What's Mine Is Mine (BoyxBoy)...

By dazeddai

467K 15.7K 3.3K

"My mate is mine. Therefore stay the hell away. If you think you'll even touch him and I won't find out, you'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight ~Part One~
Chapter Eight ~Part Two~
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Fourteen

16.9K 601 171
By dazeddai

A/N: First, I would to thank all of you lovelies for reading voting, commenting and most of all waiting. I'm sorry it's been a while, I have been trying to figure out how to continue this.

You guys are my inspiration and I'd like to thank you lovelies for everything. ~♥~

It literally makes me joyful when I see that you guys are actually into it.

So I'm gonna shut the hell up now and give you what you've been waiting for.

Life Support just seems to suit this book so much so the song of the chapter AGAAAAINNN issssss......

Song of the Chapter: Life Support by Sam Smith

Chapter Fourteen

I walked into the school, my head held higher than it did a few weeks ago. I felt different, I just really didn't care anymore. Like all that fear and loneliness was just dead to me. I got looks, I guess I did look different too. I ditched my dark jeans and hoodie for blue jeans and a plaid button up. My shaggy black hair was now cropped, revealing my still-newly hazel eyes.

I felt a new confidence overtake me, it was a strange feeling. Before eyes on me would've made me uncomfortable, now they have no effect on me. And for that?—I was glad for. In all honesty, I love the fact that this whole thing, dealing with Travis?—has made me as a person, slightly better.

I looked over some of the students who called me things like a freak, or "emo" or hell anything else, right in the eyes. I wasn't a freak, emo, or anything like that. Never was. Just a lost kid. A wolf who needed it's mate... There was no way in hell I was going to lose what's mine. Mine. My wolf growled in agreement.

I ran my hand through my hair as I stopped at my locker. I grabbed my books and closed my locker and jumped a bit, not expecting a person to be leaning directly against the locker beside my own. I cursed in surprise as I stared at the person.

He smirked, his piercing gaze ran over my body. Dark green eyes flickering with some seductively dark, yet unknown, reason. "Hello..." He chuckled in a husky voice. His pink tongue darted across his bottom lip.

I let my eyes trail over him; his body was fit, broad shoulders, narrow hips. A dark muscle shirt, clad against his skin as it defined the chiseled torso underneath. He had some dark washed jeans hanging loose on his hips.

I raised my eyebrows at him, as his eyes never left my face. "Hey..." I tilted my head to the side. "Something you need?" It was a rhetorical question, I didn't care for the answer nor did I feel like entertaining green eyes. I turned on my heel to leave, then was pulled to a halt as he grabbed my elbow and slowly pulled me back.

"Why yes, thank you Mr. McDonald for asking if I needed something..." He said his jaw tightened. "In fact, surprisingly I do. I'm just genuinely curious as to why you smell of April and Savannah..."

I bit the inside of my cheek and pulled myself away from his grasp. "Ah, so you're the asshole..." I chuckled humorlessly.

"No, I'm the asshole's brother."

"So Asshole #2 it is," I muttered under my breath. I rolled my eyes, "I see April and Savannah on a day-to-day basis."

"Why?" He questioned taking a step closer to me, as I took another back. His eyes pierced mine, unwavering and challenging another step back.

"Savannah needs a father figure—a good one—and April needs a friend," I started and then narrowed my eyes. "Why does it matter to you?"

"Just needed to inform my brother about his slut of a mate," He smirked and I felt something in me snap.

Suddenly, I was slamming him against the locker, my hand tightly around his throat. "Don't call her that," I growled at him, baring my teeth. He just smirked, his face turning reddish. I tightened my grasp on his throat with every word, "Don't. Ever......fucking call her that. Again. Do we have an understanding?"

He gasped a few dark chuckles, "F-fuck y-you—"

"—Do we have an understanding." I repeated once more, adding pressure to his throat. He was turning into a strong color in between purple and red. Eyes swelling with tears, face pained, though his smirk remained. My dominant wolf wanted nothing more than to rip out his jugular.

He made a gurgling sound and I loosened my grip enough to allow him to stutter out a "y-yes." I dropped him to the floor. "You're in the wrong territory, I suggest you leave. You're making our wolves on edge." I made a gesture to the hungry eyes that were on him.

His eyes flickered behind me and I watched as an unknown emotion flickered inside their jade depths. I released him and I picked up my bag off the floor. He looked up at me with a dark expression. "We are not done here, Shane."

