Transformers: Prime's Daughte...

By BeMine_YoursTruly

62.1K 2K 347

Life for you has always been a mystery. You never really knew why everyone was being so secretive and quiet a... More

Everything has a Beginning!
Chapter 2: Open Doors
Chapter 3: Revealed
Chapter 4: Brave
Chapter 5: leaving
Chapter 6: Alone. . .
Chapter 7: A New Beginning.
Chapter 8: Capture for Questioning
Chapter 9: Fight for Survival
Chapter 10: We will be Waiting. . .
Chapter 11: We will rise.
Chapter 13: Unlocked
Chapter: 14: Do we go home?
Chapter 15: Freedom is our Right. (Last Chapter)

Chapter: 12 (Secrets)

2.4K 103 11
By BeMine_YoursTruly

(A/N): Sorry it has been awhile since my last update. I just want to say a major THANKS to everyone who has read my story. 2k YaY! Couldn't have done it without you all:) Anyways lets get back to the story. . . Enjoy!

Looking up at the building where they jumped in, I waited. My mind was telling me that they would be okay and hopefully bring justice to our kind but that I didn't know. Seeing people run by, I slowly crept in the building. This place was huge, seeing the destruction done by the Autobots I made my way to the lab. Whoa! It was a complete mess.

I looked over behind a piece of destroyed equipment to find my father talking to him. Joshua Joyce.

"You see, don't you get it. We can make you now." Joyce said seeing that my father was clearly agitated. I wandered closer to them but stopped as people stared. I noticed there was a lady in front of me, she had a lab coat on. Clearly she worked there.

"Stop. . . " She said, as I tried to run towards my father. Blocked, great! "Hey stop, you are not authorized to be in here!" She yelled this time making guards run after me. Should have stayed put!

"Hey young lady. Stop right there." A security personal said, making me run back to the entrance of the building and into another section.

"Uff. . . " I said running into someone. I looked up and chills ran down my spine. Today couldn't get any worst.

"Well, well, well it's so nice to have you finally join us back." Mr. Attinger smirked seeing that he had a file in his hand. I ran past him, feeling something pierce my side.

I didn't look back I ran to the entrance of the building and transformed, driving out. Seeing my fathers signal I drove to where he was. "Nice of you to finally show up, kid! Optimus was beginning to worry." Hound informed me, seeing my dad com-link me.

"Sapphire, I told you to stay put." He told me.

"Dad, I wanted to help. I didn't. . . Arrgh!" I began to explain only to feel my side hurt.

"Sapphire, what's wrong?!" He asked concerned.

"Dad! Watch out." Seeing that there were two vehicles approaching us. They transformed swiftly, destroying anything near them. Bee and my father transformed as a truck blew up in front of them. I drive behind them off rode. The other three Autobot's drove off somewhere but I stayed back.

"What are there's things?" I asked Bee, seeing they were not of our kind.

"I don't know,"Bee exclaimed, walking over to me. I looked down the ride and saw the car of the two disappeared. Only to see the truck, tackle my dad in the field near by.

"Dad!" I heard Tessa yell, she was in in a ditch running up to a car.

"Tessa, stay there I will come and get you!" Cade yelled as him and Shane were trying to run across only to get caught in the middle of the battle.

I saw, my dad put his blade into the Deception or whatever it was, chest. It ate up the blade and stared into my fathers eyes. "I don't have a spark, you can never kill me." It said.

"Sapphire retreat with the other Autobots. Go now!" He yelled, seeing a giant ship on the highway and a transformer with green eyes walking towards us.

"No! Dad watch out!" I screamed, seeing him get shot in the back. The other punk my dad was fighting ran off. Making me run to my father who landed on the car, Tessa was stuck in.

"Prime," the transformer hissed.

"Sapphire, run. Lockdown will kill you if you don't." My father told me, making me look in to his dim optics. I had to be brave. Turning around I was faced by Lockdown. I transformed my hand and shot him in the face, he looked at me grabbing my hand.

"Young one, you shouldn't have done that." He hissed, feeling him place something in my leg. Whatever it was it hurt, making me fall to the ground in front of him.

"You will never take my father!" I yelled, making him laugh at me.

"You see I'm not just taking him, I'm taking you too." He smirked, seeing this net type thing cast over my father. Lockdown scooped me up and walked me towards the ship. Soon we were in the ship and he placed me on a platform that moved to where he wanted everything. The ship was nasty, the dark lighting made everything more creepy.

"You see Prime, our creators have been very angry with you. They want you back. They don't like how species, are mixing with species, it's very bad for our kind." Lockdown started, once we got to like a trophy part of the ship. Passing that we got the a jail type area, he hooked my father up first.

"Why are you doing this Lockdown." I asked, making the cell close around my dad.

"Our creators made Prime to keep everything in line, now there's a fault in that line."

"Our creators have no right." I heard my father say. Lockdown came over to me changing me up the the post outside of the cell my father was in.

"Seeing that you have a daughter, well our creators will penalize you even more prime." Lockdown said, walking over to me.

"The daughter of a Prime," he whispered to himself. Walking out of the area I looked at my dad.

"I'm sorry, I should of ran." I exclaimed, feeling my spark race.

"I should have protected you, this all my fault in doing." He said, seeing me wiggle around in the chains.

"We have to get out of here!" I practically screamed, panicking at the sight of friendly foes in the other cages.

"And we will." My father said, feeling relief cast over me through our bond.

"But how?"

"The other Autobots will come, but if not we need a second plan."

"I think I got an idea." I told him, about to jump into my human form when my dad stopped me.

"Sapphire, transforming will only lead to more questions of our kind." My father told me, seeing that Lockdown had re-entered.

"Prime, now tell me. How did you acquire a kid. Your kind is specifically not meant to have sparklings. You were built not born. "Lockdown told my father, before looking at the prime.

"She's not mine, I adopted." Optimus said, making my spark hurt.

"Is that so. . . "Lockdown said, looking over at me. "Exact markings of a prime. now tell me or I'll kill her!"

"We created her. . ." My father said weakly.

"Very well Prime." Lockdown said leaving into the other room. I looked at my father and didn't say anything. Feeling anger toward Lockdown I jumped.

"Whoa!" I said steadying my self outside one of the cells.

"How did you do that?" My father asked, making me run over to his cell.

"I'll explain later, now how do I get you out of his thing?" I asked, forcing the chains to break. Soon, after awhile I heard someone coming. Going around I hide behind something.

"Don't worry boss, we'll get you out of there." The one and only voice of Hound said, making me run out of hiding. I saw that they opened cell, helping my father out.

"Hound, go this is a separate ship. Try to fly us out of here or will be up in space." Drift said, seeing Hound run up to the controls. I followed, but stopped.

Transforming into Scarlet, I looked at my side. There was a piece of metal that was flashing in my side. They chipped me, since when? I tried to peel it off but it was stuck. "Are you okay Scarlet?" My fathers voice said, making me roll my shirt back down.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I lied, knowing I was far from okay. I knew they could track us now. I needed to get this off of me, but how? And where were we going anyways?

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