Lunar: End of Magic (IMPORTAN...

By LemonMilkJUICY

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8 0 0
By LemonMilkJUICY

Sirius: Does everyone have their supplies?

Tyran: We should, I checked everyone's tickets and passes. Everything seems to be alright.

Edeni: Let me gasp loudly. (e x h a l e) Aren't we supposed to meet someone?

They all began to walk out from the large twin doors that lead to the outer section of the safe haven. The intercom just began the morning announcements. Their tickets had floated up to the beeper and had scanned through successfully. Then their tickets were shredded inside of the incinerator before burning up.

Sirius: At this point, I will make a U-turn.

Adele: Bruh! Do you even know where you're going? We've been walking in circles!

Sirius stopped and the rest of the group did too. Tyran marked the ground with the tip of a stick. Edeni looked around in anxiousness. Dillian began fooling around for a bit until Sirius began running towards the gravel path they were supposed to follow. The rest of the group followed after hollering for him to slow down. He could see Kamiday on a cloud carrying her weight and bag. Tyran and Edeni were right beside him while the girls were just catching up. Sirius mentally thanked Adele for pointing out such a thing. They were off-path from their destination and were about to head towards a different location. The forest that surrounded them had a heavy smell of vegetation. Sirius slowed down before coming to a stop. The girls stopped behind the trio, they were panting and ranting. Kamiday looked quite relaxed and began going on how they should've used a spell to make the "walking" easier. They then turned their attention to the small girl and began to scold her.

A portal suddenly opened in front of them, the group silenced and looked at the three colored portal. A bag was thrown at Edeni as he fell flatly onto the dirt road. A person had came out from the portal and had quite the entrance. The portal dissipated into orbs and streaks of the colored magic. Very sparkly until it faded away. The person was wearing the backline coat. Of course, looking at their head, the hair was slick up and had green highlights in the dark hair. Their bluish-grayish eyes and sharp bushy eyebrows decorated the very plain and unamused face. In fact, he was taller then Sirius, around 5'9. Sirius is only an inch smaller.

Sirius: At least you are in time.

Tyran: Who the heck is this?

The person glared at Tyran before walking off into the direction of their designated stay area. Their bag folllowing after them before landing in their arms. Edeni had inhaled much air before running past everyone into the abyss.

Sirius: You could've been nicer. Make a good first impression.

Tyran: AHEM. Who are you?

Dillian: I don't think he can hear you. He doesn't seem to be listening.

Sirius: Hey, I know you don't like this way of text but could you at least introduce yourself?

'I'm Izutoko Mabadono. Pleased to meet you all. I hope we make it out alive together.' He stressed the last word as he turned back around to continue walking. The group was gaining on him before they were back to normal.

Izutoko: Is it back to the text?

Sirius: Yeah-

Dillian: You dodo! Could you stop breaking the fourth wall?!

Sirius: Nah, besides it might confuse a few people with the way phone texting is presented.

Kamiday: I feel like I might have a migraine.

Dillian: You haven't even touched the ground since we started running! Shut up for once!

Kamiday: (g a s p) No!

They reached a stopping point, they decided to rest for night because they were walking all day and were complaining about having tired feet. Except for Izutoko, he seemed fine with walking more. They had set up their tents with the help of not reading instruction manuals because Dillian stated, "Reading manuals is for noobies."

Adele: You haven't told us what we came here for and our objective.

Sirius: Right, we are here to gather information about an "Elite Ceres". Though, that sounds very sus.

Everyone: What the fudge is a Elite Ceres?

Sirius: Dunno but sounds like a big problem since we are hearing about it now.

Izutoko: Everyone, it's darkening quite a lot now, we should head to our tents and rest.

Kamiday: I agree.

Dillian: Shut up, sleeping is for maniacs. I have insomnia, so I can't sleep.

Coral: You should try to sleep though. We are literally out in the open prone to the enemy from our mission.

Takami: You guys can keep talking, I'm sleeping! Screw y'all if you can't rest in the morning since I'm resting now!

Yes, they did make an agreement to rest at night and travel and search in the morning. Everyone went inside their respective tents and rested after some bickering. Sirius was already tired of their stupid talking but didn't really care if they found themselves eaten much. He didn't want a team this big. Tyran and Edeni would've been enough but the team had to be bigger.

Everyone was supposed to be sleeping peacefully and noisily. Edeni was snoring a storm since his mucus was clogging up his breathing.

A rustle was heard. Tyran immediately opened his eyes wide. Wind was slightly blowing and he heard the after rain dripping. Tyran tried to go back to sleep but another rustle was heard. Tyran immediately whacked Edeni with his arm. Edeni coughed on his mucus and was having a fit trying to clear up his tubes. Edeni was dying at the right side of the tiny tent. Tyran being in the middle, Sirius was still asleep unaware of the current scenes.

