The Nameless Ace (UNDER EDITI...

By lDarkFirel

72.7K 1.6K 310

Sighing, their vision shifted to an ascending girl. The ace. Her hair remained unmoving as she walked, haltin... More

Author's Note and Oc Intro
Chapter 1 - Past
Chapter 2 - First Day
Chapter 3 - Seirin Basketball
Chapter 4 - Fana's Past
Chapter 5 - Touou Academy
Chapter 6 - Guilt
Chapter 7 - Her Style
Chapter 8 - Winner takes all
Reunion (Crossover)
Chapter 10 - So Many People
Author's note
Chapter 11 - Talent Or Skill?
Chapter 12 - Rakuzan
Chapter 13 - Dream Team Bully Team
Chapter 14 - You
Chapter 15 - I
Chapter 16 - The Same Red
Chapter 17 - Hina and I
So now I'm the fake?
New Book - Breathe
Chapter 19 - Don't Leave Any Grudges (1)
Chapter 20 Don't Leave Any Grudges (2)
Author's Note - New Editor
Chapter 21 - Sorry
Author's Note (I know, another one)
Chapter 22 - Eye See Through You (1)
New Cover! - I'm BACK
Chapter 23 - Eye See Through You (2)
Chapter 24 - Eye See Through You (3)
Anti Player 1
Anti Player (2)
Anti Player (3) - The Matriarch
Anti Player (Final)
I Am Akashi

MHA, AOT, Etc...

481 9 4
By lDarkFirel

Hello everyone!

Sorry for not updating in...*checks*...aha...a pretty long time...


Here's my excuse:

Facade - MHA Preview (Hasn't Been Published):

"Tenko! Naoko! Guess what?" A young girl shouted.

"What is it, Hana?" The boy called 'Tenko' asked.

"Tell us, tell us!" Naoko chanted in excitement.

Oh, how naive I was back then.

"Grandma was a superhero!" Hana proudly exclaims.

"Superhero?" Naoko frowns, unfamiliar with the word.

"She means hero," Tenko corrects, "and Hana, you know how much Father hates heroes! Put the picture away!"

"But she looked so cool! Look!" The small girl exclaimed, shoving a photograph in her younger brother's face.

"Woah, grandma does look cool! I want to be just like her!" Naoko shouted in awe as she shoved her older brother aside to get a better look at the picture.

"She does look pretty cool..." Tenko admitted.

"It was worth it, wasn't it, Tenko!" Hana beamed.

"Worth it?" Naoko frowned in confusion.

"Tenko and I snuck into Father's office and found this photo!" Hana explains referring to the photo.

"Huh? Hana, Tenko; Father will surely find out!" Naoko screeched in alarm.

"We'll just put it back before he returns." Tenko casually remarked. But it wasn't that simple. It never was.

Tenko and his siblings ran out into the yard.

We had no idea it would've ended like this.

A shadow appeared as it loomed over the three kids.

"Naoko, Tenko, Hana...were you in my office?" The voice was laced in venom, clearly angered at his children.

"F-father..." Naoko shrunk in fear.

"I-it was-" Tenko started.

"Tenko! He forced us to go there!" Hana cut him off. Father's angry stare burnt into the poor boy.

"Tenko...What did I tell you about heroes? They abandon their families for people they don't even know!" The father growled dangerously as the boy looked at the ground.

The night was filled with screams as the boy was beaten mercilessly while the girls shrunk away in the shadows; one filled with terror and the other filled with guilt.

Tenko wrapped his arms around Mon and buried his face in the dog's fur, sobbing uncontrollably. but at that moment, he felt a strange, itching sensation traveled through his body. Mon's usually soft, creamy fur.. changed. He slowly raised his head to see what had happened, only to stare in horror as the fur seemed to have solidified into a shade of gray, cracking into small particles as Mon collapsed into pieces.

"Sorry... I shouldn't have done that.."

As Hana, whose tears had dried, screeched in terror as her eyes landed on the gruesome sight before her.

"Father! Help!" She yelled, her eyes wide while she shielded her younger sister from the horror.

"Hana?" Naoko asked as she wondered what had happened.

"SHUT UP!" Tenko yelled at Hana's screams for help.


"I- T-tenko..." Hana stuttered at his sudden outburst.

"I hate you." That was the last thing he said before he grabbed her wrist, watching as her body crumpled into gray ash, finishing with the hand blocking Naoko's view.

"Run..." She whispered to her sister.

Things went into a blur,

Their father came and tried to suppress Tenko but when he did, Tenko grabbed onto his arm.

He crumbled away as Hana did.

Then Mother came, attempting to calm Tenko down as she wrapped her arms around her.

And...she crumpled away too.

This time, no one was there to hide the horror from the young girl.

She froze, not knowing what to do.

Then she remembered what her sister had told her as her feet carried her away.


From the Outside - AOT

A figure stood on the horizon as she breathed in the air, her hair flowing in the wind behind her.

The walls behind her.

The humanity behind her.

Why doesn't she stay there? Stay in the 'safe place' within the walls? A place where people can be ignorant, and live a normal life without the constant fear of the titans.

