The Medical Manager (Kuroko x...

By AmaraGen

193K 4.3K 174

"So dramatic all the time, don't worry, I'll make sure you both survive long enough to take the others on" ~ ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 17

3.2K 80 1
By AmaraGen

-Emiko POV-

After 3 days, we lost every game. But the gap wasn't so big anymore...
"What is this?" asked Tetsuya when he saw the buckets full of ice.
"It's my family's special icing technique" I smiled. "It's great for sore muscles and fatigue"

"That's cold!" said Koganei when he went in one.
"We ended up losing all our games" said Izuki.
"Have we gotten worse?" asked Koganei.

"Not at all" said Kiyoshi. "You've definitely grown. Have some more confidence. We're strong!"
'Somehow, seeing you in that ice bucket, it doesn't sound so convincing...'

"I gave Kagami too much hints" said Riko when she came back.
"He's an idiot" I sighed. "But, did he finally figure it out?"
"I think so" she smiled.

"Emi" Tetsuya opened the door. "I got it"
I smiled and went outside with him.
"Tell me" I said.

"Mastering my own drive in addition to my passes" he said and I smiled. "That's how I'll surpass the Generation of Miracles"
"I'm proud of you, Tetsu" I said and hugged him. "I knew you would find something"
"Will you help me?" he asked and I nodded.
"Of course" I said.


"Everyone's here" said Hyuga. "Ready and..."
"Thank you very much!" we all said before we left.
"All right! I feel alive!" shouted Koganei.

"I thought I was gonna die so many times" said Fukuda.
"I want to sleep in my own bed!" said Furihata. "I couldn't sleep with a different pillow"
"You were sound asleep" said Fukuda.

"That's it! Buried in pillows, buried in darkness" said Izuki.
"Izuki, shut up" said Hyuga.
"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"What? To the station" said Hyuga.
"Why do you think we held our training camp here?" said Riko.
"This year they're holding the games here!" I said.

"I see" said Izuki and checked his phone for who was playing. "Today's quarterfinal game is between... Kaijo and Touou"
"Let's go watch the Inter-High!" said Riko.

We sat on the bus, I was listening to music and tried to calm myself down.
Although I wanted to see the game between Kise and Aomine...
I knew that Murisakibara would be there for his game.

And... Seijuro as well...
All I could hope for, was that we didn't run into them.
Murisakibara, I could probably handle. But... Seijuro Akashi...

'I don't know how I would react if I saw him...'
"Emi" Tetsuya took one of my earpieces out. "We're here"
"Right, thanks" I said and got off the bus.

I went to go to the bathroom while the others got to the seats.
I saw Kasamatsu sitting alone on a bench.
"Kasamatsu?" I said and he looked up.

"Maeda?" he was surprised. "Why are you here?"
"I came to watch your game" I smiled. "I was in the neighbourhood"
"Really?" he blushed and I chuckled before sitting down next to him.

"Are you nervous?" I asked and he nodded.
"Last year..." he said. "We made it into the Inter-High. But in our first match, I missed a pass. And it costed us the game. I almost quit, but the coach made me captain..."

"You are an amazing Captain" I said and he looked at me. "Really, of all the Captain's I've known. You are one of my favourites"
"One of?" he said and I chuckled.

"Well, it would be unfair to Hyuga-senpai if I told him you were my favourite" I said and he smiled. "You finally smiled"
"Heh?" he said and I put my hand on his shoulder.
"You looked so tense" I said. "But, you look okay now"

"You're right" he said. "Thank you..."
"No problem" I said and stood up. "I should go find a good seat. Good luck, I'll be rooting for you"

I quickly found the others and sat down next to Tetsuya.
"You were gone long" he said and I nodded.
"I found Kasamatsu" I said. "We talked a bit, he looked a bit tense"

"The second quarterfinal game between Kaijo High School and Touou Academy will now begin!"
"It's Kaijo's ball first!" said Hyuga when Kaijo took the tip off...
Kasamatsu passed the ball to Kise, who faced Aomine.

'That's quick...'
Kise almost broke past Aomine, but Aomine was faster and took the ball.
Touou made the first points, with the mushroom...

"This is going to be intense..." I whispered.
"What? Kise-kun again?" said Riko when Kaijo passed the ball again to Kise.
Kise copied the mushroom, but Aomine managed to touch the ball, so it missed.
But, Kasamatsu managed to take the ball from the annoying four eyes and scored a three.
"He can do that?" I said. "Amazing, with that one shot he broke their control"

Aomine had the ball and broke easily past Kise.
But Kise caught up and actually managed to block one of Aomine's shots.
"Seriously?" said Kagami.

We were all surprised...
"I see Satsuki did her job well again..." I said. "She predicted everything..."
"She's an amazing manager" said Riko but then looked at me. "But we would prefer you over her any day!"

"I know" I chuckled. "Satsuki has different strengths than me. But there are things that only I can do and there are things that only she can do"

"First quarter is over"
"Kaijo completely took the first quarter" said Riko.
"Aomine's not holding back again, is he?" asked Kagami.

