
By kaylarosewrites

1.5M 42.2K 43.3K

[complete; editing, ROUGH draft] "Say something in Spanish." I snorted, "Like what?" "I don't know... I just... More

||Author's note||
||01|| Praised*
||02|| Clue
||03|| Under your nose
||04|| Numbed
||05|| Bodies drop
||06|| Undercover
||07|| Blindsided
||08|| Capo
||09|| Meaningless, yet purposeful*
||10|| Helpless
||11|| Her Wings
||12|| Partner In Crime
||13|| Over And Under*
||14|| Blown Through*
||15|| Welcome Back
||16|| Self Confessions
||17|| Re-visited pain
||18|| Risks Taken
||19|| Rules Broken*
||21|| Grenade
||22|| Collisions
||23|| Her and I*
||24|| Two-Faced
||25|| Cope
||26|| Expect The Unexpected
||27|| Recuperating
||28|| One bed
||29|| Agosto?
||30|| Volunteer
||31|| Grave
||32|| Euphoric*
||33|| Letter
||Thank You!||
17 years later: Angela's POV

||20|| Waffle

39.1K 961 1.1K
By kaylarosewrites

August POV

"August, you got soap in my fucking eye!" Oakley shouted at me, slapping my chest.

I only laughed.

She's turned around and washed her eye out. I stood close behind her, wrapping my arm around her soapy waist, and kissed her shoulder.

I feel her body soften in my arms.

I'm fucking glad I locked her in this room, she needed to figure her shit out. It gave her time to think.

It was fucked up but would I do it again? Fuck yes. If it means getting to hold her like this.

"You ready for today?" I asked her.

She bent down to shut the shower off and my jaw locked as I watched her ass.

She knows exactly what she's doing to me.

"You mean the mission Mathew's sending us on to do his business for him?" She stepped out and my eyes don't leave her wet figure. I lick my lips.

"It's more so his way of seeing if you're capable of being a part of the Mafia."

She stands in the mirror drying herself off with a towel and I come around to stand flush behind her.

My hands feel so cold if they're not touching her.

She starts applying makeup shit on her eyelashes. She doesn't even need it they're already spider-like by themselves.

"And if he thinks I'm not capable of it, then what?" She asked as I kiss her neck.

"You won't find out because you are capable of it, Angel."

If all goes well, there's nothing to worry about. My chest began to tighten at the other possibility.

This is more than a test. This was life or death. In more ways than one.

I spin her around and hold her chin, planting a firm kiss on her lips. Fuck, they feel so good against mine.

She smiled, "And that was for...?" dragging out the sentence for me to finish it.

For showing me I can fall in love. I'll never let anything happen to you. I promise.


There's no other word that could mean what I feel. 'Like'? She's more than just someone I fucking like.

I don't want to tell her.

It's only been two weeks yet there's nothing else that describes what I feel for this wild woman. I had never been in love before, but my brother had always told me I'd know when I feel it. And I fucking feel it right now. With her eyes on mine.

But I'm afraid she's only just starting to open up to me. I don't want to scare her back into the shell by telling her that I love her.

I cup her cheek in my palm, "I just love the way your lips taste." I slid my thumb across her bottom lip and go down to kiss them again, slow and softly.

Her cheeks redden and I smirk as she slides away from me and puts her fresh pair of clothes on. I did the same.

When I enter the room, she's wearing the black short skirt she had on when we first met. Tensionally ripped stockings underneath, and a half-shirt thing.

She looks fucking hot.

It matched well with my all-black attire.

"You do know we're going to kill someone, not go out to a Friday night party right?" I looked her up and down as she slipped her boots on. Even with them on I'm still a few taller than her.

"You do know that I don't care, right?" She shoots back. "We can go kill him, and I can look hot while we do it."

Yes, you can.

She turned around and I looked down at her bare neck and furrowed my brows, Where's your necklace? Your wings?"

She tilted her head in confusion before registering my questions then turned to the bed where it and the bullet necklace laid, "Right here. Why?"

I picked them up and walked around her, "Nothing, I just never see you without them on."

She glanced up at me after I clip it and the bullet around her neck. I place my hands under her ears, moving in to kiss her.

Her arms go around my neck and I slide my hands to the small of her back.

She laughs against my lips.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

She laughs some more and I furrow my brows.

She shakes her head, biting down on her bottom lip. I clench my jaw. Fuck me. Literally.

"Just laughing at your hard-on. I can feel it through your pants. You might want to do something about that before we get to the guys."

I look down at the bulge between my legs, stretching the black material of my pants.

She insisted that we only shower after she sucked me off. And I didn't object.

