Dream Island + (The Original)

Por JellyGirl16

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It's been a year since B.F.B has ended and Woody was the winner. Ever since winning B.F.B Woody's life has be... Más

Author's note
Episode 1A: Helping Teardrop To Talk
Episode 1B: Helping Teardrop to talk
Episode 2: Lazer Light Cannon
Episode 3: Tundra Turmoil
Episode 4: Who Beat Up TD?! (Warning Gore)
Episode 5a: Arm-less
Episode 5b: Loss
Episode 5C: Disaster Strikes
Episode 6: Help
Episode 8: The Return (MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING)
Episode 9: Babysitting For Dumbasses
Episode 10: Everything is Okay...(Character Development)( trigger warning)
Episode 11: Title Undetermined
Episode 12 (Finale): It All Blows Up

Episode 7: Cooking Like A Chef

300 5 32
Por JellyGirl16

Teardrop was sitting by herself at home. Even after last episode, she was still upset over his death. She knew one day she might get over it, but today is not the day. As she sat there in her sadness, she realized that it was almost time for Cake At Steak. She sighed and made her way over there. She hoped that all of this would end someday.

Teardrop: Hey guys welcome back to cake at steak...You guys lost last time, so you guys do cake at steak. We got 7 votes and, hold on.....Well that's interesting.

Pin: What is?

Teardrop: Well it seems as if everyone voted for the same person.

Leafy: Well that must be unfortunate for that person.

Then all of a sudden everyone just stared at Leafy.

Leafy: Uh...why are you guys looking at me like that?

Teardrop: Good riddance to ya Leafy.

Leafy: What do you mean...?

Teardrop: Well Isn't it obvious who's eliminated?

Leafy suddenly realized what she meant by that.

Leafy: O-Okay..cut it with the jokes, who's actually eliminated?

Teardrop: Leafy! Its you! And you deserve it!

Leafy: Oh come on! I did nothing to deserve this!

That's when the rest of the team finally snapped.

Firey: Nothing? NOTHING?! You are literally ruining the entire Team!

Flower: You have made everyone miserable just from being there!

Pin: You have ruined everyone's relationship and or lives for no reason!

Donut: Even though I've only been here for like a few episodes, you've been a complete jerk to everyone here!

Coiny: And not to mention how you are also probably a sexist!

Leafy: You know what guys, Fuck you! Just eliminate me already, you good for nothing excuse of a co host!

Teardrop: Gladly!

And then Leafy got sent away....

Eliminated: Match Needle Ruby Pencil Bubble Leafy.

Firey: Well, I'll be the first to say that, I'm glad she is gone.

Flower: Yeah I'm glad she's gone too, but I do wonder what got into her, I mean Leafy never was like this.

Firey: She's probably just a psycho or something. Anyway, what's the next challenge anyway?

Gelatin: Yeah, Teardrop what's the challenge...?

Teardrop: Well....I guess the challenge could be....a cooking competition!

Gelatin: Really? I love cooking!

Firey: Wait cooking? I hate cooking!

Teardrop: But aren't you literally made of fire?

Firey: Yes, which means it's very easy to burn food. However then again, I did do good in that taco challenge all those years ago.

Teardrop: Well point is, that is what this episode challenge is gonna be, whoever makes the best food wins. You have 1 hour to make the food. Go!


Gelatin's Team

GB: Okay team, we have around 1 hour to make some food...and now I'm just realizing only one of us has arms...Shit...

TB: Well Gelatin, looks like your gonna be the leader of this challenge since we are all unable to cook without any arms.

Gelatin: Wait guys are you sure you want me to be the leader again? Last time I did that, the host was the one to get eliminated...From life.

GB: Gelatin, listen. What happened back there wasn't your fault, you realize that right?

Gelatin: Yeah I know that but-

TB: But now that it was all taken care of, you have nothing to worry about. Nothing like that is gonna happen again. So please just lead your team to victory.

Gelatin: *Sigh* Fine...I'll try...

GB: Well that's great to hear. Now what are we gonna make?

Gelatin took a look around to see what ingredients they have...he thought about it for a bit and he came up with an idea.

Gelatin: Alright guys, I think I have a plan!

Spongy: Well come on let's hear it.

Gelatin: Alright so I was thinking, why don't we make some yoyle ice cream?

Spongy: Yoyle ice cream? I've never heard of that...I've only heard of yoyle cake...

Gelatin: Well that's because, yoyle ice cream is more of a thing you would find in southern Goiky, if you never heard of it, you probably grew up in northern Goiky where it was much colder than in the south.

Spongy: Oh! Well that explains a lot...

Gelatin: Anyway what I need all of you to do, is find all of the ingredients for the ice cream, I have the recipe right here.

He gave them the recipe.

GB: Alright team! Let's go find these ingredients for him ASAP!

The rest of the team left while Gelatin started to work on the ingredients he already had with him.


Firey's Team


Donut: Firey, could you please stop burning the food? For five minutes?!

