly don't know," he replied.

"And when I met your parents, why did I meet them?" I asked.

"Again, I don't know," he said.

"Well can we be friends?" I asked.

"Of course," he said.

"I'm not going to be able to go back home," I said.

"What about pansy's house?" He asked.

"I think her and Colton are a thing after last night. Either one of them will tell Hunter." I said.

"True. My brothers may be able to tell you to stay at the shop" he said.

"Will they tell Hunter?" I asked.

"No. They don't like him" he said.

"Okay" I said.

He hopped off the wall and walked to Fred and George's shop. We walked up to them. Fred cheering Ron on for some reason.

"Welcome back Y/n," Fred said.

Ron shook his head.

"Oh, hey Y/n," Fred and George said.

"Hey" I said.

I was confused at why Ron shook his head. Why did they act differently after?

"Y/n can't stay at home. Can she stay here?" Ron said.

"Of course," the twins said.

Fred stayed at the till while Ron and I followed George. He took me into a small room with a bed. It wasn't anything special but it was something. I was grateful for them letting me stay.

"It's not a lot," George said.

"It's great," I replied.

"Have you got any clothes?" George asked.

"No," I replied.

"I'll get you some. You're not going back until he's gone" Ron said.

"Who's gone?" George asked.

"Hunter." Ron spat.

"What happened?" George asked.

"Nothing," Ron said.

He respected my privacy and kept it to himself. I slightly smiled at Ron. He was sweet and caring. He was different.

"We will let you get settled," Ron said and walked away with George.

"I thought she was back. She's wearing your hoodie" George whispered to Ron.

"Forget it" Ron whispered back.

What were they talking about? Who? Was it me? Has Ellie come back? I was confused. I sat on the bed. There was a small tv. I flicked the channels.

'The Maze Runner' was a film? Oh hell no. I haven't finished the book first. I skipped through the channels again.

Nothing interesting was on. I turned the tv off and looked around. I was a box of trophies. I picked the box up and placed it on the bed. Trophies named for Fred and George. Quidditch hoodies. It was like their school memories.

I saw another box. It was taped up. It said on top 'George, do not open or I'll tell mum everything'. It said for George to not open. Nothing about me not opening.

I opened the box. Big mistake. A box full of women's underwear. There was a letter on top. I opened the letter and began reading.

"Hello my dearest Freddie,
I want you to know how much I miss you. I can't wait to eventually see you. Feel you touch against my skin. I've sent you this little present. I was thinking of you while wearing them."

Wow. Who was Fred talking to?

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