Still having a coughing fit, 'What the (f-word) was that for?!' Edeni whisper shouted as he coughed out more until it came to a stop. He looked at Tyran with daggers for eyes. Tyran had gave Edeni a flashlight with the light luminous. 'Since your white, go investigate the noise.' Tyran said plainly before laying back down. Edeni huffed and unzipped the tent.

Edeni walked around in the humid air. 'Anything could be lurking out there, even in the shadows.' He muttered to himself before he snapped his head towards rustling. A very white thing to do Takami quotes, because it always happens in scary movies where they explore the dangers. Apparently...

'Godly damned us all. What the heck is out here?' Edeni whispered to himself before a small glint of red shined in the darkness. He flashed the light towards it but found nothing. Something was up.

'This better not Sirius and his red scary powerful magic, or Clara's red archery magic.' Edeni kept muttering to himself so he doesn't have to deal with fear.

Edeni circled around a few times before heading back towards the campsite. Edeni swore he heard some sticks moving around or something. But he was pretty exhausted and headed to the sleeping bag. When he tucked himself in, he looked over his shoulder and saw Tyran just glaring at him.

'What!? I found nothing if that's what your looking for!' Edeni whispered in an angered tone. Tyran only huffed back to respond, 'Idiot. Never said that you had to out for an hour.' Edeni choked on his spit. He just realized he really had been walking around with a beaming flashlight, muttering soothing words to himself, all just for a supposedly small and quick investigation.

'Daybreak is about to happen. I guess sleep for the final time before getting up for the day.' Tyran suggested before turning over and closing his eyes. Edeni did the same. Not so much time after, the girls had woken up and already began getting ready for the mission's long week.

They were doing small talk and their usual rants about each other and random topics. 'Are the boys awake yet?' Amelia questioned the others. They all gave the same answer of them still being asleep since their shoes were placed in the same spot as yesterday. They were currently making some breakfast for themselves since they didn't want to cook enough for everyone. Then they made s'mores because they wanted something sweet to eat.

The boys had gotten up after the girls ate. The trio quickly readied themselves and ate.

'Should we pack up our stuff and go or should we leave here?' Kamiday asked. Takami have a very concerned look of pity. 'You think we finna leave our stuff here and get robbed?' Takami blurted out. Amelia looked at the tents. 'But if we carry them all the time that would tire us out. You saw how we were yesterday, everyone pretty much looked dead.' Amelia quieted the tone down. Everyone was currently making a plan.

'We should scout out. In groups. If we travel as one, we can't get it down fast enough. We only have a week until report.' Izutoko started. 'Sirius and I will fly over head first before we scout out.' Izutoko said as he got his board. Sirius looked at him in confusion because he didn't ask for his consent about this. Sirius just shrugged it off as what Izutoko said was true despite not knowing anything about the mission.

When they were up in the sky and motioned to their team that the got up fine, the flew off together looking down at the forest. The could see the school in the distance. That was how far they traveled. 'Maybe that's why everyone was so tired. We walked and ran quite the distance.' Sirius said trying to focus completely. Izutoko nodded without looking at him. 'I separated us for a reason Sirius.' Sirius stopped looking down and looked at the green and black haired boy. 'Has Edeni told you about the red ribbons and Lunars?' Sirius hummed. Izutoko still locked his gaze on the forest the stretched out far.

'I had a mission from last year. I kept myself hidden like they told me. I was supposed to help you and a group of others escape...' Izutoko trailed off. Sirius' attention was completely on the other lad. 'The mission was from the higher ups themselves, not the school, not the government either. It was from a group of unrecognized higher ups. The school let the mission come to me since it was passable as legal. My parents were associated with them before the accident.' Izutoko muttered the last sentence. Sirius understood not to invade. He didn't want the transfer to feel uncomfortable and not to trust.

'This unrecognized group called themselves "Ceres and Elites Operation." C.E.O told me that this organization was to help us out escape from evil. I didn't want to trust them but until they told me about my parents' Izutoko still glaring at the ground. 'They had recently gotten help from a god. But the god's identity is still unknown. No teacher put that paper on the board for you. I did. I had to use magic on the entire school for the span of three months to make it look like you had a mission to be deployed on. I'm sorry for doing that but...' Izutoko still looking away. He slowly glided down towards the ground. Sirius trailed behind doing the same.

'I can't explain too much since I pretty much led you all here, in danger. This forest has eyes and ears.' Izutoko settled. Sirius intently listening. They held their boards under their armpits. 'This is a test of endurance, intelligence, trustworthiness for your entire team. This mission is....just to see if your ready for your true destiny.' Izutoko finally turned around, his grayish-blue eyes pierced into Sirius' soul. Sirius wanted to know more, his expression was enough of a sign. 'Can't explain too much. Not until you survive the rest of the month.' With a solemn look, the taller lad was walking away with a yet again following Sirius.

