Luna Magic

By AngelHirohata

374 11 0

Linzy has just turned eighteen and that’s a big deal in werewolf packs, it means they will finally be able to... More

Author's note.
Unwilling party guest.
Unexpected outcome.
Well that's odd.
You can't take her!
Author's note.

I'm sorry, did you say mate?

39 2 0
By AngelHirohata

Light poured into the room from the large window across her bed, groaning Linzy pulled the covers over her head before she stopped and slowly blinked her eyes open. Looking at what would have been her paw she shrieked slightly to see her hand. She had shifted during mid-sleep and was now completely naked with a small slip of a cover over her body; her eyes widened when she heard the sound of feet coming up the stairs, throwing the covers off her body she ran and locked the door.

"Linzy?" Erin's voice came from the other side.

"Uh...Just a moment." She replied and went to look at the back of her neck in the mirror. Not even a scar, perks of healing so nicely. Slipping on under things and a pair of shorts and a tank she finally opened the door to see a slightly red eyed Erin. "Have you been crying?" She looked her over in her Batman T-shirt that was a size to big and red jogging shorts. Before Linzy could say anything more, let alone do something, Erin threw her arms around Linzy's neck.

"I have been so worried about you." She squealed into her neck before Linzy gently patted her back. "Elis had to stay the night because I wouldn't stop crying."

Oh hell no. "He what?" Gently as she could she pulled Erin off of her and stalked toward her bedroom, pushing the door open to see a shirtless Elis on the bed in unbuttoned and unzipped jeans. "Oh...Hell...No." She glared at him. "Put some damn clothes on you pedophile." She picked up his shirt from the ground and threw it at him and he caught it in his hand while staring at her. She pushed Erin back who was standing in the door frame and closed the door behind her. "Please tell me you didn't do anything with him." Erin didn't answer, but he face flamed up a bright red. "Lovely." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry..But isn't that what mate's are suppose to do?" Erin fidgeted under her gaze and looked back at the door.

"Or...the build up a relationship and wait for marriage?" She shook her head. "What did you do exactly? Home run or one of the bases?"

Erin's face continued to redden. "A base."

Not needing to know which one Linzy nodded and tried to change the subject as she looked out the window to do so. She froze. "What time is it?"

"Uh...almost eight thirty." Erin responded after taking her phone out of her pocket.

"Shit...okay, I'll be back later to night."

"Last time you said that you were taking to the hospital."

Smiling she brushed past her and called over her shoulder. "And yet no scar, perfectly fine for duty." she didn't bother grabbing any clothing because what she had on would be good enough of a just a small shift. All she would need was a jacket to through on and her favorite sock boots and she was good to go. Coming out of her room she caught Erin staring at her from her door frame.


Erin narrowed her eyes. "Mind telling me where you're going?"

"Out." Linzy shrugged and jumped the steps, avoided a mother and fathers questions and ran out the back door. She could hear Erin's shouts from the window on the second story as she ran behind a tree and stripped down and quickly shifted that managed to cause her to wince. Grabbing her clothes between her jaws and took off toward the spot she had watched the night before.

~~~Back at the house~~~

Erin grumbled incoherent things as she stormed back into her room to find Elis didn't listen to her sister and was still shirtless, a smile curved the edges of her lips as she looked her mate over. Sliding into the bed she ran her hand through his short blond hair while looking over his chest; she looked up at him from under her lashes and up into his deep pools of greenish blue that set her heart to race. He pulled her on top of him and rested his large hands on her small waist while he looked up at her with a puzzled look.

"Why are you so troubled?" His deep voice vibrated through her bones and caused her to shiver from the unexpectedness that was silence a moment ago.

"Linzy...ever since last night she's been....different." She chewed on her bottom lip while looking at him and he resisted the urge to kiss her for looking so cute.

"Maybe it's because she is jealous you found your mate on her birthday and because you're so young." He shrugged softly as he tucked a strand of her light brown hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek in his hand. "This wouldn't be the first time siblings are pulled apart from a jealous heart."

Erin was shaking her head before he even finished his sentence. "No, she isn't like that. I mean, yes she can be jealous sometimes, but she would be happy for me. I think." She sighed before looking toward the door. "But she was in a hurry to get somewhere. And I want to know where and why."

Elis smiled at his little mate and gave her a kiss on the cheek, but didn't bother to pull away. "But not today, I have ordered my pack to stay away for today. So I'm all yours."

Erin's cheeks flushed brightly as she nodded and turned in his hands, thankfully the door was closed, and let him press his lips to hers in a kiss. Her arms moved around his neck and his wrapped around her waist and crushed her into his bare chest to deep the kiss.

