oh, shit // bnha

By elisimone_

159K 7.1K 3.2K

imagine how embarrassing it would be to fall into a classroom full of 16 year-olds in your pajamas ? eli is j... More



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By elisimone_




Eli had just finished her homework when she sat down with a loud huff on her uneven couch, which was absolutely broken due to the fact that Eli and her friends were all dumb. 

She sighed in relief as she opened up her small metal treasure chest to reveal a blunt, a small joint, and a lighter. Eli happily slid on her crocs to go towards the small balcony of her little apartment. That was until she took a step and suddenly she fell through the floor. 

She let out a shriek as she fell, her eyes frighteningly looking around at the black space around her, before she fell again, her back hitting a rough surface making her groan loudly before she rolled over and fell again, this time hitting the cold floor. 

"What the hell?" she heard somebody grunt out aggressively making her flinch wildly before she sat up abruptly, ignoring the pain in her back as she swiveled around to face 20 kids looking at her with wide eyes. 

Was this a classroom?

She shrieked again as she found herself wrapped up in something, her eyes finding the glowing red eyes of a tall man with long, black floating hair. His eyes darted to the metal container still clutched in her hand before focusing his glare back on the girl. 

"Oh, shit," Eli breathed out, as she stared with wide eyes around her. 

"Keep working," the man told the kids before he began to drag the girl out of the classroom. 

"Wait a minute?! Who the hell are you?" she asked loudly as she struggled against the wrapping, still being dragged along the floor. 

"Shut up," the man huffed out, continuing to drag the girl. 

"Can I at least walk, I just did this laundry," Eli said, still struggling against the wrapping? 

"I said, shut up," he said gruffly, still dragging the girl with his scarf, glancing over at her as she noticed her continued struggling and stopping his speed walk.

Her instincts took over at that moment as she rolled around on the floor, bringing her knees to her chest as she flipped upwards. She didn't know this guy, but she did know that he was quick and she wasn't so sure if she could beat him in a fight if she tried. 

Landing on her feet with a huff, she rushed towards the unexpecting man as fast as she could jumping and kicking both her feet on the guy's back with a huff. With her arms wrapped up in the bandages, she couldn't use her arms. 

The two of them tumbled to the floor, Eli landing on top of him and wasted no time in cocking her head back and bashing her head against his, headbutting him, hoping that the grip the bandages had on her would loosen, but they didn't.

"Shit," the man cursed, groaning from the pain as he quickly maneuvered them, rolling around to push her to the floor with a grunt. 

"Stay down!" he told her harshly, making her flinch a bit at the glowing red eyes still trained on her. It was then she knew she wasn't winning this, especially not with her being bound from the waist up, so she stopped struggling. 

"O-okay, okay," she screeched as her cheek pressed against the cold floor, grunting from the pain she already felt in her back. 

Hesitantly, he got off her, pulling her up to her feet, a tighter hold on with the wrappings than before.  

"Come on," he said with a glare, his eyes glowing red once again before he tugged her along, surprised when he heard no complaint, just a sigh as she walked behind him. 

"Hey, so, do you mind telling me where I am at least?" she asked. 

"Stop talking, I have to get you to Nezu," he grumbled, annoyed at the girl. 

"Who's Nezu? Is he your friend or something? If he is, is it possible he's a bit nicer?" Eli shot out questions. 

In her mind, Eli was panicking, big time, and the pain in her head intensified. 

'What the fuck made me think a headbutt was a good idea?' she raged in her mind. 

She tried to calm her heart, which felt like it was beating out of her chest as she walked behind the man. Somehow Eli hoped and prayed that somehow this was a dream, and she'd wake up from a weed nap any minute now. Her fist clenched tightly, and she bit her lip as she tried to stop herself from asking any more questions that would irritate the man. 

Her hands shook relentlessly, making her ball them up tightly before continuing behind the man. She looked around her, taking in her slightly blurry surroundings with small interest and searing panic before she was pulled further making her stumble a bit over her feet. 

