Dirty Dancing with a Goddess

By Ar040394

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"Hello mortal, I'm (Y/n), daughter of Hades and Persephone," He squints, blinking slowly and rubbing his eye... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 4

324 27 19
By Ar040394

Your POV:

The streets grow more crowded and Jimin pulls his hat lower, constantly adjusting his mask as well. Keeping his gaze on the ground he seems intent on not looking anyone in the eye. 

"Ji- oof" the wind gets knocked right out of my lungs when someone slams into my left, a big buff guy who continues walking down the street, not even bothering to look back on who or what he bumped into. 

Between the gap of people he created from barging through, a pregnant woman an arms width away staggers as well, holding her stomach and a nearby lamp post for support as she glares at the same back that walked into me.  

"Watch it lady," he barks at her.

I scoff, perhaps we've been a little too lax in retribution.

Ends of my fingertips grow warmer, a little cloud of wispy black smoke dancing between them. Closing one eye, I aim at the back of his arm, flicking the tiny puff in his direction. It zips through the crowd, igniting into a few little sparks.


He jumps, gripping his arm as he inspects it but the fires already out, it was only a few sparks after all, for him to be more mindful of his arms. 

Smiling to myself, I turn back to find Jimin, expecting to see his back a little up ahead. Instead the redhead is standing right beside me, arms crossed over his chest, evidently not amused by my antics. 

The moment is short-lived, with another person walking through us, pushing mainly Jimin. His first instinct is to hold onto his hat, keeping it onto him, as he looks at the elderly woman who walked into us. She briefly pauses mumbling something to him while waving a finger in his face before huffing and setting off.

His eyes widen with shock, a little taken aback. Those same mortified eyes flicker onto me, fingers repeating my flicking action from earlier at the woman.

"I'm not going to set an old lady on fire."   

A sudden  rush of people take advantage of the gap between us, more flooding through and pushing us apart. The varying heights obscuring my view of him, and on the other side he seems to be facing the same issue.

"Jim-woah," the end of my voice shakes when his hand darts through from the crowd of people, taking hold of mine. Unfortunately, him obstructing the stream of people for what would look like nothing to passerby's earns several angry words and sneers. 

I stagger through the people, catching myself before falling onto his chest once we're out of the sudden people rush, looking up to find the usual glint of irritation in his eyes.

How welcoming indeed, well two wrongs never make a right so in turn I smile up at him "Thank you."

His head jerks away, dropping his hold on my hand as well before skeptically looking around. Clearing his throat he turns away, slinking through the crowd, heading to a more desolate side of the pavement. I manage to follow him though, with very minimal events of getting walked into. 

He keeps both hands in his pockets and his head down, almost as if he's a criminal. 


I still don't know what he does but him being a criminal would explain alot, needing to walk around with majority of his face all covered up, the big house he lives in with a bunch of random other people that could be his partners in crime. Not to mention he had a security guard too, like you wouldn't need one unless you're safety is threatened. Why is his safety threatened, because he's a criminal. See fire and criminal, now that is a combination that makes sense.

He pushes open the glass doors of a small store, is he going to rob it? 

He holds the door open for a fraction of a second longer than needed, nudging to the inside of the shop with his chin. 

Unarmed robbery? He hasn't planned this out very well has he. Ah, maybe thats where he needs the fire, to help him escape. Brilliant.

A cheery beep tone signals our entry, the man at the counter and Jimin both exchanging greetings and a bow before he shuffles over to the back of the store. 

Shop lifting maybe? 

Scanning the shelves he picks up a few books, all in bright colours with cute little pictures on the cover. 

Ah okay, okay. I'll hide at the back here to help facillitate his escape, surely something dangerous and risky. 

He strides up to the counter, any moment now,  the cashier scans the items, c'mon any second. Jimin silently pays and leaves walking away until I can't see him through the glass.


He retraces his steps, looking back into the glass with an eyebrow quirked up.

Perhaps criminal was a little farfetched, back to square one. Damnit.

I leave the shop as well, feeling only a little bad when the cashier incredulously stares at the door open and close while I exit. Still invisible, wonderful. 


We're back in his room, he sets down the plastic bag filled with books by the floor before running over to the dresser in a panicked flurry.

I sit down on his chair, only his back visible to me while he continues hurriedly rummaging through his drawer, pulling out a bundle of black and grey fabric. Muttering something like 'manghae-ta' to himself.
(I'm screwed)

He glances at the clock above his bed while hands reach for the hem of his shirt, nearly pulling it up, just giving a slight peak of his waist before tugging his shirt back down. With his hands still holding his shirt, ensuring he's all covered up he turns around. Opens his mouth to speak but quickly gives up on the idea, instead holding his palm up, drawing circles with his downward pointing index finger.