Flower: Yeah Firey, this is like the 2,763rd time you've burnt it!

Firey: Guys it's not that easy to control myself. I'm literally made of fire!

Flower: Yeah I get that, but could you at least try to stop burning the food?

Firey: If I could I would. Please stop blaming me.

While they were all having a less violent argument...Coiny was working on his part of the food they are making. It wasn't a particularly hard thing to work on, but it was definitely taking awhile...while he was waiting for the food to finish...he noticed Pin working on her portion of the food...he thought back to what happened between him and her...he realizes now that both of them were being manipulated by Leafy...but now that she's gone...what about Pin? Does Pin still hate Coiny for what he did to her, or does she forgive him for what happened since they were both being manipulated...? Coiny needed answers, so with a bit of reluctance he decided to talk to her for the first time in awhile...

Coiny: ...Pin...?

Pin turned around to see him and she let out a sigh in annoyance...

Pin: What...?

Coiny: Listen...we need to talk...

Pin: *Sigh* About what...?

Coiny: ...About the whole Leafy thing...

Pin: *Sigh* Listen I know what your gonna talk about...and I know what your gonna ask...

Coiny: Please hear me out...Leafy basically ruined us, and caused us to grown apart and eventually caused us to break up...But don't we both know that Leafy manipulated us into breaking us apart?

Pin: Coiny...what you said is true, I'll give you that...but...what exactly are you trying to get at here?

Coiny: Okay...point is...

Coiny then held her hands and Pin was taken aback a bit...

Coiny: Could we maybe...start over...?

Pin thought about it for a second...with everything that happened...and she made her answer...

Pin: No...at least not now...

Coiny was shocked and devastated at Pin's answer...

Coiny: B-B-But w-why?!

Pin: Look, I understand what Leafy did was very manipulative, but you still kissed her or at least almost did...you didn't even give me a chance to tell you what really happened...plus you believed Leafy without even a second though...and if I'm being honest...if are gonna listen to Leafy before even hearing out your girlfriend...then maybe we're not meant to be together...

After she said that, she walked back to her cooking place leaving Coiny there to cry...
Around 30 minutes later it was time for the judging

Teardrop: Alright everyone it's time for the judging...I guess...So which team wants to go first?

Gelatin: Well I guess we'll go first.

Teardrop: Alright then...what did your team make?

Gelatin: Well...my team made one of the best deserts of all time...Yoyle Ice cream!

Teardrop took a look at it and decided to just take a bite/lick...it tasted sweet and bit sour but it was pretty good...With it having Yoyle Berries in it, she did turn metal but it was T a big issue for her since it would ware off soon...

Teardrop: Hey! This is actually pretty good...and it tastes amazing! I'll give it a solid 9/10...it's gonna take a lot to beat that dish...So what did the other team think of...?

Flower: Well I'm glad you asked...we have been saving this dish all day and keeping it a secret from everyone even the readers!

Teardrop: Well what is it then?

Flower: Drumroll please!

The food was a cake...

Teardrop: A cake...?

Firey: Yeah it's a cake! It took us a long time to make it...

Donut: Mainly cause someone wanted to burn it, but let's not talk about that...anyway how about you just take a bite and tell us what you think...?

Teardrop took a bite of the cake and...it tasted amazing...like really good...it had this certain taste she just couldn't describe...and call it stupid if you must but, the feeling she got after taking a bite...was a safe feeling...like nothing could go wrong...and everything was gonna be okay...it reminded her of something...like a memory of a good time...she the Remembered...She and Woody used to try and cook all the time together...neither of them were particularly good at it, but it was still a fun time and they were able to just spend time together without a single care in the world...in fact there was this one time they tried to bake a cake together, but it was a huge fail...it took them around 50 tries to make one that was even remotely edible...but it didn't even matter to them...cause it was fun to just be together with him...and she would do anything just to have one more moment with him...and she felt all of this emotion from one simple bite...

Teardrop came back to her senses and started to tear up a little...but this time...not in a sad way...more like a remembering all the good times way...

Flower: Uhm Td...? Are you okay...?

Teardrop wiped her tears before speaking.

Teardrop: Yeah I'm fine...and I have decided the winner for this challenge...The winner of this challenge is...
Flower's Team!

Flower's Team cheered. For the first time in awhile they won without feeling bad about it! While Gelatin's team on the other hand groaned in defeat...they were about to lose their 4th member knocking them down to just 3 of them...

Vote in the comments using the letter and square brackets on who you want to be eliminated. The person with the most votes will leave the show. Voting ends 24 hours after I post this chapter...

[A] Gelatin

[B] Spongy

[C] Golfball

[D] Tennisball

Hello everyone! It has been WAY too long since the last chapter...to be honest the reason it took so long for this one to come out is well just life in general getting in the way...but we are BACK! Please remember to vote on who you want gone. Anyway thank you so much for reading this far...and with that being said, Jellyboi1 Out!

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