The man that could obviously kick her ass if he wanted to. 

Sooner or later, Eli found herself sitting in a chair, still wrapped up in bandages as she waited beside the irritated man who stood beside her. 

"What's in the box kid?" he asked gruffly, making her body stiffen as she tried to inch away from him. 

"Something that belongs to me," she told him simply, not meeting his intense stare at her before he tried to take it. 

Eli let out a weird noise as she clutched the small canister in her hand, as the man tried to pry the box from her hand, which didn't work due to the inhumane strength she'd suddenly gained. It wasn't long before a line of other people walked into the room, one of them being something that resembled a rat as she turned her attention to the newcomers, which promptly allowed for the man to snatch the box out of her hands. 

"Hey! Give that back," she said trying to wiggle out of the wrappings only to fail, making her huff as she looked at the man with a fierce glare.

"And what do we have here?" said a small voice making Eli turn to look at the rat with wide eyes. 

"I'm sorry, but did you just speak?" Eli asked, no longer struggling in the wrappings as she stared at the rat who only laughed a bit as he walked over to her. 

"What do we have here Aizawa?"



What seemed like hours later, even though it was only 15 minutes, Eli was surrounded by a bunch of people who all stared at her warily. Then the door opened, to reveal a man in a trench coat and top looking around the room with curious eyes. 

'Dramatic, but a look nonetheless' she thought.  

"Ah, Detective Tsukauchi, I'm so glad you could get here on such short notice," the rat thing said. 

"Well, it's not every day that I get a call from U.A's principle that a girl fell out of the ceiling," the man... detective said. 

"I know right," Eli joked with a nervous smile, only to receive weird looks.

"Wrong time, that one's on me, I'm sorry," Eli muttered out, turning her eyes to the floor. 

"We're going to have to ask you a few questions," the man, who still had her wrapped up in his scarves said, making Eli look up at him with wide eyes before her previous panic flared. 

"Look man, I don't know what's going on! I don't know who you people are, I don't know how this... fine gentleman (Nezu) is speaking to me, and I don't even know where I am," Eli said with wide eyes, her eyes beginning to dart around the room as she stared at the people before her. 

"You ma'am are at U.A high school, an academy for young heroes. And I am Principal Nezu," the rat said again. 

"Okay...? Is that supposed to mean something to me?" Eli asked, looking at him weirdly.

"How about, we start off with your name," the detective spoke up, taking a seat in a chair across from her. 

"Uh, Eli Flower," she told him, squirming as she felt all eyes on her. 

"Is Eli your first name?" he asked, and she nodded. 

"How old are you?" he asked again. 

"18, I turn 19 in November," she told them with a nervous laugh. 

"Where are you from, originally?" the man asked. 

"Los Angeles, California," she told him, shivering even more at the weight from the stares. 

"Ms. Flower, are you by any chance associated with any villains?" Nezu, the principal asked. 

"Villains? Nah, I don't think I am," she said, trying to figure out what he meant by the word villain, but shrank into her seat at the glares she received from her answer. 

"How did you get here? And where did you learn to fight like that?" the man with the scarves asked. 

"I don't know, I was just trying to get to my balcony when I fell through the floor. Next thing you know I'm wrapped up with you folk," she told them.

"I promise that wasn't a pun," she told them quickly, still staring at them nervously. 

"And the fighting?" he asked again. 

"I lived in a dojo for a while," she said, grimacing at the memories. The man in the scarves (?) noticed this but didn't comment on it. 

"Do you by any chance attend a school of some sort?" Nezu asked. 

"Yeah, I'm at Cal State, I'm an English: Lit major," she told them nervously. 

"I'm going to ask you again since you didn't answer clearly. Are you associated with any villains?" Nezu asked, a malicious glint in his eyes that contradicted the smile on his face. Eli shrunk from his gaze.