From the bundle of new clothes in his hand and the way he nearly undressed, it doesn't take too many brain cells to figure out what he's implying, turning around I decide to focus on the wonders of his plain curtain instead.

The sound of his clothes hit the floor, a soft metallic clink too probably from his belt and the curtain really looks interesting today, so generic and dusty, wow.

A few more stifling moments go by and eventually he rushes out, only when his footsteps fade away do I turn around once more.  He really rushed out without even shutting the door nor pushing the drawers closed, even his used clothes lay in a pile right beside the dirty clothes hamper. Right beside.

Hm, what if this is what I'm supposed to help him with? Help him learn how to be responsible, but once again fire and responsibility, can't really see a direct connection.

Amid my thoughts a gurgle from my stomach decides to rudely interrupt.

When was the last time I ate?

My hunger decides to override nearly every other thought, announcing itself with yet another battle cry as I clutch my stomach. 

I really shouldn't leave his tiny home here, but theres no food, no water, no nothing within these four walls. 

Living as a human is kinda gross, my skin is a little tacky and my hair is all tangled. 

If I remember correctly, living on Earth combined with the effects of the potion would result in me becoming more human-esque, meaning I'll gradually come to experience these so called '7 life processes' as they do.

Bathing is no longer a recreational calming activity but a requirement due to things like sweat. Food becomes a necessity not a leisure and it'snot even free apparently. At least he had an attached bathroom here, there wasn't much just a toilet and sink but thats still a solution for another human life process.

He has such an odd little home, several others people among the hallways, the ground floor had a receptionist, no kitchen, no family.

Stepping over the broken vase I grab my satchel from under his desk where I had hidden it. I take out the documents I had brought on humans, reviewing them once more, life on Earth surely has changed drastically within the last few decades. Alot of the stuff in these papers don't seem to be a norm anymore, thankfully the toilets and sink haven't evolved as much, I would be royally screwed then. 

Once again my hunger announces it's arrival, this time the gnawing worse than before. Oh gosh is this how the mortals feel every few hours, back at home there was always a never-ending supply of food and eating itself wasn't even completely necessary to sustain myself.

Glancing at his open door, the decision in my mind is made. Surely he wouldn't mind if I stepped out for merely a moment. Just 1 teeny moment.


Jimin POV: 

"Jimin you're off beat again," Hoseok hyung scolds, his features set in stone as he glares at me in the mirror. 

A bead of sweat trickles down my neck as I adjust my movements, slowing down a little to be synchronised with the others "Sor-" 

"Ow hyung, please look at where you're stepping," Jungkook yelps slightly, gently pushing my shoulder away, amid the position change I accidentally stepped on his feet. 

"Sorry, sorry," 

"Uh Jimin, I think thats my spot, after the second chorus you're centre not here." Yoongi points down at where I'm standing, I shake away the tiredness, looking at us in the mirror, the centre position empty. 

'I'm sorry." I apologise for what seems like the twentieth time, moving to the centre again, in doing so I stumble over my own feet, accidentally bumping into Jin hyungs shoulders. 

"Sorry hyung." This marking the 21st sorry. 

The instructor stops the music, a look of sternness plastered onto his features as he clears his throat "Jimin, you're making alot of mistakes today." 

I nod, it's true, this is the second time we've had to stop practice because of me alone. 

"Everyone take a five-minute break, Jimin I want to speak with you,"

The others glance between each other, Hoseok hyung was annoyed and Taehyung too, probably because I kept bumping into the two of them the most. The 6 of them walked off, getting their water bottles and such, Jin hyung might've gone to call his girlfriend, he tends to do that during breaks.

Internally sighing, I mentally prepare myself for the earful I'm about to get as I follow the instructor. It almost feels like I'm a trainee all over again, or back then..

"𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭?"



'𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬!' 

"Jimin you alright?" 

Snapping out of it I find our instructor standing right in front of me, a hand on my shoulder, looking concerned.

"Yes sir?" my voice alot more winded than it should be as I shove those memories back to where they belong, way at the back of my mind. 

He looks at one half of my face then the other "Jimin, whats going on? You're not usually like this," 

"Sorry, there's just been alot on my mind. I'll work harder after the break."

With a headshake of dismay he crosses his arms over his chest "This is your job we're already behind schedule, this should be the only thing on your mind during practice. It's not just you, it's affecting the rest of your members too when you keep making mistakes." 

"I know." I heavily exhale, hoping that maybe it would take away some of the frustration but it does nothing to help. "I'm sorry, I won't be an inconvenience for the rest of them." 

"I know you won't," he reaches over, patting my shoulder once more "you're done for today Jimin,"

Done!? We barely hit half the usual time.


He clicks his tongue, already expressing the non-existent keenness about my protests "Given your current state of mind theres nothing more you can improve on today. Sort it out quickly and get back to your usual self,"

I'm actually speechless, I'm getting kicked out of the practice room, me? Over a few silly mistakes?