~~~Out in the woods~~~

Linzy stopped running and dropped the clothing on the ground as she panted hard, timidly she lapped up some of the ice for water and let the freezing solid water melt in her mouth before swallowing. She paused and looked around for a sight of black and to her dismay was granted with nothing but white. Sighing she placed her clothing in the hollow of the tree she was in front of before laying down and watching the line.

-Don't screw it up this time.- Richard's voice sounded through her mind darkly but she didn't give a reply.

-I didn't think you would actually come.- Another deep voice snapped her head up as she found the dark wolf sitting on the other side of the line. His voice was filled with amusement, slightly raspy but in a good way, and so deep it melted her bones to the point she was a puddle at his face.

-I'm just full of surprises.- She said standing and walking to the line where she too sat down, he was a good bit taller than her, she craned her neck slightly just too look at him. Meaning when they stood together side by side she came up to the top of his shoulder blades.

-That you are...- His voice carried off as if he were smiling, his eyes traveling over her wolf body. -Now...we don't have anyone to interrupt the conversation. At least for a while.- He tilted his head still looking into her eyes.

If she were human she would have blushed under his piercing gaze. -Apparently so. We have at least three hours till I'm relieved, what was it you wanted to speak with me about?-

He rose to his feet and the sheer size of his massive form caused her to rise as well and look at him with guarded eyes. -I'm not the only one that felt all those things yesterday. I have talked it over with a few people and they all came to the conclusion that we are connected.-

-Connected?- Her head tilted and she sat back down to stare at him strangely.

-Mates my dear.- Again it sounded like he was smiling in his comment.

She sat there and stared at him for a few minutes till her mind snapped back into what was reality. -I'm sorry, did you say mates?- Her voice raised an octave more than her regular tone as she stared at him with wide eyes. -Is this why you wanted me to bring clothing? Just to see what I look like and see if you wanted to reject me?- Her voice turned sharp and deadly as she stood, fire in her eyes and her head raised as proudly and defiantly as an alpha.

-Calm down.- He watched her, amusement still in his voice. -I asked you to bring clothing for the time when we do decide to show what we look like to the other. Till then. Stay white princess.- He chuckled softly in her mind while watching her every move as if he could see deep into her soul.

She sighed slightly and looked around as she waited for something to happen just for his gaze to be off of her. But she wasn't granted that much, instead he just stood there and stared at her. -So, we are just going to sit here in silence then?- She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes.

-Actually no, I have to leave. Come back in two days. Same time.- And with that he turned his back on her and disappeared into the snow filled night.

She shook her head at how fast he was gone from her line of sight as she turned her back on the direction he had ran and trotted a few feet away before picking up in a full run to arrive back home. She skidded to a halt and cursed, remembering she had duty. To regain her dignity if any eyes on the other side she sat down a few feet away from the line and waited.

~~~Home~~~(After being relieved)

Linzy whined as she paced in front of the back doors for someone to let her in, she scratched at the side of the house to see if anyone would come but no one did. The light in Erin's room was dull as if only a lamp but the rest was dark as the night she was left out in. She needed to find a place to stay then since no one would come and open the damn door after she said she would be back; she left the house and walked for a while in the forest before finding a small empty den that had been empty for a while. She slinked her way into the warm, dark hole till her body was out of the wind and curled up into a white ball and closed her eyes just as a small blizzard started.

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