"What do you even mean by villains? Heroes? Are you talking about cops and civilians, because if you are, calling cops heroes is a stretch," Eli pondered aloud before focusing her attention back on the group before her. 

"Do you not know what a villain is?" the man in scarves asked. 

"Of course, I know what a villain is! Like Thanos, right? Even though he wasn't necessarily wrong," Eli said, mumbling the last part to herself. They tensed a bit, staring at her. 

"Who is this Thanos?" Nezu asked. 

"You know Thanos! The purple guy from the movies and comics? 'I am inevitable?'" she quoted, making those around her release the previous tension from the revelation that she was talking about comics. 

"Ms. Flower, a villain is somebody who uses their Quirk to commit crimes," Nezu explained simply, his mind jumbling as he thought about where exactly Eli could have come from to not know what he was referring to. 

"What the hell is a Quirk? Is that some kind of acid? If so, I'm open to-" Eli was cut off abruptly by a hand slamming on the desk in front of her making her squeak and move away. 

"This is no time for games little girl," said a man with large teeth protruding from his mouth. 

"Look man, I'm being serious. Ion know what a Quirk is, or why ya'll are dressed like ya going to an anime convention, even though hers is really nice. I don't even know what country I'm in right now!" she shrieked out quickly, shying away from the large man in front of her. 

"We're in Japan," the man with the scarves answered plainly. 

"Wait a minute, are we speaking Japanese right now?" she asked. 

"Yes?" he answered. 

"Oh my fuck!" she shrieked as she began to panic, even more, her body beginning to shake from the pressure that seemed to loom over her. 

"You really know nothing?" asked the woman who Eli had complimented. 

"No! I've been saying that!" Eli said loudly, fear still evident in her voice as she did. 

"Do you have any family we could contact?" the detective asked. 

"Honestly, you'd have better luck calling my goldfish," she said with a forced laugh before dread covered her features yet again. 

"Oh no, Lou!" she panicked, thinking to her goldfish back at home. 

"Lou?" the man with the scarves asked. 

"My goldfish! Oh god, I hope he's okay! Come on man, the most illegal thing I've done is run a red light, and that was only because Lou got sick and I was just trying to get him to the vet!" she exclaimed quickly rambling on about she had school and that her apartment's rent was due soon. 

"Well, then can you tell us what's in this?" said the detective, now holding the canister that the scarved man had and placing it on the table. 

"Dude just open it, it'll smell but it won't kill you," she grumbled out, her eyes flicking to the small metal box. 

"What is this?" the scarved man asked, a bit harshly. 

"Weed," she said plainly before shifting nervously as they stared at her with deadpanned expression. 

"Hey! Don't look at me like that, it's legal," she defended herself. 

That made Nezu ponder a bit. Why'd she get so defensive about that? If what she was saying was true about her age then she wasn't doing anything illegal. Nezu couldn't even think of a time when weed wasn't legal across the globe. 


"Open it," the scarved man demanded, finally releasing her from the scarf making her letting her breathe a little more evenly now. Also making her realize the growing pain in her head and back.

Eli eyes them nervously, seeing how on guard they became from her being released. So, with a nervous breath, she inched forward and took the top of the container off, revealing the rolled-up blunt, the joint, and lighter beside it, underneath being a small picture.

"See," she said as she kept her hands visible for them to see as she inched back away from the table, trying her hardest not to fidget, which was really hard for her all things considered. 

Her mind was racing. Japan? She was in Japan right now, speaking Japanese? Wiggling around a bit, she felt the bulge of her phone in her pocket, sighing a bit in relief at it before her eyes locked onto the picture at the bottom of the box. One she was tempted to grab, but she didn't want to take any chances.

'Eli what in fucks name else would you speaking in Japan, THINK FOR ONCE!?' her thoughts screamed at her. 