"To hell you are," A voice said sending chills down my spine. I felt a body press against my own. His hand rested on my waist. "You won't be speaking to my mate again—isn't that right, Dawson?"

Dawson's jaw clenched, "Yes Alpha Miller." He addressed Travis with resentment, but bowed his head curtly at the two of us before turning on his heel to leave.

Travis wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Sorry," He whispered.

"For what?"

"Not being here when you needed me."

I turned around to face him with raised eyebrows. "I can handle myself. I don't need you constantly running to my defense, so you've got nothing to apologize for." I said shrugging.

"You're my mate—"

"—Travis," I cut him off. His icy eyes met mine and I could see him beating himself up over it. "I'm fine. If you didn't notice, I handled it pretty damn well."

He frowned frustratedly. "Fine, McDonald. You win. You can handle yourself..." It's like the words pained him to say. I knew his wolf—an alpha at thathated pulling back. He needed to though, I can't stand submitting to another's will. I was too independent to allow someone to take my will.


"Savy!" I cooed picking up the baby. "Hi my little cutie pie!" I twirled her around as she giggled in my arms. I nuzzled her face smiling.

April sat there, lost in thought as I looked over at her. Her sapphire eyes full of emotion. "So," She paused for a moment, "you said that Dawson was here...to check up on me...and Savannah..?"

I nodded slowly as I tickled the little squirming baby, she laughed at me, kicking her feet. I smiled sadly, "I wish I could have had children..."

April frowned and came over to hugged me. "It's okay!" She hugged the both of us tightly. "You can! You could adopt! Or like be Savannah's godfather.... And also maybe a surrogate?"

I snapped my eyes to her. "April...will you—"

"—hell no. Absolutely not Shaney. That hurts. I'm not even fully healed. My vagina hurts just thinking about childbirth," She shook her head at me, crazed. She stopped when she caught my fleeting expression.

I shrugged nonchalantly, looking away from her at the little light in my arms who just stared back at me. "It was worth a try... I wish I could've had one with Travis, but I can't. It's impossible. You know? Two dicks don't make a baby," I stated dryly.

"Awww Shane! Is this about Ariane.?" She turned my face to look at her. I wrinkled my nose.

"Yes and no. I've always wanted kids of my own, and she's pregnant by my mate." I said in a steady tone, despite my rising irritation.

She grew silent as she stared at me. She raked her teeth over her bottom lip, obviously thinking of something. Her lips parted as I locked my eyes with her unwavering gaze. "Shane..." She said slowly as if she was choosing her words carefully. "Talk to Travis about this before I say yes or anything like that.

My eyes widened and I grinned. "Seriously?" I asked in disbelief.

"Ye—" My phone ringing cut her off. I glanced down beside me and made a face as an unknown number flashed across the screen.

I grabbed it and answer it. "Hello?"


I felt my face twist in an irritated way. "Why do you have my number..?"

She chuckled at me. "Is that what we're worried about? I mean come on Shane, we're going to be raising a baby together...after all,co-parenting and all." Her voice was in that sickening sweetly bitter tone.

"What do you want Ariane?" I said curtly.

"I need you to pick up some things with me for the baby."

April narrowed her eyes and sat up straighter beside me. She gave the phone a dark look. I raised my eyebrows questioningly as she mouthed, "Don't do it."

I bit my lip as Ariane's voice brought me back to the topic at hand. "I really need......only time......I...go...important....no one...please...Shane?"

I groaned at the look April gave me and my future guilt if I didn't take her. I looked at the now sleeping baby, smiling slightly. She was too cute. I let out a deep sigh before answering, "I'll be there in 15." I hung up and met the disbelieving look that was hosted by April's expression. "I know, I know."

"Shane—oh my god—you have to be shitty me!?" She whispered-yelled. "That bitch is putting you through hell...and you help her?"

I groaned, "It's not about her. It's about the baby. I don't want to push it away as I do it's mother." I paused and stood up to carry the baby upstairs to her crib. I kissed her forehead. I turned to April. "Especially because it's Travis's baby...and I'd feel guilty for not helping something with the baby when it's my mate's..."

She let out a deep sigh as she kissed my cheek. "It'll be okay Shaney..."

I kissed top of her head and twirled her around. "Thanks love. I have to go, I'll see you in a few."

She giggled and agreed. I left her house and started off to the pack house, where Ariane was. The 15 minute drive seem longer than I'd like it to be.