'What's my destiny? I'm missing context, a lot of context. Surviving for a month?' Sirius held onto Izutoko's shoulder. Izutoko side glanced before resuming. He quickly go onto his board and flew sharply into the sky. Sirius struggling to follow after. 'Don't fail that battle if you meet one of the twins! Fail, you would surely be dead! Win for us! Win to find out about your destiny! Win and make them happy!' Izutoko shouted out in the sky. He flew so fast he was already out of sight. Sirius huffed. Cursing himself before tracking down the group with a spell.

When he arrived and found the group. Izutoko was already there. It was like they were all waiting for him to return. 'Really? I hope you're calmer now. You should be serious during missions.' Tyran punned. Izutoko must've told them something to cover up for the yelling in the sky. Most likely a lie since he was sure that the group didn't know about C.E.O. From the stern look from Izutoko, it seemed like the transfer wanted him to do something so nothing seems sus.

'It isn't safe to scout out for now. We should find a clearing and camp there for the rest of the day. Relax a little I guess.' Sirius suggested. He was already walking away towards the clearing he saw while in the sky. 'Dude. We are camping in the same spot for today too.' Edeni pointed a thumb towards the obvious campsite behind him. Sirius immediately made a one-eighty while walking and set his board down.

Everyone slowly resumed back into their original acts. Tyran seemed suspicious of something along with Edeni. But the two let it go for now since they were able to rest for the entire day. 'I never thought I would take this mission thing seriously!' Dillian cried out laughing. 'Bruh! Me too! I thought it would just be a normal camping week!' Adele laughed out. Sirius grimaced slightly, being reminded of the words said during flight with the Mabadono. He walked up to the said lad after he grabbed the two bags.

'Hey, I need us to talk in private.' Sirius said plainly as he held out the two small cloth drawstring bags. Izutoko took note of that and nodded. They grabbed their boards again and flew off highly into the sky a third time. They flew at the same speed, nothing too fast or slow. A nice breeze flew through their mission uniformed coats and silkened hair.

'Do you know them?' Sirius asked as he opened the larger bag and lifted the unpacked wand. Izutoko's eyes widened before quickly going back to their normal size. Sirius could see it now, the entire time when Izutoko said he had back to back missions, he was covering up the fact the he had been negotiating with C.E.O. Izutoko has to lie, he has been keeping a secret. Something further behind than C.E.O.

'Yes....I know them...' Izutoko said quietly. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows. 'Why was this given to me? It has your engravings of magic inside.' Sirius popped off the bulb where magic would specifically be spewing out of. The three colored magic was faintly flowing out. 'I used that wand before I changed it.' Izutoko said as he took out a deck of cards. 'I use these now. I'm trying a new-' Izutoko cut himself off as he sighed. Sirius caught that though. 'I wanted your friend to give it to you because it has the touch of Golden Glitz. I can't use that magic but you can. I didn't want to give it to you out in the open because C-' Izutoko cut himself off again. He looked at Sirius sadly. 'I wish I could tell you everything. I really want too. It's just too much stress building up on me right now.'

'I will tell you the bits so you can come out alive and fix everything.' Sirius had tilted his head now. Izutoko seemed very upset about something and couldn't share it because of an unrecognized group. Izutoko looked tense and jittery.

'One; the mission you are current doing, do not report back in all means.'

Sirius looked at the starry sky. Do not report under any circumstances. But how was he gonna complete or cancel the mission if he stepped back in school property? The entire school was filled with missionary security people and they would be out on the watch for him until he returned. He was inside his sleeping bag on the left side of the cooped tent. Tyran in the middle and Edeni on the right side snoring again. He couldn't sleep not because of the noise, but because of all of the thoughts clouding his mind. What Izutoko said seemed very serious and real. Like something were to break out and happen badly. He had to somehow manage to keep everyone inside of the forest along with Izutoko. It seemed that they were the only two that knew about this currently now.

Sirius with his eyes still open and energy still pumping, he quickly opened the hologram log. He looked at the recently deployed missions and he was the only one this week. Usually, it would be around four missions in one week. It was a Wednesday night and no other people had been deployed. Sirius sat up in alarm. Something was off. His eyes narrowed at the holographic screen created from magic.


SIRIUS GENE-WEEK LONG MISSION other missions are tracked....

Sirius was just baffled at this point. He quickly took a look outside through the tent screen window. Nothing. He checked his inflicted wounds, they were healing but scars were to be left. He itched them slightly before taking a look at the moon. Just a normal asteroid pulled in by gravity now orbiting the Earth.

Sirius took out his phone and opened it. He immediately looked at the time and weather. It was midnight and there would be a clear sky with perfect weather for the entire week. Then Sirius came to a stop.

Why did they deploy him on this mission? What was he going back to report for? His mission should've been said by a teacher first and not the board. The board was for missions yes but they were out there until students were informed. Sirius began becoming paranoid and suspicious. He settled back down and calmed his heart rate down. The questions floated around his head like clouds. The entire conversation with Izutoko, he forgot to mention the yellow vile.

New Character Unlocked

Izutoko Mabadono

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