Her breathing became a little more rapid from the silence that had engulfed the room, making her eye twitch a bit. Her fingers jerked, and her leg began to bounce as she moved her eyes to the floor and she couldn't help lowering her hands to sit on her thighs, her fingers curling a bit as she tried not to anxiously scratch herself. Instead, she focused her attention on her hands, watching as they twitched a bit before she shut her eyes closed. 

She wanted to cry. 

She had no idea what was going on, and her anxiety was going through the roof. She didn't have her anxiety medication, she missed Lou, she missed her lumpy couch, and she was sitting in front of 7 if you count the rat, fully grown adults that were looking at her as if she would somehow explode. 

Her fingers rubbed together hastily before she decided to just ball her fists up, her nails once again digging into her palms. She couldn't bring herself to calm down, and part of her wanted so badly to get up and move a bit so wouldn't hurt herself, but her own fear froze her. 

Her whole body was shaking at this point, and she seemed to curl up a bit as she tried to calm herself. She clenched her eyes closed, trying to stop any tears from falling. One did fall though, and Eli wasted no time in wiping it away quickly. 

"Hey kid," said the man with the scarves, snapping Eli out of her own thoughts, which she couldn't help but be a little thankful for. 

"Am I in trouble? I-I'm sorry," she squeaked out as her eyes shot up from the floor to look at the people before her eyes met the scarved man again. 

"You're not-" the man cut himself off with his own sigh. 

"You're not in trouble. We're just trying to figure this out," he said with another tired sigh, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger. 

This did little to ease her anxiety, so she stayed in that position as the group began to talk in hushed voices on the other side of the room, leaving Eli to her thoughts. 

Due to Detective Tsukauchi's lie detector Quirk, they had confirmed she was telling the truth, but that just further confused them. 

Eli tried to think about anything else, wanting her mind to haze over so that she could at least calm down a bit. Silently, she looked at the things around her. She tried to count the pens in the cup on the table but they were too far for her to see well enough, so she named some of the colors on the paintings that hung on the wall, counted her fingers, tapped her foot, rubbed her knees, rubbed her face, and stroked some of the curly strands on her head.

Many of the adults in the room glanced at her, sympathetic looks in their eyes as they watched her attempts to calm herself down. Despite knowing she was 18, she was still just a kid in their eyes, and she was scared and that made them feel horrible for her. They knew she had no idea what was going on. 

Although they did still find her suspicious, they knew it'd be wrong to treat her like some kind of villain, especially since she barely knew what a villain was in the first place. 

Unfortunately, none of her attempts to soothe her anxiety worked, and she had to resort to just trying to keep breathing and tapping in 3s on her thigh. She forced her body to breathe a certain way, attempting to calm her body down even a little bit, and eventually, the rhythmic taps aided in soothing her. 

Unfortunately, all that hard work turned to dust when someone spoke. 

"Ms.Flower?" Nezu called making her look at him. 

"Huh, oh, yes?" she asked, wincing as she felt her migraine increase. 

'Damn, how hard did I hit my hit my head?' she grimaced internally. 

"I hope you agree that this is quite the peculiar case, even if we know that you're telling the truth about your predicament. Unfortunately, we still know little about you, so until we can reign in any information, you'll have to stay here," Nezu said. 

"Wait, stay?! B-but, where?" she questioned frantically before her eyes shot to the detective.

"Am I going to jail? I can't go to jail man, who'll feed Lou?" she panicked, her hands clutching onto her hair tightly as she did so, wincing again at the pain in her head before she rolled her shoulders in an attempt to soothe her still aching back, which suddenly hurt a lot more than before. 

"You're not going to jail kid, geez, could you calm down," the scarved man said with a sigh making her huff and glare at him a bit. 

"Don't tell me to calm down bandages! I have a fish to feed, and finals are coming up! I was doing actually doing good in Stats, I have a B! So don't tell me to calm down!" she all but yelled at him, her body inching towards him as she did so before she froze a bit. 