When I arrived at the pack house, she was there on the marble steps. I watched as she noticed me. Ariane got up and walked over to the passenger side. "Hi Shane," She gave me a weak smile. She didn't look too good.

"You look sick..?" I still ran my eyes over her appearance. She was dressed in dark jeans, a dark peach colored blouse, a brown leather jacket, and some black and white converses. She had her hair curled in loose curls. She looked pale in comparison to her outfit. Small bags under her eyes, lips pale, and she overall looked tired.

"Eh, having a bad morning. I feel sick and just terrible." She sighed tiredly. I kinda felt bad for her, in a way.

"Well, we'll pick you up some tea or something to help you out," I said as I pulled out of the drive way. "So where to?"

"The mall, there's a lot of stores in there with baby furniture and clothes and stuff like that."


"How does this look?" She held the little baby sailor onesie at me. I made a face and she chuckled, "Thought so."

I wasn't as uneasy about being here with Ariane. It's slightly interesting, I kept thinking about what if this was me and that was my mate and baby. It was wrong, but I don't know. Travis was my world. I guess I could live without that fantasy.

"How about—"

"—Hey! Do you guys need any help?"

"Kinda," Ariane said in a sheepish tone, "I have no idea what to get."

The woman chuckled, "Who's it for?"

"Me." Ariane gave a small smile, gesturing to her stomach. I glanced at her name tag and saw the name Jennifer written in a neat cursive.

She smiled, "When did you two find out? That's adorable! You can't be but only 3-4 months! Oh my god, your baby is going to be stunning, look at you two!?—Your child is going to be stunning—"

"—no!" My eyes popped out of my head. Ariane was bursting with hysterical laughter.

"No..." The girl said slowly. As if it suddenly registered to her she gasped embarrassed. "You two aren't together...are you?"

"Nope, not at all," Ariane said snickering.

"I'm so sorry," She flushed embarrassed at her assumptions. "I'll be right back."

I watched as she hall-assed away. I turned back to Ariane and couldn't stop it as I just bursted out in laughter. I doubled over, it was just too much to handle at this already tense trip. Ariane joined me in my laughing fit.

When we finally cooled down from that awkward/hilarious encounter. I sighed shaking my head as I continued to look through the baby stuff. "So Shane..." Ariane started watching me with keen interests.

"Yes..?" I said looking up from the rack.

She looked like she wanted to say something, but I wasn't sure what it was. "Thanks for coming. And I'm sorry. If I'm causing trouble for you and Travis...it's just hard knowing that I will forever be known as the Omega who got pregnant by her Alpha who found his mate."

I didn't know what to say or if I should even believe her. She seemed like the devil in disguise this whole time and it was hard to accept that now. How did I know she was being honest?

"I know you have no reason to believe me. I messed up with you guys and everyone else. But I'm so sorry. Even if you don't forgive me now, maybe later in life..."



The ceremony was about to start and I looked around. The moon was full, luminous in the night sky. Torches lit the large field under the moon. Padding of wolfy feet, soft on the delicate blades of the grass. The pack Shaman walked in a dark cloak, hood down, bright gray-almost white eyes bright with rituals and promises of great beginnings.

She met my gaze with a wild, but caring smiling. "Dusk-in Shane," She greeted it a velvety voice. It was soft like silk to my ears.

"Shaman," I smiled with a nod.

"How are you feeling?" She said as she stopped in front of me. "There's a small disruption in spiritus regna." Spirit Realm.

"I'm feeling...fine. Just small doubts and all."

"About Travis?" Her bright eyes flickered. "What did he do now?"

"It's not even just Travis. It is really just everything..." I trailed off ducking my head.

"Ah, you're worried about the pregnant she-wolf." She stated as if she read my mind, no doubt she did. I gave a slight nod in response. She stepped closer to me, pale eyes looking up at me. "You know, Mr. McDonald, you're not the first to have doubts. Also, there was never a doubt in the world nor with the spirits, that you and Travis weren't meant to be together. Just don't let your doubts mess up your future. Okay?"

I nodded, suddenly seeing a different viewpoint. I wasn't going to allow myself to lose Travis. I wasn't going to be alone. He was mine, the one meant for me. I wasn't going to let Ariane wedge herself in between us. No matter if she apologized or not. I thought back to the dark glint in her eyes as she apologized to me.

I shook it off as I met the Shaman's gaze. She raised in eyebrow at me and I sighed. "Okay, I'll doubt us less."

"Good, now get ready for the ceremony," She said grinning. She handed me a white looking rock. "It's a moonstone. It makes the Alpha/mating ceremony stronger."