"No, he must be trying" said Tetsuya. "I can only assume Kise-kun is beating him"
"Kaijo's in the lead" said Hyuga. "Honestly, I'm surprised"
"Yeah" said Izuki.

"Can I ask you something?" asked Kiyoshi. "How did you guys beat Kaijo?"
We all flinched.
"Um... with spirit?" said Kagami.

"Sheer luck" I said at the same time.
"Also, while I said Aomine-kun is trying, he tends to get stronger as the game goes on" said Tetsuya. "If he's going to get any better, it will probably happen soon"

I was surprised with how slow Touou began the second quarter.
But they still took the first basket of the second quarter.
When I saw Kise and Aomine go one-on-one... we could feel the intensity to the bleachers...
But Aomine got better... the gap between Kaijo and Touou got smaller...
Kise couldn't stop Aomine anymore.

Kaijo took a time out when they were tied.
I noticed that Kise was planning something...
"Kuroko? Maeda?" said Kagami, Tetsuya was thinking the same thing.

When the game started something, my hunch was confirmed...
"This is it! Aomine versus Kise!" shouted Koganei.
"How many times have they tried this already?" said Tsuchida.

But... Kise passed...
"Don't tell me..." I whispered.
'He's trying to copy Aomine?'

Kise observed Aomine closely...
Kasamatsu made Aomine foul.
"That must've hurt" I said.

The whole game had me on edge...
"Tetsu" I said and he nodded.
"It's probably exactly what you're thinking" said Tetsuya. "Kise-kun is trying to copy Aomine-kun's style"

"Can he... really do that?" asked Hyuga.
"Kise can only copy what he can do" I said. "He cannot copy anything he can't do"
"W-What?" said Koganei.

"Put simply, he's just a fast learner" said Riko. "He can't recreate the movements of NBA players or anyone better than himself"
"Bu if he's trying to do something, it means he believes he can do it" said Kiyoshi.
But to make matters worse... Imayoshi scored a buzzer beater at the end of the second quarter.

"I'll let Nigo out" said Tetsuya and I nodded.
"I'll have to go and scold Kise" I said and they all looked at me. "He's going to destroy his ankle if he keeps this up. I'm not that heartless"

I walked to the changing rooms, which were way too easy to get into if you asked me...
I opened the door and Kaijo looked at me.
"Where's that idiot?" I asked.

"Seirin?!" they all shouted.
"Maeda, you can't be here" said Kasamatsu.
"Like hell I can't" I said. "I know what Kise's trying to do"

They all looked surprised.
"Oh please, I was Teiko's manager for almost 3 years" I said. "I know Kise and the others. I know Satsuki also knows what Kise's trying to do"
"Satsuki?" asked their coach.

"Momoi Satsuki" I said. "Touou's manager. She's an information gathering specialist. She's really scary if she's your opponent. But, that's not why I'm here. Where's Kise?"
"He went outside for a bit" said Kasamatsu. "Why?"

"He's destroying his ankle" I said and they looked surprised. "If he continues to try and copy Aomine... he'll overwork his ankle and if it's not treated in time, it'll cause major troubles later. Someone will have to tape it, so that that doesn't happen"

"Why are you helping us?" asked another member.
"I'm a medical manager" I said. "I'm not that heartless to watch someone I know destroy themselves, besides, I really hope you guys will kick Touou's ass"

"Thank you" said their coach.
"No problem" I said. "Just, make sure Kise doesn't overwork himself. And, do your best"
I left the room and saw Kise.

"Maedacchi" he said and I sighed.
"You idiot" I said and kicked his ass. "Don't overwork yourself, and let someone tape your ankle. I know it's bothering you"
I walked away but he stopped me.

"Wait, please" he said and I turned around. "About last time... I didn't realise how much you were hurting. And... I wanted to apologise"
I was surprised...

"I should've spoken up after what happened" he said. "I should've checked up on you. I'm really sorry I didn't..."
"Thank you" I said and he let go of my arm. "Well, do your best with the game"

I left and walked back to the bleachers.
"Emi?" said Tetsuya and I sat down.
"Kise, just apologised" I said. "Don't really know how to take that"


The third quarter began...
And... Kise used a copy of Aomine against Imayoshi.
"You're kidding" I whispered.

Imayoshi fouled Kise and we were all speechless.
Kise probably didn't think his copy was perfect yet, since he only used it against people who weren't Aomine.
After Kise had scored the two free shots.

Aomine had grabbed the ball and just thrown it into the basket.
I grabbed Tetsuya's hand in shock, everyone was shocked...
Tetsuya was surprised as well, he intertwined our hands and I could feel how tense he was.

After Kise's team defended their points... Kise changed and went up against Aomine.
"Oh my god" I whispered. "He did it..."
And he was just like Aomine... Kise passed Aomine easily and it was like there were 2 Aomine's playing on the field...

But Aomine fouled Kise while Kise scored...
"No!" I heard Satsuki scream.
"Defence, black No. 5! Basket counts, and one!" shouted the referee.

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