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that was uncalled for," she said quietly, her eyes once again facing the floor, actually feeling bad for going off as she did. 

"...You're fine," the man huffed out, averting his sympathetic eyes. 

"For the time being you will be under surveillance of U.A, and Aizawa will watch out for you, but since you're 18, you can't really enroll in the school, but I'm sure we can make you an honorary TA," Nezu said with a smile on his face. 

"You're Aizawa?" she asked the scarved man, and he nodded with crossed arms. 

"Well, at least we already know each other," she said with a nervous laugh, shrinking back again as no one said anything. 

"Alright, no, yea, that's cool. I'll shut up now," 

Eli Flower

Age: 18

Birthday: November 13th, XXXX

Quirk: [unknown]

Blood Type: O-

Physical Description: Eli has thick, curly/kinky black hair that reached comes down to her breast in its curly state. She has the sides of her hair shaved a little that you can only really see when she put it up, along with a pair of black eyes that hold light brown, almost golden specks in them. She stands at 5'5 and has a birthmark on her upper lip. She has a septum piercing and both her nostrils pierce with a small chain connecting the piercings, and each of her ears has 3 regular ears piercings and a helix on her right ear. Along with this, she has an eyebrow piercing on her left side and a lip piercing on her right as well. 

She has a small tattoo of a cartoon ghost on her hip and another of a red rose behind her left ear. She has pretty almond-colored skin and a couple of freckles on her cheeks, nose, and forehead. She has a pretty muscular build, but she lost a lot of some of the muscle in her arms since she doesn't work out as much as she used to. She also wears glasses because her eyesight is absolute dog shit (she has to pay extra for the blue blockers since she's always typing).

Likes: writing, reading, weed, warm bread, cold weather, hot chocolate, the color green, animals (especially her fish Lou), painting her nails, crocs, makeup, music

Dislikes: school, uncomfy clothing, cops, tight spaces, bugs(because ew), being too hot

Personality: Eli is a very humorous girl that tends to make friends easily, even though it makes her anxious. She can be pretty nonchalant, and very easy-going, sometimes too easy-going honestly. She's really nice usually, but she does have her buttons that you shouldn't push. She doesn't enjoy being stressed, so she tries to stay out of stressful situations, even if it almost never works. This is part of the reason she enjoys writing so much because even though it can be stressful due to writer's block it helps her feel like she's in control, which in turn makes her less anxious. She's become quite the introvert after getting her own place, preferring to stay inside and only really leaving her apartment for work, school, or groceries.

But as a college student, she has done some shit that hurts her pride to this day. 

Other: Eli has severe anxiety, along with moderate ADHD, and cyclothymic bipolar disorder. This means she gets severely anxious in situations she doesn't understand which makes her fidget quite a bit even when she's calm. Not only that but she finds herself only being able to give her absolute full attention to only certain things (like writing and fighting), and she tends to have brief depressive and manic episodes.      

She is medicated, but she also self-medicates through weed to calm herself down in times when she doesn't have access to her medication since it is rather expensive. She has a bad habit of scratching her thighs, her fingers or her arms to relieve stress, but she had to force herself to stop since she was hurting herself.

Other Skills: She's a fighter, even if she doesn't seem like it. After years of living in shitty places, she had to know how to fight, and take punch while she's at it. After years of getting her ass kicked, she eventually learned not to think when fighting, just fight, ask questions later. This means her reflexes are pretty sharp, and she packs quite the punch when she's angry. Unfortunately, sometimes her thoughts get the better of her, but eventually, she always snaps out of it.  

She dabbles in art, something she got into when she started writing, since drawing her characters helps her envision them, their certain aesthetic, and their personality layout better. She's pretty good at it, but she prefers writing. She can cook, but she's not great at it, but she can although make simple meals.    


Mother: deceased

Father: [unknown]

Siblings: [unknown]             

hi ? 

all rights go to hot boy kohei horikoshi <3

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