My mouth formed an 'O' shape. That made sense, I nodded in understanding. "Got it, so I just hold it? And walk around wit—"

"—Just hold it," She laughed a heart-filled laugh, cutting off my confusion. "You're so nervous." The wrinkles by her bright eyes crinkled as she smiled. "You'll be fine."

I nodded, all I wanted was to not make an embarrassment out of myself. I wanted Travis to have pride in me, for being his mate. I knew my parents would be here. I didn't know how to talk to them...what to say. I watched as the Shaman greeted other Elders. Some shifted wolves were passing by me. Ready for the run no doubt.

I met the gaze of one; gold eyes taking me in. It was a female, her pale fur ruffled slightly in the wind. She paused, at least least than 20 feet away from me. Her eyes twitched and her eyes were bright. The mark on my shoulder burned just as her gaze had. I bowed my head and she bowed hers as well with a wolfy grin.

A dark shadow hovered beside her. The dark brown wolf narrowed it's eyes on me, ears going back a bit. She let out a short, curt bark and the dark brown wolf straightened up, turning to leave through the trees. The sand-colored followed, but not before she took one last look at me. I felt a pull in that direction, instead of following, I stayed. I bit my lip as I adjusted my white button up. I heard a squeal and I turned to see April.

"April and my little Savy," I smiled hugging them tight. "You girls look beautiful."

"Shaney," She chuckled, "Not to bad yourself love." April's eyes glistening, shining in a misty blue from the light of the lanterns and the moon. April was in a white dress that was tight until it reached her hips, then it flared. Savannah was in a light blue and white dress with a bow. Her eyes flitted over the crowd with intense curiosity.  "Where's Travis?"

"Getting ready for the ceremony, talking to the Elders last time I've heard...or actually was allowed to know about..." I made a face. They had a no-mate policy when it came to preparing the alpha for the Moonstone/Alpha Ceremony. I shrugged at it, after the ceremony was the mating.

Oh goodie...

I could feel my mind drafing off into that unknown territory of sex. How it would be... I mean I'm a virgin and I've never experienced anything outside of porn and the little things with Travis. Hell—Travis was my first kiss. He'll be my first everything.

I felt a series of chills rack through my body. I looked around at the pack members that bustled around me, moving things, talking, watching me with brights eyes full of hope and content.

"Shane..?" A soft familiar voice touched my ears. I turned around and looked down at her petite frame. Her hair and as curled in black ringlets. Her big brown eyes stared up at me shamefully.

"Mom..." A smile broke out on my face. "You came. " I felt my smile falter when I realized it was just my mother here. I started to speak, but stopped as I looked into her teary eyes. From the corner of my eye, I watched April slip away, far enough not to interfere.

She hugging me tightly to her and I sighed, hugging her back. "I'm so sorry Shane," She muttered into my shirt. "I am so sorry. I didn't want him to behave the way he did." Her words were slurring together and she was sniffling into my shirt. I rubbed her back and tried to calm her down. "He left...Shane..." She whispered more calmly than I had expected. I didn't believe it, as I tightened my hold on her. "I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to—"

"No no no..." She held my face in between her hands, staring into my eyes. "Don't apologize Shane McDonald, you did nothing wrong. Honey you did absolutely nothing wrong."

I could see how torn my mom was with losing her mate. It wasn't right that my own father had done this to my mother, his mate. She wiped her eyes with a feeble smile, "Are you ready for the ceremony baby?"

I nibbled on my bottom lip as I debated whether or not to comment on my father and ignore her question, but I stopped myself as I saw the pleading look in her eyes. I shrugged putting on a grinning façade. "I guess. Nervous."

She beamed at that, relief washed over face, "Don't be nervous. It'll be great!" She adjusted my collar with a dazed look. "I'm so proud of you, Shane. My little Dusk-in..."

I began to feel embarrassed, what if I couldn't handle the title, what if I was a terrible Dusk-in. "Shane stop doubting yourself." Looking back at my mom, I blushed a bit. "You'll be great."

"Thanks mom, for being here," I whispered examining my shoes. She smiled and placed her fingers to her lips, then on her chest. It meant "I love you." It was our little thing. I did the same and a tear slipped from her eyes. "C'mon mom, please don't cry."

"I can cry if I damn well please, my son is about to start his mating ceremony and he's a Dusk-in. This is an iconic moment for me, very important," She laughed wiping her face, her laughing ceased and her eyes narrowed. "And by the way, who's the smutt?"