Simple; she doesn't belong there. After all, she's not a human.

"Again?" She thought as she turned her head listening to steady thumps that vibrated along with the earth.

She slowly rose to her full 13 meters as she gazed around the land. Three 10 meter class titans were aimlessly walking near her territory.

Her territory: a piece of land separated from the world by a black line drawn by ashes of burnt sticks and leaves. The land was large enough for her to roam without feeling encaged but small enough for her to protect.

The female titan waited as the titans wandered closer and closer.

If anyone stepped inside the line...

As one lifted his foot over the black line, she crouched.

Then right when the foot slammed onto the earth, she sped off.

Within a second she was before the titan, her nails dung into the nape, swiping his head off as she glared at the other titans.

One, seemingly more intelligent, backed off and ran while the other one kept its smug smile stared at the decapitated titan.

A smile I'll wipe off your hideous face.

The female growled as she flattened her hand and swung at its nape, then all of a sudden she stopped.

Strange sounds were coming. It sounded like horse hooves stomping on the ground, but maybe around a hundred of them coming in her direction. Horses weren't rare, but they never traveled in such large groups. Mainly because it tends to increase the chances of getting stepped on by a titan.

The smaller titan continued to smugly smile as it swung its fist towards her, taking advantage while she was distracted; however, she simply stepped back, watching the titan stumble forward and fall.

"Why are they all so clumsy?" She frowned as she roundhouse kicked it, causing the entire head to explode.

She let out a small sigh as she crouched on one leg, watching the body as it disappeared.

The titan turned her head towards the south, where she found the source of the strange noises she heard from earlier had gathered before her.

"A titan! A 13-meter class titan!"

"Captain! Commander!"

How will we kill it?"

"We should retreat!"

The people screamed in fear at the titan with steam radiating off of it due to lack of skin. Not just that, but unlike the other titans who grew fat and clumsy, her movements her precise and quiet.

She froze, they looked like titans but smaller, prettier, and less clumsy...they looked intelligent. However, she later found she couldn't understand them. They looked like small titans but the noises they made, she could not comprehend any of it. However, what really captured her attention was a black-haired male, smaller than the others, who glared at her with a burning emotion within his eyes and a red-head who had a crazed look in her eyes as she watched the titan with newfound interest.

"Silence." Came a commanding voice as it rang through the air. The titan couldn't understand the language but she knew very well that this was their leader. He had strange eyebrows.

"Erwin! Erwin! Can we capture it? I want to study the female!" The same redhead shouted.

"No, we will retreat for now." Erwin directed as they turned their horses around, back towards the wall.


"Why didn't the titan attack us? Why did it attack the other titans?"

"Why did the strange small titans leave already? Who are they?"

"I want to see them again." That was what the titan thought.

She didn't need to wait long, as a month later, they came back this time.

But with a purpose.

and lastly, I republished Breathe

I'm thinking of rewriting/continuing it?

Breathe - Original

"Nakano! Go! RUN!"


"Hurry, don't look back!"

I'm just so lost...

"Go! Don't let them get you!"

I forget.. forget to...

"Stay strong, strong enough to fight, survive of any one of them, any-"



Monsters live to kill

Humans live to protect

Both live to survive

I stared out the window at the cherry blossoms, listening to the birds chirp while waiting for everyone to finish the quiz. Once again, I had been the first to complete it, mostly due to my eidetic memory, something only my best friends and family knew about. Well, not that anyone else asked about it.

I recalled the time in my childhood when I was still friendless. Those were the good times when I still thought I was normal, just another kid. Until my mom just had to force me to socialize and talk with the other kids. That was when I realized. I wasn't normal. My brain had been working ten times faster than theirs. You might think of this as a blessing at first, but in reality, it was the main reason I had no friends growing up. I was far too advanced, far too ahead for them to keep up. The only way I was able to survive middle school was because I met my current best fucking friend forever.

My mouth twitched at the sound of silent yet consistent fingers tapping against the wood. Natalie.

Taaaap. Taaaap. Taaaap. Taaaap. Tap.


Tap. Tap. Taaaap. Taaaap. Tap. Tap.

I sighed. Of course, she would be asking me the answer to the simplest question on the quiz. Sometimes I really wonder how she even made it into this school.

I quickly wrote down the answer on a small sheet of paper, rolling it up and sticking it in my hollowed pen. I "accidentally" dropped it, allowing it to roll over to where Natalie was sitting, which thankfully, was right next to me.

Natalie picked it up discreetly, her eyes darting around to watch for any witnesses. She uncapped the end of the pen as a scrap of rolled-up paper fell out. Natalie reached into her desk in hopes of finding the notebook that held everything, all the codes we had ever made, all the secrets we kept, all the times we did something and blamed it on our younger siblings, you get it. After a while of digging around, she silently cursed at herself. The look on her face when she realized it was priceless.

She just had to forget the translator back at the dorms. And of course, she had been too lazy to memorize the letters. Typical Natalie

This is my (possibly below) average life as Vinnie Wong, a senior at Acadia High School. I'm just your average teen with straight A's - which isn't very hard to achieve with an eidetic memory. I'm probably the most stereotypical Asian you will ever meet. Like, ever. My social life? Top-notch. My friends are literally the best in the world.