She had sent me to heaven and back with her lips around me, so I couldn't care less.

"What do you want me to do about it. As long as you are in my sight all it wants to do is fuck you. The outfit isn't helping either."

I can just imagine how distracted I'm gonna be today.

I'm glad she sort of told me how she feels. Now I don't have to keep to myself just how much she fucks me over with just one glance.

She threw her head back in laughter at my frustration and I couldn't help but break my scowl as I watch her smile.

I want to see that smile more often. And be the reason for it too.

"You can always go in the bathroom and jerk yourself off. I'll even give you a picture of me," She said raising her eyebrows. She slid a hand across my belt and then down the center of my pants.

My bulge twitched under her fingers. If she continues, I could cum without her even fucking touching me.

I pulled her closer to me, pressing my hard-on against her lower stomach, gripping her thigh.

"Or," my tone lowered an octave. "I can stick to the original plan and fuck your brains out right now. Like you deserve for fucking with me."

I see her intake a breath and my gaze moves to her lips.

"Maybe you should—"

A loud crash comes from outside my room door. Oakley and I both stiffen and I slid her to the side of me.

"What the hell was that?" Oakley whispered. I put a finger on my lips telling her to shush.

Quickly, ignoring my throbbing dick, I go to my closet and press a button on the wall.

The entire wall turns around and a compartment filled with guns reveals its self.

"Well, fuck..." Oakley said in shock. "And I thought my coffee table was something."

I grab a pistol, giving one to Oakley, and hide the wall the way it was before.

Whoever it is, fucked with the wrong house.

"Stay behind me," I order her and she nods, her face more serious.

I open my room door softly and peer out. Nothing.

I walk down the hall, to see a plate shattered into pieces on the floor in front of my kitchen.

I furrow my brows, why would someone be in the kitchen?

Then it hits me, and I close my eyes and sigh, my body relaxing than filling with annoyance.

"Capo!" Slasher said, turning around with a waffle in his hand, a crescent bite taken off the corner.


"And of course the brat—"

A shot is sent flying from behind me. It barely grazes Slasher's fingers and shoots through the center of his waffle.

"What the fuck! You bitch!" Slasher sneers, his German accent heavy.

I glare at him for the name he called Oakley. He threw his hands up in defeat and took a bite out of his shot waffle.

I turned around to face Oakley. She was smirking, twirling the gun around her finger.

"Unnecessary. Now I have to repaint over that," I refer to the hole that is now in my wall, not to her actually almost shooting Slasher.

She tapped the gun on her chin while walking towards the kitchen, "The next one will be in his head if he calls me a brat one more time."

She snatched the waffle out of Slasher's hand and takes a bite out of it.

Slasher spins to me, clear frustration on his face, "Capo! Are you seriously going to let her speak like that?"

I sighed, splitting my hands in my pocket. and looked at Oakley who raised an eyebrow. Practically saying, 'say yes or it'll be your head with the bullet in it. Then I looked back at Slasher, practically saying, 'if you say yes you're nothing but a pussy bitch'.

I decided not to speak.

He shakes his head and waves his hand at my pants, "Of course you are, look at that thing." He refers to my hard-on. "It's staring at me." He scoffs.

"Stop talking about my dick." Only she can do that.

Saving me from the two fucks in front of me, the front door opens. I begin to pray that it's an actual thief or some shit.

But it's Axel and Caleb that walk in instead.

"Why in the fuck did I give my keys to you all?" I mumble.

Caleb shrugs, "Because you were lonely. I don't know. I gave my key to Oakley anyways. Oh! Are those waffles? Blueberry ones?"

"You like blueberries? I knew Olivia had good taste in guys," Oakley said, handing him another one of Slashers' newly cooked waffles.

Slasher groans and glares at me. I shrug my shoulder as a 'she wouldn't listen to me anyway.

What kind of weird fucks are they, eating waffles with no syrup? I like blueberry too, does that mean I'm considered good taste?

I shake all the stupid ass questions out of my head.

Axel goes to take the last one as well but slasher flips his pocket knife out, "Don't fucking think about it." He threatens and Axel lifts his hand in surrender.

"Calm down, big guy," Axel says grabbing a strip of bacon instead.

I go to grab a beer from the fridge, only for there to be none left. I nearly forgot I drank them all last night. Today's gonna be great.

"So what's the plan for today?" Caleb asked, chewing on his waffle. He pushed back his blond hair out of his eyes.

Before I could respond Slasher intervenes, "We're going to go kill the fuck that took Bosses money. But I don't know about Capo, he's too busy being whipped by this Bra—"

Oakley pulls her gun up to his head and both Axel and Caleb run to stop her.

