The Forbidden Fantasy

By TheTrueSlytherin

2.1K 33 1

" I wanted the mark. But I used it for good reasons." "Oh." She does not believe that he has changed. He is h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 6

128 2 0
By TheTrueSlytherin


Favorite color- Gryffindor Red

Accidental magic- turned his father's

Hair to bright pink

Possession- violin, Hogwarts: A History

Hobbies- flying, reading and music

Favorite subject- Transfiguration and


Food- Muffins, Pancakes and Chinese

Music- magical, muggle- all classics, pop

And Indian music





Favorite color- Gryffindor red

Accidental magic- turned her teacher's hair

Into an afro

Possession- Hogwarts letter and bracelet from

Her mother

Hobbies- Reading and music

Subject- Charms

Food- Cupcakes, Thai and Indian food

Music- Any type of music






"For the next month, you will be doing a Baby Project."

"A baby project?", we all echoed.

"Yes, a baby project. In this project, you will have a child or children and would look after them. I have a potion which was developed for this specific purpose by the Ministry of Magic, and it is called the Elixir of Life. I will give you a glass of the Potion and both of you would have to shed a drop of blood in the potion and it would then be consumed by the female of the couple, and for gay couples, the bottom one would have to drink the Potion. It would take immediate effect and you would be pregnant after mere minutes. Each day, a month of your pregnancy would pass, and there will not be any need for medical consultation as the child is a magical and not a real one. And on the tenth day, the pregnant ones would go through a normal childbirth and for the rest of the days, you will take care of your children who would grow at a rate of 4 months per day. That means you will take care of your children until they are 5 years if age. You, the pregnant ones, will not need to attend any classes whereas the male counterpart will have to attend some of the important classes. Your Heads of Houses will provide you with the schedules."

All of the guys groaned at that, well everyone expect Malfoy. He appeared to be happy. Of course, he would be, he would not love to spend time with me. Anyway, the Professor returned with the Potion and placed a goblet of the potion on each of our tables. It looked like water, but it had a swirl of pale blue and pink smoke emitting from the goblet. She told us to make an incision on our index fingers, with a sharp object, preferably made from silver. Most of us had the small silver knives which we used for preparing the Potion ingredients. Meanwhile, Malfoy had his hands on his neck and was unfastening something. He took out a chain which had two charms placed on it, a dragon and a snitch. He took the Dragon in his hands and made a precise incision on his left forefinger and cleaned it off and gave it to me. he pinched his fingers and a drop of blood dripped into the goblet, the color of the potion changing to a beautiful shimmering silver. I do the same, and the potion changes again to a light golden color. I thought to myself that it does not look that edible. I echo the same thing to Malfoy, and he snorts before pointing to Ron's and Lavender's potion which had turned a murky green and was emitting neon yellow smoke whereas ours had a pearly sheen around it. Ours actually looked delicious compared to it. I took a couple of deep breaths and gulped the potion down. I felt exactly like I had felt when I had consumed the Polyjuice potion, I felt like live snakes running through my stomach. I felt I was turned out of my body. Suddenly, it all stopped like it had come. I felt normal again.

"Now you can return to your apartments now. There will be no more classes for this month for the ones that are pregnant."

We all packed up the journal and the knives and returned to the apartments. The walk was much better now that I was actually awake and was running out of breath to get in time to a class, which resulted in a waste of time other than the setting of dates for the wedding and engagement, and had me ended up in a pregnancy.

"So, Granger. I need to leave for something now. I will meet you later. The password is Library. The portrait is the one of Madam Smart, she was the librarian before Madam Pince. She is in a library painting, and you can easily see her and understand her."


So does not even want to spend a little time with me, even if it was not real, I was pregnant with his child. He is so cocky; I just hate him.

By badmouthing Malfoy in my mind, I reached the apartment in no time and gave the password to the librarian who sneered at me when I interrupted her reading. I got into the apartment.

I was feeling tired, maybe because of the pregnancy. Not even bothering to look around the apartment, I sat down on the couch and lay down there, falling asleep in minutes.






Author's note

So, guys I hate writing filler. I just feel that there are no need for something which does not do anything for the storyline and plot. So, I am doing a time skip to the noon, when Draco comes back.


Draco- or maybe you are just lazy.

Me- oi, shut up or I will make you fall in love with Hermione right this instant.

Draco- please do not do that. Aren't you an angel?

Hermione- as if I want the ferret's love. Saying, that I would certainly appreciate it if you could make the ferret call me by my first name.