Okay, that was a total lie.

My friend. No "s".

My social life is barely larger than an atom, that is, if it even exists. The only thing keeping the term together is Natalie Devin, my only friend in this entire high school of around, what? 2500 students? Back to the point, Natalie has been my friend- no, an only friend since we attended middle school. Before that, I was just that one lonely kid who always spent all break reading on her own. But after I became friends with Natalie, I was that one kid who always spent all break reading on her own... but with her friend sitting next to her to give her some emotional support. Great life, am I right?

Tap. Tap. Taaaap. Taaaap. Tap. Tap.

Natalie's tapping got more rapid as the clock was ticking away.

Annoyed, I wrote a note in "plain" English.

2 9 6 6 7 3 2 3 6 9 9 7 2 1 5 1 . 3 3

you better burn this paper afterward

good luck on smuggling a fire source into school


Natalie's eyes widened as she read the note, though as she glanced at the clock she decided to forget about the threat and shot me a grateful smile. I returned to staring out the window and waited for Natalie to finish so that we could pass messages about how much school sucked, or how the other girls in this school managed to be so bitchy. You know, just the usual casual talk and gossip every teen girl likes.

asdflkajslfdj quizzes suck

they're too hard


they're not hard, your IQ is just too low




You're just too smart.


We spent the rest of the class passing notes back and forth as the classes progressed.





"Pfft! Hey Vinerd! What's with that hair?" A girl laughed at me as I ducked into the crowd, hoping to disappear among my fellow schoolmates. This is Tiffany Priscilla, the "Queen Bee" of the school, who, unfortunately, is also the classic "Queen Bitch" every school has. I seriously don't get it though, everyone here knows how fake she is yet they all cling up to her like a bunch of pests while nerds like me hide in fear of being the next victim. "Vinerd". The nickname was given to me by the Queen herself when she mixed "Vinnie" and "Nerd." Pretty original if you ask me.

"Vinn!" I heard a familiar voice call.

"Hi, Leah." I greet. Unlike me, Natalie is one of those "popular kids" well, not the bad kind like most of the fashion addicts at our school, not the Priscilla kind. Either way, I managed to acquaint a couple of her friends.

That was confusing, wasn't it?

In summary, our school has four groups. "The Quad" is what most of us call them. The Quad splits into four major groups: fashion, athletic, education, and publicity. The people in The Quad or usually the four popular of popular from each faction often end up as leaders or positions such as the group who have complete control over our school, *cue the drumroll* student council. When I say "complete control", I mean, complete control. Here at Acadia High School, not even the teachers or the principal himself can overrule the student council. Honestly, whoever made that rule must've been crazy.

Nevertheless, our school hasn't collapsed into chaos so can't complain too much.

Though I might do it anyway.

Everything at this school is about trends and the "popular kids' " view, so middle-to-low popularity people like me are left in the dark. Forget about dark, more like behind bars. Do you know how they say some of us just live in different worlds? Well, this school makes things ten times as obvious. I mean, they might as well put up a wall with a sign in bolded letters saying: "POPULAR KIDS ONLY" and send a couple of bouncers while they're at it.

Oh right, so I was saying, Natalie is part of The Quad, she's one of the four of the media section I was talking about, and no, not the social media you're probably thinking about, she's part of the music type of media. She often makes instrumental music and when you have a party in need of a DJ, you can't go wrong with Natalie. So yeah, she's the complete opposite of quiet, lonely, unpopular me.

"Vinnie! You ready?" Natalie called as I made my way to the school gate.

"Mhm!" I beam in response. The faster I get out of here the better.

"Hey, Vinerd!" Someone forcefully grabbed my shoulder and jerked me back.

"Hello to you too, Jasper." Natalie seethes as she protectively pulls me from his reach. I grimaced, hoping they would wrap up their argument ASAP, as I watched the two throw endless insults at each other.

"How's your Barbie girlfriend doing?"

"Tiffany isn't a mirror, you plastic."

"Yeah? Maybe you're both just too fake to see it."

"You son of a bi-"

"It's daughter, daughter ok Jasper? Surely you don't want to be sexist, right?"


"Uh- Have a good day, bye! Natalie, let's go!" I scrambled between the two before their conversation could escalate to a full-on war.

"Need your friends to fight for you? Both of you are pathetic!" Jasper sneered at us.

"Right back at you, you son of a bit-" Before Natalie could finish, I covered her mouth and pulled her into a crowd of students, hoping to stop her from causing a scene and allow me to get home without any further delay.

Remember when I said this is my average life as Vinnie Wong? Well, this is all included in the package too. Being a book and studies lover, as I would like to call it, is pretty hard. Unlike those in the education faction of The Quad, I don't give those "prim and proper," crisp looks that make people fawn over them. After all, I'm just "Vinerd, " the small 17-year-old, 5'5, study-loving, lonely, shy, Chinese girl that Tiffany, Jasper, and the other popular kids pick on.

Talk about exhausting.


Tell me which one you guys like the best! 

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