I sigh for what feels like the 100th time within these ten minutes and slide my keys off the hook beside the door as they all start talking in unison.

Am I leading a bunch of fucking seagulls? Because that's what the hell they sound like.

"Can you all shut the fuck up?" I shout. They all halt and look my way.

"Slasher," I started, he raises his thick eyebrows as I shift my jacket on, "If I hear you call her anything other than Oakley, I'll be the one fucking shooting you, not her," I warn him.

Oakley smiled softly at me, and put a hand on her hip, ticking her eyebrow up cockily at Slasher.

"Now c'mon," I muttered.

I hear slasher faintly mutter the words, "Pussy-Whipped."

I exit the apartment with Oakley shaking my head. The door slammed behind us.

Am I really whipped?


The car ride to the sanctuary has been longer than it usually is. With the constant arguing of Slasher and Oakley, Axel telling them both to shut up, and Caleb asking Oakley about Blondy, I wanted to shoot myself in the head.

But eventually, we got to the shooting range and now I wished I was back in the car.

Because with knowing what I know, being in the same room as Mathew and Oakley were eating me alive.

"It's broad daylight so don't bring too much attention to yourselves," Mathew instructed us. "We don't want the police involved."

Even though the police know of mafias, as long as we don't fuck up the city and go on killing sprees, they don't give a shit about what we do.

Mathew gave us the address and we all geared up, guns and knives in every crevice.

"Why do we need to have so much for just one guy?" Oakley asked.

Mathew looked up at her, "Because he happens to be the boss of a smaller mafia in the city. It may be one guy, it may be twelve. Who knows."

I've heard that small speech before. Being his best group of men, I'm always his first on the job when it comes to missions like this.

"This sounds fucked. Doesn't that bring more enemies?" Oakley asked.

"If you fail to kill him, yes. If you don't, then they have no choice other than to join the Salvos. It's how we're so big in the first place." Mathew explains.

When a mafia boss is killed, their title can be taken, their people have no boss so they're vulnerable, with no other choice but to join the opposing mafia.

Oakley has confusion written across her face, "So when my Dad... was murdered, why didn't mafia Dynemo take over Salvo?" She asked


Caleb shot his eyes my way and I clenched my jaw.

Mathew cleared his throat, "It was a different time back then. When Philip died, his child was supposed to take over. You—when you're older, of course. But since you were thought to be dead, I stepped in."

He isn't lying. Just not telling the entire truth.

Oakley could've had a lightbulb on top of her head as she took in the information. She's too smart to be in this conversation with him.

"So what you're saying is, I was supposed to run mafia Salvo?" She asked.

She walked closer to Mathew and I inch closer as well.

"We should start going," I try to intervene, loudly placing my gun on the table in front of the blueprint paper of the guy's house we're planning on killing today.

"Yes," Mathew answers, ignoring me. "It's a shame what happened, truly. You could've been a great leader, I'm sure."

Oakley tilts her head, "So... What's stopping me from taking over my family's legacy right now?"

Mathew turns his lip sideways in a curled smile, "I think you all should be on your way now." He says, not answering him. They both hold their gazes with each other.

I go over and hand a bulletin-proof vest to Oakley. She rips her eyes away from him and they land on me, taking it out of my hand.

Of all questions, I wish she didn't ask that one. I know the answer to it. We all do.

And it's nothing.


"He lives in a fucking mansion?!" Oakley exclaimed.

In front of us was a pool, bushes surrounding it and, just as Oakley said, a mansion.

It doesn't come as a surprise, mafia bosses are fucking wealthy. And so are their co bosses. Aka: me. I just prefer apartments rather than mansions that attract attention.

Axel laughs lightly from the back seat, "Welcome to the Mafia, Love," He said. "Expect the unexpected."

Love. I gridded my teeth together as I see him watch her beside me in the rear mirror.

The image of his eyes on her breast when she spilled the wine on herself two days ago burned into my brain; I should've ripped them out of his skull.

Before I tilt off the small amount of patience I'm standing on, I leave the car with my signature AR hoisted on my shoulder.

Time to do my fucking job.



It's. About. To. Go. Down.

I almost completely forgot to post this chapter lol how was it? What we thinking?

I also still can't wrap my head around Vengeance hitting 50k views and me hitting 1.5k followers. Insane, I'm like famous 🤪 bye, I wish I was tho.

Cya Wednesdayyyy
-Kayla R.

P.s: I'm also planning another book! It's called Glory and it's also a mafia series :) Idk when I'll release it, maybe after Vengeance is finished.

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