I laughed at that. "Uhh, Ariane Stewart. She was a one night stand of Travis before I met him as my mate."

She scanned her eyes around the area, "Lord, don't let me catch that girl—"

"Miranda, you're looking as stunning as our last encounter," The Shaman interrupted with a playful grin. My mom, surprising me, blushed. Now I was kinda curious about their last encounter. Before I could ask, the Shaman turned to me. "Are you ready for the ceremony, it's starting?"

I nodded taking a deep breath as the nerves settled in the pit of my stomach. I roughly raked a hand through my hair, as a hand touched my shoulder. Turning, I realized April was standing beside me once again. "You'll do great love." I hugged her tightly and gave a tight smile.

I started walking to the where Travis stood beside the elders and his parents on the platform. The Shaman and my mother walking beside me. I didn't miss the look my mother received from the Shaman, sending her into a blushing fury. I was going to question that later.

In the air, ceremonial chants were whispered in the air. The realization occurred to me, this was our mating ceremony. This was officially binding me and Travis forever. I felt my face heat up. I would be his, he mine. No one could change that; hell not even the spirits. Not Ariane. Not my father. No one. I let out a deep breath as I met Travis's gaze. He was kneeling in front of one of the Elders. Their pale eyes open and staring off into the distance. Hands pressed against Travis's forehead whispering foreign chants of the old language of a tribe. Travis shuddered as his eyes closed. I ascended up the stairs where the Miller girls waited with bright grins of satisfaction. The Shaman, my mother and April; who was carrying Savannah, followed. The shaman took her place next to the Elder in front of Travis. While my mother and April, moved themselves to stand beside the Miller girls. Soni gently pushed me towards Travis.

"Ingeniculo," The Elder said in a sharp breath. Kneel. Something came over me and I dropped to my knees beside Travis.

More chants were whispered and spoken as we knelt side by side. I wanted to look at him, but my eyes felt heavy.

"You look amazing." A voice that wasn't my own said, startling me.

"Travis?" I thought back.

"Who else?" I could picture his signature smirk.

I bit my lip to refrain from smiling. He was just wow. "You look handsome as well."

"Surgere." The Shaman says to us. My body jolted upward. Rise.

I met Travis's gaze for the first time being this close up. His eyes were a bright electric iced color. He grinned at me and I couldn't help but smile back. "McDonald," He said speaking first.

"Travis," I chuckled.

The Shaman smiled at the two of us. "I am present today because I am here to bring about a new reign and to give the pack's safety to the next destined wolf. And also to spiritually bond that wolf to their mate. Two spirit wolves must be unified or else the fate of this pack does not look strong. It will not survive."

I watched as she pulled out a dagger and place it on the alter, besides two silver plated cups of some steaming herbal thing. She made a gesture to the cups. "Drink." I reached for one, as did Travis. It was some weird creamy herbal tea. "For the connection of the spirits."

I took a hesitant drink after Travis. He winked at me when I made a face. I felt the jolts of electricity pulling me in Travis' direction, it was an electrical current like I've never known. It was so strong it pulsed through my body almost sending me to my knees.

She pulled something wrapped in cloth. It was grainy silver powder. She took the dagger and reached for Travis first. Pressing it into his skin, she drew blood as she slid it down his forearm, pulling a discomforted expression from him. She snatched up my arm before I had time to pull away and she raked it through my forearm causing a hiss to slip from my lips. I made an irritated expression.

She placed it in the metal alter bowl with an apologetic look. She grabbed the powder and sprinkled it over the dagger with our mixed blood. Suddenly a spark of blue flame began to turn into bigger flames. She scooped them up, along with the silver powder and smeared it into our cuts.

Our wolves growled in unions. My body now flaming in a weird sensation. I could feel my wolf pushing a shift, my mouth and nose, becoming a furry gray muzzle. My fingers became claws and I could hear bones snapping and I wasn't sure who's they were, mine or Travis's.

I stood on all fours next to a midnight colored wolf, Travis. I looked at the Shaman and she nodded smiling. My gaze flicked over to Travis as he howled. I joined him and howled as well.

There were ripples in the air and after a few seconds, pack howls joined ours.

"I, Dona Hale, as Shaman of the Moonstone Pack, spiritually bind Travis Miller and Shane McDonald. Not only to each other, but this pack and the wolves yet to come."

And with that being said the celebration began....


BTW..... Did I mention there was a sex scene....XD

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