At my look of pure shock and disbelief, our instructor only  gestures for the door, already classifying  this a done deal. Left with no other choice I swallow my pride and bid my farewells. As I head to the 6 of them , they don't even try hiding their worry, the younger two shooting looks of encouragement and Hobi hyung isn't even slightly annoyed anymore, thats a relief.

"Sorry about today. I'll be off first then, thank you for your hard work," I nod their way before leaving the practice room, humiliation burning my skin at this modified version of the walk of shame. 

It was indeed embarrassing, my mistakes replay over and over in my head as my body moves on pure muscle memory back to my dorm. This is my job now, I should have done better, all those years of working for this, I can't let distractions interfere now, not after everything the rest have done for me, for us to succeed. 

What I need right now is a long uninterrupted nap and some food maybe, I'm sure with enough rest I'll be able to think more clearly and focus. Pushing open my room door, I'm greeted by absolutely no one, just my usual room, abit more of a mess there than usual. 

hm, she's not here. 

I briefly look around the room, even peeking behind the curtains. Oh my gosh she's gone! She's actually gone! 

A boulder flies off my shoulders as I skip over to my bed, before I could peacefully catapult onto my beloved mattress my foot gets snagged on something, tripping me up  Only my chest and head successfully making it to the bed, rest of me crashing onto the floor.

Swallowing a groan of pain I look down at what tripped me up, a small leather satchel of some sort. This doesn't look like anything I own, did Taehyung leave something in my room from last week? For someone so into fashion he tends to do an overly-wonderful job of displaying his pieces. 

Snapping a picture of it I send it to him asking if it's his, receiving a reply almost at once, when he should be practicing. 


Walkingmeme: i would never own something that ugly


If not his...

I open it up, scanning the contents, a thick stack of yellowed documents, a black stone and another smaller pouch. I hold the papers up, switching on the lamp beside me, it's all written in a text I've never seen before.

Namjoon hyungs maybe?  He's also well-known for 'misplacing' things. I think he's onto his 30th pair of airpods by now. 

Unless.. it's hers? I think I saw her carrying a little bag when she first got here. Oh no.

But where is she? I glance around the room once more finding no one in here but me and the mess. Eh, she can handle herself, since she apparently is a goddess I'm sure she'll steer clear of trouble and whatnot.

Busying myself, I get to work, putting my dirty clothes away in a bag to take home.

Shattered ceramic in a neat pile by my desk grabs my attention, the vase, before I knew I find myself walking over to the little broken pile, staring at the fragments while fragments of my own memories attempt resurfacing. 


Opting to clean that up later, I head over to my desk, finding all the papers of failed lyrics spread across. Cracking my neck, I pull out my chair hoping to get some work done.


I tried. 

But nothing good is coming to me, all the verses sound generic and repetitive. The mess of papers from earlier now having an additional few, black ink curled into words all harshly crossed out and this bloody headache from yesterday isn't making things any better. 

Giving up, I scrunch most of the papers up, throwing them into the dustbin and placing the few viable sheets in a stack. Maybe I should head home for today, a proper rest somewhere apart from the dorms seems tempting right now. 

Gathering my stuff I head back down, passing by familiar faces and mundane walls, the same as everyday. Staff and others and sparkles and a duck.

A duck! 

Backtracking, I find her once more, inherently staring at the picture on the wall, a baby duck in her arms.

At this point honestly, questioning it seems like a waste of time. I'll just accept the duckling as well, it's far more normal.

A picture of us when we won our award for 'I need U' hung up with a showcase light and everything. 

We looked so young then, a wave of nostalgia washing over me as I glance between their faces. Everyone was so happy, Jin hyung almost refused to be in the pictures after the ceremony since his eyes became all puffy after crying backstage. 

I never realised this was here, looking down the hallway, all our newer achievements hanging on the pristine walls, it almost makes you forget about the first few.

My gaze shifts onto her, she's staring at the photo so seriously that her foreheads all wrinkled up, even the duckling is looking at the photo too.

My stifled laugh garners her attention and once again she beams brightly. She points at me in the picture and then at me, silently asking if it's me. 

I nod once and her attention diverts back to the picture frame, seeming impressed, though I find it hard to believe. 

My hand slips into my pockets, fishing for my phone. I want to ask her something. 


She clutches her stomach, upperbody hunching over as her forehead smacks into the wall. The duckling in the other palm now startled, begins flapping it's wings.

"Shit are you alri- ahem," I cough into my fists, noticing people staring my way.

Her stomach rumbles once more and she looks at me almost pleadingly. Is she hungry? Gods can get hungry? Before I could answer myself my own stomach decided to growl, once again gaining stares of passerbys. 



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