Draco- quite interested on making me call you your first name, aren't you Granger. Falling I love with me already?

Me- just shut up, both of you, right this instant. Or I will make you kiss each other, or Draco can be cute and can put a blanket over the sleeping you and give you a forehead kiss.

Draco and Hermione- you cannot do that!!!!

Me- I am the author of this story and I will do what I want. Now let me get back to writing, are you hungry Hermione?

Hermione- oh yes dear author, I am very much hungry.

Me- okay Draco, cook lunch for Hermione.

Draco- oi, you cannot do that to me.

Me- I can and I will. Have a heart Draco, Hermione is pregnant with your child and is tired and hungry. So be a gentleman and cook food for her.

Draco- Okay.

Me and Hermione- *Grinning devilishly*






Still Hermione's Point of View

I woke up when a ray of sunlight hit me directly on the face, making me wince at the sudden bright light. Who the hell had removed the curtains when I had been sleeping? I sat up and wildly groped for my wand to close the curtains. I had done that and was seriously ready to go back to sleep when I heard a deep baritone voice chuckle.

"Who the hell is that? I know some excellent spell work. When I am done with you, you will wish that you were never be born. Understand?", she said trying to sound threatening, but the scratch and tremble in her voice and her shaking frame, told otherwise quite clearly.

"Oh lord Granger, what are you even doing? I am Draco Malfoy, your future husband and the father of the child, even if it is magical, which is now growing in your abdomen. Ever seen me?", he asked me while gesturing wildly to himself. He was sitting on one of the stools on the kitchen counter with a glass of orange juice in his hands. I scoffed and he promptly turned away to look at a pot which was kept on the lit stove. I think it had water in it. He drank the rest of the juice, rinsed the glass, and returned it to the cabinet. He took out something from one of the shelves and dumped it into the boiling water.

"What was that Malfoy? Are you trying to poison me?"

"God...this is irritating. Granger I just put some linguine in. I am making lunch; can you not see? Lunch will not come here if you snap your fingers. Don't you know that food is one of the 5 exceptions to the Gamp's law of Elemental Transfiguration. Either you can starve or you can make yourselves useful by helping me in here."

"Nah I am going to pass up on that offer. Because of this", I say pointing to my stomach, "you will not starve me. I know that. I will just come sit there at the counter and gladly watch you work."

I stood up and went towards the kitchen where Malfoy was busy taking something out of the fridge. I sat on one of the stools on the counter. Malfoy came back with something in a bowl. I sneaked a peek when he placed it on the table. It was some fresh shrimp that had already been cleaned and washed. Instead of staring at the food, I decided to have a long steady stare at my future husband who was now fiddling with the knobs of the stove. Finally, when he seemed to be content with the temperature, he peeled off his outer robes, undoing the silver clasps, revealing the well fit pants and a crisp white oxford. He unbuttoned the cuffs and rolled the sleeves upward, stopping just above his elbow. He then started on his silver and green striped tie, his long fingers deftly undoing the knot. Placing the tie on top of the neatly folded robe, he waved his wand and sent them to the master bedroom to leave them in the laundry hamper I had seen in the bathroom in the morning.

I felt so tired that I put my head back onto the counter and fell back asleep. I was woken up by Malfoy when I felt that I had just fallen asleep.

"Just 5 more minutes Malfoy."

"Oh, you can rest for plenty of time after having lunch Granger. Here, have a smell of this."

Malfoy brought something smelling so fantastic near my nose, and I shot up at the tantalizing fragrance whose taste I could practically feel on my tongue.

"Oh Merlin, Malfoy?"

"hmm?", he hummed while he dished the noodles into two plates.

"You can cook. Jesus, this smells amazing. I will stay with you for the sake of this bloody Marriage law if you can cook for me for the rest of my life."

"I most definitely can cook Granger. But even if I do not cook for you, you are stuck with me for the rest of our lives. But luckily for you, you get the package deal. Here I present to you my future wife, the best Shrimp scampi you have ever tasted.", he said while bending down in a comic bow and lowered himself to the seat adjacent to me.

And when I lifted the fork and scooped a forkful of that heavenly noodles and speared a piece of that shrimp onto my fork and put it into my mouth. The flavor of butter, garlic, cloves and olive oil danced around my tongue, and I was speechless for a few moments as I quit talking to savor the rich flavors cascading around in my mouth.

"you know what Malfoy?", I continued on hearing him hum.

"You can cook."

He now openly laughed at me and I joined in, genuinely enjoying the first civil and sober conversation we ever, never once thinking that it was the start of many.






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